2024.11.27 11:53 KormaKameleon88 Recommendations for an 'entry level' drawing tablet for a beginner?
My daughter (12) loves drawings, and has dreams of being a digital artist. She has requested a 'drawing tablet' for Christmas. I would like to get her something basic as we don't have a massive budget, but that can handle the task, as well as something she can use for other activities (streaming movies, reading, etc..). We're UK based, and this is not something I really know anything about, so I would really appreciate any suggestions.
Apologies if this is a regularly asked question - complete newbie here!!
Thanks so much in advance!
submitted by KormaKameleon88 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 um_am_01 What if I (29M) am to offer Paid Listening Services?
How many of you are/will be willing to pay someone, just to vent and rant (to them)?
Key points to remember:
Please remember no professional advice will be offered to your problem. Just, simply a patient ear (29 M). Anonymous (ly).
It will be timed. Consecutive sessions can be arranged as per satisfaction and feedback.
Confidentiality will be strictly maintained.
You can pay as per your pockets' capacity, or say after discussing your income status. (This is subject to more discussions and changes.)
Do you think this will sit well or work well here in this city and country?!
Please give your opinions and share your thoughts!
submitted by um_am_01 to InsideIndianMarriage [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 FC333 BitTitan Migration Timeouts
Running into big issues with a BitTitan mailbox migration (365 to 365) where we see the error below.
"This migration has failed because the source or destination endpoint failed to respond." Anyone who has used BitTitan knows their support take days to respond. We have only managed to get one mailbox actually transacting data, through endlessly retrying migration attempts.
We have already eased EWS throttling on both source and destination and enabled extended timeout via advanced options. Checked mailbox folder numbers and they fall within BitTitans spec (less than 1000, max we see is 250).
Any other MSPs using BitTitan have any ideas to actually get these mailboxes moving?
submitted by FC333 to msp [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 DeeeeNTeeee Find the snek 🐍
submitted by DeeeeNTeeee to FindTheSniper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 ComfortableHot4480 Anyone that wants to chat about this beautiful Queen? Dm pls
submitted by ComfortableHot4480 to Jade__Chynoweth [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 lyft-girlie Motorbike with speakers driving around all day near the beach
I’m staying in My An and every day, there’s a motorbike with a speaker driving around. Even at night. It’s driving me crazy! Does anyone know what he’s selling/doing?
submitted by lyft-girlie to DaNang [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 shaqphu back outside (nobody to blame but myself lol) 💕
submitted by shaqphu to vagabond [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 Luana-Veronicabb elige a tu perra puta
submitted by Luana-Veronicabb to Veronicabb [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Butt Battle: Melissa Benoist vs Ashley Greene
View Poll
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 Solid_Function839 Countries that are socially acceptable to dislike - but it's true
submitted by Solid_Function839 to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 Fit-Engineering8416 Hezbollah be like...
submitted by Fit-Engineering8416 to Lebanese [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 blowmyassie What has happened to this game? Are the original devs involved together with Torn Banner or not?
I remember the guys that deved the first game even refused to take any money and still produced a masterpiece. Are they still involved in this Project or is it solely on the hands of Torn Banner?
submitted by blowmyassie to nmrih [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 HMR75T TikTok comments from James
Not James with the take it away honey 😂💀🤭 Also he liked the co captain comment!! submitted by HMR75T to jennandsasha [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 INTERNETEARL Too much dialogue
This new dlc is a impact story simulator I stg😂😂
submitted by INTERNETEARL to DragonBallXenoverse2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 liriious Selling my Pc for financial reason.
Hello guys, i need to sell my gaming pc which is decent in specs any lead where i can sell it for money or any buyers, it works totally fine no issue in it. Specs are worth around 40-45k. Please let me know if any leads.
submitted by liriious to Bhopal [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 Real1er V2090 & Y21 Bromaz
Anyone else prefer bromazolam over alprazolam?
submitted by Real1er to pillsndchill [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 tikkikinky I miss Movies 8
Was looking for a movie to take a 6 year old and an 8 year old to today. Saw a preview for The Wild Robot and was like this is what we’ll see. Nope. Not playing. 2 months too late. I’m sure Movies 8 would still be playing it.
Not much going on for young kids around town this week. I am not thankful for this.
submitted by tikkikinky to Tallahassee [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 Arkansos1 Duymayan Kalmasın Telegram sohbet kanalımız açıldı.
