Sum of numbers appearing in a box next to every instance of a person's name?

2024.11.27 18:42 harambe_did911 Sum of numbers appearing in a box next to every instance of a person's name?

Tried to summarize in title, but here is what I'm trying to set up. Basically each row of my sheet has one name, two numbers, and a sum (difference) of the two numbers. It's cause there is a group A that give tasks and group B that completes them so right now the sheet tracks how many tasks group B has been assigned/completed and the sum shows how many tasks are outstanding. Essentially I need to modify this to also show how many tasks each person in group A is assigning.
So I'm thinking I need to add a row for every individual task each person from group B is assigned and then a column for the name of which person in group A assigned it. Problems are 1. That sounds tedious, and 2. How would I pull the sum of tasks assigned by each person in group A for that? Idk if I can get around the first problem but there's gotta be a formula for the second one right? Closest i could find was countif function but that seems to not take into account if multiple (normally 5 to 20) tasks are assigned in one instance (one row). Idk if any of that made sense but if anyone has ideas that would be awesome.
submitted by harambe_did911 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Melody_Sissy-Girl Hallway model... 🫦

Hallway model... 🫦 submitted by Melody_Sissy-Girl to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 likes-beans Epicor & NALT "too effective"

Hi, I have found that epicor (yeast extract) improves my general health (ringworm infection died, skin health improved) and that NALT is almost as noticable as Ritalin itself as a stimulant. What should I do to avoid tolerance to the latter, and reduce dependence on the former?
submitted by likes-beans to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Gatt__ Do we know what chapters the death watch marines from the prologue came from?

Like the title says. This would technically make it the only interaction with other chapters we get in game, and typically non black-shields will wear their original heraldry as an homage to their brothers.
submitted by Gatt__ to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 abjinternational Tom Brady reveals what he really thinks about working on Thanksgiving

Tom Brady reveals what he really thinks about working on Thanksgiving submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 deetsbrother WK2 engine temp gauge fluctuating rapidly, bad sensor?

Hi all, first time I’ve experienced this in a little over a year of ownership. Normal driving conditions and the temperature gauge is jumping all around, from all the way on hot, then back down to normal within 10 seconds or so. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I’m suspecting it’s just a bad sensor.
submitted by deetsbrother to JeepGrandCherokee [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 SeRun_2926 Employment issues (London uk)

You may or may not know the nhs introduced a new health system called epic last year October. They basically said we all neeed to apply for another position as our ones would no longer be needed.
The only options they gave was to apply for another role out of the pool the gave to us.
Initially in the pool were lower banded jobs (lower salary) but they removed these after we went though the union and they ended up leaving whatever roles was left.
This really doesn’t seem legal, unison were useless as usual !?
We’re all stressed and depressed. Basically some of us got similar roles and others are in completely knew departments. Not to mention there wasn’t even enough roles in the pool so some have to apply elsewhere via the “redeployment scheme”
Seeking legal advice now. But has anyone experienced anything like this and would you say this is legal ?
submitted by SeRun_2926 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 hollisacooke ($50) Open Current Checking Setup $200+ In Direct Deposit Earn $50. No Account Fees

($50) Open Current Checking Setup $200+ In Direct Deposit Earn $50. No Account Fees
submitted by hollisacooke to refferalcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 alex_cllns WB Regidrago 9802 4913 4684

submitted by alex_cllns to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Famous-Pattern-8205 Does anyone know where this quest is??

Does anyone know where this quest is??
Ive been looking for it and it LOOKS like its in goldenleaf woods but I cant find a clear path to access it, It's been a while since I've played SSO, So i MIGHT be missing something, but I can't find anything that points me in the correct direction.
submitted by Famous-Pattern-8205 to StarStable [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Ok-Blacksmith437 For people looking at XAT after a bad CAT- YOU STILL GOT IT!

