2024.11.27 13:39 LePertichenelQLO Padre picchia il figlio durante una cena, che fare?
Vorrei raccontare questa situazione che mi è accaduta all’incirca un mese fa ed è, in parte simile, anche senza sevizie, a quella capitata al bambino di Padova, dal padre, quantomeno nel mostrare estrema cattiveria.
Quindi dicevo, circa un mese fa, sono stato ospite ad una cena di amici, c’erano sia single che coppie, sia con prole che senza. Ebbene durante la cena, anche se ero spostato verso una parte della compagnia con più ho confidenza, era impossibile non notare, a me come agli altri, che un papà, che non conosco bene, doveva essere qualche parente di altri amici, picchiasse e insultasse, per tutta la cena, suo figlio, su come doveva stare seduto, su come e cosa mangiava. Questo con un tono cinico e arrogante, e non capivo il motivo, dato che il bambino, avrà avuto 5 anni, non mi pareva fosse così diseducato
Finita la cena, ci si è spostati nel salotto, chi per accomiatarsi e andarsene, chi, come me, per continuare a stare i compagnia con gli altri per caffè ed ammazzacaffè. C’era un gran casino, ma normale, come capita in queste occasioni, anche perché c’erano un po’ di bambini che scorrazzavano. D’improvviso si sente un bambino piangere, perché era inciampato e caduto, e sempre lo stesso padre di cui parlavo prima, prendere a sberle dietro la testa il figlio, dicendo: “ hai visto che hai fatto scemo, stupido, lo hai fatto cadere”, con una tale violenza e cattiveria che ha lasciato tutti sbigottiti
Io, purtroppo, non ce l’ho fatto, la misura era colma, anche per quello che avevo visto precedentemente a cena. Mi sono avvicinato e gli ho detto cos’aveva fatto per trattarlo così, ch’era un bambino, che, comunque, non si poteva difendere da un adulto
E’ intervenuta la madre che sino a quel momento non aveva detto una parola per difendere il figlio, dicendo che: “ non erano cazzi miei, che dovevo tornare a sedere da dove ero venuto!” io le ho risposto, che, comunque erano anche “cazzi miei” dato che mi trovavo in quella casa con loro e soprattutto era un comportamento sbagliato ed eccessivo nei confronti del bambino
Ha esclamato il padre, che era rimasto in silenzio mentre parlava lei: “ va beh, ho capito, qui stiamo antipatici”, si è rivolto alla padrona di casa per farsi dare i vestiti per andarsene, continuando a strattonare il bambino, e borbottando sino a quando non sono usciti
submitted by LePertichenelQLO to psicologia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Coelhinha07 Dúvida ML
Estou vendendo um notebook usado pelo mercado livre. Se o comprador comprar parcelado pelo aplicativo eu recebo o valor a vista/ total? Alguém q tenha experiência.
submitted by Coelhinha07 to farialimabets [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 mr_whit33 Engine Coolant low - 2023 w/ 17k
I just got into my car this morning and saw that my engine coolant is low. I popped the hood and it looks about 1.5-2inch before the minimum line.
A few questions since I am not car savvy whatsoever. - Is it normal for coolant to be this low for 17k miles. -Should I replace this myself or just take it into the dealership? - Typical cost to top it off myself/vs dealership. -Anything I should be concerned about?
Thanks so much!
submitted by mr_whit33 to Tiguan [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Left_Boot7084 Kick off about to start
Kick off between liv mod em and Brit about to start
submitted by Left_Boot7084 to britniejlockyersnark [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 SMOLLbread What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by SMOLLbread to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 PresentationVast9910 Show an older bud the eslut or pornstar you can't stop shooting your alpha or beta cum for. Kik ds18621
submitted by PresentationVast9910 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 afriendlyhumanbean Unpopular opinion? Some design tests aren't so bad.
Disclaimer: I agree that any unpaid work over 1.5-2 hours is borderline criminal.
