21 M, Guysss really need your advice !!

2024.11.27 14:20 Downtown-Molasses790 21 M, Guysss really need your advice !!

21 M, Guysss really need your advice !! I wear a turban its part of my religion so i hope you’ll be respectful about that. I really feel bad about my dark color skin cuz its always seen as less attractive
submitted by Downtown-Molasses790 to Howtolooksmax [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Hot_Dragonfruit_1412 How do you stop impulse buying??

submitted by Hot_Dragonfruit_1412 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Menket Rate my build

Rate my build Best build I managed to build in my playtime
submitted by Menket to BackpackBrawl [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 F4ll3nKn1ght- Thoughts on the direction of balance patches?

I was SUCH a fan of the balance patches previously. Omeda was always a little timid with nerfs, but I had always thought they were really feeling the pulse of the community and balancing in the right direction based off of what I was also experiencing.
Quick example: Sparrow was totally busted after the 6 item patch. Everyone was talking about it, but Kira was also broken IMO and flying under the radar. No one talked about it, but Omeda caught it and slapped some nerfs on her too.
Fast forward to the last few patches? Different story. Argus, Fey, Countess, and Murdock and Drongo have been running over my games and they have not been touched. Some of these characters were actually BUFFED, which nerfs coming mainly to TB and Wraith. I get that top end balancing is important, but most players aren’t top players so some of these patches have been questionable to me.
Anyway, enough of my ranting. What do you guys think of the last few balance patches and the overall direction of balancing?
submitted by F4ll3nKn1ght- to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Tough_Recording3703 Decreased anger

I’m on 75mg. I am SHOCKED at how much less irritable and angry I feel on this medication. A big trigger for me has always been walking both of my dogs on leash at the same time especially when they pull in opposite directions to sniff things. Today they were doing just that and I bent down to pick up my dogs poop, dropped my phone out of my pocket (fortunately not in the poop) and dropped the roll of dog poop bags which unraveled (all dog owners know this pain) and all I did in response was sigh. ALL I DID WAS SIGH. I had no impulsive all consuming anger and rage where I would’ve normally started huffing, puffing, getting hot all over and cursing at life in general. This is just one example but I am shocked at how treating my depression has significantly decreased the frequency and intensity of my anger. I am so grateful for this medication. Just wanted to share.
submitted by Tough_Recording3703 to Effexor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 sataninmysoul Some more satanic pottery

Some more satanic pottery For my upcoming christmas market, sad to see them go,, came out better than expected. For scale they hold about 650ml
submitted by sataninmysoul to satanism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 lemuria1503 Wie am effektivsten noch etwas aus altem Job heraus holen?

Hallo Schwarmwissen,
folgende Situation ist bei unserem großen Sohn:
er hat im Sommer als Koch ausgelernt und danach weiter im selben Restaurant fest angestellt gearbeitet. Nach der Übernahme wurde es aber richtig asozial. Es gab enorme Streitigkeiten mit anderen Angestellten, da sie der Meinung sind, alles besser zu wissen, es sind Streitigkeiten mit einem Mitarbeiter, der schon blau zum Dienst kommt (was alle wissen), die Chefin verspricht immer das blaue vom Himmel, aber gehalten wird sich nicht dran. Mobbing wird mit einer Handbewegung abgetan, meist mit den Worten "klären wir später" - was aber nie der Fall ist. Lieber wird dem Alkoholiker oder den Störenfrieden alles in den Arsch gesteckt (sry für die Wortwahl), als den motivierten Mitarbeitern.
Meinem Sohn wurde es nach einem Zwischenfall mit einer Aushilfskraft zu bunt und da die Chefin wieder alles abgewunken hat, meldete er sich für den Folgetag krank und reichte auch die fristgerechte Kündigung zum 31.12.24 ein. Für den fehlenden Tag war er beim Arzt, der ihn gleich bis 12.12. krank geschrieben hat. Als das der Chefin mitgeteilt wurde, wurde unser Sohn automatisch aus der WA-Gruppe geschmissen, etc pp.
Heute gab es einen Anruf bei der Chefin und da wurde er rund gemacht. Auf Nachfrage, warum er nicht mehr in der WA-Gruppe ist, kam nur, er habe ja zum 31.12. gekündigt und würde ja eh nicht mehr kommen. Auf Nachfrage, was denn ab 13.12. ist, da ja die Krankschreibung da endet, kam nichts.
Nun die Frage:
Gibt es irgendwie eine Möglichkeit, dass unser Sohn außer dem Lohn für Dezember noch andere Aufwendungen bekommen kann? Denn nach dem Telefonat möchte er seine Chefin bluten lassen.
Wir dachten schon daran, dass er vllt am Telefon erwähnt, ab dem 13.12. weiter krank zu feiern, sprich es zu provozieren, eine fristlose Kündigung wegen Ansage von Krankheit zu kassieren und es dann mit einer Klage gegen die Kündigung und einer daraus folgenden Abfindung zu probieren. Ich als Vater finde dies zwiegespalten.
Was gäbe es noch für Möglichkeiten?
PS ein neuer Job ab dem 01.01.25 ist schon sicher. Aber in den letzten Monaten hat die Chefin soviele gute Arbeitskräfte verheizt und die, weswegen die "Neuen" gleich wieder aufhörten, bleiben weiterhin.
Sry für die Wall of Text, aber um es ein bisschen zu verstehen, musste dies sein.
submitted by lemuria1503 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Small_Pen_2193 Ickkkkkk

