Erst Vermietung dann Eigennutzung - Kaufnebenkosten absetzen?

2024.11.27 16:39 everdream777 Erst Vermietung dann Eigennutzung - Kaufnebenkosten absetzen?

Kleine Frage an alle Immobilienexperten.
Wenn man eine Immobilie in der Absicht kauft sie irgendwann selbst zu nutzen, sie derzeit aber noch mehrere Monate (vielleicht sogar Jahre) vermietet ist, darf man dann zusätzlich zu den 2% AfA die Makler-, Notar- und sonstigen Kaufnebenkosten (anteilig) steuerlich absetzen?
Gibt es da konkrete Fristen, die man beachten muss?
submitted by everdream777 to Immobilieninvestments [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Eastern-Skill9704 Any advice?

My parents got me a 14 week old mini recently. They thought they were attempting to help my anxiety but I’m afraid it’s only made it worse. My mini seems to be hyper aggressive even with all the attention she constantly gets (I work from home). I’m at a loss. I feel like I can’t even bond with her because she immediately will try to bite me. Even getting her out of her play pen is a hassle because she’ll do more than nip. I’ve started to get a stress rash on my arm because I’m so stressed on how to best handle the situation. I fear I’m one of those newbies that’s raising an out of control dog. How early is too early to book a consultation with a professional dog trainer???
submitted by Eastern-Skill9704 to MiniatureSchnauzer [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 RoniBoy69 [WTS] Gold Chains, Bracelets and Pendant, at melt/spot or lower.
14k Egyptian Hieroglyphic Pendant: 1.6 grams: 80$
19cm Gold Bracelet with pearls 14K 2.9 grams: 120$
Gold Bracelet with fresh water pearls around 20cm 14grams: 670$
14k Turquoise bracelet 17,5cm 3,9 grams: 180$
5.1 grams14k gold chain 50cm: 250$
5.5 grams two-tone 9 carat gold bracelet 19cm: 175$
21.4 grams solid 14k curb bracelet 20,5cm: 990€ EURO around 1050$ usd
5.7 grams hollow 14k curb chain 19,5cm: 280$
All prices are negotiable.
Shipping is free and all items ship worldwide from Finland.
Payments are done via PayPal.
submitted by RoniBoy69 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 sagerhager Purple Haze Auto

Guten Abend Zusammen,
Ich hätte mal eine Frage. Ich habe mir Purple Haze Auto Samen von Zamnesia bestellt. Auf diversen Growberichten ist jedoch immer kaum oder gar keine lilane Verfärbung der Pflanze zu sehen. Gibt es hier einige "Tricks" die man anwenden muss um die Verfärbung zu provozieren?
Von Kälte in den letzten zwei Wochen habe ich gelesen, frage ich mich jedoch nur wie das umsetzbar sein soll, da ich ja nicht zwei Wochen das Fenster offen lassen kann😅
Villeicht hat jemand von euch hier gute Erfahrungswerte!
submitted by sagerhager to Canbau [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Upbeat_Discount_8806 hat jemand geile hijabis ?

submitted by Upbeat_Discount_8806 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 chaseguy21 What is this?

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submitted by chaseguy21 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Redditor8679 Bone

Bone submitted by Redditor8679 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Thatonedude69696969 What is this build up

For as long as I can remember my scalp has always built up horrible dandruff like this and it has never truly ever gone away. I happens the longer I go without washing my hair.
Let’s say I wash my hair Sunday, my scalp already has some forming by Monday night. And it just gets worse the longer I leave it but I know you’re not supposed to wash your hair that often.
I don’t know what it is but think it could be psoriasis help me.
submitted by Thatonedude69696969 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Equivalent-Log-6362 chi pisella diverse foto avrà una ricompensa di molte foto di mie amiche

submitted by Equivalent-Log-6362 to cazzeggio [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Redwood-Lynx I'm sad it's over, but I'm glad I was here to enjoy it

Finding Hunt in 2019 was such an absolute revelation for me. I had watched Rainbox Six Seige devolve from a grounded tactical shooter to a ad-stuffed mess, and to stumble upon a game that didn't just meet the standard of R6 in its prime, but that wildly exceeded it with such a unique asethetic and tight mechanics was simply a joy. Hunt shot up my steam list to my most played title in an absurdly short period of time, eclipsing games I'd been playing for over a decade, such as GTA 5 and DOTA 2, and I would tell anyone who would listen it was the best shooter to come out since Halo 3.
When people started sounding the alarm on this subreddit about Hunts decline, I ignored them, convinced Crytek would never cross the obvious, bright red line of crossovers. I was a fool.
It breaks my heart to see my beloved shooter morph from an immersive world of period Gothic horror into an ad-infested swamp full of walking billboards for Scream and Post Malone. I guess this goes to show that no franchise is allowed to exist purely to entertain anymore. But I am so glad I got to experience this special game when it went it was an exhilarating creep through the Lousiana Bayou.
submitted by Redwood-Lynx to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Just_CHRIS69420 Clicks for clicks
submitted by Just_CHRIS69420 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 sexykanz Christmas gifts for my husband?

