🤔🤔🤔 Orb Hovering Over Tarmac - Airport UAP sighting - Uploaded by Captain 25th Nov 2024

2024.11.27 16:37 RainbowAl-PE 🤔🤔🤔 Orb Hovering Over Tarmac - Airport UAP sighting - Uploaded by Captain 25th Nov 2024

submitted by RainbowAl-PE to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Demonpearlz Sleeve doodles

Sleeve doodles Was told to write love notes on the sleeves and I had a bit of fun. This was as many as i could do in like 10 mins between DTO orders. Drawing dumb little cats is my fav lol
submitted by Demonpearlz to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Marceleleco Quero começar a jogar. Onde achar grupos pacientes com novatos?

Como disse no título, queria começar a jogar RPG de mesa, mas sempre achei meio complicado achar grupos na minha cidade, mas vi um vídeo recentemente explicando que tá cada vez mais normal jogarem online via discord, Skype, etc.
Aí deu vontade de começar pra valer, mas tô com algumas dúvidas.
1 - Onde eu acho grupos online que sejam pacientes para explicar as mecânicas básicas? Já joguei video game rpg mas imagino que tenha diferença.
2 - Preciso comprar alguma coisa tipo livros de rpg? Livros de magia? Livros de monstro? Alguma coisa por mais básica que seja?
submitted by Marceleleco to rpg_brasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 elead1 Ladiiscorpio Video 1080p

Ladiiscorpio Video Complete 1080p HD Stunning and Provocative
Video of Ladiiscorpio: https://giuluaphongdo.com/ladiiscorpio-video/
submitted by elead1 to elead1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Complete_Recover9094 Continent Layout

Continent Layout So, I almost have every monster I could have on the continent (except a few Seasonals and Buzzinga but I have them in my nursery and I’m waiting of my castle to upgrade) and I’m conflicted on this layout. Any suggestions on how to make this better, or is it ok the way it is?
submitted by Complete_Recover9094 to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Professional-Let9752 Fantasy Football Thanksgiving Edition Start and Sit Advice: Get Patrick Mahomes and Rico Dowdle in your Lineup

submitted by Professional-Let9752 to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 acmemx [RESTOCK] Troye Sivan — Something To Give Each Other [Black Vinyl + Signed Postcard]

[RESTOCK] Troye Sivan — Something To Give Each Other [Black Vinyl + Signed Postcard] submitted by acmemx to SignedAlbums [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 AnnaKarenikitten Teen heartthrob, Matt Dillon

Teen heartthrob, Matt Dillon submitted by AnnaKarenikitten to rs_x [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Loose-Beat478 What happens after you reach 500 fast completions on the Pro plan? Do you need to wait until the next month to use premium models like Sonnet again?

submitted by Loose-Beat478 to cursor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Desire_Z Govee Rope Desk vs Rope Light 2 for murals ?

Govee RGBIC Neon Rope Light 2 Govee RGBIC Neon Rope for Desk
What are the differences between these two products?
I’m planning to buy one for use with Corsair’s iCUE Murals feature. Since I’ll be attaching it around the edges of my desk, I originally considered the Govee RGBIC Neon Rope for Desk. However, I have some questions:
In the Murals setting menu, does the Govee RGBIC Neon Rope for Desk treat the entire 5m LED strip as a single, continuous straight LED strip? Or is it possible to use it as four separate LED strips for the four corners of the desk?
If it’s treated as one straight LED strip, I feel the Murals settings might look awkward. Also, when comparing the 5m size, the Rope Light 2 is slightly cheaper, so I’m considering choosing the Rope Light 2 instead.
submitted by Desire_Z to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 B_POT_MHE_XBOCT Лайфхак. Не благодарите.

