
2024.11.27 17:49 LAron12345 hmmm

submitted by LAron12345 to hmmm [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Least-Bluebird-8269 Should I send this too a Girl that hasn’t been responding as much.

So I’ve been talking to this girl and we were texting a good bit when I was at college and hung out a couple times. When I went home for thanksgiving break she started texting responding much less. We did text abt hanging out after break and going to a nice dinner when I got back and she said she would love too and was excited for it. After this though she responded a lot less but she did text like 2 times through the day saying sorry abt how she was sick so she wasn’t on her phone much and had been sleeping all day because of it. I haven’t been spamming her but this morning I asked how she was feeling and she hasn’t responded. The main point of this post is to see if i should send this text “I know you sick but if I’m bothering you or annoying you can tell me I don’t wanna be wired and keep texting you or bothering you if u don’t want me too.” Should I wait a little longer before I send this text or should I send a different text or not send anything at all. I’ve been ghosted a few times but other people but this one I can’t tell bc she still responds with interest sometimes just much much less so I can’t tell if she does or doesn’t want to talk to me.
submitted by Least-Bluebird-8269 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 notta-musician For the first time since high school, I feel like I'm not addicted to my phone... [text]

I'm embarrassed to admit it… but I've been averaging 9 hours a day on my phone for a while…I got an iPhone when I was a sophomore in high school, and I think I've been addicted ever since...

Honestly it didn't even feel like that much. It just kind of happened…
In case it's helpful, here are the things that worked for me:
submitted by notta-musician to GetMotivated [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Mikedan1419 Embryo transfer

Hi, I wanted to hear your experience. We had our embryo was inconclusive with the first biopsy and they had to thaw and refreeze again. Then it came back normal AA grade. Now we are very worried to transfer it as we afraid that thawing for the 2nd biopsy may result in a baby with anomalies. Also, would the thawing affect the success of the pregnancy in general. TIA
submitted by Mikedan1419 to IVFinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 College-Girly Still hot even with clothes on?

Still hot even with clothes on? submitted by College-Girly to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Green_Collection_763 made an animation featuring Ezreal, enjoy!

submitted by Green_Collection_763 to ADCMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 beckett_the_ok Freaking sick

Freaking sick Thanks robots
submitted by beckett_the_ok to dbrand [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Sweaty-Voice7549 M17 horny

submitted by Sweaty-Voice7549 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 sourjoker_ovo 27M what should I do to look a little better?

27M what should I do to look a little better? submitted by sourjoker_ovo to Howtolooksmax [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 jdubglass123 Spoopy packs.

Spoopy packs. Did you miss out on spoopy packs? Don't worry, I gotchu!! $35 xx/100 $50 xx/50
Will trade 4 xx/100 or 2 xx/50 for a purple doge tombstone or purple ltc jackolatern.
submitted by jdubglass123 to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Joee_34 I think I might have colon cancer and looking for someone to put my mind to rest

Hi this is my first time posting I'm a 22M and I've been seeing blood in the toilet for a while I hadn't scheduled a doctors appointment yet but I'm looking for opinions on what's going on so the first time I saw blood was a couple of months ago and it was blood separated from the poop it was a lot of blood and I pushed it off think I had hemorrhoids and I must of poped one cause the night before I was straining and pushing really hard and saw blood on the toilet paper and the next day the pool of blood after that i hadn't seen blood in quite a while then maybe a month a two later I've been getting small amounts of bright bright/dark red blood smeared on my poop it comes and goes and again I pushed it off and it went away that was about a month ago today I just woke up and had to take my morning poop and there it was again a red blood clot in my poop now I'm thinking of scheduling a appointment Idk if it's hemorrhoids or the big C but I'm freaking out man I have no other symptoms of the big C I've had abdominal pain but I'm pretty sure it's just anxiety causing that feeling but now I'm here so yeah sorry for the yap session I'm looking for advice thanks
submitted by Joee_34 to coloncancer [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Fit-Independence-706 Probably everyone already knows, but there is a good mod for "Men of War: Assault Squad 2" about Warhammer.

Probably everyone already knows, but there is a good mod for submitted by Fit-Independence-706 to HorusGalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 42outoftheblue I finished a game with zero walkthroughs/online help for the first time!

Just really proud of myself and wanted to tell some people who will understand lol. I typically rely heavily on walkthroughs or other online resources to get through these games. I look at it as “this is supposed to be fun” so as soon as I’m not having fun (i.e. wandering around for ages not knowing what to do or getting annoyed with a puzzle) I get some help to move past that part of the game…
Anyway I am working through the games I haven’t played yet (which is a good number of them,) and imagine my delight when I finished Secret of the Old Clock ALL BY MYSELF!!! I did cheat and use the developer menu to give myself more money so I didn’t have to deliver telegrams, but no other assistance was used. This tells me it’s the easiest game in the lineup 😂 but I’m still thrilled
That’s all!
submitted by 42outoftheblue to nancydrew [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 free2farm I literally just bought this brand new decksaver, are they all like this?

