I don't know who needs this, but sure I do need to hear this often.

2024.11.27 11:53 Perthss I don't know who needs this, but sure I do need to hear this often.

I am going to list some books that I think are a MUST-read if you are serious about trading.
Number 1: Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. This is a book I actually recommend reading twice. The reason for this is that your experience in the market, and generally in life, can affect how well you understand the book. The book goes in depth about how our mental framework works. It is critical to develop a "probabilistic" mindset. There are so many traders out there who do not understand this concept on a deep level.
Additionally, there is a difference between understanding a probabilistic mindset and actually practicing it in everyday trading. It is all about our beliefs. I can give you an easy example: If you picture yourself as someone who strongly believes that your money belongs to both of us, would you be upset if I grabbed some money from you? No, why not? Because your beliefs allow me to take it. There is no emotional reaction to this. But if you believed all your money belonged to you, would you have an emotional reaction if I just took some money from you? Absolutely, you would.
This is the same as trading. The second you place your trade in the market, if you absolutely believe that anything can happen and that "winners" and "losers" are randomly distributed at any time, then you will be more at peace with the outcome. Once you set the trade, there is no way in the world to know if it's going to be a winner or a loser. If you have a tested system, you would not even care about the result because you know that your system works.
There are many traders out there who have not tested their system properly. The result is that they do not have confidence in their system, which leads to emotional reactions because their beliefs are not aligned with reality. Their minds fear the outcome, and that is why traders get emotional.
Number 2: There is no one else. Just kidding! There is, but this book is actually all you need to understand the mental framework one has to develop. I strongly believe that.
submitted by Perthss to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 The_Average_Gamer25 Is this a Potential Psi enemy at the Plant south of The Slag Heap?

Has anyone figured out what the deal with this area of The Plant is? There was an enemy at the end of this tunnel that I killed and looted. I was in my inventory for a bit and I started hearing voices. Then an enemy spawned in the direction of the entrance and when I tried to loot it the body just disintegrates. As I made my way to the entrance a 3rd enemy spawned behind me and he also disintegrated when I tried looting. I'm guessing it's some type of psi enemy but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I tried entering a 2nd time and when I get to the end of the tunnel it took about 30 seconds to start hearing like a music box and screams in the distance and the 2nd enemy spawned again but the 3rd did not.
submitted by The_Average_Gamer25 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 salmontail [WP] You've successfully summoned a demon, made a pact, sold your soul, and finally gotten the power you wanted: The ability to clean up ritual stains from drawing demon summoning circles.

submitted by salmontail to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Somepersonyeak 27 [M4F] LDR or Whatever

Hi... well I'm 27, Australian, Asexual,
Gamer - I mainly play Arma 3, Arma Reforger and Warthunder but I do play other stuff.
TV shows for me it's - Star Wars The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch and The Vampire Diaries, M.A.S.H and Hogan heroes.
Music wise I mainly listen to bagpipes n drums.
I look after my parents these days.
I don't go anywhere, I don't talk much also terrible at conversations.
I'm blunt and straight forward
I prefer honesty whether it's good or bad.
6ft dead
Skinny not by choice
I don't know how else to describe myself
Message me if interested but I don't expect anything I never have
submitted by Somepersonyeak to asexualdating [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 SensitiveCockroach78 Suche Staubsauger für kleine Menschen/Teleskop

Hallo Wohnende
Ich suche aktuell einen Staubsauger für eine nicht super große Wohnung, allerdings würde ich gern auch hin und wieder Spinnweben an den Decken wegsaugen und die meisten Staubsauger erlauben es eben nur, dass man den Teleskoparm relativ weit oben ab macht, um zum Beispiel die Fugendüse drauf zu machen. Ideal wäre einer, wo man die Wechseldüsen einfach ganz unten am Ansatz des Teleskoparms austauschen kann.
Gibt's Empfehlungen? :)
submitted by SensitiveCockroach78 to wohnen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 whyysoooserious I’m 29 years old and have never traveled far from my hometown only surrounding countries. I feel depressed because of this,not because I can’t travel, but because I don’t have my own money. I don’t want to ask my dad for anything, even though if I did, he would tell me to earn it myself and go. ⬇️

