I’m sorry, what?

2024.11.27 17:50 Dense_Lie3129 I’m sorry, what?

I’m sorry, what? Tf is Aiden talking about on these streams????
submitted by Dense_Lie3129 to luhrixlive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 qrovers This Half-Light dialogue…

I’ve never put a lot of points in half light so I completely missed this my first few playthroughs. But god… the implication of Harry having sexual trauma just haunts me, especially with all the dialogue about how hard it is for him to have sex sober. This game man…
submitted by qrovers to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Funny_Acanthaceae496 YouTube music vanced app for Wearos

As the title says is there any yt vanced music app for wears or equivalent to that modded Spotify app? I use apple music and it's sad it doesn't support wearos(🖕Apple)
submitted by Funny_Acanthaceae496 to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 EsseNorway 36 Lemons

36 Lemons submitted by EsseNorway to Snorkblot [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Truckman_9 Can anyone convert EMB to DST for me?

My local guy closed up shop and sent me my files. I need one logo converted from EMB to DST. Willing to pay. Thank you!
submitted by Truckman_9 to Machine_Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 framedots_6789 Got banned cause CS2 fails to load multiple times

I had to reload cs2 over and over again but it wouldn't load the match and ultimately had to restart my pc but was too late. Ticket 7101571
submitted by framedots_6789 to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Sakayil Dragon Quest 3's Remake is Phenomenal

I can't remember the last time I beat a game, thought to myself, "Hold on, I can break this game in half," then immediately beat it again. Having beaten most mainline DQ games (Still working on 7 and 8) and played almost every Western release, I wasn't expecting DQ 3's remake to top most of them. Quite honestly, if we get a DQ 4 remake of this calibre, it would probably top the list. Either that or Builders 3.
Cannot wait for the 1 and 2 remake next year.
submitted by Sakayil to dragonquest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 vesanialearti Well, this isn't for everyone (and so is a lot of popular manhwa) and controversial (again just like a lot of) and frankly you've got to survive, like, the initial 30chaps to justify to yourself why exactly you are doing this but as I always say in response to that friend who asked me, "You're in...

Well, this isn't for everyone (and so is a lot of popular manhwa) and controversial (again just like a lot of) and frankly you've got to survive, like, the initial 30chaps to justify to yourself why exactly you are doing this but as I always say in response to that friend who asked me, ...a deserted island and you've got to pick between Takamada and Ilay Riegrow to bet how fast you can leave that island based on their character development, who are you going to choose?"
And to that I say, "Takamada. With a very wide margin."
It went on to be touching and funny, this one. But not recommended for those who avoid any and all triggers. Actually if you're already doubting, then just don't. Stay away from this with a 10 meter long stick.
Sauce: Seiheki Yabame na Otoko ni Nerawaremashita (Hit on by a Kinky Guy) by Bov. Available in Book Walker (manga) and Coolmic (webcomic).
More on: https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/fhgaurf/seiheki-yabame-na-otoko-ni-nerawaremashita
submitted by vesanialearti to blmangalovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 soyourass Epic games and Google

I've lost access to my Google account which is linked to my Epic games account i could still login but my Google account would get terminated in few months I don't know how to change my account can anyone help me ?
submitted by soyourass to EpicGamesHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 FilmoreSlim1974 Smoked ham

Looking for any advice on a smoked ham to avoid any rooky mistakes. I have a whole ham - not spiral cut that I have a good recipe for. I do plan to smoke it today and eat it tomorrow. I had thought about using a crock pot to heat it up and transport it, but would that dry it out? I had thought about putting the apple juice / glaze in the bottom. I might just serve it cold though if we think it will dry out. Any advice is appreciated. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving that celebrates it!
submitted by FilmoreSlim1974 to Traeger [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Cukovic How to not get intimidated by taller opponents

The title
submitted by Cukovic to MMA_Academy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Traditional_Ad4699 Referral for up to $2000 off Tesla purchase

Get $1000 to $2000 off your new Tesla purchase!
Please use my referral link to purchase and get $1000 off your purchase of a new model 3 or Y and $2000 off purchase of a new model S, X, CT: https://tesla.com/referral/burton760683
Or existing inventory link here: https://www.tesla.com/inventory/new/my?arrangeby=plh&zip=91501&range=200&referral=burton760683
Feel free to DM me if you have any question
submitted by Traditional_Ad4699 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Last_Opinion7476 Wow your friends and family with these gift ideas

