2024.11.27 16:58 Coal5law DEI programs and materials found to increase hostile attribution bias.
submitted by Coal5law to psychology [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 quiqk0 Found a familiar face in a Greek ad
submitted by quiqk0 to formula1 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 Independent-Camel405 What is this?
Found this guy in my bathroom, Northern California. submitted by Independent-Camel405 to bugidentification [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 DankAF94 Do ya'll run the free upgrade chance card or nah?
I've seen people state that later in the game this card becomes pretty useless anyway.
Felt like this card had a lot of value earlier in the game. But now I'm at the stage where I easily max my health by around wave 3000 every run, free upgrades tend to max all the more expensive ones (such as ELS) by around wave 3-4k which i feel is the only real benefit to this card at this point.
For context I haven't unlocked The Wall or Rend Armour yet and I'm making around 15b coins per run currently.
submitted by DankAF94 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 Even_Hospital4025 WEATHER BOOSTED MEGA ALTARIA FROM MUNICH ADD 334101251803 ASAP
submitted by Even_Hospital4025 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 SelahViegh Educators Guide to Student AI Uses
Hello! My name is Kayla and I am a college student. I did a whole a year of research on how students are using AI and I wrote a book about it. I’m just getting the word out there for any educators who would like an insight into it.
I’m offering pre-orders at 20% off!
Thank you!!
submitted by SelahViegh to education [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 itzarviz Hey guys its a known bug or its just me
In a mission “chasing ghost” i have to retrieve a key fromthe ward,,but the doors to the exit doesnt open fully i tried Liad the old save but it doesnt work,what should I do ?
submitted by itzarviz to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 Accomplished-Plum821 Subie “or die”.
submitted by Accomplished-Plum821 to subaru [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 Amin_Khe Sols rng doesn't wanna add me on the leaderboard
Hi I'm Amin_Khe and I play sols rng everyday but 1 day I got 5 globals that's should make me part of the leader board but I am not for some weird reason, even with mutation bieng rare as the primary aura, and not counting duplicates and counting native rarity I should still be on leader board (My bloodblust is 50M, my abyssal is 100M and only one of my impeached is break so the other one is 200M). So can someone explain please?
submitted by Amin_Khe to SolsRNG [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 sammmuel Où aller pour éviter les touristes?
Je prévois venir visiter le Maroc en février pour 7 jours avec ma conjointe.
Je souhaite éviter les touristes et on m'a suggéré de louer un 4x4 et visiter le sud-ouest.
Est-ce que c'est une bonne idée? Car par la suite, on m'a dit que Ouarzazate par exemple est aussi pire que Marrakech.
Au final, je préfère être au milieu de nul part avec personne qu'un endroit avec beaucoup de monde qui est "sublime". Cela dit, je souhaite quand même profiter du voyage. S'il y a un peu de touristes je vais survivre mais éviter les foules est l'idéal.
Je trouve peu d'informations en ligne pour ce qui est d'éviter les zones touristiques au Maroc. Je me suis dit que peut-être les gens y vivant pourront me guider sur la région du Maroc qui serait la plus adaptée à ce que je recherche/itinéraire à voir.
Je suis habitué de voyage avec un sac en Afrique mais habituellement je vais dans des pays avec peu de touristes même en ville.
Merci de votre temps!
submitted by sammmuel to Morocco [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 lbabinz [Amazon] Playmobil School Bus is $34.33 (31% OFF)
submitted by lbabinz to TopDealsCanada [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 pyneapple27 Fun gift for drummers/music lovers
submitted by pyneapple27 to GiftIdeas [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 united-verdict-bot Unanimous "Not the A-hole" with 2 votes
submitted by united-verdict-bot to AmITheA_holeUnanimous [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 Additional_Pepper638 Wagovy just got approved what can I expect? Will I get sick?
submitted by Additional_Pepper638 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 Candid-Potato-2197 Roast my Landing Page and i will roast yours
Hey SaaS enthusiasts,
I’ve launched StartYourCrew.com, a platform aimed at connecting people with ideas to potential co-founders and collaborators. It’s supposed to be the place where dreams meet doers, but I know the landing page is a critical first impression – and I’m not sure it’s hitting the mark.
I need your unfiltered feedback:
2024.11.27 16:58 boboliger Anyone got resources for people in high school?
I'm working on a database right now that gathers all information, links and resources for success in high school which ill link here (rough rough draft). It includes post-secondary information, scholarships, competitions, extracurriculars and academic resources for Ontario only. Eventually, I'll make it a website that my friend can use for his club that he's starting for helping students succeed in their future. There's not much on there, if you guys know any more resources or feedback please let me know, thanks
submitted by boboliger to OntarioUniversities [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 Emotional_Attitude91 Not eaten in over two days, anything at all you can spare would be immensely appreciated.
