Malta locals

2024.11.27 13:50 NigelsOstrich Malta locals

We are on holiday for a week and have really enjoyed our time in Malta but one thing is nagging us both. The locals seem to be really off with us everywhere we go.
It’s mainly the older locals, do they not like tourists?
Has anyone else had this experience? We are English and have been respectful as we can be.
This is the only thing that’s put me off going back.
submitted by NigelsOstrich to malta [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 SignificanceLow3239 Dana/Carrie story arcs

I used to be as annoyed as the rest of you of all the time spent on the Brody family in S3 but on this (5th??) rewatch I realized how similar Carrie and Dana’s story arcs are.

  1. In this season everyone is calling them crazy and diminishing their valid arguments. Even to the point of hospitalization, no doubt Dana needs help but honestly, the incompetence of the therapist and doctor 🤦 I ’ve been there myself, and please don’t judge, but telling an unpopular truth there is very often seen as a proof of being crazy, “look, there she goes again”.
  2. In season 1-2 they’re both the only ones who get Brody, see through his web of lies, not always getting it right but every time they know when something is of
submitted by SignificanceLow3239 to homeland [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Jahannsan Goldmünze 10 Rubel aus dem Russischen-Zarenreich

Goldmünze 10 Rubel aus dem Russischen-Zarenreich Die Geschichte dazu: Meine Vorfahren haben im Kaukasus gelebt und wurden im Zweiten Weltkrieg deportiert. Davor haben sie allen Ihren Besitz vergraben und ein viele Jahre später hat mein Opa noch ein paar Schätze ausgraben können und das war mein Anteil. Ich hoffe es ist für euch eine interessante Münze. Würde die natürlich niemals verkaufen.
submitted by Jahannsan to Muenzen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 bedbooster Schöffe schaut aufs Handy – Prozess in Stuttgart muss neu aufgerollt werden.

Schöffe schaut aufs Handy – Prozess in Stuttgart muss neu aufgerollt werden. submitted by bedbooster to de [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Opiumvieux TIER LIST BENZOS (RC ET PHARMA)

S : etizolam A : Valium, rohypnol, triazolam, bromazolam B : Xanax, rivotryl C : seresta D : Lexomil, prazepam
J'en ai oublié plein car je prends trop de benzodiazépines...
Donnez votre classement
submitted by Opiumvieux to benzosfr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Other-Shower9869 Gay and perving over straight lads on session

Session: 05b4867fb61f1b0ee1d4d509dd88050e1c03e667e82f4d5e404df520002b86e942
submitted by Other-Shower9869 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Bitter_Birthday_1364 Missed 2 calls from Pip maximus and called them back.. Now i'm stressed out

So i missed a call and today another which i answeres and it went dead.. i called them back to be told they tried to do a paper based but instead passed it for a full phone assesment next week.. i've been waiting 14 months for this review and i am on enhanced both which i could now lose just before xmas because i missed a call.. all it takes is a bad assesor and im screwed. My mental health is destroyed and its just my luck for this to happen. Why not send a text telling me they will call and what for if they wanted to avoid an assesment? And why if the call goes dead not call back, they just want to cause as much stress and harm as possible.
submitted by Bitter_Birthday_1364 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 pandit_memes Literally me

Literally me submitted by pandit_memes to DesiVideoMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Longjumping-Knee-648 Regrets

Regrets You ever took a screenshot and wished you played the HUD turned off that day...
submitted by Longjumping-Knee-648 to MHRise [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Key-Guess5898 Eres la novia de mi hermano y vamos de viaje toda la familia, me acabas calentando y tenemos que hacerlo sin que nos pillen. Empieza MD directamente con el rol

submitted by Key-Guess5898 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 anuragchak #HEARTBREAKING - OLD WINO GOES DOWN AGAIN

#HEARTBREAKING - OLD WINO GOES DOWN AGAIN submitted by anuragchak to RedLetterMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 OkBand4025 Men’s room observation

I recently retired. For those many years past while working I didn’t have time to use a public restroom like restaurants, parks, gym. It was home or at work with same men in the same restroom. Something alarming I now see is young men, 20’s, 30’s having difficulty peeing at the urinal. This was or still is an old man problem but 30, 40 years ago at their age it wasn’t a problem. Young men - stop eating the industrial seed oils, corn syrup including fructose as an additive, fruit juices and processed flour!
submitted by OkBand4025 to StopEatingSeedOils [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Beneficial-Ad5564 Mlecni restoran, kao takav?

Ne verujem da to danas postoji, ali krajem 80tih i ranih 90tih, bilo je nekih "restorana" tj. objekata brze hrane, koji su su zvali "Mlecnim restoranima", mada sa mlekom nisu imali nikakve veze. Nije bilo rostilja, neki tostevi, vocne salate, sladoledi itd. Pitanje, u cemu je stos sa nazivom?
submitted by Beneficial-Ad5564 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 ChrisWGault We Went on an Epic 34 Mile Urban Hike Around Manhattan, New York City!