I’m 29 years old and have never traveled far from my hometown only surrounding countries. I feel depressed because of this,not because I can’t travel, but because I don’t have my own money. I don’t want to ask my dad for anything, even though if I did, he would tell me to earn it myself and go. ⬇️ submitted by whyysoooserious to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Roumers Microsoft fraud

Microsoft fraud Hello everyone I just wanted to everyone know I got charged twice this amount coming a total of 15000. Just double check your accounts has anyone else faced this before? And those the bank give the money bank and how long it will take? I’m with ADIB
submitted by Roumers to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Least_Atmosphere9786 ESim failed message every few seconds

So my phone gets the 'ESim failed' message and if I'm on a call, the call gets dropped. It is quite annoying as I'm not able to talk on whatsapp either and the error flash message is every few seconds
Please help.
submitted by Least_Atmosphere9786 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Dull_Profit3539 Share some prompts for generating in the Retro Crystal Futurism style. #futurism

submitted by Dull_Profit3539 to comfyui [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 whyhopless Day4 of trying to get him back

My dearest, I had my exam well today. How was yours? I hope if was good enough. Good luck for tomorrow. I have a critical subject tomorrow. Gotta study much. I hope you had your meals on time. Don't put in exam excuses. Don't stress over, I know how of a nerd you are. I pray that you don't have any distractions during this important period. Please focus on yourself. I want to be the best version of myself when I see you again and for that I gotta grind. I know there's distance created in between us, but we are the ones who should forgive each other to support each other. I don't want any toxicity when we meet and I'm ready to wait until that happens. But, please don't take too long. I really want to end this no contact soon. Be kind to yourself. Take care.
submitted by whyhopless to hopelessromantic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 TescoClubcard__ This post was made by Juno Gang

This post was made by Juno Gang submitted by TescoClubcard__ to ramattramains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Abodart Should i buy another "msi thin gf63" and use the old one for parts?

Should i buy another i bought this laptop in 2019 and only used it for 3 months then the io chip accidently broke while a friend was changing the thermopaste, the next day the motherboard was burned and i ended up building a pc instead of buying a new motherboard or a new laptop.
Fast forward, and now i need a laptop for light editing and DIT on set, also need something light to carry around and write on it, so i thought of buying another "msi thin gf63" but the i5 version, and since I only have a bad motherboard, i can use the old one for parts, Incase something bad happened to the New one.
Is this a bad idea? and what newer version i should consider to buy that match the parts with the old one.
submitted by Abodart to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Some-Actress2425 What would she order?

What would she order? submitted by Some-Actress2425 to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Sebdami What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Sebdami to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 ManOnTheRim I'm FINALLY FREE I don't need to return to infinite tombstone Myers ever again! Finally got the hatch and the Jake just kept jumping the locker until I got lucky and killed him.

I'm FINALLY FREE I don't need to return to infinite tombstone Myers ever again! Finally got the hatch and the Jake just kept jumping the locker until I got lucky and killed him. submitted by ManOnTheRim to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 ShiwaniK Excited to experience the passion of fans: Dhawan looking forward to Nepal Premier League debut

Excited to experience the passion of fans: Dhawan looking forward to Nepal Premier League debut submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Nearby_Emergency_480 Anyone want to chat about Savannah? 🍑

submitted by Nearby_Emergency_480 to savannahprezfans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Quantisnow Outlook Therapeutics® Announces Preliminary Topline Results of NORSE EIGHT Clinical Trial

Outlook Therapeutics® Announces Preliminary Topline Results of NORSE EIGHT Clinical Trial submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 buck-oo ++Official Football!! Here'S How To watch* UCL Streams Free

i’m looking at SoccerNoobs TV; What streaming service allows live soccer last season. Last year, we tried about 3 different services that claimed we could but come to find out certain teams weren’t available to watch. We really want to get into watching soccer and being tuned for every soccer game live.
finally i got it, you guys can Try HERE: soccer Streams 2024
submitted by buck-oo to SoccerNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 joserubensentis El ceibo florecido en noviembre en maceta en el patio de casa. La vida...

