my beginner set up! :)

Sub Instrumente imagine, în fila Format, în grupul Ajustare, faceți clic pe Corecții.. În funcție de dimensiunea ecranului, butonul Corecții poate apărea diferit.. Dacă nu vedeți filele Format sau Instrumente imagine, asigurați-vă că ați selectat o imagine.Poate fi necesar să faceți dublu clic pe imagine pentru a o selecta și a o deschide în fila Format. Puteți face o singură culoare transparentă într-o imagine, utilizând caracteristica de transparență încorporată. În loc să faceți o întreagă imagine transparentă, puteți face o singură culoare transparentă doar într-un obiect care este inserat ca imagine, nu în interiorul unei forme. Bara de instrumente Acces rapid (QAT) este o bară de instrumente particularizabilă care conține un set de comenzi care sunt independente de fila afișată în prezent. Acesta poate fi situat într-unul din două locuri: Colțul din stânga sus, deasupra panglicii (locația implicită) În mod implicit, atunci când creați un dicționar particularizat nou, aplicația setează dicționarul la Toate limbile, ceea ce înseamnă că dicționarul este utilizat atunci când verificați ortografia textului în orice limbă.Cu toate acestea, aveți posibilitatea de a asocia un dicționar particularizat unei limbi anume, astfel încât programul să utilizeze dicționarul numai ... Faceți clic pe lista de fonturi pentru a alege un set de caractere. Pentru a selecta un caracter, faceți clic pe caracter, pe Selectare , pe butonul din dreapta al mouse-ului din document acolo unde doriți caracterul, apoi faceți clic pe Lipire . Dacă ați setat deja limba de afișare Microsoft Windows ca limbă în care doriți să se afișeze Office, o puteți lăsa setată la Potrivire cu Microsoft Windows. În caz contrar, selectați limba și apăsați Stabilire ca implicit pentru a muta limba respectivă în partea de sus a listei. Limba care este listată prima este cea pe care Office o va utiliza pentru butoanele și meniurile ... Poate că ați încercat să utilizați stiluri de formă pentru a modifica forma obiectului WordArt și apoi ați fost derutat că textul nu s-a modificat. Utilizați în schimb opțiunile de text din grupul Stiluri WordArt.Stilurile și efectele de forme se aplică la casetă și la fundalul înconjurător al WordArt, nu la textul WordArt. Aflați cum să descărcați, să instalați și să configurați Pachetul de accesorii lingvistice pentru Microsoft 365 pentru a adăuga instrumente suplimentare de afișare, ajutor și verificare la Microsoft 365. Bara de instrumente Acces rapid particularizabilă conține un set de comenzi independente de fila afișată în prezent în panglică. Puteți să mutați bara de instrumente Acces rapid din una dintre cele două locații posibile și să adăugați butoane ce reprezintă comenzi pe bara de instrumente Acces rapid. Creați text alternativ pentru imagini, diagrame sau ilustrații SmartArt, astfel încât să poată fi utilizat de cititoarele de ecran de accesibilitate. Dacă opțiunea Verificare disponibilă apare lângă numele limbii, puteți obține un pachet lingvistic cu instrumente de verificare pentru limba dvs. Dacă Verificarea nu este disponibilă lângă numele limbii, instrumentele de verificare nu sunt disponibile pentru acea limbă. Dacă Verificare instalată apare lângă numele limbii, sunteți gata. ...

2024.11.27 19:50 dearfloof my beginner set up! :)

my beginner set up! :) submitted by dearfloof to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Squatchtaint Elevators need to be destructible

Final round, three heavy rats held the cashbox in the elevator with a goo gun. Literally nothing can be done to get to them.
submitted by Squatchtaint to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 SookieCr33k Seriously...

Seriously... submitted by SookieCr33k to AlexandriaOcasio [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 curiositykeepsmeup Someone at FDOT deserves a raise

submitted by curiositykeepsmeup to palmbeach [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Emergency-Nothing-64 test

test submitted by Emergency-Nothing-64 to temp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Bouldertc Can someone help me figure out how I won the transformation challenge?