Reddit linki siliyor o yüzden boşlukları silin https://t .me /+HJ5VrFgjzbgxYzJk
submitted by Arkansos1 to UniversityTR [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 Euphoric-Success106 Avis sur Closers Group
Bonjour, Contexte: Je me balade sur youtube a mes heures perdues puis je tombe sur une publicité me parlant d'un organisme (Closers Group) grace auquel je pourrais travailler en tant que closer et gagner bcp d'argent, et pour savoir plus j'ai regarder 5 videos proposé par le groupe lui meme pour expliquer le fonctionnement du Closing (il faut savoir qu'on nous propose une formation (pour la maudite somme de 2500 euros) lors de la derniere video sans laquelle je ne peux exercer). Je me dis evidement que cest une arnaque au debut, mais je finis par m'inscrire pour en savoir plus. Apres queleques jours je recois un appel de leur part ou le monsieur m'explique qu'il n'y a pas de risque a s'engager et que si on obtient la formation il ferons eux meme la prospection. Maintenant, j'essaye de me renseigner de tout les moyens possibles, sachant que les video ytb des temoignages manque d'impartialité, je me crée un compte Reddit pour l'occasion pour vous demander si vous avez des experiense avec Closers Group. P.S: Je sais que le closing est utilisé par les influceurs de manière malhonnete mais ce cas est différent, c'est pour cela que je vous demandes si vous connaissez Closers Group directement, Merci d'avances pour vos réponses
submitted by Euphoric-Success106 to vosfinances [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 ip1234567890 need help with lost/deleted Twotimer songs
i was going through the Twotimer discography and was wondering if anyone has these lost/deleted twotimer songs that i wasn't able to find anywhere on the internet. i added links that lead to infomation about each lost song.
Twotimer - Jacob Marley (prod. Nulko) :
Twotimer - *Untitled Song*
Twotimer - 1 (prod. Ghoulwinter)
OppChingas - Pet Duck ft. Twotimer (prod. Munal)
Twotimer - Secret Private Island / Sailship OG Version (prod. Nulko)
Twotimer - TheLegend27 (prod. Twotimer / ???)
*maybe more lost songs?*
submitted by ip1234567890 to twotimer [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 That_Juggernaut4820 Ben Whishaw
submitted by That_Juggernaut4820 to MaleCelebrityArmpits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 WhiskeyZebra Best places to FIRE for $90K/year.
Married couple (M42; F41), no kids, from the U.S. With a SWR of 3% we can safely spend $90K/year. Considering pushing retirement out a few more years to have an even comfier retirement but we’re getting tired of the rat race. What are some locations with the best combination of weather, stability, retirement lifestyle, taxes, healthcare, etc. for around $90K/year?
submitted by WhiskeyZebra to Fire [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 Ok-Lengthiness-4918 Problem with support
Hello everyone, I already did reddit for this problem but this unnaceptable
I got 7 days ban for ghosting
I instantly send evidence for remove my ban for admins, and i still waiting over 24h now
Problem is because im banned from screenshot, admin mistake, and now im supposed to wait 1-2-3 days to they see my evidence and remove my ban
Every new ticket is closed, and admin Ranni still not answering on main ticket
After i asked him for matchroom link i send him evidence, 10min later, to remove my ban
Kenya answered me i have to wait on main ticket, but it take too long to response
And im still waiting for it
On 4-3 we rushed b, and player Alba molo sendbox and give me -40
After 3-4 rounds they talk about alba and i said what he did 3 rounds ago, he molo sendbox in b rush and give me -40
And it should be ghost info, on freeze time? there is no call on tt side like u can hear on video i record voice chat aswell, just ct's talking about taking banana
And there is rest of the round, we played mid and second mid, nobody is rushing b or calling b rush
It is obvious that there was no intention here to compromise the game or give ghosting info :)
matchroom and my profile
number of my ticket:
Request #7089151
Im really tired of waiting 24-48h to they fix their own mistake :)
Has anyone had a similar situation?
submitted by Ok-Lengthiness-4918 to FACEITcom [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:53 ioa_Courage1082 Me 🫱🏾🫲🏾Yam & egg
submitted by ioa_Courage1082 to nigerianfood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:53 DishStatus2568 Portfolio
Qnt, Eth and XRP are in my ‘safe’ bet portfolio. Having a play around with memecoins on the side. What’s your ‘safest’ 3 holdings and continue investments?
submitted by DishStatus2568 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]