2024.11.27 17:29 AirbrushedTexan Stitched Jerseys
Does anyone know if the team sells stitched versions of the new jerseys? If so where do they sell them? I'm just not a fan of printed jerseys.
submitted by AirbrushedTexan to Texans [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 freshhdumbledore69 Krankenversicherung
Hallo zusammen,
mein Hund ist 6 Jahre alt und hat phasenweise immer wieder Juckreiz aufgrund von Futtermilbenallergie und Hausstaubmilbenallergie. Eine Zeit lang waren aufgrund einer Futterumstellung und sehr viel Staubsaugen, Milbensprays und Hautlotionen alle Symptome verschwunden. Jetzt sind sie wieder da und dieses Mal geht sie sich hauptsächlich am die Pfoten, davor warens die Achseln und Innenschenkel. Die Tierärztin meint ich soll überprüfen ob es von einem bestimmten Futter kommen könnte. Kennt sich da jemand aus?
Darüber hinaus würde ich gerne eine Krankenversicherung abschließen. Hat jemand eine halbwegs gute. Aufgrund ihrer immer wieder auftretenden Beschwerden würde sie von vielen abgelehnt werden...
Danke schonmal und ganz liebe Grüße
submitted by freshhdumbledore69 to hundeschule [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Kitsunegirl1999 WuWa EU/Endgame Acc/22×5 stars
I want to sell this Account. Male Rover. World level 70 birthday setted! Email linked! Lunite Abo still active for around 14 days! I only accept Paypal F&F! Jinshi C1+signature Shorekeeper C1+signature Jiyan Xiangli Yao C1+ signature R2 Lingyang C1+ standard 5 star weapon Verina C1 Encore c2 Calcharo Jianxin Standard 5 star broadblade DM me if you want. I dont have a specific price in mind. (But please dont be rude haha) submitted by Kitsunegirl1999 to AccountSell [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 HowDoIUseThisThing- OTD | November 27, 1095: Pope Urban II gave a speech in which he called all European Christians to wage against Muslims in order to reclaim the “Holy Land.”
submitted by HowDoIUseThisThing- to onthisdayinworld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 Eco-Posadist Alcoholics Anonymous is a Union of Egoists
Alcoholics Anonymous and its sister organizations (Narcotics Anonymous, Porn Addicts Anonymous, etc.) is one of the few large scale organizations that fits Stirner's definition of a Union of Egoists.
People only participate in AA when remaining sober is in their self interest. If remaining sober is no longer in their self interest they are free to leave AA at any time.
For a newcomer who has a desire to remain sober, the other members of the organization serve as a support network to help them remain sober, suiting their self-interest. For the other members, providing assistance and service to new members helps remind them of how bad their drinking used to be, and motivates them to stay sober, also suiting their self-interest.
Even the twelve steps, which actually proscribe admitting your own powerlessness and giving your will over to a power greater than yourself (a very non-egoistic thing to do) are just tools that are available to participants in AA to make use of if they chose. They are never forced upon members, but their effectiveness is made so obvious by the other members of the program that it becomes hard to deny that if staying sober is truly in one's self interest, accepting the twelve steps is the best option available.
submitted by Eco-Posadist to fullegoism [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 bacon_wrangler Any ideas how the new changes will affect builds?
I've been stuff running shrapnel this season since I'm on WOW, but the hive is going back to Manibus Hard or Prisonverse next season. I'm trying to decide between UB and PS, but I don't want to commit to one or the other until we know what affect the weapons and armors changes will have.
Has anyone waded through the new numbers to see what seems to work yet?
submitted by bacon_wrangler to OnceHumanOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Fine_Error_7895 Want to attend a wedding
It’s been 4-5 years since I have been to a wedding and seeing all the people post wedding pics is giving me a big time fomo. Anyone who is going to some wedding and needs some company please invite me.
submitted by Fine_Error_7895 to mumbaimeetups [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Medical-Ad-5974 Help me identify the car by the front light
Any idea what car, Model, etc could it be?
submitted by Medical-Ad-5974 to namethatcar [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 derm_sci 30F, major delays in career. Because of disappointments and failures facing lack of motivation and discipline. Please help
I was a hard worker, obedient, follows rules, but since a few years I have been feeling frustrated because of many hurdles with work, no success, many disappointments with work. Because of this I'm feeling depressed and lack motivation to do anything and just sleep whenever free. I am good at my work and was also approached to get into business related to my current work but it comes with a catch of sacrificing my years, family and possibly early income. I am confused if I should still do a business in some other field or job. submitted by derm_sci to Nakshatras [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 Gamer0607 Can I buy a PS5 controller and store it until my current one dies?
I am planning to buy an extra PS5 controller during Black Friday for back up for when my current one starts getting stick drift.
I already had 2 develop this issue in the past 4 years since I got the console. Heck, the 2nd one even had 1A at the end of the serial number and it still got stick drift within a few months.
My question is, will the battery on the new one degrade if I keep it in its box and not use it?
Many thanks.
submitted by Gamer0607 to PS5 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 GregAndo If a bug deletes your wealth, do the mods recover it for you?
Just wondering, lost most of my wealth in a bug that deleted my stored cargo from an outpost warehouse. I am fairly new to the game, so lost the majority of what I had, about 4.5mil which took me a long time to accrue.