For people looking at XAT after a bad CAT- YOU STILL GOT IT! First things first, this is not coming from someone who managed to convert XLRI. Let alone converting I messed up DM and missed out on a call given the increased sectional cutoff. This is coming from someone who could not get in CAT the score he had prepared for but came back and got that score in XAT. I see numerous doubts regarding XAT, XLRI and coming back after a bad CAT. This post is an attempt to help solve them. I will try to go pointwise and take the common doubts I have come across and also add a few tips from my side.
  1. Is it even possible to make an XLRI level comeback after messing up CAT? Yes it is. Being terrible at math, I had done only arithmetic and still was able to do well in the QADI section and get an overall score much higher than XLRI's overall cutoff. What changed from 70 and 80 percentile in QA and LRDI to 97.4 percentile in QADI in only a month? Mindset! I was much more relaxed for XAT. I tried to detach from the result and only thought about having a good three hours when I sit with the paper. When appearing for the exam, I had all the time to solve questions but no time to panic. I feel that it is impossible to kill the emotional attachment you have with the result of something but it is definitely possible to control. Your struggles with giving an online exam are directly proportional to how much you are going ahead of the exam itself. Stay in the paper. The version of you that has worked hard for months should not be let down in just a few hours. No matter what happens, consider it your duty to stay in the exam and make the best out of whatever time you have left. Avoid talking to people before the exam. Utilize that time to drink water, relax and mentally get in the screen.
  2. Syllabus- The syllabus is not very different from CAT as far as the sections common to CAT and XAT are concerned. There is a definite change in pattern, question types and level of difficulty as well. I will recommend taking a look at pyqs. That is the best way to understand the differences between both the exams. Other than the DM section I only remember learning a little bit of stats for XAT. Nothing else was different in terms of the base.
  3. Decision Making- For a rough idea, the main motive is to ensure maximum business profit. You also need to see that you cannot let go of ethics to obtain profit. It is not necessary that you will find perfect options in this section. You need to keep the major requirements in mind and look for the option that best follows them. The best option is the correct option. Pyqs are the single best source and a goldmine for this section. Attempt and analyze them and you are good to go.
  4. VALR- This section is a definite level up from CAT, made further difficult by 5 options. In 1.25 years of preparation, I have not found a better way than reading quality content to level up in English. Aeon essays were a win win for me. Reading them for CAT significantly boosted my VARC.
  5. QADI- Can't comment much as this is not really my forte. What I did was to make sure I correctly solve all the doable questions of arithmetic and crack a set in DI.
  6. GK- Firstly this section will nowhere play a part in your selection. It is not a part of the overall percentile and also not a part of the selection process of XAT accepting colleges. The questions asked are mostly current affairs and they are not very deep. My interest in politics and sports helped me do decent here. No negative marking also helped.
  7. Exam centre- An additional tip. XAT has recently had an algorithm of assigning comfortable exam centres to girls and throwing boys to random centres to adjust. I decided to travel on the exam day as my centre was only a 3 hour journey. DON'T DO THIS MISTAKE. I usually sleep for a good 7 hours but my sleep on the exam day got restricted to only 2 hours followed by no rest because of the travel plans. I started the exam feeling very tired. I made a mistake by starting with the DM section in that state. My plan always was to begin with DM but the reasoning was to have a fresh mind, which was definitely not the case. I believe that this took a toll on my performance in DM because how I could I do so bad in the only section I had prepared for XAT. Try to not have your mental or physical health compromised on exam days.
  8. Pyqs- I did not mention this specifically for different sections but they are always the best source. Do as many as you can. I did not give a single mock other than pyqs. You anyway do not have the time.
submitted by Ok-Blacksmith437 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 HomesickJoystick The HS client is at an all time low so I made two mock drafts of what HS would look like on the Steam platform. PLEASE BLIZZARD! HS TO STEAM

The HS client is at an all time low so I made two mock drafts of what HS would look like on the Steam platform. PLEASE BLIZZARD! HS TO STEAM submitted by HomesickJoystick to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 vainbeer Looking for housing

Hey guys, me and my friend are looking for a 2B/1b temporary stay for the month of January near Santa Clara university. We don’t want to spend much and want to be close to the public transports. Do you have any affordable leads ?
submitted by vainbeer to santaclara [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 icewallopizz Some unedited greens creek renders

Some unedited greens creek renders Anyways here's the lyrics to full moon full live because i just have it copied for some reason and it's fire
It's full moon again Crazy how time flies One might wonder If the path is in the right direction But I do believe Things come to life by accident When it remains on Sounds like it's meant to be New space made when things fall apart (Get up!) What matters after ending's how you left a mark (Don't wait up!) Fire in my soul, fire in my heart 'Til you see me on the other side of stars, I'm running All the journeys start somewhere with a first step No one's sure what lies ahead, be bold and brave (ooh, stand up!) Roads may be rough and tough Though it will lead somewhere (oh) (Nothing easy, get up and go! Get it, go!) Sometimes it's the journey itself that teaches A lot about the destination not aware of (ooh) No matter how far (no matter how far) How you go (how you go, how you go) How long it may last (carpe diem, no time to waste, you gotta) Venture life, burn your dread (venture life, go get it, burn your dread) When there's a beginning There's an ending too As we go We come across many predicaments Delight lies beneath Colors of life that's excellent Though pictures fade away Beauty will remain the same Stop living dead when your heart's beating still (Hope!) No slowing down for me, I'm never gonna chill (Go!) Every low phase, I ride it like a drill I'll abide by the rules, but outshine and prove Only time will tell the magnitude of deeds Longer we wait, may it be the sweeter kiss (ooh) (Or will it? Only time will tell) Standing by for answers Shall it ease the pain? (Oh) (Nothing easy, get up and go! Get it, go!) Only from the heart, one reaches to the sky Ups and downs they go, so hands up and enjoy the ride (ooh) As you go (as you go) Believe in (believe in) The faith and yourself (carpe diem, no time to waste) Venture with no regret (you gotta venture life, go get it, no regret) Choices one makes reflect hope and fear Be brave, endure the pain Then one might just gain the strength one sought Which may be hearts and souls of life Meanings all of us search for Question, no answers Will this be for nothing? I felt so, so worthless and nervous, disgusted I would be so broken unless I conducted Diligently, patiently, and trusted myself Nothing was given to me, so gonna go earn it Every pain is another motivation, I burn it Trepidation doesn't stop death, but it stops life Accepting open minds for lights One day, these quiet voices will be heard Loud and clear, the story of the ones we miss (ooh) (Stand up!) But shed no tears Realize what they left behind (oh) (Nothing easy, get up and go! Get it, go!) Explore within the limits of the time No one should need a permit to a way of life (ooh) No matter how far (no matter how far) How you go (how you go, how you go) How short it may last (carpe diem, no time to waste, you gotta) Venture life, burn your dread (venture life, go get it, burn your dread)
submitted by icewallopizz to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Fit_Primary_293 Update: partner triggered me on purpose part 2