Hi everyone! My husband is an avid smoker, me.. Not so much, so Im not very big on what to really get him.. I kind of want to go big so.. Any ideas would be great.
My first idea was a huni badger & some live rosin. Hes been wanting the huni badger for awhile so I was considering that.
Im also wondering if I should just do a live rosin disposable with a nice grinder & roll tray maybe… If anyone can recommend some good grinders that would help great too!
Im not really sure what to do, for what its worth he smokes everyday, mostly rips his bong, sometimes a joint, and really likes dabs!
submitted by sexykanz to weed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Leading-Age-2400 Im so horny Because of my classmate omg

submitted by Leading-Age-2400 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 henryonsoftware Nimble is hiring a Technical Product Manager (Relocation & Visa Provided)

Nimble is hiring a Technical Product Manager (Relocation & Visa Provided) 📌 Da Nang • 👨‍💻 Hybrid
submitted by henryonsoftware to vietnamdevs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 6-20PM Flange between two components?

Flange between two components? submitted by 6-20PM to Fusion360 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 JumpyButterscotch212 When’s the Double XP and New Modes Going Live?

Hey everyone, anyone know what time the Double XP event, Stakeout 24/7, and Prop Hunt are dropping in Black Ops 6 today? Can’t wait to jump in, but I haven’t seen a specific time. Thanks!
submitted by JumpyButterscotch212 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 One-in-a-1000 App, Tools & Webseiten zur Aktienanalyse

Hin und wieder taucht die Frage auf, wo man Informationen zu bestimmten Aktien finden kann.
Die Möglichkeiten dazu sind nahezu unbegrenzt, das es unzählige Webseiten gibt, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben.
Seien es Finanzportale oder Börsenmagazine, Datenwebseites oder spezialisierte Diensteanbieter. Die Möglichkeiten sind breit gefächert und vielfältig.
Zu meinen persönlichen Favoriten gehört vor allem TraderFox Trading Desk. Dort finden sich neben den Charts auch direkt die News, technische Signale und Analysteneinschätzungen sowie einige Fundamentaldaten.
Auch Webseiten wie Marktscreener de Aktienfinder können hilfreiche Informationen bereithalten. Ebenso stellt stocknear eine breite Palette an Informationen bereit, die sonst eher auf verschiedenen Seiten wie etwa Barchart oder Optionsstrat zusammengesucht werden müssen.
Wenn die entsprechende Aktie ausgewählt wurde und die die Erwartung der Kursentwicklung definiert ist, geht es auf die Suche nach entsprechenden Derivaten. Hierbei sind der Zertifikatefinder der Börse Frankfurt oder das UBS Trendradar recht hilfreich. Ebenso bietet OnVista Unterstützung bei der Auswahl von Derivaten, mit denen man die eigene Hebel-Strategie umsetzen kann.
Welche Tools oder Apps, die in dieser Liste noch fehlen, benutzt ihr?
submitted by One-in-a-1000 to wsbMasterclass [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Ancient_View3474 Questions options Rethink

Hello everyone,
I have a few questions regarding some options and configurations:
"Block unused apps" option If I don’t use an app (e.g., Signal or Tutanota) for two days and I receive a notification (message or email), will the app remain blocked? Or does receiving the notification temporarily unblock the app to let the message through?
"Block connections without VPN" (in the phone’s VPN settings) I’ve enabled this option along with "Prevent DNS leaks" in Rethink DNS. I noticed that some apps, when this option is not enabled, tend to bypass the configured DNS. How can I check if an app is trying to bypass these settings? Is "Prevent DNS leaks" in Rethink enough to block such behavior?
Symbols in Rethink DNS logs What do the different symbols in the logs mean (lock, green dot, turtle, etc.)? I’m also using Rethink with a WireGuard VPN. How can I ensure that all connections are actually going through the VPN? And what do the various icons or logs in the app indicate (e.g., blocked DNS requests)?
Thanks for your insights!
submitted by Ancient_View3474 to rethinkdns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 NarviSillyGoose Name ideas?

Name ideas? Tbh struggling with finding a name that fits Looking for something neutral or masc, and preferably space vibes, but anything is welcome
submitted by NarviSillyGoose to agender [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Tiny_Insurance_9056 Skincare advice on this wrinkling please. My skin routine is basic but noticing this wrinkling at 36 years old. Help

Skincare advice on this wrinkling please. My skin routine is basic but noticing this wrinkling at 36 years old. Help I’m
submitted by Tiny_Insurance_9056 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 IllusiveManJr Double page spread from Marvel's Jedi Knights #1 canon comic series; launching March 2025

Double page spread from Marvel's Jedi Knights #1 canon comic series; launching March 2025 Art by Madibek Musabekov
submitted by IllusiveManJr to starwarscanon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 moinsenzsm What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by moinsenzsm to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 Top-Mistake-8997 33F Single Mom. Daddy can you text my daughter. She's becoming school slut since divorce won't talk to me.

submitted by Top-Mistake-8997 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 slutty_gizz Why do some men not like going to the doctor?

I’ve seen this with my dad and my ex boyfriend they would be in pain and I would request them to go the hospital and they would say “nah I’m good” like you’re obviously not.
submitted by slutty_gizz to ask [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:39 TittyClapper Any word on how "Giant's Blood" notable interacts with 1h & 2h skill points?

So, there are skill points that add +1h weapon damage and +2h weapon damage, etc.
If I am weiling a 2h weapon in one hand, using Giant's Blood, which skill point would apply in that situation? Has this been confirmed either way?
submitted by TittyClapper to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]