2024.11.27 18:35 Virtual-Bread-1186 Common or mistake
This my first tattoo and if you can see on the third X one of the lines more bolder then the others. I was wondering if this is normal or if the tattoo artist late a mistake? It’s a year old btw. Thank you for the help submitted by Virtual-Bread-1186 to tattooadvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 MaddenTexasRanger New SoTW (94 OVR SS) and S3 Releases (95 OVR) - Nov. 27th
submitted by MaddenTexasRanger to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 alibye77 Caught a few pics as it drove by
submitted by alibye77 to whatisthiscar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 vibingsince1996 Fixderma sunscreen BOGO + freebies
submitted by vibingsince1996 to indianbeautyhauls [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 UK_Kenny A.I's and Their Usage of Pistols? - S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this in their playthroughs but I've yet to run across a single NPC that uses a pistol. (I've had two people say they've seen one or two, but that's it so far.) It feels incredibly strange seeing every single supposed "Rookie" decked out with AR's, SMG's and Shotguns. They will almost always have a pistol on their person inside of their inventory, but I've never seen an NPC switch weapons and as mentioned, never even seen one use a pistol.
Has anyone else noticed this? There's an overwhelming abundance of primary weapons, especially in the earlier areas which just doesn't make any sense and it would be awesome to see Rookie STALKERs who actually look like they're having a hard time.
While typically I'd be in favour of leaving something like that to modders I do feel like it takes away from the base game experience as gear progression is skyrocketed when you have a plethora of primary weapons on hand at any given moment and no reason to repair them. Picking up a good gun in the old games and seeing it was still in good nick was a great feeling, here it feels rather empty and meaningless as you've already seen 30 of the same ones 5 minutes prior.
-I know the game has just released and there's going to be a bunch of tweaks made over time, that's why I'm posting this as there's nothing I'd love more than the sequel I grew up with and learned to mod on be finetuned, improved, better optimized and eventually deliver a feature complete A-Life 2.0 worthy of the name. I've already completed a playthrough and am mostly waiting for official modding tools myself, but I do feel as if this would be a valuable change, especially to the early game pacing. (I was able to make 100k in about an hour without really even trying on the hardest difficulty just because of how many primary weapons are available at any given moment.)
Would love to hear what other peoples thoughts are on this as most of the friends I've spoken to have shared the same sentiment.
submitted by UK_Kenny to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 Formal_Bug6986 Any upgrades I can do with the cards I have to this deck? (I don't have Venom)
submitted by Formal_Bug6986 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 shadowbison_ squad code - veteran player
US Server - veteran player so guaranteed fast finishing of challenges
submitted by shadowbison_ to BlackCloverMobile [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 Worldly-Balance-748 Terminei um relacionamento e desejo mudar algo na minha aparência, como posso melhorar?
submitted by Worldly-Balance-748 to MeJulgue [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 kikiubo My cat suddenly stopped shitting in his litterbox. Now half of it is outside and sometimes he hides it under rugs
As the title says, I dont know what happened he used the litterbox without problem.
submitted by kikiubo to CatTraining [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 Quirky_Silver1856 Quick question
I’m starting with Iem’s and I want to buy first dac/amp with xlr and 3,3mm ports with budget abt 100-150$
submitted by Quirky_Silver1856 to iems [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 itsmaxemiliano [WTS] 1976 Rolex Day-Date Ref. 1803 | Minute Track Dial
submitted by itsmaxemiliano to Watchexchange [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 madneo17 Just finished Legend of Nayuta and now I'm sad there's no sequel
Basically what the title says. I discovered the Ys series a couple of years ago and after finishing Ys X recently, and in an effort to find more Ys-like games, I learned about the Legend of Nayuta. Really enjoyed it and now I wish there was another one, as well as generally just wishing Falcom was better known in the West.