I raised a bug with issue council, any chance that they can recover the cargo, or provide funds? Or am I out in the doghouse?
At this point, I feel like giving up.
submitted by GregAndo to starcitizen [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Overall_Connection77 1000-day streak
My Duo streak is up to 999 today, and I will definitely make it 1000 tomorrow. Is there anything I should expect? Will I get any more streak freezes or any other freebies?
submitted by Overall_Connection77 to duolingo [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 ahammer_24 Looking for high tech, green garbage, and ravager reclaim
submitted by ahammer_24 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 PatientConfusion6341 Spending Thanksgiving with a complete stranger and their family, am I being too trusting or am I trying to self sabotage something that could be great?
For context I come from a dysfunctional abusive family, at 18 I was basically kicked out and that’s when I decided to go NC, my sisters are also NC with our parents but our relationships are strained. I’ve never had a good relationship with my mom but i’ve always told my friends I wish I could still be adopted into a family at my age.
So I (22F) met this lady about two weekends ago at a local DJ event and she was an older lady, it was a no alcohol event as well just tea and coffee. I decided to go up to her and this other lady to make small talk and that’s when they started talking about holidays and that’s when I told them that I usually spend holidays alone and my background and how i’m in school and work full time. She sympathized with me heavily and said that I was more than welcome to join her and her family for thanksgiving. We exchanged numbers and we’ve been sparingly texting each other since the event. I honestly didn’t think she was being serious but she definitely is. She’ll usually text me saying she’s thinking of me, saying good morning beautiful, sending pix of her grandkids, etc. overall just trying to make me feel included.
She said it’ll be hosted at her nephews place and that we can meet at hers and go from there. She sent me her address and her house is like the size of a mansion. So my question remains, am I overthinking this situation? I’ve met people and some of my friends through the internet so I feel like this is nothing. I’ve never been big on family get togethers especially with another family I don’t know but she’s been really consistent and sweet so far, tells me I remind her of her daughter.
submitted by PatientConfusion6341 to Adulting [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Isthisuniqueuser If you are missing a few LT for that sweet sweet dress (which is frankly the nicest thing in shop now 🥲)
Feed your villagers snacks! Invite them from map! Newly invited villagers need 21 golden gifts (525 points) to level up! Every 2 villager should gain you at least 1 level! HAPPY SHOPPING 💸 submitted by Isthisuniqueuser to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 maarnextdoor Princess Carolyn Demolished This Box. Who’s A Horrible Person That is Loved By Fans?
Point Totals: Princess Carolyn: 2,976 Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive Of the Law Margo Martindale: 238 Judah: 4 Sarah Lynn: 5 Todd: 4 submitted by maarnextdoor to BoJackHorseman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 infinitevisions77 Type 6, watching my doubts is hilarious
I think the universe could hit me on the head with a hammer and I might question if I'm hallucinating the existence of the hammer.
It is amazing how deeply I can know something to be true/the path to take, and yet my mind still accosts me with "well, you know you could be wrong, what if bla bla bla?"
I've spent so many years listening to my stupid mind chatter and I'm ready to stop. Trusting myself is a new and strange experience. My mind always wants to get in the last word. "Are you sure you have good and valid reasons to trust yourself and you won't be deceived again?" It is comically absurd.
Thank you mind for trying to keep me safe but I think I can do a better job.
submitted by infinitevisions77 to Enneagram [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Rare_Document_6595 Unfold is underrated
The beat drop at the end is like your body leaving itself every time
submitted by Rare_Document_6595 to porterrobinson [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 MaineEarthworm SurveySavvy shut down
Looks like SurveySavvy has shuttered. Their phone number isn’t working and they’ve been ignoring my emails for almost 4 months. I’m owed over $25 for completed surveys.
Had zero issues with them for nearly a decade but hard times come for all, I suppose..
submitted by MaineEarthworm to beermoney [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 deadburgandyrose Yours, Henry Update! Been So Long Since My Last Wilde Update, thought it was worth celebrating!
submitted by deadburgandyrose to titanicfanfiction [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 NiteshJagwani Diljeet Dosanjh Bengaluru Tickets 6th Dec at very reasonable rate (Physical Ticks)
Diljit Dosanjh's Dil-Luminati Tour concert in Bengaluru - 6th Dec https://preview.redd.it/y2bp8o1nbh3e1.jpg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf0a17dd2a00cc579cb579da1777543f41c21e4 Best part, hand to hand physical tickets availableSilver Zone tickets available at a much lower rate than the Listed Price DM if interested :) submitted by NiteshJagwani to TicketResale [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:29 Embarrassed_Equal274 Prescription Drug Coverage
I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I am on long-term disability and government CPP benefits. I am really struggling to pay my Blue Cross monthly premiums, they are over $200 a month. Is there a drug plan that I am not aware of for disabled peoples?
submitted by Embarrassed_Equal274 to disability [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 Top_Needleworker3130 M 28 I looking for a bitch or cuck 05919ca5cbd28a48a62801ad3be33d258c28049a2ab1c6c329c37f4af147394f18
submitted by Top_Needleworker3130 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:29 ClockKonsole Cat S22 Flip
Was looking at buying a Cat S22 and the $5 plan with freedom, from what I can see it should be compatible, but I have a few questions.
2024.11.27 17:29 ygexcenz Trivia answers please
submitted by ygexcenz to Goatapp [link] [comments]