WOT Marks of Excellence Detailed Stats Analysis. Ran this using a Python code pulling player Mark of Excellence data from the official API for all 3 servers

2024.11.27 14:19 Large_Cantaloupe8905 WOT Marks of Excellence Detailed Stats Analysis. Ran this using a Python code pulling player Mark of Excellence data from the official API for all 3 servers

WOT Marks of Excellence Detailed Stats Analysis. Ran this using a Python code pulling player Mark of Excellence data from the official API for all 3 servers Observations: - Figure 1: This graph illustrates that, on average, it takes players longer to earn their first Third Mark of Excellence, this makes sense since it requires more skill so a longer learning period. Also interesting to note, based on the difference in battle between the second mark and third mark it seems it takes greater then triple the time to improve to a third mark level, once achieving a second mark level. The shape of the graph also suggests that regardless of how much a player grinds, only about 30% of the player base has the talent required to achieve a third mark.
  • Figures 2 to 4: These figures reveal that a larger fraction of players earn marks at higher tiers compared to lower tiers. This could be due to fewer less-skilled players at the higher tiers. Additionally, light tanks appear easier to mark, likely because the skill gap between good and bad light tank players is more pronounced.
  • Players from the SEA server seem more passionate about playing their tanks then NA, as a higher percentage of them have earned at least one Mark of Excellence.
  • NA players, however, are the most likely to achieve three marks on their tanks at tier 10. -Note since EU players with 10k+ battles are looked at only, it is possible that the EU mark ratios are slightly higher then in reality. Because i assume there are a greater fraction of players with less then 10k battles that own but have not marked tanks.
Notes: for EU server I'm only looking at players with over 10k battles, because there is so much player data that it kept crashing my pc when running the api data puller.
Prior Posts -Playerbase Size Analysis -Battles Played vs Win Rate Analysis -Win Rate Percentage Analysis
I was asked this a lot on the last post, but soon I will finally compare average win rate vs battles played by tier.
Let me know if there is any other data/studies trends that could be interesting regarding marks of excellence and I may add them. I think battles to earn first mark by tier would be interesting
submitted by Large_Cantaloupe8905 to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]

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