What is this?

2024.11.27 12:39 AccNumber_4 What is this?

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submitted by AccNumber_4 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 sadihalizadeh Kitty goes BRRRRRRR

Kitty goes BRRRRRRR submitted by sadihalizadeh to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 dalpendre 26/11/2024

26/11/2024 submitted by dalpendre to withintemptation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 personal_growth100 26 [M4F] #Pittsburgh, PA - looking for a sweet girl

I’m 26M from Pittsburgh, PA. I’m 6’5, skinny/athletic build, & pursuing a career in medicine. I’m naturally more introverted, but my current situation has made it even moreso 😅 oh well. But anyway, my hobbies outside of studying are lifting weights (will be getting back into this asap), playing guitar (ask me about my latest riffs), & reading.
I’m looking for a sweet girl in the Pittsburgh area that wants to hangout & see what happens. I’ve been feeling pretty lonely lately, just based on some recent life events; but besides that, I’m very relaxed, easygoing, & sweet. I love to cuddle up, & need a cuddle buddy for the winter ❄️
Anyway, if this interests you, send me a DM & let’s talk. I’ll send some pics of myself
submitted by personal_growth100 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Anmerki My 2025 spread and my first post!

My 2025 spread and my first post! I always try and get as much planned out as I can - I don’t have time throughout the year to do my months and stuff so I do them all on Christmas break (teacher). So far I have my 2025 spread and my budget stuff. I’m happy with them for this year. I’ve been bullet journaling since 2017 but never posted it online. 😬 my early ones are super cringe 😂
submitted by Anmerki to bulletjournal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 prior_than Einnahmen und Ausgaben eines (armen) Studenten

Hier steht mein Plan für das Wintersemester 🫠
Sehe da Potenzial vor allem im Bereich BAföG, da muss ich noch einen Aktualisierungsantrag stellen.
Im Bereich Minijob schaff ich es leider nicht, an der Freibetragsgrenze zu kommen. Mein Ziel wäre mal mind. 400€ (nur auf Mindestlohnbasis).
Hatte überlegt, wie ich im Bereich Nahrung auf 100€ komme, wäre sicherlich noch machbar. Mein Körperfettanteil dürfte sogar einen Kaloriendefizit ermöglichen, den ich über paar Monate halten kann ohne schwere Folgen. Wegen Kreislaufprobleme sehe ich eher davon ab, solange ich nebenbei für Uni lernfähig bleiben muss.
Alles nach Miete und Essen unter AUSGABEN sind durchschnittliche Ausgaben für den Sachverhalt, den ich einmal alle paar Monate ausgebe. Wie Semesterbeitrag aktuell bei rund 300€, also monatlich 50€.
Wüsste sonst nix, was ich optimieren könnte. Hättet ihr Vorschläge?
Mein jetziges Ziel ist es, ein paar Rücklagen anzusparen und die Anschaffung von qualitativ hochwertigen Kochutensilien und Staubsauger (und sonstige Sachen fürs Wohnen, die lange halten).
submitted by prior_than to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 nagatopyon Market Box - final LT maps☺️

Market Box - final LT maps☺️ Still have about 6 LT maps which won't transfer to the new game. Would love it to clear at least 4 of them so I can buy a final farewell cookie🥺 If there is anything willing to spend some bells on my market boxes I would be so happy and grateful.
I can give any friend cushion gift in return! Will also play Complete so feel free to add me☺️
submitted by nagatopyon to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 LaughingLemonade Car tablet pro max

Hi everyone,
I’ve been getting tons of ads for the Cartablet Pro Max website over the past two months, and now with Black Friday coming up, the price has dropped to around €120, which seems pretty cheap to me. Has anyone here purchased a screen from them? If so, did you receive what was advertised, and how’s the quality?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by LaughingLemonade to CarPlay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 bil-sabab Concept art by Ralph McQuarrie for Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

submitted by bil-sabab to 70s [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Hashi856 Does the order of saved search criteria impact the performance?

