Mainu Ishq Tera Lai Duba <3

2024.11.27 09:40 IndianByBrain Mainu Ishq Tera Lai Duba <3

Mainu Ishq Tera Lai Duba <3 submitted by IndianByBrain to funnyIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 ajshovon Anyflare: Download anything using Cloudflare CDN

submitted by ajshovon to coolgithubprojects [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 Thrakkk Somewhere in Tokyo

Somewhere in Tokyo submitted by Thrakkk to photo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 jvc72 Buy Signal Norske Skog ASA - 27 nov 2024 @ 10:22 -> NOK21.24

Ticker: NSKOG.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 27 nov 2024 @ 10:22
Price: NOK21.24
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 Salt_Marionberry_281 First 911 - Advice

I’m planning to buy a 911 in the near future and this will be a large purchase for me.
I have been looking at pre owned 992.1 911 T and also a few other options. My local Porsche dealer just gave me the commitment to get me an allocation for a 2025 992.2 911 T. When I build it online I'm shocked to see the MSRP hit over $150k with a few options.
I'm a little concerned about getting hit with depreciation as I'm not really sure if the 911 T will hold it's value like the rest of the lineup.
Am I better off buying a low milage pre-owned 992.1 , or building and waiting for the 992.2 ?
I have a budget of up to around $150k but would prefer to spend less . Also considering a 991. Would love your input and am open to suggestions on other ideas . Am looking for a manual , really the only requirement.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Salt_Marionberry_281 to porsche911 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 nelweb Manuale Condizionatore Daikin FTXQ25AMV1B PDF

In questa pagina su è disponibile il Manuale Condizionatore Daikin FTXQ25AMV1B PDF da scaricare In questa pagina troverete il manuale di istruzioni per il condizionatore Daikin FTXQ25AMV1B, un dispositivo progettato per garantire il massimo comfort e efficienza energetica in ogni ambiente. Scaricando il PDF, potrete accedere a informazioni dettagliate sul funzionamento, l’installazione e la manutenzione del vostro condizionatore. Assicuratevi di seguire le indicazioni fornite per ottimizzare le prestazioni del vostro apparecchio e prolungarne la durata nel tempo. Cliccate sul link qui sotto per iniziare il download. Cosa Troverai nel Manuale Utente Condizionatore Daikin FTXQ25AMV1B Il manuale delle istruzioni del condizionatore Daikin FTXQ25AMV1B è una guida completa progettata per offrire tutte le informazioni necessarie per […]
submitted by nelweb to Manuali [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 sunnypanelle Sarap talaga ng Chuckie

Sarap talaga ng Chuckie submitted by sunnypanelle to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 Far-Count-8558 Mohito Dream Shell

Sziasztok! Valakinek ismerős a fenti parfüm? Korábban akartam meglepni vele barátnőmet, viszont akkor elmaradt, és már úgy látom, nem kapható, sőt semmilyen parfümöt nem árulnak az üzletben. Tudtok esetleg róla, hogy valahol mégis elérhető, esetleg egy ehhez hasonlót? Parfüm témában annyira mozgok otthonosan, mint a részecskefizikában, szóval minden komment arany, köszönöm előre is!
submitted by Far-Count-8558 to parfum_hu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 yrnball random vampire?

random vampire? I entered Ivarstead and I suddenly became a vampire - can’t really remember if I was cursed or something? How am I supposed to get rid of this?
submitted by yrnball to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 Hunter_needs_sleep Cat Tree recommendations for large cats

Hi there! I am having some trouble finding a cat tree that works for one of my cats, He is a male orange dsh and he is LARGE. Hes a healthy weight for his age but he is still a very big cat. I have tried purchasing cat trees for “large cats” but after putting them together my kitten is the only one who can use the hideouts and hammocks. So any help would be greatly appreciated!
He’s a very anxious cat and prefers a lot of hiding spaces so my partner and I want to find him a good tree for him so he feels safer.
submitted by Hunter_needs_sleep to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 TheLuiz212 Hol'up

Hol'up submitted by TheLuiz212 to HolUp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 RaquelButtersMe Hello! I’m new here!