I literally just bought this brand new decksaver, are they all like this? Camera makes it looks worse than it actually is, but as 50€ piece of plastic it still looks like hot garbage
submitted by free2farm to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 AdMurky4316 Inito Chart on Letrozole

Inito Chart on Letrozole What is going on, is it possibe to still peak? Also my PDG went up, idk if I missed my peak or what. This is so frustrating Im on my 2nd cycle of Letrozole.
submitted by AdMurky4316 to Inito [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 job-seeker-bot ECIL recruitment 2024 apply online for apprenticeship

ECIL Recruitment Organization: Electronics Corporation of India Limited
Job Opening: Graduate Engineer Apprentice (GEA) and Technician (Diploma) Apprentice (TA)
Number of Posts: 187
Location: ECIL Recruitment
Salary: 8000 - 9000/- Per month

Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) is hiring Graduate Engineer Apprentices (GEA) and Technician (Diploma) Apprentices (TA) for 2024-25.
submitted by job-seeker-bot to recruitmentindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Tallem00 24F Very lonely rn, looking for new friends

Hey all, I'm looking for new friends, completely platonic (I'm in a commited relationship.) I like reading, video games, music, cooking, etc. I'm an open book, if there's anything else you wanna know about me just ask :)
submitted by Tallem00 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Strict-Marsupial6141 Biden could push for significant judicial reforms before leaving office.

Here are some key initiatives, These reforms would be beneficial for ensuring a fair, balanced, and accountable judicial system:
Judges Reform Act

No Kings Act Bipartisan SCOTUS Judge Appointments SCOTUS Term Limits These reforms could significantly impact the judicial system, ensuring it remains fair, balanced, and accountable.
By addressing these key areas, the administration can enhance the overall integrity and functionality of the judiciary.
Honoring Civil Servants and Bureaucrat-Related Initiatives Recognizing Public Service:
Improving Bureaucratic Efficiency:
Overall Benefits These initiatives align with the broader vision of creating a more just, equitable, and efficient government, ensuring that all aspects of public service and governance work harmoniously together.
Many of these initiatives have the potential to gain bicameral and bipartisan support, and they align with the broader goals of the Democratic Party. For example, the Judges Reform Act and No Kings Act could appeal to both parties as they address fundamental issues of justice and accountability. Similarly, bipartisan support for SCOTUS judge appointments and term limits could help maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court.
Additionally, recognizing and honoring civil servants, improving bureaucratic efficiency, and implementing measures to enhance transparency and accountability are initiatives that can garner support across the political spectrum.
These efforts align with the Democratic Party's vision of creating a more just, equitable, and efficient government
submitted by Strict-Marsupial6141 to BidenCoalition [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 MikkelR1 Foto's oud Enschede

Hoi allemaal,
Regelmatig Google ik naar oude foto's van Enschede. Best wel wat plekken zijn prima te vinden, vooral de buitenkant van gebouwen wel. Regelmatig heb ik het met mijn vrouw over oude herinneringen en probeer ik fotos te vinden van die plekken.
Ik vroeg me af of iemand fotos weet te vinden van bijvoorbeeld de oude Discovery aan de boulevard, van binnen in de klanderij of bijvoorbeeld van het tankstation op het wesselerbrink. Of de schaatsbaan achter het wesselerbrink.
Weet iemand misschien nog een plek die Google niet zo 123 weet te vinden om dit soort fotos op te rakelen?
Ben erg benieuwd waar mensen nog mee komen! Alvast bedankt :)
submitted by MikkelR1 to enschede [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Sedna_Blue Regileki Asap 857278368234

submitted by Sedna_Blue to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 RollingLightening What is the strangest thing you believe in? Magic Fate, Aliens, Lizard people, Heaven, Hell, Flat Earth?

submitted by RollingLightening to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 mvea Women with ADHD more likely to engage in risky behavior than men, study finds. Women with ADHD reported lower sensitivity to their own risky behaviors, suggesting a potential disconnect between their self-perception and actual tendencies.

Women with ADHD more likely to engage in risky behavior than men, study finds. Women with ADHD reported lower sensitivity to their own risky behaviors, suggesting a potential disconnect between their self-perception and actual tendencies. submitted by mvea to science [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Ideoloh2 GTA ultimate, day 8

GTA ultimate, day 8 submitted by Ideoloh2 to RemoveOneThingEachDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 sour-chihiro Found upside down every morning

Found upside down every morning We rent a townhouse in northern CA and it recently started getting really cold. Every morning when I go out for my coffee, I see these guys upside down. Today there were so many and I’m confused what to do?
submitted by sour-chihiro to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:49 Ordinarygrl77 Publications need to provide copies of policies

This is a bit of a rant. I started working for a publication almost a year ago. Up until now there had been no issues. The issue I faced was when I allowed an interviewee to see a drafted outline of the article prior to publication. While I understand many of those reading this may think that I should have know this to be a huge no-no, my past experiences in the journalistic field had allowed this as long as the interviewee understood that the writer (me) was under no obligation to change anything. The reason I shared this particular draft was because the person interviewed has directly reached out to me saying they were worried that they had provided information things that were simply not factual. Is asked for specification and they asked to see the article before sending it since our entire conversation was quite long and they didn’t know exactly what. They ended up clearing up an important fact that was originally stated wrong. A minor change. After adjusting this, I informed the managing editor who promptly let me know that this was unacceptable. I totally get that portion of it. I should have consulted maybe before doing said act? I asked if in the future I should send back our conversation transcript. To this the editor responded stating nobody should be reviewing any aspect of the article at all. I made clear I was no longer talking about the article but was in fact talking about the transcript. The editor insinuated through his responses that this stand alone incident was actually a consistent problem of having third parties review and alter my work which isn’t true. I really am at a loss on what could have been done to rectify this situation. The interviewee did provide false information that needed to be cleared up for the sake of journalistic integrity. I never changed wording or quotes, and I apologized for my error in sending off a drafted article but feel that this all could be avoided if the publication I work for provided me a copy of policies upon hire. Not to mention I don’t get paid per word or hour but per article once a month. This isn’t a full time job by ANY means. I mean I can’t even buy dinner with the pay I get so I feel I was laid into a little bit more than acceptable given all the circumstances.
submitted by Ordinarygrl77 to freelanceWriters [link] [comments]