Glass coasters my bf made

2024.11.27 17:50 bonerausorus Glass coasters my bf made

submitted by bonerausorus to purple [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Last_Opinion7476 Your roadmap to NFL matchups, with other games, times and odds

Your roadmap to NFL matchups, with other games, times and odds submitted by Last_Opinion7476 to Worldnews_247 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 maddingcrowdawaits What is anyone's advice on a horrible rattling noise in a 2015 Honda Accord??

submitted by maddingcrowdawaits to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Weak_Scene4270 What’s up with the formations on this rock ?

What’s up with the formations on this rock ? Seems like a porous shell around the piece in some areas.
submitted by Weak_Scene4270 to Rocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 HeitorOF [WP] You jokingly ask the genie for a million wishes, and to your surprise, they actually fulfill it

submitted by HeitorOF to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 met3amorphosis Pułapki samorozwoju i brak poczucia wpływu na własne życie

Czołem. W maju tego roku dotarłem do takiego momentu w życiu, w którym poczułem, że potrzebuję zmiany. Zauważyłem, że nie czerpię satysfakcji z tego jak żyję, a realizacja dotychczasowych celów, która całkowicie mnie pochłonęła, nie daje mi szczęścia. Czułem się źle z własnymi nawykami i lękami oraz z tym, że przestałem dbać o siebie i robić rzeczy, które niegdyś kochałem.
Oczywiście zabrałem się do rozpisywania mnóstwa celów, dzielenia je na pojedyncze lata, miesiące i tygodnie, kupiłem pomocne książki, wróciłem do pisania dziennika i inne tego typu sprawy. Głupio mi to przyznać przed samym sobą, ale jestem w tym samym miejscu, w którym byłem jeszcze kilka miesięcy temu xD.
Każda podjęta przeze mnie próba zrobienia czegokolwiek kończy się ogromną złością i frustracją. Stawiam sobie wiele różnych celów, a następnie próbuję pracować nad wieloma rzeczami naraz, np. w tym samym momencie chce walczyć z lękiem, zacząć uczyć się języka przez conajmniej 10 minut dziennie, odstawić porno i wdrożyć regularne ćwiczenia. Gdy dociera do mnie, że nie przynosi to żadnych efektów, wściekam się, a następnie nakładam na siebie jeszcze więcej zobowiązań, jakby miało to sprawić, że tym razem się uda. Dobija mnie też świadomość uciekającego czasu, czasem zachowuję się jakbym miał umrzeć już za minutę i nic więcej nie miało być możliwe.
Przez to żyję w stanie permanetnej frustracji i poczucia, że nie mam wpływu na to, co się ze mną dzieje. Mam wrażenie, że im bardziej chcę odzyskać poczucie sprawczości, tym mniej realnie mogę. Brakuje mi już pomysłu na to, jak walczyć z tym wiecznym poddenerwowaniem i sporymi oczekiwaniami.
submitted by met3amorphosis to Polska [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 gnibgnib 38m HMO contracting manager; 128k annual base

38m HMO contracting manager; 128k annual base With a fortune 200 company and over a decade of experience. I do not think this stub includes an annual bonus of around 7.5% of base paid in q1, access to an ESPP with 15% lower than current rate or previous 6 month close. WFH and all that other jazz
I have a BS in the healthcare admin field as well
submitted by gnibgnib to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 EasternAdventures Travel on Thanksgiving, so always do my own Turkey a day early

Travel on Thanksgiving, so always do my own Turkey a day early submitted by EasternAdventures to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Gilles_from_Paris NINA HAGEN "WAS ES IST" LIVE STRASBOURG 1994 (video)

NINA HAGEN submitted by Gilles_from_Paris to NinaHagen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 zineath For a few months I've been collecting every cigarette carton that gets thrown in my yard. Made a zine of short stories based on them.

For a few months I've been collecting every cigarette carton that gets thrown in my yard. Made a zine of short stories based on them. (I know I can't spell, you don't need to remind me lmao. )
I enjoy the concept of getting to peek into someone's life through the objects they've touched, as well as examining the little tragedies and beauties of normal lives. So I made up stories about the people who might have dropped their cigarette and vape packs in my yard. They contain a little pain, and a little hot, as I think most people's stories do. Here are a few of them for you to enjoy.
submitted by zineath to zines [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Cardboardman1132 All lego avatars I've made from the past week to today

All lego avatars I've made from the past week to today submitted by Cardboardman1132 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Tough-Love-8174 Td Zelle Oa Chase Wells Truist Any credit union citi📲📲 Asap

submitted by Tough-Love-8174 to FromDuvalToDade [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 JarekGunther One day, I saw a mother, who was laughing and playing with her son.