I just had a one-hour design test, and I actually enjoyed it. I think they're a reasonable request from an employer as long as their expectations are fair.
I had to design an app screen for one of their target markets. I decided to focus on one main feature, and designed a UI for that screen. I used their brand colours, typography and style from their website, sourced their logo as svg, and designed an app screen. I spent another hour on the project afterward to expand on some ideas.
I've also had a design test that took me 6-7 hours, hated that one.
Keen to hear your thoughts.
submitted by afriendlyhumanbean to UXDesign [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 SaucyyMommyy Aging like fine wine… anyone want a glass?
submitted by SaucyyMommyy to reallygorgeous [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 etnomalex Angry Orange Black Friday 2024 Offers
Check out the link for Angry Orange Black Friday 2024 Offers. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by etnomalex to AcmeDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 gryffondurime Different stages, different pains?
I'm on week 6 of trying to pass a 3.4mm stone from my left kidney. This is #3 for me, but the first one passed quick and relatively easily, while the second was big enough that I just got a lithotripsy. So this is my first time with the deep hurting of trying to pass one that refuses to cooperate.
Has anyone else had the experience of just...the pain changing entirely, multiple times? First few days were the usual waves of colic, but then it quieted down to just occassional weird twinges. CT showed it was still in the junction so the theory was that it just kept popping in and out like an angry hokey-pokey.
Flash forward to a few days ago and now we've moved on to a very different feeling: Sharp, constant, and more towards the front--like, almost towards the waist, sometimes radiating to the groin. I can find comfortable positions, especially with ibuprofin and a heating pad, but if I move in a way that stretches or compresses that point, it's an instant 8/10.
I thought for a minute that it might just be some severe constipation (thanks, zofran) but I got things moving there and it hasn't really changed anything about the pain. Anyone else had a stage like this? Is it something I should be worried about?
Frankly, I'll take the pain if it means that the stone is finally committing to actually passing--the worst part has been the utter lack of progress.
submitted by gryffondurime to KidneyStones [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Joshilover69 Chanyota
submitted by Joshilover69 to WrestleWithTheJoshis2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 Desparqle New GTS from 01/23 and potential problems
Hello all,
I 've found in a shop a new Vespa GTS 300 which they have from January 2023. Do you think that it may show mechanical problems since it is stored there for two years, even if it is new? Would you buy it?
submitted by Desparqle to Vespa [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Otherwise-Tip-2478 Rapporto con i genitori complesso
Ciao a tutti,
Sono un M33 anni e vorrei condividere un problema con i miei genitori, sperando di ricevere qualche consiglio.
Sono fidanzato da quasi un anno con una ragazza che amo molto. Quando lei è presente, i miei la accolgono cordialmente, ma quando siamo soli iniziano a fare commenti che mi fanno sentire a disagio. Per esempio, mi dicono che non dovremmo abbracciarci o baciarci in pubblico, oppure iniziano a criticare il mio stile di vita.
Un esempio ricorrente riguarda il cibo: fanno caso solo alle poche volte in cui magari mangio qualcosa di più pesante e commentano che "sto ingrassando", nonostante il mio peso sia stabile. Inoltre, trovano sempre un modo per insinuare che non dovrei uscire così tanto con lei.
Non ho dubbi che i miei mi vogliano bene, mi hanno sempre aiutato quando ero in difficoltà, ma il problema di fondo che vi ho descritto c'è sempre stato.
Questa dinamica mi fa sentire oppresso. Non ricevo mai un giudizio positivo da parte loro, solo critiche. Non credo lo facciano con cattiveria, ma sembra che agiscano sempre indirettamente, facendomi pesare le cose senza mai affrontarle apertamente.
Quando tento di affrontare il discorso con loro, ad esempio, loro dicono sempre "Non ho mai detto questo", ma non affrontano il problema e non mi dicono chiaramente cosa non va.
