break and humiliate my small cock. make me ur goon slave. pls let me see ur irl/sis/gf. prefer asians (but doesn’t matter) i can show off or do anything pls help my beta cock 05502c6c0356355d7bfc79c75a97b7e758a20a24ec86b6b6d7a58fca21194c4e77

2024.11.27 19:30 Key_Emergency_4383 break and humiliate my small cock. make me ur goon slave. pls let me see ur irl/sis/gf. prefer asians (but doesn’t matter) i can show off or do anything pls help my beta cock 05502c6c0356355d7bfc79c75a97b7e758a20a24ec86b6b6d7a58fca21194c4e77

submitted by Key_Emergency_4383 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Southern_Designer570 Regidrago 5384 0868 0886

submitted by Southern_Designer570 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 colorsbynibbles Flowers

Flowers submitted by colorsbynibbles to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Glass-Wrap8595 34[M4A] stuck away at work

submitted by Glass-Wrap8595 to snapchat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 smrock Burlado em 15000 euros. Passos a seguir e provável desfecho?

Sim, é como leram, até a polícia ficou de boca aberta. Fui burlado em cerca de 15 mil euros através de uma chamada a fazerem-se passar pelo SIBS e conseguiram entrar na minha conta e sacar de lá dinheiro.
Não quero desenvolver detalhes de como fui um burro do crl, isso já são outros quinhentos. O gajo era um profissional do crime pela forma como falava.
Já cancelei cartões, fiz queixa na PSP e foi encaminhado para o Ministério Público. Provavelmente irei ser chamado quando houver desenvolvimentos.
No entanto quero prever o que irá acontecer a seguir tendo em conta a gravidade da situação e do valor alto que me foi retirado, ou seja, praticamente todas as minhas poupanças.
Já alguém teve algum caso semelhante? Qual foi o desfecho? Conseguiram reaver o valor? No meu caso vale a pena contratar um advogado e ir com o processo até ao fim?
submitted by smrock to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 elegant_assasin 22 [M4R] India/Anywhere - sfw friendship

Hey I'm looking for a platonic friendship . I lost my close friend and now feel quite a bit voided. I don't want to get into a "rebound" friendship but a genuine one, I like to write poetry (dm me if you are interested i guess?), llike game of thrones and breaking bad stuff and I play video games too. I mostly enjoy an interesting conversation.
submitted by elegant_assasin to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Heisthamster Besser schlechter Einfluss

Besser schlechter Einfluss submitted by Heisthamster to ErMannMaimais [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 teknesevdasi You can (not) use underbarrel launcher with “Tattered” blueprint

You can (not) use underbarrel launcher with “Tattered” blueprint Tried to apply a camo on Tattered blueprint but it didn’t work. When I selected vanilla AK-74 I was able to use underbarrel launcher.
submitted by teknesevdasi to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Yiiisus- [WTS] G$ SD3G, trijicon gl-201 night sights, sprinco blue & H2 buffer kit

Comment first then pm please. I accept Zelle(preferred), Venmo, and Cashapp (NO PAYPAL). Open to offers. Lmk if you have any questions, thanks!
G$ SD3G - $140

Trijicon night sights gl-201 for glock - $50
Carbine buffer tube, sprinco blue, aero h2 - $50 - Buffer tube has salt on threads but still functions great
submitted by Yiiisus- to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 ole-trusty 30% off at with code BLACK30

submitted by ole-trusty to frugalmalefashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 ApprehensiveMany8565 Rally Report Episode 59 - Simon Herbert

Rally Report Episode 59 - Simon Herbert submitted by ApprehensiveMany8565 to squash [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 brad809 Vanilla Syndrome

Vanilla Syndrome is when you keep making a new character and after buying all properties you get bored, delete it, and make another one. Is this some kind of wierd OCD thing? There is no official name - i just came up with it
submitted by brad809 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 distractedbyshinyobj Would you call the plumber back for this? Gas line blocking new tankless water heater cold water filter.

