Can You Don't? | Papa. Bingo. Cousins. Dr. Pecker.

2024.11.27 19:40 soultrouble Can You Don't? | Papa. Bingo. Cousins. Dr. Pecker.

submitted by soultrouble to skatcastpodcsst [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 alexch2194 Did anybody have success with Ginseng for libido?

I see many people from years ago on this sub saying ginseng increased their libido but without further explanation. So for those who had success with it can you share the brand or form and experience with it?
submitted by alexch2194 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 MonstaMayhem Finally able to finish an album

Finally able to finish an album I'm so excited to be able to finish my first album. If it wasn't for this sub, it wouldn't have ever been possible. Many thanks to everyone who have traded with me and to all the ones here who have imparted their much needed advice on how to go about playing this game.
submitted by MonstaMayhem to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 TapElectronic NTD

Snagged this brand new with battery, case, and charger for $300. Feeling good about it so far. Guy took one battery out of the pack, but still feel like I came out with a w
submitted by TapElectronic to Dewalt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 benja79er Moldova

Moldova Don't think they require a visa anymore for EU citizens? I only remember the great wine 😬 Hope they'll be safe from a Russian invasion
submitted by benja79er to PassportPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 CarFair3240 24 [M4F] College grad looking for long term chatting partners

Hi! ^ My name is Alex and I’m looking for a long term chatting partner!
I’m 24 years old, and I just graduated with my doctorate in pharmacy and working as a pharmacist. My hobbies are working out, traveling, drawing and playing video games on my PlayStation 5. I have 5 cats which I don’t mind sending pictures! Personality wise I am smart, understanding, patient, honest and ambitious. I like to explore and try new things and I want to leave a good impression. My physical description is I’m 6’4”, fit slim build, blonde hair and brown eyes.
I’m looking for someone to talk to about video games, news, and maybe kinky stuff if that interests you. Any age is welcome as long as you’re respectful, consensual, and engaging in our conversation!
If you are interested please tell me a little bit about yourself. Don’t say “hi” or “hey”. Big plus if you send a picture of yourself.
I hope to see you!
submitted by CarFair3240 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 Sapovnela_M Spell Castor

If anyone who is looking for genuine spell castor, I highly recommend RedAngel666.
I have been working with her on a few spell works. One of them being a Love Spell.
For background story. I was in a one sided situationship with this guy of two years (let’s call him Ted) He called it off and started a relationship with someone new almost immediately.. and then pursuant to tell me not to contact him again and blocked me.
A month later I reached out to RedAngel666, and told her about my situation and ask her to do a love spell for me. We both agreed on the work and you would not believe what literally happened the following day.. Ted unblocked me and messaged me… however I didn’t response to his message.. then two weeks later he sent me flowers to my work…! I have never had received flowers of gift from ever so this was a very shocking surprise!
So if anyone who is looking for a spell castor that actually knows what they are doing then I recommend RedAngel666. She knows what she is doing, and she is very blunt so be prepared to receive honest advice because she will not be sugar coating anything. This is how you know the practitioner is serious about their work and aren’t here to feed you false dreams and expectations.
From the great experience/result I have done 3 rituals with her so far.. and currently working on another one right now.
submitted by Sapovnela_M to SpellcasterReviews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 sad7938 Weston’s Getting Married!!!!!

Weston’s Getting Married!!!!! submitted by sad7938 to sinjindrowning [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 IndowinFTW Commercial for Count Your Blessings

I would have never guessed that there were commercials for this album. Could you imagine seeing this on TV. My god.
submitted by IndowinFTW to BringMeTheHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 SelfPromotionisgood Pitfall 2 [1984] Atari 2600

Pitfall 2 [1984] Atari 2600 My fav Atari Game!
submitted by SelfPromotionisgood to FuckImOld [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 Main_Marketing_7978 Medical Mystery? Unexplained symptoms for months.