Ho provato a mettere dei paletti e a far valere il mio punto di vista, ma ogni volta si offendono e arrivano persino a minacciare di non parlarmi più. Per difendermi cerco di farmi scivolare addosso i loro commenti, ma sento che questo ha deteriorato il rapporto tra noi.
Non so più come comportarmi: da un lato vorrei proteggere la mia serenità, dall'altro mi dispiace che il legame con i miei si stia incrinando. Avete mai vissuto una situazione simile? Come avete gestito un rapporto difficile con i genitori?
Grazie a chiunque vorrà rispondere.
submitted by Otherwise-Tip-2478 to psicologia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 aczemdone Shoe Dazzle Black Friday 2024 Offers
Visit this page for Shoe Dazzle Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by aczemdone to SuddenDaily [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Kay-San-TheNorthStar Time hasn't been too forgiving, eh Commander Morrison?
submitted by Kay-San-TheNorthStar to Overwatch_Memes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 rixtomegap Intermix Black Friday 2024 Offers
Visit this page for Intermix Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by rixtomegap to NowNewsNow [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Short-Flow-9588 Prescription required?
I was diagnosed with OSA years ago (2010?) and tried a CPAP. I didn’t stick with it and have been sleeping on my stomach since. I had knee replacement yesterday and can’t do that now. I had an at home sleep study last week, but apparently slept on my stomach most of the night and the OSA was not reconfirmed. Last night was pretty sleepless due to OSA waking me constantly. I would by a machine if possible without a doctor prescription for insurance. Is that possible, or a dumb idea regardless? Seems like modern machines adapt to your patterns.
submitted by Short-Flow-9588 to CPAP [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 MotivatedOverthinker Drake the type to get completely obliterated leaving only his shoes as evidence
submitted by MotivatedOverthinker to DrakeTheType [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Dommrade_lieman How much worth does a control fruit have?
Like what fruit can I get if I trade my control
submitted by Dommrade_lieman to bloxfruits [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 _FVCK_Y0U_ Ya vine a quemar el meme 🦧🤙
submitted by _FVCK_Y0U_ to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 Joseph021 At what % should I charge my phone at
I recently got an iPhone 15 base model. And as an android user my whole life I am new, though familiar, with the charging mechanics that iPhone users do in order to preserve its battery life. I know that the best percentages to charge an iPhone is at 20%-80%, preventing it from reaching 100%. The problem I have right now is that I don't know if I should strictly charge it at 20% or is it okay to charge it around 20%-40%. Any suggestions or opinions would be great. Thank you!
submitted by Joseph021 to iphone15 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 pencils-and-pens Silliness
submitted by pencils-and-pens to podengo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 l_Anonymous__l Pep spotted after last night
submitted by l_Anonymous__l to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 andrzejtg Noelle Easton
submitted by andrzejtg to TastefulPornstars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 Plus_Excitement_6355 The Triumvirate: Triversed [Modded] {1.19.2} {Java} {13+}
DM me on Reddit, or add crosby on discord if you want an invite or if you have any questions!
Welcome to Triversed: Wizards Thunder! Fight dragons, create elaborate machines, crawl dungeons, cast spells, we have mods for everyone's preferences!
Party up and collaborate with other players to tackle all kinds of different mods together and share your expertise! Alternatively you can run solo and make your own way. Triumvirate is a tight-knit network with many dedicated players who come from all sorts of backgrounds such as bedrock, modded and java.
We have 80+ mods and if you're ever stuck with them we have the whole team that have meticulously configured these mods to help you!
FAQ Whats the theme of this modpack? Fantasy! More specifically magic, steampunk and mythology. Whats the difficulty like? Pretty easy to learn, hard to master. Whats the download process like? We have a modpack on curseforge, its pretty much just plug and play! What are the rules regarding griefing? We have claims, anything made outside of your claim can be griefed. Can my ___ gpu run this? One of our admins is getting 45fps on literal junk with 1 render distance. Discord: https://discord.gg/HRJpqWSQ7d
submitted by Plus_Excitement_6355 to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]