Лайфхак. Не благодарите. submitted by B_POT_MHE_XBOCT to Pikabu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 skrrrt85 D(issociating) Lovato

submitted by skrrrt85 to popheadscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 atmaca35 Just a Guy with $1: A Pepe, a Dream, and the Power of Simplicity

In the bustling intersection of memes and cryptocurrency, where fortunes rise and fall faster than you can say “to the moon,” one figure stands out—not for his grandeur, but for his simplicity. Meet “Just a Guy with $1”, a humble Pepe clutching a single dollar bill, embodying the essence of relatability, humor, and the belief that even the smallest gestures can create waves.
The Spirit of $1
What’s the story behind this lone dollar? It’s not about wealth or status—it’s about the vibe. “Just a Guy with $1” reminds us that the crypto world isn’t just for whales or high rollers; it’s a space for everyone, even the guy with just a buck to his name. He’s a testament to the idea that greatness often starts small and that dreams aren’t measured by the size of your wallet, but by the size of your vision.
Why $1 Matters

  1. Simplicity at Its Finest: In a sea of over-complicated projects and high-entry barriers, “Just a Guy with $1” is a breath of fresh air. No gimmicks—just Pepe, a dollar, and a dream.
  2. Relatable to All: Whether you’re a seasoned degen or new to the crypto space, the message is universal: sometimes, it’s not about the destination, but the journey.
  3. Community Vibes: At its core, this project isn’t just about holding a token. It’s about being part of a movement that celebrates humor, humility, and the collective power of small actions.
The Call to Action
Whether you’re here for the laughs, the sense of belonging, or the slim chance of making history, “Just a Guy with $1” invites you to join in. The mission is simple: be the guy, hold the dollar, and enjoy the ride.
In a world where crypto often takes itself too seriously, this project is a reminder that the greatest revolutions sometimes start with the smallest sparks. So, what are you waiting for? Pepe’s already holding his dollar—now it’s your turn.
Join the journey. Embrace the vibe.
submitted by atmaca35 to DailyCryptos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Poor_Hamilton 与时俱进 Keep pace with the times

与时俱进 Keep pace with the times submitted by Poor_Hamilton to polandballchinese [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Similar-Lake-2903 This is annoying! I moved out of CA, but am still getting a summons.

So the title pretty much says it all. I moved 2 years ago out of state, got my ID in my new state, they punched a hole and voided my CA ID, and I haven't stepped foot in CA for over a year. And yet, I got a jury summons. I called up the office, and the lady told me to let the DMV know I no longer lived in CA, because they think I do. I said, well I've already got my new ID, address, and have let them know. I was a minor when I moved out and my parents had already submitted a change of address. She said "well, fill out one for you" and hung up.
What??? What form?? Can anyone help me here because I am getting conflicting answers online and I am so confused. This is ridiculous. You would think getting a damn ID in a new state, registering my car in a new state, and getting a new address AND enrolling in college in a new state would let them know that maaaybe I don't live in california anymore. I think I am too frustrated right now to think straight, it hasn't been a good day. Anyone who can help would be appreciated.
submitted by Similar-Lake-2903 to juryduty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Far-Beat-5489 Mega Altaria 866238849493. 2 local

submitted by Far-Beat-5489 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Content-Paint-609 Can I wear my old trays when drinking anything that isn’t water?

Since getting Invisalign it’s been much harder for me to enjoy drinking anything that isn’t water. I’m the person who buys a drink at the beginning of the day and drinks it throughout the day. Even if I don’t drink it for the whole day, it’ll take me at least two hours or so to drink it. Can I wear my old trays when I’m actively sipping on something and put my regular ones back on when I’m done or am I just destined to not enjoy any of my drinks until I’m done with my treatment?
submitted by Content-Paint-609 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Misaka7_ Pardaviau automobili, pirkÄ—jas sako pasiimti atgal ir taisyti varikli, kaip elgtis toliau, kad nelikti apgautam?

Aš esu automobilio pardavėjas ir pateikiau visus žinomus defektus/trukumus, pirkėjas prieš pirkimą netikrino autoservise o tik pravažiavo keliu kelias minutes. Automobilis tuo metu buvo praeitas su nauja technine apžiura.
Po pardavimo praėjus 1 savaitei pirkėjas praneše, kad meistrai rado vidutiniu defektu ir žodžiu sutarem, kad padengsiu puse remonto kainos t.y 250eur. Pervedžiau 50eur. minėjo atsius čekį/sąsk ir ką tiksliai remontavo. Praėjus beveik 1.5 mėn negavau sąsk/remonto darbų dar. Ir šiandien parašė, kad yra variklio gedimų, ir kad turėsiu paimti automobilį ir sutaisyti. Paprašiau plačiau papasakoti raštu kas tiksliai įvyko. Patikslinimo dar negavau.
Galite patirti, pirma tokia situacija, nenusimanau automobiliuose visiškai, taip pat ir teisiniuose dalykuose.
submitted by Misaka7_ to lietuva [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 atmaca35 Just a Guy with $1: A Pepe, a Dream, and the Power of Simplicity