El ceibo florecido en noviembre en maceta en el patio de casa. La vida... submitted by joserubensentis to Republica_Argentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 St3llrAv8R Weird body sounds

I just woke up from this dream I had and I just have the urge to share it. I was at a diner with my uncle and my little cousin, this diner was like pure white and it was full. In the corner there was a group of girls that just stood there, the best I can describe them as is like wooden ballerinas but with a “normal face”. My niece keeps looking in that direction and the first time she just looks uncomfortable, I’m talking to my uncle while she says this and I just say it’s ok and get up to go get my food. When I come back she is significantly more scared so I look over and one of the women is staring me down. I feel off but I just tell my cousin it’s ok again, then another one looks at me and three more. My cousin really insists on leaving and I said yeah just give me a second. I got to stand up to ask them who they were and keep in mind they were pretty far from us. After I look back up from talking to my cousin every single one of them were looking at me and changed to faceless figures so I tried to scream and I just let out a failed scream, it feels like it got stuck in my throat and if my throat was clogged, it was not a human sound, I wake up still making that sound, it’s pitch black and silent, and my rabbit thumps her cage and I can’t describe it but it terrified me to where I just felt like crying then my gf next to me is woke up asking if I was ok, she said that I was making that sound I was describing but also I was saying that “I want you to be normal, normal, normal” with my eyes open. Can anyone please tell me if they have had a similar experience I can’t go back to sleep.
submitted by St3llrAv8R to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Nachtwaechterin What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Nachtwaechterin to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 AscepliusRod I was not looking for you.

I was perfectly happy being alone. By myself. Enjoying medical school with a bunch of friends and focusing on the important things. And for the first time in my life, I was not carrying anything heavy or complicated or unresolved on the side. I’ve finally gotten over my past and had finally stopped fucking around in an endless meaningless dance with people I just met and would barely remember the day after.
I was perfectly content by myself. Then you came around.
Why? I was not looking for you. I mean, I get it. We’ve always been friendly and often teased each other since last year in an endless back-and-forth. But I never expected to like you. No, I chose to never like you, because your friend liked me. Yet even so, the rest of our friends teased us, and knew how compatible we actually were. They were even happy just seeing us together, bickering and bantering. But I thought that it would only be up to that. Just really good friends. In fact, I would go so far as to say that being your friend has been one of the greatest things to happen in my life. See, I was content.
So why can’t I stop myself from wanting more? Can I even ask for more? Should I ask regardless?
Why did you ask me to study out with you that day? And the following days thereafter? Why did you ask if I thought you were pretty? Why did you make me feel things I haven’t felt in almost a decade? This type of innocent longing for someone whose mere presence alone can make you feel so irrational it’s stupid.
Why would you reach out to me when you were sad? Or randomly send things we mentioned in passing? And why would my body move wanting to give you every little thing you said you wanted? Hell I stood in line for three hours just to give you that tiny little thing you barely mentioned you wanted to collect.
Why would my hands pick up the books you’ve read? Why would my ears hear the music you’ve always listened to? I could not stop thinking of you even if I wanted to, and believe me: I really wanted to. But every time I try to look the other way, I fail.
And now I’m here, unsure how to proceed. I was not looking for you, but now I can’t help but want to see you, hoping you see me too.
submitted by AscepliusRod to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 UselessTruth 🌟Day 3!🌟 Atsushi & himself won hates each other, now which pair 100% loves to hate each other?

🌟Day 3!🌟 Atsushi & himself won hates each other, now which pair 100% loves to hate each other? submitted by UselessTruth to BungouStrayDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:53 Powerful-Mechanic186 Who wants to be my study partner for finals ?

احاول اذاكر من الصباح واقفل على المذاكرة بعد الساعة ١٠
واهم شي يصيرون ملتزمين مثلي ويفضل جدولنا بالمذاكرة يصير واحد
submitted by Powerful-Mechanic186 to UniKSA [link] [comments]
