Thought this was a dope fanart by @mneimaro on ig

2024.11.27 21:26 ShadowEmperor9999 Thought this was a dope fanart by @mneimaro on ig

Thought this was a dope fanart by @mneimaro on ig submitted by ShadowEmperor9999 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 MainBug2233 App update after recall fix

Went in for 8k service. Had listed recalls updated. Also had a front camera error message I wanted cleared.
2.5 hrs later tells me it's done. Asked how long until the updates clear my messages in the app. Got a vague answer
So should they clear quickly or will it take a day or so?
submitted by MainBug2233 to KiaEV9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Cr1ng3T0p14 Anywhere else to find metal BAB shirt designs? (OPEN INDEFINITELY)

Anywhere else to find metal BAB shirt designs? (OPEN INDEFINITELY) These incredible designs/photos are by the talented u/DemonTrashgirl24 !
I’m curious if there are any other such shirts out there for BAB? I love these kinds of designs and collect furby shirts in such a style, I would love to see what’s available for my other favorite brand of toy :)
submitted by Cr1ng3T0p14 to buildabearBST [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Expensive_Elk_5643 Streamer Rakin explains exploit with metamorphosis.

Earlier this afternoon on his stream, Rakin explained an exploit with metamorphosis.
Basically, it gives you an extra 400 HP thanks to the Orc passive: Blood Rush (Max HP 4%). This helps a lot in events and ZvZ content to avoid taking damage. Currently, on the Glacial server, Rakin's alliance (Revolut), is using it in every possible PvP
Rakin explain:
Rakin using it in T2 Dungeon:
submitted by Expensive_Elk_5643 to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Tiny-Attitude-4741 How Kai cenat get so many subs while his fans are mostly kids

submitted by Tiny-Attitude-4741 to StreamersCheating [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Serious_Spinach_3235 Zacian 2 local 232684022578

submitted by Serious_Spinach_3235 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 melissu1 Demet Özdemir

Demet Özdemir submitted by melissu1 to TurkishBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Consistent-Sugar8593 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Consistent-Sugar8593 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 msjammies73 Spatchcock shame

I’ll start with the excuse that I ordered an 8 lb fresh turkey to be delivered yesterday and they messed up the order and I got a 15 lbs turkey frozen solid, so I’m blaming that for throwing me off my game.
I’m not new to spatchcocking birds. It’s how I typically make my chickens and Cornish hens. I decided to spatchcock my turkey this year since it was so big and I really like how the chickens come out.
So I’m battling this monstrosity of a turkey and I just cannot get my shears through the back. I get my sharpest knife and start the dangerous game of trying to hack through the bone.
I’m cursing and wondering how the hell a turkey back can be so hard to get through and why there is so much meat near a turkey spine when it suddenly dawns on me that I am cutting through a breast bone.
I had the bird upside down and had cut through 3/4 of the turkey breast.
I flipped it and did the spine and proceeded to prep it how I usually would. But I have no idea what to do with it now. Will the breast dry out super fast now? And the darn thing barely fits in my roasting pan now because it’s so big.
TLDR: I spatchcocked the turkey breast instead of the spine. Help!
Any guidance? Or early Thanksgiving disasters you’d like to share??
submitted by msjammies73 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 bozitamas Is TUF B360M-E compatible with 4060 8gb?

Hello! My old graphics driver died, so I'm looking for a new one. I set my eyes on a 4060 8GB, but I have a question. Will it be compatible with my tuf B360M-E motherboard? Thanks for answers:)
submitted by bozitamas to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 True-Novel-7434 Need help finalizing a Hand of Malenia build

Need help finalizing a Hand of Malenia build I need a build for when I begin Farum Azula. First playthrough and I love waterfowl, even if its not the best katana skill. Is this build fine? I have talismans that up my dex by 10, so I wanna leave some dex out of my real stats. Also keep in mind I use some spells and have 6 full memory slots with dragon spells so I need balanced faith and intelligence
submitted by True-Novel-7434 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Archangel_ARCA This game could be massive, but its not and i think that is hurting it.