Hello everyone! I'm new here and just wanted to say hi! Does anyone know when and if 7 brew will get an official ordering app? ☕️🧋
submitted by RaquelButtersMe to 7Brew [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 Moist-Tangerine Nes 72 pin connector recommendations

Whats the best cheap option to replace this part?
submitted by Moist-Tangerine to consolerepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 PyrxlxrdXX88 Let's get weird

Let's get weird submitted by PyrxlxrdXX88 to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 coinful Isn't Donda 2 basically finished now?

Isn't Donda 2 basically finished now? Except for Happy and maybe Louie Bags, every song is finished. City Of Gods and Eazy were never meant to be on the album most likely so the album ends with "First Time In A Long Time" like Ye said in the leaked 30 min planning audio.
submitted by coinful to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:40 AdmXkOxks QC DIOR B22 150¥ (23,15$ RANDOM BOX DEL ALMACEN DE PANDA) | ORIENTDIG

QC DIOR B22 150¥ (23,15$ RANDOM BOX DEL ALMACEN DE PANDA) | ORIENTDIG Hace unos días vi que un vendedor (yolo) vendía una random box de Dior b22 y B30 y decidí pillarlas, como las veis? ▶️ Link:
submitted by AdmXkOxks to SpainReps [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 Abandion god, I love Vindicta

god, I love Vindicta submitted by Abandion to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 Nadiya-8912 When your cloths and your horse match.

When your cloths and your horse match.
submitted by Nadiya-8912 to reddeadfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 K-Frederic Anyone make money by writing own blog about music production tips?

I'm a music producer and good at writing rather speaking. It's more common to make Youtube videos and earn money though, does anyone make living or get enough money as a side hustle by writing the own blog (like Wordpress, Medium or something) about music production?
I'm looking for someone like that so if you know anyone doing that but couldn't find yet. Maybe because I'm not an English speaker and not good at looking up something/someone on the internet...
submitted by K-Frederic to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 WeAreNashik Met this girl from Nashik on bumble and I think we hit it off really well. - Feels Like A DHOTYA

Met this girl from Nashik on bumble and I think we hit it off really well. - Feels Like A DHOTYA submitted by WeAreNashik to nashik [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 Nearby-Asparagus-488 A DLC idea that I’ve never heard anybody mention.

A DLC idea that I’ve never heard anybody mention. I feel like Mark Duplass’ Creep would make the perfect solo killer chapter, maybe with Peach Fuzz’ persona tying into his killer ability. What do you guys think?
submitted by Nearby-Asparagus-488 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 Impossible_Jello4722 Is that the Captain himself going to talk jasha 😂😂

Is that the Captain himself going to talk jasha 😂😂 submitted by Impossible_Jello4722 to jennandsasha [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 throwaway348592 Current state of the market for mid-level engineers moving to the UK?

Hey Y'all,
I'm currently based in Australia and have been working at my current company (well known accounting software) for 3 years now (my first Software Engineering job out of Uni). I've also got a few personal project web apps that are regularly used to people.
I'm planning to leave my job here and move to the UK mid next year and find a UK based software job.
I'm just reaching out to see: - How the market is for mid-level engineers like myself? - If the market is trending up (and might be in a better position next year)? - How important it is to live in London for tech jobs (or if I could comfortably live in other major cities like Glasgow, Dublin, Edinburgh, Manchester, etc.)? - Any other tips for someone in my position!
Any perspective is valuable, thanks!
submitted by throwaway348592 to cscareerquestionsuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 Bruhnsy1995 What packs are in these tins?

What packs are in these tins? The description doesn’t say what’s in the tins
submitted by Bruhnsy1995 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:39 Perfect_Sale6608 Hey could you stop a moment to read and share

Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and just wanted to thank you for this wonderful group of people who support others. I want to ask you for a moment of your attention to read our story and help as you can. My friend is a scholarship student at an international school located in Japan, who unfortunately was assaulted in the past year. Due to the fact the authorities didn't deal with the case as they should, she continues to study with her perpetrator, a reminder of what happened. As the winter break approaches, me and other friends will be leaving campus, but the scholarship students who cannot afford to return home will stay, including her and that horrible guy. Since, for family reasons, I must return home. Me and her boyfriend, who is Japanese-American, set up this gofundme so he could return to Japan and support her during this period. She has been receiving treatment and mental medical support but I believe that everyone understands that going through a situation like this is hard, especially when you're alone. This is a request for help, any value can get us closer to our goal. Sorry for any inconvenience.
submitted by Perfect_Sale6608 to fundraiser [link] [comments]