submitted by madneo17 to Falcom [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 monstawonder Procura-se poliglota, seo specialist, smm, front-end developer e designer
Hoje por curiosidade decidi ir ver ofertas de emprego na minha área e... deparei-me com esta beldade. Aposto que pagam o salário mínimo e pedem para trabalhar nos fins de semana... tugices :') Já trabalho na área do marketing digital há mais de 6 anos e só mesmo em Portugal é que metem 1 pessoa a fazer o trabalho de 5. https://preview.redd.it/08rdpdyzmh3e1.png?width=923&format=png&auto=webp&s=d465e7b9e106575918c70e145302431eb6f57078 submitted by monstawonder to jovemedinamica [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 REVSWANS Its weird but it works
submitted by REVSWANS to juxtaposition [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 Not_AMermaid Small wins on 50¢ spins
submitted by Not_AMermaid to VaLottery [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 Noumenology Controller settings and instrument question
Apologies for the simplicity of this one. I have a Nektar Panorama T6 that I am trying to get Bitwig to work with. I’ve installed the firmware update for the keyboard and the support files from Nektar, and I have the keyboard connected to the computer via USB straight from the keyboard to the Mac, and a midi from the controller to a Nektar MIDIFLEX4 USB MIDI Interface. Bitwig and the controller talk to each other so that the faders and other functions cooperate, but the instrument (the actual keyboard keys) do not do anything. They produce a signal, because I can see the midi interface light working, and if I open up Nektarine, I can use the keys. I’ve included a picture of how the keyboard is set up by default in Bitwig settings. submitted by Noumenology to Bitwig [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 Huge_Imagination9437 Morir de la manera más digna. ¿Qué prefieren?
Nunca he sido una persona completamente religiosa, ni nada por estilo. Pero quiero saber que piensan los demás al respecto. No me da miedo morir, a todos nos va a pasar algún día, me da miedo lo que venga después (si es que hay algo después, realmente, o no hay nada) y lo temas pendientes que queden con mi vida y famila. ¿Qué prefieren? ¿Morir de repente y ni siquiera darse cuenta y dejar todo pendiente para que mis familiares/amigos lo arreglen (cabe mencionar que así murió mi papá y dejo puros dolores de cabeza), o saber de antemano que te quedan X cantidad de días para que mueras y preparar todo y solo esperar el momento e irse así nada más? Gracias por leer
submitted by Huge_Imagination9437 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 Suicidal2Day Is Withers technically a playable companion?
I just wanted to see people‘s opinions on if Withers is considered a playable companion or not. You obviously can’t control and play as Withers, but Withers is in control of the hirelings and speaks for them. So does that mean that Withers is technically a playable companion since you can use his hirelings and bring them along for your adventure? Let me know what you guys think.
submitted by Suicidal2Day to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 Son-Wukong1 Got The Black Beauty
Finally got it after searching everywhere
submitted by Son-Wukong1 to ps5india [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 boundtoreddit In the corporate machinery of controlled happiness, anxiety is the glitch they dare not acknowledge
I mean, you go to college, work your ass off, learn complicated skills, nail every performance review, and then get walked out by security because some MBA in a $5000 suit decided your salary looks better as their quarterly bonus! submitted by boundtoreddit to FluentInFinance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 Beginning-Break4503 Is not having an English Language GCSE going to be an issue for my future career?
Hi everyone, I’m hoping to get some advice from some professionals. I didn’t sit the English Language GCSE exam because of the Covid pandemic, and my grade was determined through predicted grades or however they worked it out at the time. I ended up with a 4 in English Literature (which, to be honest, wasn’t great since I wasn’t really focused on GCSEs in secondary school).
After the pandemic hit, I made it into college, where I was told I needed to re-sit English Language. However, things were chaotic due to Covid, and for half the year, I was told I was in the English class, then told I wasn’t, and no one seemed to help me figure out what was going on. I don’t think I ever actually re-sat the exam (this was about four years ago now).
Despite all of this, I did really well in college – got distinctions, and eventually got into university. Now, I’m in my final year of Computer Science, and I’ve been doing amazing academically. I got a first in my second year and I’m on track to get the same this year. However, I just realized that I still don’t have my English Language GCSE!
I’m studying to be a software developer, so I know English Language isn’t typically a major requirement for the role, but I’m wondering if not having it is going to hold me back in the job market, especially when it comes to graduate roles. Will this impact my chances at all, or is it something I can just overlook since I’m excelling academically in my degree?
submitted by Beginning-Break4503 to GCSE [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 HNF_toon07 [For Hire] I'm Open for Sticker Gif commission Start 35$. DM me if you're interested!
submitted by HNF_toon07 to artstore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:35 Liudov1k Kiek laiko reikia virti koldūnus???
Prašau padėkit
submitted by Liudov1k to lithuania [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 Eastern_Caramel_1557 Jewellers in Bangalore who can make the Rings of Power
Anyone know any jewllers in banglore that can help make lord of the rings rings?
submitted by Eastern_Caramel_1557 to bangalore [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:35 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | MICROSOFT XBOX ONE S CONSOLE - 1681 Tested Works ! Console Only DIRTY CONSOLE
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |