What did he means by this?

2024.11.27 10:24 aimanhakim249 What did he means by this?

What did he means by this? submitted by aimanhakim249 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Jbikecommuter This is a growing trend. Maine is one of the leading heat pump water heating states in the USA.

This is a growing trend. Maine is one of the leading heat pump water heating states in the USA. submitted by Jbikecommuter to electrifyeverything [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Any_Vacation7400 S24 phone offline but mobile data?

Hi, is there any way I can use mobile data but keep the phone offline/in flight mode? Wifi is working in flight mode, but activating mobile data turns off the flight mode.
submitted by Any_Vacation7400 to samsung [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Accomplished_Pea827 Send curvyy chubbyy Asiann Latinas nn irls with big fat asses kik: yoshxh 05ce0d600a2d390625a7125b8438657707b249bad4c5fdd18ef6ccc8b9084fd66b

submitted by Accomplished_Pea827 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 TinyBuffalo8323 a young cow over one year old that has not produced a calf.

a young cow over one year old that has not produced a calf. submitted by TinyBuffalo8323 to originalones [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 UsualAd7267 Malone

submitted by UsualAd7267 to PostMalone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Wild_Plastic9772 FreePalestineGuy launch

Hello everyone and have a great Day!
I want to introduce my newly created coin to u guys. I created the FreePalestineGuy Coin in order to give a political message to the MemeCoin movement. I am giving them away for free in limited amounts just send me ur SUI address. Again I will NOT sell it to u I just want to get my message out there so u get it for FREE.
If u want to look my coin up ATM u can do this here:
My coin I tradable at turbos finance where it's launch pool is hosted.
IF u want to contribute to the liquidity pool which backs up the financing of the coin u can do this here but consider it rather doing it for the good cause then for the profit because the won't be this much I think.
Stand with the people of Palestine, the suffering need to end!!!
submitted by Wild_Plastic9772 to MemeCoinLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Wild-Big1730 COURSE PLANNER HELP

COURSE PLANNER HELP Hi, this is my 2nd year, I want to major in Economics and Finance, can you recommend me some good subjects that can help increase WAM for 2025 and 2026?
Also, do you have any advice for me to adjust my planner for 2025?
Thanks in advance
submitted by Wild-Big1730 to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Relevant-Wall-85 Que ricas

Que ricas submitted by Relevant-Wall-85 to karolinamelany1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 No_Combination_9706 Pay attention to me

Pay attention to me Ice cream is on one again
submitted by No_Combination_9706 to beingdana33 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Samaraalves2 [OC] [ART] Andharag ferch Gwydion

[OC] [ART] Andharag ferch Gwydion Hello! I’m Sam and I'm an illustrator based in Brazil. Portfolio: www.artstation.com/samiligia Instagram: www.instagram.com/samiligia Email: [email protected]
discord: samiligia Andharag ferch Gwydion (Welsh for Andharag, daughter of Gwydion) is the daughter of Sir Gwydion and Ceridwen, Keeper of the Moon. Andharag was born and raised in the Feywild, in which everything was perfect. Everything but her, as she was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate. Whilst not tossed out of society or legally discriminated against, she grew up being teased by other children and gossiped about by some more conservative adults, who saw her cleft lip as a sign of disfavor from the gods of her parents' union. At the age of 8, she tried to "fix" her face, and Andharag's powerful magic glitches and burned down her home. This scarred her mother and left Andy with a debilitating fear of fire, which stunted her powers.
submitted by Samaraalves2 to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Possum_Bone Missing items

Missing items I bought one of the mystery boxes where they are supposed to give you two of each item. However, I only received one tapestry instead of two. Is anyone else having this problem? I reached out to customer support but haven’t heard anything back
submitted by Possum_Bone to hardjewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 kaydyday Prepping for WFH life, any brands take BTC?

My wife and I are expecting our first child next year (excited and nervous at the same time!), so I’m planning to start WFH to be there for her and the baby.
Thinking of setting up a proper home office and was thinking of using some of my BTC to spend on. Does anyone know furniture or tech brands that accept crypto? Bonus if they have discounts or perks for paying with it
submitted by kaydyday to WFH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 alexelcu Am încredere

Am încredere în poporul român că-i urâm pe ocupanții ruși cu toată ființa noastră. Dacă există gene sau cultură ce se transmite în poporul ăsta și ce ne unește fără echivoc, pe lângă limba lui Eminescu, este ura noastră pentru ocupanții ruși.
Asta-i indiferent de secol, că vorbim de secolul 18, 19, 20 sau 21, i-am urât tot timpul. Pentru că avem traume generaționale de pe urma lor, pentru că s-au comportat tot timpul ca niște bestii, chiar și când intrau pe teritoriul nostru ca și salvatori, și toți bunicii noștrii ne-au spus povești despre cum au fost violați, prăduiți sau înfometați de ocupanții ruși. Până și comuniștii noștrii îi urau pe ocupanții ruși, până și liderii lor îi urau pe ocupanții ruși, atât Gherghiu Dej cât și Ceaușescu. Se vede ura lui Ceaușescu pentru ocupanții ruși când vorbește împotriva invaziei Cehoslovaciei din 1968, în ciuda riscului, moment în care era să mai fim invadați și noi încă odată. Nu a existat generație care să nu-i urască.
Ura noastră pentru ocupanții ruși transcende spațiu și timpul, așa că în ciuda latenței generației TikTok, am încredere că ura noastră pentru ocupanții ruși va învinge, că atunci când își încordează mușchii, nu durează mult până când simțim un fior pe șira spinării cu iz de slavonă și Stalin.
submitted by alexelcu to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Leemontanari Don't mess with hungry peeps; you don't know how they can react.