Would you call the plumber back for this? Gas line blocking new tankless water heater cold water filter. Hi there -
Had a new Navien NPE-210A2(NG) put in last week. It's great and cost us about $4,300 all in with the plumber.
However, this week I installed a grundfos recirc valve at a far away fixture, and when at the unit to flip it to external recirc mode (valve and then program) I noticed the cold water filter was blocked by the gas pipe.
Assuming due to this I'll never be able to clean out the filter since it's longer than the clearance that's available.
submitted by distractedbyshinyobj to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 chadthadbrad Any way to make an 8 week playoff schedule with #1 and #2 getting a bye?

submitted by chadthadbrad to FFCommish [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Proud_Fee_1542 Disney Springs on Thanksgiving Day

Does anyone know if the shops in Disney Springs are open on thanksgiving day? I l know the outlets are usually shut for the day and I’m aware it’s probably dependent on each individual store… but generally speaking is Disney Springs still open or closed for the day?
submitted by Proud_Fee_1542 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Cheap_Cellist 95% of bohras come to masjid for the food

95% of bohras come to masjid for the food submitted by Cheap_Cellist to exBohra [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Own-Patience7313 Want freelance work?

Looking for Part-Time or freelance work?
Hey Everyone! I'm currently working as a Maths evaluator at outlier AI, and I am happy to offer referrals to students or anyone looking for part-time or freelance opportunities. The available positions include: 1. Maths AI Evaluator 2. English freelance writer 3. French freelance writer 4. Hebrew freelance writer 5. Coding Trainer
If you're interested and want to increase your chances of getting accepted faster, feel free to reach out to me! I'd be glad to help.
submitted by Own-Patience7313 to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Favoror arwen ndomiel - scry (repost)

I want to see if this deck is possible. The main purpose is scry(duh) which then leas into arwen ndomiel ability then simic ascedncy combos off. hopefully this deck is somewhat decent. thanks for your imput.
submitted by Favoror to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 umuy23 Survey/Public data for Illinois and Indiana

Hello everyone,
I have a social statistics project which inquires a dataset for public opinion on abolishment of death penalty on Illinois and Indiana. Spesicially for Indiana(mainly Indianapolis, but any data would make it) and Illinois (mainly Chicago, but any data would make it). Indiana allows death penalty, but Illinois abolished it in 2011. I need to find before and after 2011 for both states in order to achieve clear perspective and data comprehension. I tried to find data for it on several sites (such as pewresearch etc.) but I could not find anything solid.
submitted by umuy23 to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 SignificantYoghurt3 what are the downsides of abadoning a god related to its gifts?

in elona you could tour all gods to get their rewards then settle for the one you wanted, in elin i keep hearing people saying that switching gods makes their rewards worse but never in detail how.
submitted by SignificantYoghurt3 to ElinsInn [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 AnteaterNecessary321 Measure chlorophyll cheaply?

Does anyone know if there is a cheap way to measure the approx chlorophyll content of a leaf? Or a cheapish measuring device? Thanks!
(I don’t have any lab equipment)
submitted by AnteaterNecessary321 to botany [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 uselesscrapsock FPS spikes with new update

I just downloaded the new update and i get fps spikes, mostly down between 1-10. I have good 1080 and the game was fine before the update. The gpu usage is jumping too from 3% to 80%. What should i do.
submitted by uselesscrapsock to LiarsBar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 N0body_Car3s Im going to kms theres no way

Im going to kms theres no way Literally about to get my first 36 stars as and the bitch teleported
submitted by N0body_Car3s to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Futagock ELI5 Why are emotions so hard to deal with?

Been struggling with depression and lack of feeling, and then lots of feeling will pop in all the sudden and it overstimulates me lol. Why are emotions so strong
submitted by Futagock to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Valuable-Choice-9266 M4f. First square filled let's keep it going!

submitted by Valuable-Choice-9266 to nudebingo [link] [comments]