Wow your friends and family with these gift ideas submitted by Last_Opinion7476 to Worldnews_247 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 ZhangtheGreat This just may be THE thread of all threads for angry upvotes. The sheer number is overwhelming

This just may be THE thread of all threads for angry upvotes. The sheer number is overwhelming I’m not hiding any names. They deserve praise for this.
submitted by ZhangtheGreat to Angryupvote [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Wild_Angle_2129 Who’s excited

Who’s excited submitted by Wild_Angle_2129 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 CAT-IN-a-B0X First day as a 911 operator

It was fine at first then these two dumb mfs tried to order a pizza which is illegal to do. So both of them got sent a fine to there house of 1500 each. Teens are so stupid.
submitted by CAT-IN-a-B0X to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Pitiful-Abroad5650 Rellana 1st try

I just got through the castle around first tried Rellana and dodged the twin moon attack first try. This whole DLC is new to me and I am loving it. Still on my holy character, no new spells yet.
submitted by Pitiful-Abroad5650 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 ginger_VS_pie Thanks for using my code. Save up to $2000 off on a new Tesla + 0% APR +3 months FSD and supercharging + $7500 rebate credit for eligible buyers with my referral link

submitted by ginger_VS_pie to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 ReiUrsoXV Anal Kingdom

Anal Kingdom submitted by ReiUrsoXV to InesperadoCu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 bonerausorus Glass coasters my bf made

submitted by bonerausorus to purple [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Last_Opinion7476 Your roadmap to NFL matchups, with other games, times and odds

Your roadmap to NFL matchups, with other games, times and odds submitted by Last_Opinion7476 to Worldnews_247 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 maddingcrowdawaits What is anyone's advice on a horrible rattling noise in a 2015 Honda Accord??

submitted by maddingcrowdawaits to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Weak_Scene4270 What’s up with the formations on this rock ?

What’s up with the formations on this rock ? Seems like a porous shell around the piece in some areas.
submitted by Weak_Scene4270 to Rocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 HeitorOF [WP] You jokingly ask the genie for a million wishes, and to your surprise, they actually fulfill it

submitted by HeitorOF to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 met3amorphosis Pułapki samorozwoju i brak poczucia wpływu na własne życie

Czołem. W maju tego roku dotarłem do takiego momentu w życiu, w którym poczułem, że potrzebuję zmiany. Zauważyłem, że nie czerpię satysfakcji z tego jak żyję, a realizacja dotychczasowych celów, która całkowicie mnie pochłonęła, nie daje mi szczęścia. Czułem się źle z własnymi nawykami i lękami oraz z tym, że przestałem dbać o siebie i robić rzeczy, które niegdyś kochałem.
Oczywiście zabrałem się do rozpisywania mnóstwa celów, dzielenia je na pojedyncze lata, miesiące i tygodnie, kupiłem pomocne książki, wróciłem do pisania dziennika i inne tego typu sprawy. Głupio mi to przyznać przed samym sobą, ale jestem w tym samym miejscu, w którym byłem jeszcze kilka miesięcy temu xD.
Każda podjęta przeze mnie próba zrobienia czegokolwiek kończy się ogromną złością i frustracją. Stawiam sobie wiele różnych celów, a następnie próbuję pracować nad wieloma rzeczami naraz, np. w tym samym momencie chce walczyć z lękiem, zacząć uczyć się języka przez conajmniej 10 minut dziennie, odstawić porno i wdrożyć regularne ćwiczenia. Gdy dociera do mnie, że nie przynosi to żadnych efektów, wściekam się, a następnie nakładam na siebie jeszcze więcej zobowiązań, jakby miało to sprawić, że tym razem się uda. Dobija mnie też świadomość uciekającego czasu, czasem zachowuję się jakbym miał umrzeć już za minutę i nic więcej nie miało być możliwe.
Przez to żyję w stanie permanetnej frustracji i poczucia, że nie mam wpływu na to, co się ze mną dzieje. Mam wrażenie, że im bardziej chcę odzyskać poczucie sprawczości, tym mniej realnie mogę. Brakuje mi już pomysłu na to, jak walczyć z tym wiecznym poddenerwowaniem i sporymi oczekiwaniami.
submitted by met3amorphosis to Polska [link] [comments]