Don't mess with hungry peeps; you don't know how they can react. submitted by Leemontanari to funnymeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Sharkorica Damn, wish I bought

Haha I was right not to buy. Fuck.
submitted by Sharkorica to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 INCogNEATohYT If a trans man and trans woman had intercourse, is it straight or gay? And why?

submitted by INCogNEATohYT to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Cheap-Landscape-4595 What's your sectors to watch?

What's your sectors to watch? submitted by Cheap-Landscape-4595 to NSEBULLS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 brunhildeelke Reimagine Catering with Smart Service Robot

Kody Robots' Dasher is a game-changing smart catering robot designed to transform the hospitality industry. This innovative robot streamlines food service operations, enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency.
From automated food delivery to seamless integration in busy restaurants, the Dasher represents a new era in hospitality. Curious about how robotics is reshaping the future of service? Discover more about the use of serving robots in catering and other hospitality sectors.
submitted by brunhildeelke to servingrobot [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Clarthen1 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Clarthen1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 joa232 SEXY BOOBS

SEXY BOOBS Ich liebe sie so krass man
submitted by joa232 to laurasophie_hot [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Monitor-Mediocre My echoes tier list for Illusive Realm

My echoes tier list for Illusive Realm https://preview.redd.it/3wycxy5pre3e1.png?width=1298&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd1d6d118537e8f3a8fd1243818667ecf4047e4e
S tier
- Dreamless: insanely valuable and easy to use. You don't really have to activate all her stages, most of the time I only need the 1st and 2nd one. Her 3rd and 4th stages can deal pretty good burst dmg, but I rarely use the slash skill. The buffs from metaphors are already too good, and the intro and outro skills that are automatically casted every few secs deal decent dmg too. That also mean you can get permanent DMG Amps from those outros. Plus, lots of metaphors that interact with intro and outro skills are so good to use. Together, they rocket up your character dmg to another fking level. It's so satisfying. My S0R1 Changli in here has zero CD E, with a liberation that is like 5s CD and forte that deals millions of dmg. A tier - Inferno Rider: dmg, dmg and dmg. He deals a lot of dmg himself, but you need to activate all his four stages. That's not a big problem since most of the required metaphors give you really good buffs. He's also extremely easy to use, since his dmg mainly come from coordinated attacks that are automatically triggered during the fight. Used to be my favorite echo until Dreamless became available
B tier
- Turtle: easy but kinda boring to use. Similar to Rider, you need to activate all four stages. The problem is that he need the most number of metaphors but a lot of them are not so helpful. He is balanced between dmg and defense. Less dmg than Rider but tons of shield that I don't really need. Dodging and some buffs from the "tree" (the one that gives you upgrades by spending some points) are enough, even at 260% debuff. In case you want some defense, just pick a few metaphors. I'm not sure but maybe those shield will help if you want to use the 100 HP debuff.
- Thundering Memphis: dmg, dmg and dmg, but way more complex to use compare to Rider. You need to transform a lot in order to optimize his dmg, and I feel this takes quite a lot of time.
D tier
- Crownless: cool design. That's all. The rest about him is literally useless. Wasting too much time on transformation but dealing too little dmg. I wonder if he has some nice hidden potentials that I haven't figured out, or he's just so weak.
submitted by Monitor-Mediocre to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Temporary_Tap7789 Detahjae on Kai Cenats stream “Stream Janice”

Detahjae on Kai Cenats stream “Stream Janice” submitted by Temporary_Tap7789 to detahjae [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 Inspired_Carpets Re-zoning of Louth land bank earmarked for 500 homes welcomed by community group

Re-zoning of Louth land bank earmarked for 500 homes welcomed by community group submitted by Inspired_Carpets to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:24 StalinPaidtheClouds What to Do When a Transfer Course Is 0.5 Credits Short?

I’m currently facing a situation in which I transferred several courses from my previous university in Texas to my current community college in Washington. The credits were converted from semester hours to quarter hours, but some of the prerequisite courses were awarded 4.5 quarter credits instead of the full expected 5 credits.
While the majority of my courses were accepted and transferred after an arduous seven-month evaluation process, these half-credit discrepancies have left me 0.5 credits short of meeting the prerequisite requirements for a few courses. Unfortunately, my advisor is on vacation until December, so I’m seeking advice from anyone who has encountered a similar issue in the meantime.
Given this situation, I’m also considering the option of transferring again to an all-online college for my Nursing degree.
Has anyone experienced something like this? How did you resolve it? Is it dumb to think they might still accept it despite only being 4.5 credits if I appeal? What other options do I have? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
submitted by StalinPaidtheClouds to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
