PlayStation 5 Pro Console is in stock at eBay for $600.00 (+$50 shipping) (Less than MSRP)

2024.11.27 15:30 TrackaLackerBot PlayStation 5 Pro Console is in stock at eBay for $600.00 (+$50 shipping) (Less than MSRP)

View current status at
As of 11/27/24 10:30 AM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to PlayStationRestocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 MembershipResident94 Regieleki raid add me 7937 5134 9779

Regieleki raid add me 7937 5134 9779
submitted by MembershipResident94 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 anett98 Holiday nails practice

Tried to do something festive. It didn’t come out as planned (I failed at stamping of the snowflakes) but I thought I would share anyway.
submitted by anett98 to GelNails [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Racer7519 Kody's mistruths

season 19 1st episode of the season - wishes he never married Meri
season 19 10th episode - hugs, cries and claims they had something special (Meri had every right to be confused, did he think she should be crying too?)
The end of an era - ignoring meri for that last 7 years!
Someone needs to check his memory bank
Oh wait -doesn't matter because it is on film. WOW!
submitted by Racer7519 to TLCsisterwives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 TorGod69 What do you Think?

What do you Think? submitted by TorGod69 to Science_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 anarchyart2021 UK Neocon Richard Kemp Triumphant: This ceasefire is a profound blow to Iran - After a year of mauling, Tehran’s puppet is giving in. But why has Netanyahu agreed to a peace deal, when Israel has the upper hand?

submitted by anarchyart2021 to EndlessWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 JCL823 Have to drop one, who do you like better ROS?

Elijah Moore, Wan'Dale Robinson, and DeMario Douglas
submitted by JCL823 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 FakeAgentOrReal Any EV9 Winds in stock PNW

Trying to lease a EV9 Wind in Oregon before month end. Dealers around me show in stock for lead generation but when you call and talk to someone they don't have any.
submitted by FakeAgentOrReal to KiaEV9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Mike_I Inmate who surrendered gun inside Cook County jail found the weapon shortly before turning it in, source says

Inmate who surrendered gun inside Cook County jail found the weapon shortly before turning it in, source says submitted by Mike_I to CrimeInChicago [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 NigrumMortis 35 Jahre voller Schicksalsschläge – wie weiter?

Hallo zusammen,
ich möchte hier mal meine Geschichte teilen und um Rat fragen, weil ich das Gefühl habe, festzustecken. Mein Leben war bisher alles andere als einfach, und ich weiß nicht, ob es normal ist, in meinem Alter schon so viel erlebt zu haben. Ich bin 35, aber es fühlt sich an, als hätte ich ein ganzes Leben an Erfahrungen hinter mir – viele davon schmerzhaft.
2011 ist meine Tochter in meinen Armen gestorben. Es war der schlimmste Moment meines Lebens und hat mich lange verfolgt. 2014 wurde bei mir Darmkrebs diagnostiziert, der 2015 operativ entfernt wurde. Danach dachte ich, ich hätte das Schlimmste hinter mir, aber es ging weiter. Das Hochwasser im Ahrtal 2021 hat den Ort, in dem ich aufgewachsen bin und bis 2011 gelebt habe, komplett verwüstet. Ich war damals vor Ort, um zu helfen, und traf viele alte Bekannte wieder – leider waren viele von ihnen nicht mehr am Leben, und wir konnten nur noch die Leichen bergen.
Ich wurde in meinem Leben fünfmal angefahren, hatte als Kleinkind eine schwere Salmonelleninfektion, die ich mit viel Glück überlebt habe, wurde als ich 14 war mit einer Axt im Rücken ins Krankenhaus gebracht, habe mir mit 6 einen Finger abgeschnitten und mit 12 ein Knie zertrümmert (ausnahmslos Unfälle).
Jahrelang war ich von innerer Trauer kontrolliert, dachte das Leben ist mir gegenüber unfair - dann wurden daraus Hass und Wut. Es fühlte sich an, als würde mich diese Energie von innen auffressen. 2015 habe ich meine Partnerin kennengelernt, und als wir 2017 zusammengezogen sind, wurde vieles besser. Für ein paar Jahre schien es, als hätte ich wieder etwas Kontrolle über mein Leben gewonnen. Doch seit ein paar Monaten spüre ich, wie all das Alte wieder hochkommt – das Brennen, die Wut, die Energie, die ich nicht kanalisieren kann.
Ich will diese Energie nicht mehr gegen mich selbst richten, sondern sie irgendwie nutzen. Ich hatte überlegt, es mit Kampfsport zu versuchen, um sie zu kanalisieren, aber ich habe große Hemmungen, überhaupt den ersten Schritt zu machen. Zudem habe ich Angst, im „Eifer des Gefechts“ die Kontrolle zu verlieren und jemanden zu verletzen.
Glaubt ihr, dass ich für mein Alter überdurchschnittlich viel erlebt habe? Und habt ihr vielleicht Tipps, wie ich besser mit diesen Emotionen umgehen oder erste Schritte in die richtige Richtung machen kann? Ich bin offen für alle Ratschläge und wäre euch wirklich dankbar für eure Perspektiven.Was denkt ihr – ist das, was ich erlebt habe, außergewöhnlich für mein Alter?
submitted by NigrumMortis to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 solangesdurag Con Ed bill usage and bill is high

