Vanson Oxford in dark maple bainbridge

2024.11.27 18:45 kangaroosuperdoo Vanson Oxford in dark maple bainbridge

Vanson Oxford in dark maple bainbridge submitted by kangaroosuperdoo to leatherjacket [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 TheMightyNoxian Siege/BOON/RIFT times

Dear Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to inquire about the scheduling of the SIEGE event at 5 PM UTC and the subsequent rift/boons at 7 PM UTC. It appears that these timings do not align with the availability of many players, particularly those who work traditional "9-5" hours.
It is interesting to note that many individuals are unable to participate in SIEGE or rift/boons due to their professional commitments and personal lives. This raises the question of whether any insights have been gleaned from the scheduling of other MMO PVP games, particularly given that a significant portion of the player base tends to engage in gameplay between the hours of 8 PM and 10 PM.
I would appreciate any thoughts or perspectives on this matter.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards, Servant Ezekiel
submitted by TheMightyNoxian to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 paffpaffhash Please help me, which Problems am i facing here?

Please help me, which Problems am i facing here? submitted by paffpaffhash to microgrowery [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Rough_Squash_2291 Posteando fotos de Miku día 400

Posteando fotos de Miku día 400 submitted by Rough_Squash_2291 to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Brandon-Wizards-lair Wb regieleki 837500208119

submitted by Brandon-Wizards-lair to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 DaGoodSoup ¡Hola! Entonces, estoy a punto de irme a Puerto Rico en un mes. Quería ver si alguien tiene alguna sugerencia sobre dónde ir.

p.s i'm learning spanish since i want to be able to speak my language more but i only know how to speak it so i'm using google translate to type out everything previously.. bare with me please
submitted by DaGoodSoup to PuertoRico [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Ningen_slayer216 What are some good characters to grind in ranked with

I play a decent bit at a pretty decent level but every game I feel I get absolutely rolled and lose more ranked points then I gain while trying to reach expert rank who are good characters that work even with terrible teamates
submitted by Ningen_slayer216 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Able-Background-9871 Chameleon ultra devkit Dimensions (8 photos)

Chameleon ultra devkit Dimensions (8 photos) submitted by Able-Background-9871 to NFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 jvc72 Buy Signal Helium USD - 27 Nov 2024 @ 13:43 -> USD6.38

Ticker: HNTUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 27 Nov 2024 @ 13:43
Price: USD6.38
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 reteip1 $HEGE, why it is time to buy now!

$HEGE is a fun, story-driven memecoin about HEGE the hedgehog, with new chapters dropping as the market cap grows. HEGE just reached a new ATH around 35M and is not stopping until it finished its storyline. Currently HEGE has released 4 chapters and is set to release the next chapter at 50M MC. There are 6 more on the way as it targets the big $1 billion milestone. Here’s why $HEGE is worth a closer look:
A cult Community and Dedicated Team
$HEGE has built a strong, passionate community that’s all-in on the coin’s success. This isn’t just hype—it’s a growing movement of believers. The last days, the holder count has skyrocketed and the price is currently in discovery phase, since it broke its ATH today. It is set to go much higher.
Behind the project is a committed dev team with a clear, long-term vision for the project. Plus, the team is backed by the hedge fund Victus Capital (VC) that bought already $60K into the project and will add another $120K in the following weeks. In addition, the team got support from Sōka_Data, a skilled analyst who uses advanced social data to uncover hidden crypto gems.
HEGE NFTs with Dividend
HEGE offers HEGENDs NFTs, which pay monthly dividends. If you own a HEGE NFT, you’ll earn a share of the monthly sales—meaning you can score passive income just by holding onto one. Currently they are on a discount based on the Market cap, so have a look on tensor or Magic Eden and search for the HEGENDS collection. You might find a good deal.
What is coming up the following days and weeks

Why you should buy HEGE:
$HEGE brings a lot to the table: an engaged community, a talented team, amazing art, passive income through NFTs, and serious support from a hedge fund. Add in the well-thought-out marketing plans and CEX listings, and it’s clear this project has a lot of potential. It’s still early days, but $HEGE is already on its way to becoming a top player in the memecoin world. The holder count is going up significantly and this traditionally resulted into an exponential increase in the market cap, so it is still early if you step in now.
Want to learn more? Check out the following links with all their socials and Join the Telegram:

submitted by reteip1 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 N1ghtshade3 [PSA] Steam may not be showing you the cheapest price for a game! View it in your wishlist first to see the real cheapest price.