So it’s been 5 days of barely speaking and today I felt like I could finally address the problem. After explaining how badly I feel hurt, and why, and what I need from him, he is arguing that he never actually said there was a crash. I pointed out that our friend said “my car is a wreck,” which objectively would not be said if there in fact was no accident or fender bender to react to.
He has said he thinks this is all in my head, that over the past four days he reached out to “professionals” who all agree with him, and that I am refusing to see his side of things.
I told him that I can’t see his side until he can’t acknowledge the truth of his actions and words. We left it at that and I’ve been crying since.
And he just came in the room to ask if I am seeing somebody on the side and looking for reasons to break up with him. I’m so taken aback by his lack of awareness. I hate how often the term Narcissist is thrown around, and I know that his mother is textbook NPD so I hate to throw an accusation at him. But honestly? The gaslighting, the refusal of facts and reality, trying to turn my hurt and sadness into the problem, and trying to find external people who will reinforce his view… the apple seems to be right he under the tree.
Two hours until my therapy appointment. I don’t know what I will do after. I don’t know that there is anything more I can do if he won’t budge at all. I told him to ask our gaming friends if he said there was an accident, and to ask our friend why he said his car was a wreck. He often fact checks me mid conversation so I said please, this time DO fact check me.
I feel so alone and isolated. Sorry if this is an overshare, I really don’t have anyone to talk to other than my therapist and mom. And my mom told me that I should just make up with him eyeroll
submitted by Fit_Primary_293 to SomaticExperiencing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Queen_Magix My human Isabelle art!

My human Isabelle art! submitted by Queen_Magix to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 iwontusethisacc2 Taller therefore superior

Taller therefore superior submitted by iwontusethisacc2 to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 DapeBoatbar Found these in a creek bed in northern Arkansas

Found these in a creek bed in northern Arkansas Rock #1: pics 1&2 Rock #2: pics 3,4,&5 Rock #3: pics 6
submitted by DapeBoatbar to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 SnooChocolates6617 Pics I took on Guy west bridge

Pics I took on Guy west bridge submitted by SnooChocolates6617 to CSUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 kk_05_ pls help! flea or bed bug?

pls help! flea or bed bug? I found a flea a couple of weeks ago, and didn't see any since. Then last night I found in my bed biting me, what seemed to be a bed bug. However, I just a few minutes ago found a flea jumping off of me! What is going on? Do I have fleas and bed bugs? The first image is the flea, and the second and following images are the "bed bug". Could the "bed bug" be a mangled flea? I have also been bitten all over my body, covered in bites. (I live in South Africa).
submitted by kk_05_ to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Weird-Stand5313 Please let's talk and clarify the puffy and swollen half of face / eye. Really concerned and cannot understand

submitted by Weird-Stand5313 to Lifepluscindy_snark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 F0rcefl0w Is everyone's Ethernet port on the PS5 pro so recessed?

In my unit ann all pictures of PS5 Pro's I could find, the Ethernet port is pretty recessed. Even on the mainboard itself, it's deeper in when compared to the other ports.
This causes some network cables to not click and lock.
Is everyone's unit like this?
submitted by F0rcefl0w to PS5pro [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 Ok-Accident-4949 Lost a stupid bet i shouldnt have done.. and having to share my crush here .. not ready for the feargasm i'm about to have .. my socials are in my bio

Lost a stupid bet i shouldnt have done.. and having to share my crush here .. not ready for the feargasm i'm about to have .. my socials are in my bio submitted by Ok-Accident-4949 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 noobducky-9 Hi all long time warhammer fan new Salamader fan.

Firstly some of the stuff you guys have done on here are amazing! Coming back to the hobby after being away since 7th ed. I did have iron hands, then Necrons and now back to space marine and I’ve picked the salamanders as my army.
Do you have any tips what lists to play? What tactics work? What lore should I read or need to see?
I have as follows Captain 2 x lieutenant with storm shield 1 x lieutenant in Phobos armor 1 x librarian in Phobos armor 3x aggressors 3x eliminator 10x infiltrator 15 x assault intercessor 3 x suppressors 3 x outriders 1x atv 1x ironclad dreadnought 1x thunder cannon with tech marine 1x servo turret
These are just stuff I’ve collected over the years so it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Roughly 1000pts I think. Thanks for any help!
submitted by noobducky-9 to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:42 admin44445678 Will japanese (off cloud) Aibo find his charger when battery is low?

Will japanese (off cloud) Aibo find his charger when battery is low?
submitted by admin44445678 to AIBO [link] [comments]