We Went on an Epic 34 Mile Urban Hike Around Manhattan, New York City! submitted by ChrisWGault to HealthyLivingwChrisG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Klep3 241127 Karina Instagram Update 2

241127 Karina Instagram Update 2 submitted by Klep3 to Aespa [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Difficult_Round7798 Are dominate gloves as good as an HoH or an A2000?

submitted by Difficult_Round7798 to BaseballGloves [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 feast_of_remains Help with my quaker

Help with my quaker Alright let me start by saying I had (and still have, really) no experience with keeping any kind of bird before I got Solis, my quaker parrot, and by apologize in advance for my English as it's not my first language.
Initially I was looking for a green-cheeked conure, but after realizing there were no breeders/shops selling them in my area, I asked the breeder I thought the most trustworthy for advice on any other neophyte-friendly species I could look into, and he pointed me to this lovely little demon.
I was pretty excited at the moment, seeing how I've been waiting a bit before actually purchasing a parrot, and asked any questions that came to my mind except for how old she might be, but she looks to be relatively young.
Anyways, I bought her and immediately noticed how she looked pretty spooked by the guy picking her up and putting her in a small cardboard box, but I didn't think about it too much seeing as it seemed an appropriately natural reaction to something like that. I brought her home and made sure to leave her in her cage (which I had previously showed the seller to make sure it would be appropriate, and he reassured me it seemed to be) for the night, letting her settle down a bit. Her cage is in my room, and I thought it best not to cover it entirely for the first couple nights so she could watch me and start to understand I wouldn't hurt her.
She was obviously scared of me at first, but quickly stopped trying to hide and/or flee any time she saw me and has since grownto be pretty chill around me most of the time. It's been two weeks now and I have some questions I'd like to share:
-Is it normal for her to bite this much? Literally every time she's resting on my arm/hand/shoulder or eats from my hand, I'll have to let her down after a while cause she'll immediately start biting me hard. She does have lots of toys both in and outside her cage, she enjoys destroying them, but she'll still bite me any time she can.
-I noticed she looks a bit different than most quakers I see online, seeing as she only puffs up when she's sleepy and looks pretty "sleek" most of the time. Also, the feathers around her neck seem to be a little worse well-kept as the rest (I'll probably put a picture cause my English isn't nearly as good as it'd need to be for me to effectively describe it lol).
-Lastly, I thought her a couple tricks like flying to me when I tell her to and shaking my finger with her little hand (or foot, I guess), she seems to be getting pretty attached to me and will scream as loud as she can as soon as I exit the room (she just started following me around the house yesterday, she wouldn't leave my room before that) but there's no way she'll let me pet her. I've been trying but she just keeps biting me as soon as my finger gets close to any part of her body.
These are my main concerns/questions, thanks to anybody who might take their time and reply<3
submitted by feast_of_remains to parrots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 thatswiftiegirl I haven’t gotten an email. I already have a writing sample on file

submitted by thatswiftiegirl to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Angeldust7678 Scusa Ric ma è un ottimo riassunto

Scusa Ric ma è un ottimo riassunto submitted by Angeldust7678 to RichardHTTSubmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 AndreaNewsHub When the anti-basins pollute drinking water: the aquatic farce of Poitou (orig.: Quand les antibassines polluent l’eau potable : la farce aquatique du Poitou) #WORLDNEWS #the #When #anti-basins #drinking #pollute

When the anti-basins pollute drinking water: the aquatic farce of Poitou (orig.: Quand les antibassines polluent l’eau potable : la farce aquatique du Poitou) #WORLDNEWS #the #When #anti-basins #drinking #pollute submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 zuiseu Wer kandidiert: Haldenwang oder Altunok? – Die Wuppertaler CDU und der alte weiße Mann

Wer kandidiert: Haldenwang oder Altunok? – Die Wuppertaler CDU und der alte weiße Mann submitted by zuiseu to DEvier [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Business_Tomato7252 Kacey Musgraves

Kacey Musgraves I wonder if her feet are ticklish ?
submitted by Business_Tomato7252 to CelebrityFeet [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 Soft-Caramel-4448 Etsy not following their own policy now my shop is in danger of being closed down. HELP!

I’ve had an Etsy shop for the last 4 years that has a very high star rating and has never had any violations or issues with listings. I make everything by hand and I make it well.
In the last four months or so, Etsy has removed a good majority of my listings as “not following etsy creativity standards” or “copyright infringement” for some of my painted pieces. The problem is, not everything was taken down that are similar or same items. For example, I cast rings and pins from metal. The rings were taken down for “creativity standards” but the pins that were made and finished the same way weren’t. I had made frames from wood and painted them a name brand blue and they were taken down, (“copyright infringement”) but a vintage mirror I painted in the same blue (using the same text description as the frames) was not. I’m extremely confused as to why they pick and choose what to take down and what can stay.
In addition, all the photos of the items are photos I’ve taken myself in my studio.
According to etsy’s policies, casting and making your own jewelry falls into the category of handmade. I don’t understand what I did wrong here. As far as the “copyright” issue, if I’m explaining the brand name color and where I sourced the paint from, how did I mess up there? And if I did something wrong, why weren’t all the listings for those painted objects removed?
To add insult to injury, since a large majority of my products were removed in the last four months, I’ve lost my ability to earn seller badges and I’m on my last strike. I was informed that any further violations will cause them to remove my shop permanently. That shop is my main income right now and will literally ruin me financially if I lose it.
I opened up cases with Etsy about these issues with their incorrect assumptions about my work, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. I’m terrified of losing it all, is there anything I can do or am I SOL on fighting against the Etsy overlords?
submitted by Soft-Caramel-4448 to EtsyCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 DragonfruitWinter259 Disheartened

I don't want to be too snobbish..But I see very low engagement on this group. Men generally tend to say that female friendships do not bond for long?? Are we proving them right?
I am not even sure the 37 in this community is comprising all women, I don't know if some are men here too.
Despite multiple requests for meetups, have not seen any success.. just want to know are we too busy or something to bond up?
Just creating a community is easy, but building one over time is just like investing in a relationship. You never know kab kaun achche dost ban jae and life can get better.
I am speaking from a women mental health point of view.
If this post irks you Zara sa bhi, would request you to please engage on a discussion.
submitted by DragonfruitWinter259 to TwoXJamshedpur [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:50 clumsykiki What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by clumsykiki to Pixelary [link] [comments]