Hi everyone, I've been lurking here a while but this is my first post.
A new studio opened near me recently and held an off schedule Transformation Challenge. Even though I'm a member at a different studio, I signed up, particularly for the muscle gain category (I'm female). Mostly I chose muscle gain because I thought it'd be easier to win since not many people had chosen that category when I did my first in body scan.
I started with some good momentum but eventually lost motivation to focus on the challenge. (To be clear, I don't have any major weight loss or muscle gain goals, I'm fine with my current composition, I was just doing the challenge for fun because I love this sorta stuff, so losing the particular motivation for the challenge wasn't too life changing- mostly I just stopped tracking my calories religiously and went back to my still quite healthy "base" habits.) When the 8 weeks ended, I did my in body scan and the stats all kinda went in the wrong direction, but I wasn't too worried about it because I consider maintaining a win in this season of life which was somewhat hectic with travel and etc.
Anyway I got a text from the studio that I won 1st place in the muscle gain category! My only thought was: I must have been the only female who signed up because I thought my in body results indicated that I had LOST muscle. Then I looked on Facebook and they had posted a leaderboard with two other women listed for 2nd and 3rd place. Is it possible that I only won because all the other women lost even more muscle than I did??? If not, what calculation did they use that would make me the winner of this thing?
Here are my in body scan numbers:
Sept 9, 2024 Weight: 134.1 lb Body fat percentage: 25.6% Body fat mass: 34.2 lb Skeletal muscle mass: 54.5 lb
Nov 3, 2024 Weight: 134.3 lb Body fat percentage: 26.8% Body fat mass: 36.0 lb Skeletal muscle mass: 54.0
submitted by Bouldertc to orangetheory [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 falling-walrus Hlep idk what to offer a ceo in a meeting in 2 hours

Context: I'm a mechanical engineer, turned software engineer, turned marketer. It happened and I'm here.
I've been courting a CEO of a multi million dollar engineering firm recently, who wants me to do their marketing -> since they need to market to mostly engineers some very very technical sciency services they offer.
I know he wants me to come up with a basic content marketing strategy for LinkedIn, and execute it part-time (I'm already working on something else).
We're suppose to talk soon, and I just realized I have no goal whatsoever of what I'd like to offer / get paid, and that is typically a recipe for getting underpaid or nothing at all.
What would be a good rate (I'm in the US and remote)?
What would be the right way to get paid? Retainer? Performance based bonus?
What would be an outline of what you would offer?
I was thinking:
- Defining his target audience and ICP.
- Writing up a strategy that can be executed by anyone.
- Making a 3-month content calendar for 3-4 posts a week.
- Executing that for 1 month, engaging in the comments, and adjusting the overall plan as needed.
Would you just slap hours some hours on this? Something like 10 hours a week for 4 weeks for the above, then we can both decide if we want to continue at the end of it?
If you have no time: Maybe give me a rating out of 10? 0/10 -> you suck and should go back to writing code. 10/10 -> sure do that.
submitted by falling-walrus to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 ExplanationNo7131 S2r ñł legit people only check comments

submitted by ExplanationNo7131 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Choice_Client_5400 $CHSN (Nasdaq: CHSN) Chanson reported a remarkable 30.0% increase in revenue to $17.3 million YE, driven by higher revenue from its stores. Gross profit rose by 33.5% to $8.1 million, maintaining a stable gross margin of 47.2%. For more detailed info:

$CHSN (Nasdaq: CHSN) Chanson reported a remarkable 30.0% increase in revenue to $17.3 million YE, driven by higher revenue from its stores. Gross profit rose by 33.5% to $8.1 million, maintaining a stable gross margin of 47.2%. For more detailed info:
submitted by Choice_Client_5400 to nasdaq [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 edgyusername99 void shrimp

void shrimp submitted by edgyusername99 to shrimpcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Crystalwitch2984 Izzies wedding

It's not discussed enough, that Derek paid for izzie and Alex's wedding. I know it was meant to mer and Derek's wedding. But a normal person would ve like hey I did this for you but still pay something
submitted by Crystalwitch2984 to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Straight-Beyond-2332 Just made a realm with modpacks dm if interested

submitted by Straight-Beyond-2332 to MinecraftRealmClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 wooodengirl AITA: my best friend’s, close friend is dating someone I know has cheated on her multiple times

