Need a tip about upgrading PC

2024.11.27 13:38 Seppttic Need a tip about upgrading PC

Ladies & gentleman hope you're having a good day and week, anyone I have a question about upgrading my PC but before here is a bit of a backstory.
Few years ago I built my own PC with Ryzen 7 2700x and 1060 6gb, 1080p monitor 144hx 1ms response time and 32gbs of ram 3200Mhz, and honestly it's been and still using me really well and good however I think it's time for an upgrade.
For the past few years I've been playing a lot of different games especially singplayer ones but nowdays I'm more playing multiplayer ones such as League of Legends and Valorant with streaming with obs and TikTok studio since I love streaming on Twitch and TikTok, including editing videos and shorts on the side in premiere.
Now I know I will probably get a lot of hate for my thinking but I'm ready for it, I was thinking about upgrading to 4060 and Ryzen 7 5700x3d. My main budget is maximum 600 euros (for both) and I honestly don't want to break the bank, and the reason is why I would like to have nvdia is because of the streaming features and encoders.
My question is should I upgrade the GPU and CPU now, or should I upgrade the CPU and wait for the next 50-seriee to arrive and pray that the prices of 40 series will go down and perhaps buy it or maybe even buy the 50 series.
Thank you in advance
submitted by Seppttic to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Southern_Algae4864 Trade for pass :)

Hi guys I want to trade hearts for a season pass for the next season and I can send u a heart for everyday of the next season If ur interested pls dm me :D
submitted by Southern_Algae4864 to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 PsychologicalPay9431 Irgendein Daddy hier der auf jüngere Boys steht dm pls! 0599772253bd878f6ac3bbb7374d77af7679ef9ed47b88a6113f9835fc9fb57a2c

submitted by PsychologicalPay9431 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 betmeteor FULL-ACCESS | 19.11-26.11

FULL-ACCESS | 19.11-26.11 submitted by betmeteor to betmeteor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Flimsy-Bag3676 Found a model shop on my travels.

Found a model shop on my travels. The hotel layout is nearing completion. In the model shop, I found a few detail parts, some lineside fencing (which goes right around the railway), hedgerows, level crossing gates and people for the station. Also couldn't resist these two new members of the loco roster, a 96xx class pannier tank, and a 3MT.
submitted by Flimsy-Bag3676 to nscalemodeltrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 tuliptheoshawott A new character in the garden!!

A new character in the garden!! This is Angel Gabby from Angel Hare! I still have yet to catch up on the series since I watched it a few years ago, but she's such a cutie!!
My introduction to her came in the Light of an OC I made, a guardian angel OC who I made out of a plush I won at my state fair. I eventually didn't like what I had made, and didn't have a visualization for her, but I was still interested in the "guardian angel" type character. My first thought was Emily from Hazbin Hotel, but due to my immense disliking for her source & creator, I backed out of that.
And then I remembered Angel Hare. I saw Gabby again, and we clicked. So, Gabby is my newest F/O! Welcome to the garden.
submitted by tuliptheoshawott to FictoLove [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 wikijit007 Is the Nothing Ear Stick still a good choice in 2024? Also, what's this "Noise Suppression" on Flipkart?

Is the Nothing Ear Stick still a good choice in 2024? Also, what's this Hey everyone!
I’ve been eyeing the Nothing Ear Stick as I noticed they were selling for only 3K, and I’m wondering if it’s still a good option in 2024.
One thing that’s confusing me is that I’ve read the Ear Stick doesn't have Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), but when I checked Flipkart, it mentions something about "noise suppression." Can anyone clarify what exactly this means?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on whether you’ve used these earbuds recently. Are they still worth it? Thanks!
submitted by wikijit007 to GadgetsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 larryfishermansnet Found in goochland county, Virginia

Found in goochland county, Virginia ID assist?
submitted by larryfishermansnet to Mushrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Personal_Hat6808 Anyone have link to minidayz plus

submitted by Personal_Hat6808 to MiniDayZ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 EpicSevenLover23 She’s nasty with her buff now xD

She’s nasty with her buff now xD Ever since her buff been using her much more often now and she put in so much work. Her S3 thanks to the 50% def pen now it hits so much harder as well xD
submitted by EpicSevenLover23 to EpicSeven [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 mks_csw Jeden Tag um 15:30. Heute alles Shorten oder kaufen die Dicken für Thanksgiving ein?