Is that what mothers are supposed to do?
submitted by JarekGunther to TwoSentenceSadness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Last_Opinion7476 Meet the medical contrarians picked to lead health agencies under Trump and Kennedy

Meet the medical contrarians picked to lead health agencies under Trump and Kennedy submitted by Last_Opinion7476 to Worldnews_247 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 farrah_berra I took a break for about a year and a half from Drs because of the constant disappointment and being ran around in circles

But the bullet and went back to a cardiologist in September. She was immediately going to write me off until I lied and said I wanted to have kids soon. She ordered 3 tests, all of which I had done about 2 years prior. All came back with abnormalities being “within a normal limit” whatever the fuck that means.
She tried to send me off today saying if my chest pain got worse to come back
.. I didn’t come for chest pain.. I came for POTS
I’m so tired of this shit. Is it time to just accept how we feel? I’m not doing this shit a third time
submitted by farrah_berra to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Remote-Ad-6629 Cursos (Pós, extensão, Mestrado...) em SC na área de TI?

Pessoal, alguém recomenda algum curso técnico que seja útil tanto para o aprendizado quanto para o networking em Santa Catarina? Eu estou buscando algo principalmente relacionado à Engenharia e Arquitetura de Softwares, mas também me interesso por cursos mais voltados para novos negócios/startups tecnológicas. Por ser Pós, Mestrado, Extensão, eventos em geral, etc....
Eu trabalho com engenharia de dados (basicamente) mas o meu time é 100% remoto. Também fiz uma faculdade 100% EAD (no exterior) de modo que meu network na área é absolutamente inexistente. Tô querendo conhecer pessoas novas para trocar ideias, montar negócios, ou me envolver em aspectos da comunidade.
Qualquer dica é bem vinda. Valeu!
submitted by Remote-Ad-6629 to brdev [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Rkillerx221 Feeling cute

Feeling cute submitted by Rkillerx221 to big_girl_compliments [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 cevattttt Elluna OneTrick - I want her Referal skin

Hello People, since the very first playtest im a Elluna Onetrick and i REALLY want her referal skin. So anybody who is kind enough to use my referal code to get me some points :
I would VERY MUCH appreciate it ALOT <3 <3
submitted by cevattttt to supervive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 SharptoothChomper UP UP UP TO INFINITY TO GOD!!!!!!

submitted by SharptoothChomper to KarmaPlantation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Avayren weg mit diesen grünen Müll !!!!!!!!!

weg mit diesen grünen Müll !!!!!!!!! submitted by Avayren to gekte [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 media1mogul Anybody got Yard Signs from the past elections? Don't care which side. Simply looking for the plastic for project

I've always wondered what happens to all the yard signs.
I'm just looking for the plastic for crafts.
Don't care about what it says.
If anyone has a pile of them we can connect via a post on craigslist.
submitted by media1mogul to CambridgeMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Responsible-Cat4389 Poema Narrativo I (Una tragedia) ¿Qué opinan?

De rojo se ha teñido la tierra.
De los niños amenaza la risa.
Dónde verdes praderas existieron
encantadoras flores exhibiendo.
Ya nada queda, solo flores muertas.
Al hijo y mujer un hombre deja
Aunque ya viejo su deber atiende
ella rápidamente lo comprende.
Mientras su hijo observa levemente
el semblante de su madre entristece.
Las lágrimas caen, una tras otra.
Rápidamente sus lágrimas limpia
se vuelve hacia él, fingiendo una sonrisa
con un beso se despide, se aleja.
No recordaba el peso de las armas.
No cesan los heridos, ni los cuerpos.
mientras el hedor putrefacto se intensifica.
Más lentamente la moral cae
en la victoria ya nadie cree
y mientras van al frente.
Quién debería ser su líder
solo mira y muchos mueren.
A su esposa el miedo le corroe
que una veloz bala perdida
detenga el tiempo de su amado.
Una sutil esperanza se mantiene
¿Su esposo aún la recuerda
O su mente se habrá quebrantado?
Olvidando su familia o su nombre
¿Habrá perdido sus agallas
y se halla retirado de la batalla?
Cesan sus fatigantes pensamientos
para así poder conciliar el sueño.
Pero un sonido la ha despertado,
era el ruidoso teléfono sonando.
Al contestar, un hombre le ha informado
sobre un héroe respetado.
Quien salvó las vidas de soldados
sus ojos poco a poco se habían cerrado.
Su última petición, sus últimas palabras.
“Lamento lo sucedido. Siempre te he amado
si oyes mis palabras, vive por el hijo
que ambos hemos atesorado”.
Solo un llanto oyó el soldado
que la noticia había entregado.
submitted by Responsible-Cat4389 to POESIA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Last_Opinion7476 Border Patrol trains more chaplains as the job and polarizing immigration debate rattle agents

Border Patrol trains more chaplains as the job and polarizing immigration debate rattle agents submitted by Last_Opinion7476 to Worldnews_247 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 JohhnyFreeman “Looks Like I’m Still Here”

“Looks Like I’m Still Here” Made by Cultivision
submitted by JohhnyFreeman to ShortFilm [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:50 Many-Imagination131 how would these monsters react to a live car crash tho?🌚

how would these monsters react to a live car crash tho?🌚 submitted by Many-Imagination131 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]