Ickkkkkk Why can’t he just use a knife to cut this cheese? just wash this piece he said… ew… the cheese that’s building up under that blade will mold if not properly cleaned.
Why is he man handling every piece with his pudgey probably non washed fingers?
Why is he putting the cheese so close to his mouth and then continuing to slice it?
Why did he slice so many different cheeses into one container and then seem annoyed at himself for doing so?
Running his fingers through his hair and then continuing to touch cheese.
I know he’s probably just now learning to cook but this is gross. You could NOT pay me to eat his cooking.
submitted by Small_Pen_2193 to eyedocdrew [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 AvailableCaramel7957 Great Black Friday Deal

Hi, For anyone in the UK who is a Costco Member, this is currently going for £559.99 online. That's way below the normal RRP.
submitted by AvailableCaramel7957 to djimini4pro [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 surveycircle_bot Petfood

Petfood submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle_fr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 sam7918 Pressure at 20 weeks

I’m 20 weeks and randomly I will feel a lot of pressure down there. Almost like there’s a bowling ball needing to fall out. Then, it’ll go away randomly. I’m not doing any crazy exercises or anything strenuous. I had my cervical length checked yesterday by abdominal ultrasound at anatomy scan and it was 3.7 and closed. Anyone experiencing this?
submitted by sam7918 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Friendly-Claim-1776 Hi

Hi submitted by Friendly-Claim-1776 to selfierating [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Icy-Acanthaceae-8144 Valid ba akon feelings?

Na sad gid ko kay wala gid ya gana mga ging pili ko na entourage. Lapit na akon kasal, wala gid hype or something. Dress, make up and getting ready nila kay kami na gane nag bayad. Ma attend nlng gd sila.
Daw mas supportive pa ang relatives kag workmates, and constantly asking if my need pa sila ibulig to make things super light for me.
Valid ba ni or busy lang gd kami kay adulting na gd tanan.
submitted by Icy-Acanthaceae-8144 to Iloilo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 jvc72 Buy Signal Photocure ASA - 27 nov 2024 @ 15:02 -> NOK49.00

Ticker: PHO.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 27 nov 2024 @ 15:02
Price: NOK49.00
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/PHO.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 PurifyStudios Looking for 5 to 10 people animator and scripters for developing a game PetQuest DM me for more information and payment

submitted by PurifyStudios to lua [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Pugdog33 League Recruiting Open Spots

League Recruiting Open Spots Comment or DM if interested in joining.
submitted by Pugdog33 to MaddenMobileForums [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 cypress0512 A if you read here….

  1. There was no reason to go tattle tale to your sister last night just because the chat was giving suggestions to the customer on who to open with in hopes the consultant would honor the customers request. Then turn around and do the exact same thing you tattled on. Starting drama with coworkers is not very good.
  2. When the entire chat (not us here) is telling you that you threw away a pearl just stop and take the time to look for said pearl. If you’re wrong, just admit it and move onto the next order. If you’re right, then good.
I use to actually enjoy watching your shows but somethings changed the last 6 months. Also, if any of the consultants or admins that are in here want to message me anything, my inbox is open.
submitted by cypress0512 to royallegacypearls1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 acoop09 I feel so defeated

I got a 161. I have a 3.0 gpa (bad family and life issues) and my only hope this cycle was for a 165+. This is only 4 points higher than my diagnostic and lower than any practice test I've ever taken after. Worse part is, I thought I did great. I don't know if I have it in me to take another. I don't even know if January is an option for me with how low my GPA is.
submitted by acoop09 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 aczemdone Tax Group Center Black Friday 2024 Offers

Follow this link for Tax Group Center Black Friday 2024 Offers. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by aczemdone to SuddenDaily [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 ilustwomen Vintage Tammy

Vintage Tammy submitted by ilustwomen to TamannaahFapClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 prutskneus I’m practicing FBF animation, feedback would be very appreciated 🙏

I’m practicing FBF animation, feedback would be very appreciated 🙏 I also tried different ways to reduce the amount of inbetweens, without having too much impact on the overall quality. Any feedback would be super appreciated 🙏
submitted by prutskneus to animation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 mrfilthynasty4141 Will my scheduled light cycle for my G3000 still run when im away from house off the wifi?

This is a stupid question but i just want to be sure i have it setup right before leaving the house for the night. I have my light schedule setup in the app to run 18/6. Just making sure it will still execute the schedule properly when my phone is away from the house and off the wifi.
submitted by mrfilthynasty4141 to SpiderFarmerLED [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 HingedEmu Browser as a tool for AI agents

Hi everyone, I wanted to share a recent project: https://anchorbrowser.io/
My teammates and I couldn’t find a browser solution for AI agents that met our standards for reasonable pricing, stability, flexibility, and scalability—so we decided to build one ourselves.
I’d love to hear your input and feedback, as well as any feature requests you might have!
We’re also offering a design partner program, where participants are the first to receive new features and can help shape the product roadmap. If that sounds interesting, feel free to reach out to me.
submitted by HingedEmu to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 lanartic My Journey as a Campus Ambassador for Kreo

Hey everyone! 👋
I’m currently a campus ambassador for Kreo, and I’ve been tasked with a challenge to get clicks on a specific link. It’s a dynamic QR link that tracks clicks and just directs you to an Instagram page—no sign-ups or extra steps involved.
If you’ve got a moment, please help a fella out and give it a click! Every single one counts toward my goal, and I’d totally appreciate it.
Here’s the link: https://scanqr.to/c5b15007
or u can use the qr code given below every scan or click is really helpful for my job.
Thanks a ton for reading this, and cheers to all of you awesome people! ❤️
submitted by lanartic to selfpromo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:20 Shot_Builder3697 I talked with my s1s about porn and masturbating

I talked with my s1s about porn and masturbating submitted by Shot_Builder3697 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