Let me start this post with some clarification, this is not yet another "DESTINY IS A DEAD GAME" post, but it is going to address some of the problems I have with destiny in its current state as someone who has had the opportunity to have been playing since the launch of the first game all the way back in the dark days, let me be clear also that i explicitly do not want a Destiny Classic style product from Bungie, that worked for WoW sure, but we have the ability to make our current experience far more cohesive not take away from it by diverting players to another world.
I will not be addressing the PVE sandbox balance or dungeons as i think they are both in a pretty good spot right now (ignoring some of the current bugged supers) I also wont be addressing anything PVP as i am not a PVP player for the most part.
Return of the story content = Better new/returning player onboarding
First and foremost as news to absolutely no-one the new player experience is pretty poor, I think (like many others) that jumping into the game right now as a new player to the franchise (or even a returning player) feels like being opening a book half way through and having to have your friend explain what is going on at all times, the lore of this game is EXTENSIVE, but a lot of it is hidden behind content that has been removed.
I strongly feel that if a new/returning player was able to jump in from the beginning of the franchise's story and play through each DLC campaign and a condensed version of the seasonal quests as a small side quest style mission chain it would hook more people into the rich story of the game and allow them to be better invested emotionally in what is happening around them, as well as be able to appreciate why current events are important.
Now do i think that it has been cool to see the world change around me as ive played over the years? hell yeah it has but i feel like there must be a better way of experiencing this as a new player than watching old videos or catch up missions that don't really tell a story, something to allow switching of the director back to an older era for access to the older content maybe? WoW has quite a cool mechanic for experiencing older story lines maybe that could be taken as inspiration
Players should still be able to chose not to do this content and have a fast track option to get to the mid/end game quicker (second characters or those who only really care about raiding/dungeons etc)
Now I know that it was stated content being removed was due to being a limitation due to the storage required to play, however with games starting to reach into the 100-200GB regions more frequently I'm not sure this rationale holds up any longer and I feel this may be hurting the game more than helping it, with that said, i could not tell you how much extra space bringing story content back would require, so a suggestion from someone who doesn't know how it would be possible: allow those who want to experience that content to download it as a separate install, much like Call of Duty allows you to.
3 / 6 Player content playlists & related rewards
Whilst it is nice to have a new set of playlist activities each season/episode it also seems like we throw the hard work required to bring us these activities in the bin each new season and the weapons & armour from those activities will become increasingly more difficult to obtain from the likes of Xur's engrams the more enter the pool.
A weekly rotator or playlist of these activities would bring a wealth of content variation for players to jump into and allow returning / new players to have a better chance at obtaining those drops they missed out on or grinding out the red border weapons they may be interested in.
Reprised Raids / Strikes= Better endgame experience
I don't think I would be too far from wrong if I said that raids in destiny are what keeps a lot of us around and playing every week BUT we have lost a few along the way and subsequently the cool rewards related to them (yes I'm talking about WoTM primarily here), a return of the vaulted raids with reprised mechanics or even lifting them back into the game in their prior state would boost the variety of the end game, I would love to see the full suite of raids available in the game in that same breath bring some or all of the strikes we lost along the way would also be a welcome addition to spice up the vanguard playlist and grandmaster pool
Pantheon is another fantastic activity that would be nice to have continuous access too with different rotations or even be a yearly pre-expansion event
Season Pass + FOMO = feels bad
I'm going to start here by saying a actually like season pass's, battle pass's, whatever you want to call them, they provide a great continuous progression path and have had some pretty decent rewards in the past, however what I don't like is that if I do not have time to play within a season cycle or would like to take a break or play other games or whatever I might be doing, I have to miss out on the rewards even if I have purchased the pass, having each season pass perpetually available doesn't seem to be a thing that people talk about enough and would allow yet another reward track for people to chase.
Vaulted Titles.... Baby come back
Title gilding is a cool way to show off your veterancy or long term commitment to the game, however what would be cooler is to be able to go back and finish some of the titles that I didn't have time to finish, didn't have the group finder to squad up to complete the larger activities or the like, now the anniversary titles make sense not to be able to continue progressing after the fact, but not being able to get Warden, Black Armoury, Risen etc just feels like ive forever done half a job, (yes i know this would require content to return to be able to still progress these titles)
I'm interested in peoples opinion good or bad, is there something that you think would expand on the game outside of the cycle of new content (new content is always good obviously), do you think any of this would be bad for the game? is PVP more your thing? what would you like to see return / be reprised for cruci?
submitted by Archangel_ARCA to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Endbounty To celebrate my birthday, I’m giving away an echant relic! Comment your user. Winners will be picked after thanksgiving (November 29)

To celebrate my birthday, I’m giving away an echant relic! Comment your user. Winners will be picked after thanksgiving (November 29) submitted by Endbounty to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Melo861 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Melo861 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 obama9-11lastname ...and I cracked

Well, I thought since the fat fury didn't release I wouldn't spend a dime this IAE but... That RAFT warbond upgrade was just too good to pass. Upgraded my Syulen to that, also was a good way to upgrade from the 6 months of insurance. Considering I've got a 325a (for shuttle/light fighter needs), a Starlancer (currently MAX but secured an upgrade to the TAC that will be very probably applied) and possibly a fat fury if it's reasonably priced, did I make a good call fleet wize? Felt like I had no use for that Syulen honestly
submitted by obama9-11lastname to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Due_Analysis_9482 Hiring $500 for Google Ads Manager API Dev Token

We are trying to test a connection to google ads within out new UI "Competitor to Go High Level" We are needing 5 minutes of time with someone who has Google Ads Manager API Dev Token "Basic Level Access"
submitted by Due_Analysis_9482 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Old_Ad_306 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Old_Ad_306 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 mothershabooboo [POSITIVE] for /u/cchoy79 [seller]

submitted by mothershabooboo to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 lss_str_01 Video with recording 1127132502

Video with recording 1127132502 submitted by lss_str_01 to Lsstesting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 kasajizocat COTD: Pot only two snooker balls in short holiday (9)

From Guardian Cryptic. I have no idea how to solve this but the answer is MINIBREAK
submitted by kasajizocat to crosswords [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Veylah_Veylani Aww :(

TW: blood
Yo despite my neck injury I felt inspired enough to draw. YIPPIE.
submitted by Veylah_Veylani to sallyface [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 killboipowerhead1 Sub to my physics teacher?!

Sub to my physics teacher?! me and u/nirman27 are tryna get him to 1k subs
submitted by killboipowerhead1 to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 One_Attitude7200 What kind of pants are these? I can't tell if they're jeans, cargo pants, or something else.

What kind of pants are these? I can't tell if they're jeans, cargo pants, or something else. submitted by One_Attitude7200 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 invasionbarbare Trading 212 Reporting Not Useful for HMRC Tax Calculations

submitted by invasionbarbare to trading212 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:25 Public_Ad2986 M1️⃣5️⃣ suche W ähnlich s0ll b1ld3r s3nd3n d4mit ich mit meinen kleinen K0mm3 051e30a0fb5075c2e8f7664e7d2cb5a90d66497898bfe5a664c51166d43f2a966e

submitted by Public_Ad2986 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]