Jeden Tag um 15:30. Heute alles Shorten oder kaufen die Dicken für Thanksgiving ein? submitted by mks_csw to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Eymen47iseinkurmanji ist nur eine Phase ist nur eine Phase Hamed ist schwul
submitted by Eymen47iseinkurmanji to hamedelloco [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 MajorImpressive6881 I am getting so impatient

Anyone know bounty and devil fruit powers of monkey d dragon I need to know any details
submitted by MajorImpressive6881 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Once_was_now_am Back to Zion 😩🤢

Just went to NYC. Amazing. So many people. So many cultures. As always, it felt so amazing to be away from the near constant stresses of being exmo in morridor. Got to jfk for the return flight to SLC and it was stark. It was comically all white. Every other square inch of NYC is beautifully diverse and this waiting area was all white. There were beautiful rich moms in cliche NYC-visiting-outfits. There were moms with one baby in backpacks and another in a stroller simultaneously. There were smug and arrogant faces ready to quickly change to fake overly nice cheeseballs at the drop of a hat. There were Starbucks pink drinks. There were endless garment lines protruding from lulu yoga pants. There were tight-lipped half smiles with wide dreamy eyes while women gently shook their heads back and forth at a slight incline (you know the expression - think general primary president in GC) after saying things like seeing the NYC temple was just so spiritual or we are truly blessed to have been able to bring our whole family. There were 20-year old married couples. There were highlights, filled lips, boob jobs and paralyzed faces every where I looked. There BYU hats, shirts and backpack emblems.
Damn I hate Utah sometimes.
submitted by Once_was_now_am to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 WetDumpsterfire Opintolainahyvitys koronan perusteella viivästyneissä opinnoissa

Opinnot tuli vihdoin suoritettua keväällä, mutta valmistuminen venyi vuodella opintolainahyvitykseen oikeuttavasta valmistumisajasta.
Korona-aikana opintojen eteneminen tosiaan takkuili ja etäopiskeluun oli hankala sopeutua. Perheeseeni kuuluu myös vakavan koronataudin riskiryhmään kuuluvia. Heidän tartuntariskinsä vähentämiseksi hoidin pitkälti myös heidän menojaan kuten kaupassa käynnit sun muut eli opintoihin oli myös vähemmän aikaa. Kelan sivuilla koronasta johtuva opintojen viivästyminen voidaan katsoa hyväksyttäväksi syyksi valmistumisen viivästymiseen esimerkiksi opiskelujärjestelyihin tai terveydellisiin perusteisiin liittyvien tapausten osalta.
Onko teillä kokemuksia opintolainahyvityksen saamisesta korona-ajan opintojen viivästymisen perusteella?
Iso kiitos, jos jaksat jakaa oman kokemuksesi!
submitted by WetDumpsterfire to arkisuomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 InternationalLock657 [Homemade] Cast iron seared sea scallops

[Homemade] Cast iron seared sea scallops submitted by InternationalLock657 to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 GARFieLddUwU @pilzaddicted Instagramm Account wurde gehackt

@pilzaddicted Instagramm Account wurde gehackt Der Name und die Bio wurden geändert und Selfies von den vermutlichen Hacker hochgeladen
submitted by GARFieLddUwU to Laesterschwestern [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 No-Tumbleweed6523 Struggling to cut ties/work out daddy issues