Will specifying saved search criteria in order of restrictiveness impact the perfromance of the search? Someone told me to always specify the most restrictive criterion first. However, when I took one of my longest loading searches and simply added a date restriction at the bottom as a test, it dramatically sped up the search from an average of 40 seconds to just 3 seconds, despite the most restrictive criterion being at the bottom.
submitted by Hashi856 to Netsuite [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Unable_Mastodon3130 Give me your session recovery code

submitted by Unable_Mastodon3130 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Flat-Character-5804 Help newbie build Nurgle/Slaanesh 1000pt

Hi, I'm new to this hobby and would like to build Chaos Daemons. I'd like to start with Nurgle/Slaanesh 1000pt to play with friends. Maybe add the other two gods for 2000pt army later. At this point I know GUO is the GOAT and Nurglings are too cute and useful not to add at least a couple, but that's about it for my ideas. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Flat-Character-5804 to ChaosDaemons40k [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 DuncanIdaBro Thanksgiving Prayer

Hail brothers and sisters,
How many of you have a personalized prayer for saying Grace at Thanksgiving? Every year I try to create something meaningful and personalized for the family at the table. I was wondering if anyone else had a 'go-to' favorite or a suggestions for a certain verse from scripture.
submitted by DuncanIdaBro to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Neityg Parisian Steampunk Park - Uchronia inc. a nice detailed restaurant

Parisian Steampunk Park - Uchronia inc. a nice detailed restaurant submitted by Neityg to PlanetCoaster [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 DomesticErrorist22 Trump’s tariff plan will send prices ‘through the roof’, warn US firms

Trump’s tariff plan will send prices ‘through the roof’, warn US firms submitted by DomesticErrorist22 to economy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Feanixxxx What is this?

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submitted by Feanixxxx to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Punitsinghshah What is the market trend for the diesel price?

Diesel Prices in China:
In the last quarter, diesel prices in China witnessed a steady upward trajectory, culminating at 1035 USD/MT. This increase was driven by a combination of strong local demand, seasonal activities, and supply constraints. Key sectors such as agriculture and construction saw heightened activity during the quarter, significantly boosting diesel consumption. These seasonal pressures coincided with reduced refinery output, particularly due to maintenance activities at Shandong refineries, which are pivotal to the region's diesel supply.
The restricted supply added to the already robust demand, intensifying upward price pressures. Additionally, refinery adjustments to align with sustained sectoral demand further tightened the market, leaving little room for price stabilization. This interplay of high usage and constrained availability created a bullish price environment throughout the quarter, emphasizing the critical role of operational and demand dynamics in shaping the market.
Several key factors are currently driving the diesel market. Rising global demand for diesel-powered vehicles, particularly in emerging markets with developing infrastructure, is sustaining growth. This demand is bolstered by the continued reliance on diesel engines for heavy-duty transport and industrial machinery due to their superior fuel efficiency and torque capabilities.
Additionally, the expansion of global trade and logistics, which heavily rely on diesel-fueled trucks and ships, is boosting consumption. The energy sector's ongoing demand for diesel in power generation, especially in regions lacking stable electricity grids, further supports the market. Urbanization and industrial activities are amplifying diesel use in construction and mining equipment.
Technological advancements in diesel engines that improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions are also appealing to markets aiming to balance economic growth with environmental considerations. Moreover, government subsidies and tax incentives in some regions for industrial and agricultural applications involving diesel contribute to steady market demand.
Furthermore, fluctuating oil prices impact the diesel market dynamics, where periods of lower crude prices can lead to increased diesel use, reinforcing its position in transportation and industry sectors.
How IMARC Pricing Database Can Help:
The latest IMARC Group study, “Diesel Prices, Trend, Chart, Demand, Market Analysis, News, Historical and Forecast Data 2024 Edition,” presents a detailed analysis of Diesel price trend, offering key insights into global Diesel market dynamics. This report includes comprehensive price charts, which trace historical data and highlights major shifts in the market.
The analysis delves into the factors driving these trends, including raw material costs, production fluctuations, and geopolitical influences. Moreover, the report examines Diesel demand, illustrating how consumer behaviour and industrial needs affect overall market dynamics. By exploring the intricate relationship between supply and demand, the prices report uncovers critical factors influencing current and future prices.
Explore Full Report Description At: https://www.imarcgroup.com/diesel-pricing-report
submitted by Punitsinghshah to pricetrendrepots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Weak-Mycologist-8235 Big dick college freshman lookjng to rate and show off for your sexy irls, any above an 8 will get my 🍆