Good afternoon, earlier this month I had to make the choice between paying my rent and being able to afford food and other nessecities. I usually recieve goverment aid here in the UK known as universal credit, specifically for housing costs, this typically covers my rent, with a little left over. However my last universal credit payment was sanctioned, essentially a punishment for not meeting the conditions of my claim. My failure was unfortunately missing a schedualed bi-weekly appointment, even though I called to explain why, yet my reason was not seen as 'justifiable' by those who pass judgement, causing the saction to be carried out. I tried my best to fight it, but it's been in vain. Resulting in my payment for this month being over £400 less than it normally would. I had to dip into the last of my savings to keep a roof over my head and pay rent due to what the saction deprived me of.
I don't have any family or friends to turn to, the one family member who I could turn to did send me some money, £40, although with the rising cost to living here in the UK, I barely managed to stretch that out to two weeks. I currently have £0.50 in my bank account and to my name. I've not eaten anything for over two days straight, I don't know where else to turn or what I can do honestly, if this doesn't work I fear I may have to resort to stealing, though I would like to avoid that if possible.
I've always been quite a prideful person, not wanting to accept or ask for help, I think a lot of brits would understand a similar mindset, stiff upper lip, take it on the chin, etc. But things are getting hopelessly depressing and pride doesn't do much when your stomach is rumbling and in pain. I tried reaching out to some local food banks for assistance today, I was told to send an email in hopes of recieving a voucher I can exchange but have yet to hear back from them.
I'm not asking for much, anything that can be spared, even enough for a few packs of biscuits or other snacks to at least sasiate my hunger would be a blessing.
I live in the UK, the south east of England for what it's worth, I have a paypal too, though if there are better options please let me know.
Thank you.
submitted by Emotional_Attitude91 to Assistance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 kneesahammy [sample included] any help with this font?
We use this font with one of our programs at work and I'd like to have cohesion for a presentation I'm giving. i would be grateful for any help. Title included. submitted by kneesahammy to identifythisfont [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 Pinot_Greasio Trump Picks Targeted In ‘Violent, UnAmerican Threats’
submitted by Pinot_Greasio to Conservative [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 HimalayaQuantum007A 🌍💉 【震撼曝光: #新冠疫苗背后的真相!🧰 】 一项对全球325例尸检的研究显示,73.9%的死亡被裁定为与新冠疫苗直接相关,其中心脏猝死、肺栓塞、心肌梗塞等是主要原因!研究数据揭露了疫苗接种后平均14.3天内死亡的惊人事实,这些结果为疫苗与死亡之间的因果关系提供了有力证据。 💔 人类是否正在经历前所未有的疫苗灾难? #郭文贵先生 早在2021年便警告:“新冠病毒是手段,疫苗才是目的!” 如今,科学的权威数据已揭示部分真相,正义之锤何时落下? ⚠️ #新冠疫苗 #疫苗真相 #疫苗危机 #科学揭秘 #量子健康第六期 📌 分享这篇文,唤醒更多人!
🌍💉 【震撼曝光: #新冠疫苗背后的真相!🧰 】 一项对全球325例尸检的研究显示,73.9%的死亡被裁定为与新冠疫苗直接相关,其中心脏猝死、肺栓塞、心肌梗塞等是主要原因!研究数据揭露了疫苗接种后平均14.3天内死亡的惊人事实,这些结果为疫苗与死亡之间的因果关系提供了有力证据。 💔 人类是否正在经历前所未有的疫苗灾难? 郭文贵先生 早在2021年便警告:“新冠病毒是手段,疫苗才是目的!” 如今,科学的权威数据已揭示部分真相,正义之锤何时落下? ⚠️ #新冠疫苗 #疫苗真相 #疫苗危机 #科学揭秘 #量子健康第六期 📌 分享这篇文,唤醒更多人! submitted by HimalayaQuantum007A to HimalayaQuantum11 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 CasualTeeOfWar Daily Show Discussion - 11.27.24 Jage WATTT Wednesday
submitted by CasualTeeOfWar to PatMcAfeeShowOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 korsa97 Ostro zwale do influ tiktokerek lub waszych dziwek jestem bi I mega napalony
submitted by korsa97 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 THOADIN Nemesis claw and bits
Hi! I found online bits for shoulder pad for mk6 but the kill team box (nemesis claw) they have mk3 , lore wise what should they have ? and Where should i glue them ? left shoulder, right shoulder or both ? submitted by THOADIN to NightLords [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:58 GamersPlane Conditional middleware/passing params to middleware
From how middlewares are structured, it seems like before call_next(request)
, the middleware has no connection to the route being called. What I'd like to do is set up a middleware that authenticates a user token, and if its invalid, throw an error, unless the route has a flat/decoratosomething to mark that it's public.
Can I pass info to a middleware on a route by route basis? Or is there a different mechanism I should use here?
submitted by GamersPlane to FastAPI [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:58 Sims3graphxlookgr8 Bucktooth Butternut
He appeared in spring I think because my sim gardens a lot submitted by Sims3graphxlookgr8 to Sims3 [link] [comments] |