Im a 31 yr old female , im sorry for spelling, format ,grammar as I am dyslexic and im typing on a smart phone. Im going have to share some back story, I was raided as an only child (spent one night a week at my mums) but I was primarily raised by my father till the of 11. My father worked from home as a computer technician while collecting government benefits while raising me. I was the slow kid in every sense ( I see a psychiatrist in march as I do have 3 kids offically diagnosed with level 2 asd , combined adhd plus all the different launage, personality disorders or how the rest of my mum side either diagnosed or clearly has something cross up stairs 😭😭) and well my parents weren't really active, all their friends , their friends kids etc were all into drugs , drinking , partying, dv , prison etc . My dad changed when he met my step mum , i didn't coped well with her moving in with her 2 daughter and suddenly my dad leaving the house and I suddenly had strict rules to follow , my dad cut off all his friends and was actually getting his OHS Officer qualification to work on the mines /oil rigs etc. When I was 12 my mum took off to the other side of Australia to play happy families with her thankfully abusive EX ... I won't get into the trauma my 20 yr old brother on my mums side from being raised with a father like him. Anywho I clearly wasn't a happy child and I did wag school (I started yr 8 at a yr 1 level in English....) , I stayed over at friends houses as much as I could and I did talk alot of shit about what my 12/13 yr old ass was really doing, anywho I was kicked out at 14 and haven't moved back since. I do have ptsd from being a homeless pregnant teenager with an appreant target on her head that wouldn't let her see her babies first birthday 😂🤣. Yeah I have trauma that I've been working through for over 10 yrs now. So when my darling 16 yr old brother from my dad side , 16 yr old girlfriend starts sending my 14 yr old son texts absolutely shit talking me about absolutely everything he complained to his uncle about over the years and talking about how my dad and Stephen said its her home and she can kick out whoever she wants so my son be better be careful if he does want to spend anytime this summer break at my dads Im struggling to see how there any coming back , since I was kicked out at 14 I might see my dad 4 times a year and if we talk its me calling him for a logical response that can somehow make me wrong or over reacting. I understand she just a typical entitled mouthy 16 yr old but her parents kicked her out and the only people protecting her from facing the reality of being a homeless teenage is the exact people who made me one. My dad claims he away working so has left it up to my Step mum to tell him what's going on , my Step mum saying she doesn't know how to apologise over text , I can't see how one could apologise or make this situation right. Part of me feels like it's not worth the maybe 4 face to face and few phone calls we share every yr.
Im going to apologise again if you feel you need more info , im happy to supply , I just didn't want to drag the post it self on for too long.
I just really need any advice/input
submitted by No-Tumbleweed6523 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 toopussytodie Drew this silly thing to show the mini heart attack I felt upon using the A Bra That Fits calculator.

Drew this silly thing to show the mini heart attack I felt upon using the A Bra That Fits calculator. (I've lost weight hence the dramatic band size difference)
submitted by toopussytodie to bigboobproblems [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 _God3ss_ Morning everyone!

Morning everyone! submitted by _God3ss_ to MakeMeFeelGood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Sufficient_Animal_95 Fujifilm X-T10 how to find shutter count?

I'm currently trying to sell my camera but all of the buyers are asking me for shutter count. I understand it's as important as car mileage and have spent the past 3 hours searching everywhere on how to do it.
They say the X-T1 has integrated shutter count and other Xseries has it good, but not the X-T10. I've looked everywhere from searching every converter that reads EXIF data to show shutter count but the images I sent directly from camera to the online reader can't read it (says no EXIF data available).
Also tried JPG (my camera's image format) conversion to RAW format since some online readers (Raw Digger) only reads RAW files, but it won't let me (tried 5-6 online converters).
Anyone had any luck with it or other advice? I've tried raw digger, exiftool, apotelyt, etc but can't read my images.
submitted by Sufficient_Animal_95 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 MysticCate Cold down by the pond. Sun is warm!

Cold down by the pond. Sun is warm! submitted by MysticCate to TheLustygrandmas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 yana_l0l Genya Shinazugawa’s manga 🔫

Genya Shinazugawa’s manga 🔫 submitted by yana_l0l to Genya [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 volcanicsquad09 After 6.5 hours of pure pain, I finally made Melodie a Dedede skin.

After 6.5 hours of pure pain, I finally made Melodie a Dedede skin. submitted by volcanicsquad09 to brawlart [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:38 Fernando1Muslera Qui a dessiné ça ?

submitted by Fernando1Muslera to Strasbourg [link] [comments]