My best friend has a close friend that I also know. I’m not as close to the mutual friend, but I have known her since highscool and we are always cordial and nice to one another when we cross paths. Anyway, the mutual friend I’m referencing has been dating a guy I know. I’ve known the guy for a long time and he has always been sexually busy with multiple women and a cheater. Recently, I had to work with him on a project and he was openly talking to me and others about sleeping with prostitutes while on a trip out of the country and being with other women. My best friend mentioned to me that her mutual friend and this guy are in a more serious relationship. I told my best friend that the guy is gross and disloyal. I know that it’s none of my busy ones but it has been weighing on my conscious that he’s actively cheating on her. Even though she’s isn’t a close friend of mine, I still think it’s wrong. I told my best friend not to mention anything to her but I’m confused. Should I tell the mutual friend what I know about the guy?
submitted by wooodengirl to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Various-Money1201 Greater Los Angeles area daily hour cap

Is our daily hourly cap still 8 hours a day? I thought it increased to 10 hours for Black Friday. I did a 5 hour route today and I've only been seeing 3 hour routes for later today.
submitted by Various-Money1201 to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Willbox121 Found on youtube

Found on youtube submitted by Willbox121 to suddenlytf2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Goddess_Elle333 Bait

Lowkey I say the most random shit in chat to see what he says, how he acts is cringe, he says we are a whole meme nah bro that’s you! Ccrriinnggee AF!! I lowkey wonder how often the check this reddit😂
submitted by Goddess_Elle333 to xeroganggexposed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 AntiCons00mer 26, 203 lbs at 6'5

26, 203 lbs at 6'5 I've seen some absolutely shredded individuals here, so I was curious how I'm holding up in the eyes of you lot. Since 2020, I'm doing a mix of dumbbell exercises and calisthenics at a semi-consistent rate. Anything that I should focus more on?
submitted by AntiCons00mer to Physiquecritique [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 MugShots Suspect arrested in fatal Sioux Falls stabbing

Suspect arrested in fatal Sioux Falls stabbing submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 JuiceApprehensive290 sending my 🍆 on snap and insta 05981db9574dd3988725b6a259d535f78b42db28bbb98104109e1e15ddc976f14f

submitted by JuiceApprehensive290 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Free-Platform-3674 Is my late period normal or should i take a test?

Is my late period normal or should i take a test? So last month u got my period early then expected and i was wierd, is started of like spotting then changed to brown and then red and it just stopped but i also took sevreal pregnany test and they all came back negative, acording to the app i my period is late 5-6 days this month but keep in mind im on yasmin 21 day pill and i always take them on time if not im like 1-2 hours late, am i going to get my period or should i test?
submitted by Free-Platform-3674 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 SelfPromotionisgood TETRIS [from 84 to the Future]

TETRIS [from 84 to the Future] submitted by SelfPromotionisgood to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 spatula101 Low Roundhouse effectiveness?

I train pretty casually, mostly for self defends purposes. I don't really have any intention of competing.
Sparring yesterday and everytime I threw a low roundhouse kick I'd get swarmed with counter punches and had to cover up.
I had better luck with a side kick, since that kept some distance between me and my opponent a bit better.
I assume it's an issue with me and not the technique, but it does have me thinking if the roundhouse would really be that effective in a real-life senario? Or maybe I just need to set it up better. I wasn't following up with punches after the kick. Just looking to get some insight on how to effectively use the roundhouse I guess, or if I should focus elsewhere
submitted by spatula101 to MuayThai [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 akagerms Need 5 for Zacian. 821780920746

submitted by akagerms to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Just-Fix8237 I entered the sub to find a specific post but I don’t have a meme to let me leave so here’s this picture of Glalie that is the most recently saved thing in my camera roll for a reason I forgot

I entered the sub to find a specific post but I don’t have a meme to let me leave so here’s this picture of Glalie that is the most recently saved thing in my camera roll for a reason I forgot submitted by Just-Fix8237 to 197 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:50 Budget_Owl_9189 Saurabh - What Love is[Original Acapella Song]

submitted by Budget_Owl_9189 to Music [link] [comments]