submitted by N1ghtshade3 to Steam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 New_Pop_7917 Dosie - 241108

Dosie - 241108 submitted by New_Pop_7917 to PurpleKiss [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Maximum_Pumpkin_449 Stay in Mar-a-Lago Policy

I wish there was a stay in Mar-a-lago policy until Trumps federal cases are adjudicated. Once thats done, he can legally assume office
submitted by Maximum_Pumpkin_449 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 InterestingFeed488 House possession taken by seller’s lender after deposit and mortage money in escrow. ( per attorney) is it not so rare or something serious?

Mortage and property insurance payment already began. Attorney advising to take deposit back. We are in Ontario near GTA area. House was supposed to close 4 weeks back but on closing day after bank released the funds seller side informed attorney that they can’t close , don’t not know reason until next few days. We learned later that mortage payoff amount is higher than sale proceedings and seller is in negotiations with his lender and making good progress. We lost faith in seller and sticking around just to take ownership. Closing date moved three times already in the interim and our attorney included few clause allowing extension. Now attorney told us that house possession is taken by bank and there is no way we can get property at current setting. We have option either backout and get deposit and return bank funds and take hit on all other paperwork fee. Or start litigation to recover all the expenses.
submitted by InterestingFeed488 to realtors [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Efficient-Formal-195 What's the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you, and how did it change things for you?

submitted by Efficient-Formal-195 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Cartergoastros Let’s Trade

Let’s Trade Request cards and let’s make some deals
submitted by Cartergoastros to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 trueLoveGames Modding Tools for 7 Days?

I'm interested in seeing what I can do with the game and Ive seen a couple ways people have done it from using the DMT modding tools but I also saw someone working with the game in Unity itself. Is there a straightforward source of information on this? Ideally I'd like to be able to mess around in Unity's editor.
submitted by trueLoveGames to 7daystodie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 PsychologyNo725 What should I know to make my own hacks?

For example, knowing a programming language or knowing the source code of Minecraft. What things should I know?
submitted by PsychologyNo725 to minecraftclients [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Mikeal131a Watch out for this scammer

Watch out for this scammer They are asking me to give them the matcherino spike pin. Telling me they would give me a brawl pass for it. Even if they did they could easily refund it after and put me -2000 gems in debt which is like 250$ usd. You can literally donate 5 dollars and get the pin for cheaper than giving a brawl pass lol
submitted by Mikeal131a to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 Unknowngnb We doing free candy now

submitted by Unknowngnb to AutoZone2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 NoBenefit5977 Can't find any trace of this online, not even on discogs

Can't find any trace of this online, not even on discogs Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, do I have something that's not on discogs yet?
submitted by NoBenefit5977 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 LEAGUEcoachSETH TnL Riftstone Battle Shoutcast - Immortality

Tried my best to shoutcast a fight between two big guilds on the US East Immortality server. This is something new for our channel and pushed us from 100 CCV to 150 CCV during the event. Looking for criticism besides the fact that the timer for the fight was covered. My bad on that!
Appreciate any and all feedback!
submitted by LEAGUEcoachSETH to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 MoreLikeNunja My dad's revenge on my stepmother novel help

I need to reed it
submitted by MoreLikeNunja to Novels [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 bloodyzulfy Help Needed: LOD 400, 450 or 500 Sample DWG or PDF for Practice.

Hey everyone,
I’m practicing creating LOD 500 outputs in Revit, but I often feel overwhelmed looking at detailed drawings or documents. It would be really helpful if anyone could share sample DWGs or PDFs i understand confidentiality of project and client details so its okay if you remove concerned details.
I’m not looking for projects; I just want to understand real-time project-level standards and outputs better. Having these samples will help me improve my technical skills and confidence in producing professional-grade results.
If you can share something, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
submitted by bloodyzulfy to bim [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:45 ShepRyan H: 1k leaders, enclave forceful, reflex, aligned flamer, stab stock, calibrated capacitor W: 3k florescent flux and 3k yellowcake flux

submitted by ShepRyan to Market76 [link] [comments]