In the bustling intersection of memes and cryptocurrency, where fortunes rise and fall faster than you can say “to the moon,” one figure stands out—not for his grandeur, but for his simplicity. Meet “Just a Guy with $1”, a humble Pepe clutching a single dollar bill, embodying the essence of relatability, humor, and the belief that even the smallest gestures can create waves.
The Spirit of $1
What’s the story behind this lone dollar? It’s not about wealth or status—it’s about the vibe. “Just a Guy with $1” reminds us that the crypto world isn’t just for whales or high rollers; it’s a space for everyone, even the guy with just a buck to his name. He’s a testament to the idea that greatness often starts small and that dreams aren’t measured by the size of your wallet, but by the size of your vision.
Why $1 Matters

  1. Simplicity at Its Finest: In a sea of over-complicated projects and high-entry barriers, “Just a Guy with $1” is a breath of fresh air. No gimmicks—just Pepe, a dollar, and a dream.
  2. Relatable to All: Whether you’re a seasoned degen or new to the crypto space, the message is universal: sometimes, it’s not about the destination, but the journey.
  3. Community Vibes: At its core, this project isn’t just about holding a token. It’s about being part of a movement that celebrates humor, humility, and the collective power of small actions.
The Call to Action
Whether you’re here for the laughs, the sense of belonging, or the slim chance of making history, “Just a Guy with $1” invites you to join in. The mission is simple: be the guy, hold the dollar, and enjoy the ride.
In a world where crypto often takes itself too seriously, this project is a reminder that the greatest revolutions sometimes start with the smallest sparks. So, what are you waiting for? Pepe’s already holding his dollar—now it’s your turn.
Join the journey. Embrace the vibe.
submitted by atmaca35 to ICOcryptos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 MRhuilailee What legend should i go for?

What legend should i go for? I have some epic fuse and im thinking about what i should upgrade. What do yall think? Should i get my first 3 star legend or spread it across the board?
submitted by MRhuilailee to TopDrives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Im_An_Ash_Main_Trash Any guesses as to what this is?

Any guesses as to what this is? submitted by Im_An_Ash_Main_Trash to Novritsch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Original-Film-3711 I'm tired of shooters and medics experiencing mental breaks during combat or healing by the end of it

Like mate the fuck you mean youre gonna stay in your bloody room for the whole day? Weve got centipedes to wreck and wounds to tend to, we dont need this shit right now, you can do it when you finish your fucking job. Is there a mod that gives mood buffs when things went south to prevent mental breaks from occuring?
submitted by Original-Film-3711 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 habs200 Be kind to yourself

It's important to be reminded that what you just did is hard. It's hard mentally and emotionally. You studied for months on end only to wait 3 weeks for a score, all while combatting the anxiety of admissions and the progression of life.
When you're in the thick of it, you don't give yourself credit for how tough that is. But there's always a carrot to chase, whether it's your LSAT score, your written essays, your law school grades, job opportunities, etc... Give yourself grace if you got bad news this morning. It will help you now and build positive coping skills for later in life. The pressure didn't magically go away for me when I got a 179 after four tries, and it probably won't for most people.
If you are considering taking another go at it and want to look into tutoring, DM me and we can try to work something out. I've been on the receiving end of bad news on score release and would love to help you get to the other side.
submitted by habs200 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 CarelessFun4685 [QC] Today's delivery real shot Whats App +44 739443698

[QC] Today's delivery real shot Whats App +44 739443698 submitted by CarelessFun4685 to Weidian [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:37 Technicxxxx Minecraft but I have to survive The Sculk Horde!

Minecraft but I have to survive The Sculk Horde! submitted by Technicxxxx to selfpromotion [link] [comments]