Con Ed bill usage and bill is high Hi. I am trying to understand why my usage and bill is so high.
I just moved into a one bedroom duplex a little while ago. They don’t provide the square footage but i’m assuming it’s 1,000> sqft based on my calculations.
Central AC and heating. I’ve only used it once during this billing cycle and for about 2 hours. I’m responsible for the hot water.
I’m confused about the kWh usage. This month, it was 678. This seems high to me because compared to my last apartment, I used about 500 this time last year. Is this normal for one person? It seems high considering I don’t use the ac or heating. I work from home, but I’m very conscious about conserving energy.
I also turned off my breaker for about an hour a few weeks ago. When I checked the ConEd real time usage, I saw things were still moving on the chart. My super claims that it’s just my apartment assigned to meter, but I disagree.
Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by solangesdurag to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Jolly-Ball-51 What is the equivalent of 1728x1080 resolution in 4k?

1080p = 1728 x 1080
2k = 2304 x 1440
4k = ?
submitted by Jolly-Ball-51 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Xelis_Community 🚀 Xelis Developer Playground Beta is LIVE! Explore the Xelis Virtual Machine (XVM) in a secure, interactive environment at https://playground

🚀 Xelis Developer Playground Beta is LIVE!
Explore the Xelis Virtual Machine (XVM) in a secure, interactive environment at
💻 XVM is a highly customizable VM for building smart contracts, allowing you to add functions, opcodes, and more with ease.
🌐 Learn Silex, Xelis's unique smart contract language inspired by Rust but optimized for dApps and DeFi. Intuitive, efficient, and built for blockchain innovation.
No local setup needed—write, test, and debug online! A game-changer for rapid prototyping and onboarding new talent.
Start building the future today! 🌟 #Xelis #XVM #Blockchain #DeFi #Web3 $XEL
Dive into a detailed article highlighting this next step in our ecosystem development:
submitted by Xelis_Community to xelis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Luxydutch Luxydutch

Luxydutch submitted by Luxydutch to AandachtsMevrouwen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 jennyferp I messed up/ skipped my day streak 😢

I messed up/ skipped my day streak 😢 Today was going to be ( it is) my 50th day and I was so excited to get my celebration but then I went on and edited my waking hours and it went to day 51 - it skipped my day today entirely and added a day! I’m so sad :( I really wanted to see the 50 day celebration page 😭😭😭😭😭
submitted by jennyferp to finch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Prestigious_Tutor475 ISO Rimowa large trunk or large luggage! Please let me know if you’re rehoming!

ISO Rimowa large trunk or large luggage! Please let me know if you’re rehoming! Looking for a large rimowa luggage or trunk!
submitted by Prestigious_Tutor475 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 GSB1012 [Question] Harak without Pesto in DR

I was really hoping to pull for him (specially since because of mistakes i already have a copy of him), but since i haven't built Pesto i am wondering if there are other ways to make him work. My only hypo cele so far are reiner m+ and talene s+.
submitted by GSB1012 to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Thoraxe474 Returning for last day - how do I use the fireworks?

Haven't played in ages. How do I use the fireworks they gave?
submitted by Thoraxe474 to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 sheepfiend Farm Jamz XII-XIII Released

The Sheep Fiends latest release includes material recorded at Farm Jamz 12 and 13.
submitted by sheepfiend to sheepfiends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 IllPitch6112 PH ARENA / STADIUM ACCOMODATION RECOS

Hi, looking for accommodation near the p h stadium or arena na walking distance lang sana and budget friendly. I already messaged yung sa bunk beds, pero no reply pa sila🥹
submitted by IllPitch6112 to concertsPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 bloopie1192 Never met ranni?!

Ok. So. First playthrough. Never met ranni. Bought my spirit bell from the creep twins. Didn't get the blaidd quest. Unlocked the festival and he's chilling outside.
Beat caria manor and even have been in rannis rise. She's not there!
Trying to unlock renna's rise and the rest of the ainsel river and uh... how?!?!
It seems like a large part of the story is set around ranni but ive never even seen her.
How do I progress?!
submitted by bloopie1192 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 ThrowRAexistential Verbal offer, now waiting to hear from HR?

Good morning everyone, received a verbal offer over a week ago for a compliance role however have not received any offer letter or anything on Workday or from HR. Does anyone know how long the process takes? Thanks in advance.
submitted by ThrowRAexistential to rbc [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 TheRootedCorpse My lil monster

My lil monster submitted by TheRootedCorpse to AustralianShepherd [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Turbulent-Thing3104 What do you call a fish without fins and a tail?

A one-eyed grape.
submitted by Turbulent-Thing3104 to 3amjokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Scuzmak 11/26/24: Shots Fired, Griswald Heights, East Troy

Just before 12am on Tuesday 11/26 there was a call to police for a shots fired incident at Griswald Heights in East Troy.
submitted by Scuzmak to TroyNYCrime [link] [comments]