submitted by Weak-Mycologist-8235 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 MobileNewsBot iQOO 13 Promised to Get 4 Years of Android OS Upgrades, Five Years of Security Updates

iQOO 13 Promised to Get 4 Years of Android OS Upgrades, Five Years of Security Updates submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Frigo-the-Frozen I have started!!!

To give Context: I am fairly new to wargaming and got into warhammer for the lore a while back.
Now I found this and I am fired up to get my hands into playing. For this I started writing on a new Antioch Prussia Warband and I am so hyped.
Really hope I can get my hands on some models in the future.
Love the community so far. You all are awsome.
submitted by Frigo-the-Frozen to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Final_Association_90 Mi casi algo es una traga atención y no se cómo actuar en esta situación que hago?

Mi casi algo es una traga atención y no se cómo actuar en esta situación que hago?
Ps SI es una chica que solo busca full atención y le da confianza a todos aún sabiendo eso me le tire y lo hize por WhatsApp, soy tan inexperimentado que literalmente en menos de 10 mensajes le dije que la extrañaba y que la había estado pensando 🤡 obvio fue tan entregado en bandeja de plata que del viaje me metió como 2 en vistos y encima hizo chismes así que lo más lógico que hize fue no darle más atención lo cual me a resultado bien ya que soy súper desapegadisimo aunque no pareciera siempre dicen que es como si no me importara nada y en esta clase de situación saque ventaja de eso, no le like ni un estado a pesar de que después de todo eso ella si lo hizo al mío y ni siquiera de sus fotos que sube cada milenio para rematar ni siquiera la volteo ni a mirar.
Y puede sonar medio estupido pero aparentemente a funcionado me mira más de lo normal y encima de la nada casi que se me hace al frente como para que la vea y simplemente la ignoro familiarizó con esas actitudes por que hubo un tiempo donde yo las hacia también así que si muy fácil darme cuenta, pero a la vez por más que trate de hacer que no me importe si me afecta un poco ya que me tiene tragadisimo no le haría caso por muchas cosas pero entiendo que también es medio inexperimentada al igual que yo y algo inmadura pero simplemente no se me va de la cabeza
puedo fingir pero duele saber que las indirectas que me da son para tenerme como un estupido, osea ver si todavía babeo por ella más no son indirectas para que siquiera le escriba o intente algo que opinan al respecto?
submitted by Final_Association_90 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 Internal-Ride-8546 I want to cum rn to what u want prefer celebs and ass bt anything session 050f1b83e437b9081749c300c62b9ecc32ecaffc59b97220d5d71862a187107c30

submitted by Internal-Ride-8546 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 mbny5 Swing to pack and play

For naps, my five month old can really only fall asleep in the swing. Nighttime is no issue. Every single time I move her to the pack and play when she falls asleep, she wakes up and won't go back to sleep. This has been making her extremely cranky now more than ever. I know im not the only one in this boat so what did you do to get them to sleep? She really needs it
submitted by mbny5 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 MiaaraZoom Dangerous pursuit

submitted by MiaaraZoom to Unexpected [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:39 HillelA I'm not good at math, should I sell Hologram for Bloodstone?

I'm not good at math, should I sell Hologram for Bloodstone? I play flush 5 aces of hearts
submitted by HillelA to balatro [link] [comments]