I, 36F, 5’4, 118 pounds, non smoker, non drinker and non recreational drug user have had the strangest symptoms over the past few months that my docs are stumped on. I know advice given on Reddit is just that, but I am seeking ideas about what to do next?
Symptom Onset: Oct. 10 ; bilateral hand swelling; saw pcp; she recognized slight swelling in joints of fingers; ran ANA, ANCA, CCP, RF, ESR, CRP, CBC, all within normal range.
After swelling onset- tingling in hands and feet, burning in feet, feelings of bugs crawling on me, random itching spots, random rash that covered my upper trunk and legs, not itchy; went away quickly. Spider web like mottling of my chest and legs; comes and goes quickly. Globulus sensation in throat.
Tried to just deal with these symptoms.
Oct 25- sitting at my desk at work and felt the right of my body to be heavy and clunky and my chest was pounding. Called nurse triage and they said to be checked. In Urgent care, doc ran CBC, basic metabolic panel, CPK muscle test, calcium, electrolytes,glucose, creatinine, Bun- all within normal limits besides a slightly elevated hematocrit (15.3).
Sent back to PCP for possible referral to neurology. Neurology econsult states this issue is not related to neuro because knuckle swelling is not neurological… recommends further blood testing which resulted in normal B12, normal free T4, and normal TSH, also Lyme negative.
Orders an EMG nerve study- to be done in January 2025.
11/18/24: gross hematuria- go to ER; no infection, no kidney stone. Sent home
Called Urology to get a second opinion; orders CT with and without contrast- all results Normal (pelvis and abdomen).
PCP orders more blood to include: Repeat ANA, homocysteine, protein total and electrophoresis, cortisol, another CMP and CBC, A1c, magnesium, cbc with differential/platelets, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, iron and total iron (123 mcg/dl) binding capacity (377), %saturation (33), and ferretin (19), crp And esr repeat, vitamin d (36), pth intact without calcium, parathyroid,
All of these come back normal other than suboptimal Vit. D levels; began supplementing
Also orders xray of hands and feet- normal
My last blood work was yesterday and showed Coombs negative, LDH normal, CBC, slightly elevated hemoglobin (15.9) and hematocrit (46.6)
Bili total: 0.4. Direct 0.1 both normal
One test that did come back abnormal: Absolute Reticulocytes count: 43.3 normal range in lab (46-122)
Immature retic fraction low: 2.1% lab standard 4.0-19.0%
Reticulocyte HGB equivalent: normal 34.2
I think that’s it- my medical history includes Covid 19 infection Sept. 23, history of preecmlampsia and HELLP syndrome, viral enchaphalitis at age 4, Lyme disease summer of 2023 (treated with doxycycline) Raynauds ruled out due to hand swelling not being in response to cold- infact cold makes them Feel better and appear less swollen- while heat makes them far more swollen.
Should also add- my pcp tried to refer me to rheumatologist but my care center is not taking new patients.
Symptoms that persist today: bilateral hand swelling, numbness and tingling, mottling of skin, and occasional itchy skin, difficulty focusing my eyes (eye doc appt in beginning of Nov and everything looked healthy), mood changes, elbow pain. Forgot to add above- ultrasound done in er on Oct 25th- no DVT and deep Venous system working as it should.
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I sincerely appreciate any guidance that could be provided as to potential next steps.
submitted by Main_Marketing_7978 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 RingsideNews_ Mandy Rose’s Open-Top Drive Ruined by Bird’s Unfortunate Drop

Mandy Rose’s Open-Top Drive Ruined by Bird’s Unfortunate Drop submitted by RingsideNews_ to ringsidenewscom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 RoyallyOakie Winter tips for Faial, Pico and St. Jorge

So I recently signed us up for a three island triangle trip in February. It's one of those ten day packages including flights, ferries, and hotels. Otherwise we're on our own. I have signed up for a day tour here and there to avoid having to drive. I'm just looking for tips to minimize any winter drama.
The Azores are our happy place, but we've only done Sao Miguel and Terceira for longer periods on their own, not a bunch of islands in a short period of time. I've flown Azores Airlines (Sata) before and generally really liked the experience. That said, there's been some nightmare stories of cancelled flights and lost luggage lately. I plan on putting an extra outfit or two in carryon and checking the rest in case our luggage arrives later. Normally, I'm not bothered by a delay here or there, but now we're trying to connect to other islands for two night stays.
How often do ferries get cancelled? Is it a ride here or there, or days at a time? I'm willing to go with the flow on most things, but just hope I haven't set myself up for disappointment here.
submitted by RoyallyOakie to azores [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 stxxyy Possible to show the thumbnail instead of automatically playing the video?

When clicking on a video to watch, is it possible to show the thumbnail instead of immediately playing the video? I've looked around in the settings but can't find anything related to it. I'm talking about the browser version on PC. There's an autoplay at the bottom of the video, which is turned off, but that's for something else I think.
submitted by stxxyy to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 blur-Sympathy-740 Yo is this good and how much does it sell for

Yo is this good and how much does it sell for Fortnite Travis
submitted by blur-Sympathy-740 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 Aggressive_Hurry1406 Trading these

Trading these submitted by Aggressive_Hurry1406 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 manStuckInACoil My most popular post was a French joke, then yesterday it got overtaken by another French joke

My most popular post was a French joke, then yesterday it got overtaken by another French joke submitted by manStuckInACoil to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 Angela275 How would you want Starfire to look in YJ

So it was said both Raven and Starfire would have been in YJ. However, I do wonder how they would have done Starfire given how her outfir does always change depending on the age
submitted by Angela275 to Nightwing_Starfire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 Equivalent_Law7380 مرحبااا

استفسار والدتي في ناس بعرفونا من زمان بدهم بطلعوها عمره وهي من زمان بتتمناها وما قدرت تروح بس مو قابلة تقبلها بتحكي انه العمره لازم من تعب الشخص نفسه وشغله مع العلم انها ما بتشتغل وصحتها تعبانه في ناس بالمركز يلي بتحفظ فيه قرآن هيك حكيين كمان نفس الحكي شو رأيكم ؟! كيف بدي اقنعها تقبلها
submitted by Equivalent_Law7380 to jordan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 opcoupon ($179.00) #SCULPFUN S9 Laser Engraving Machine Discount Code (Banggood Czech)

[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
submitted by opcoupon to couponsjet [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 meeee8833 paypal business in shopify

Hi! Im planning on using paypal business on my shopify store (haven't launched yet) cus all the payment providers in my country take a crazy percentage each transaction Any tips of anyone using PayPal business? Is it recommended? Thanks
submitted by meeee8833 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 girlie2004 Alayah Pilgrim

submitted by girlie2004 to GirlsSoccer [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 EternalMage321 Finding the middle of the load with a tape measure

My rigger used a tape measure to find the middle of the load! Doesn't sound too newsworthy? What if I told you he measured it, then folded the tape measure in half to get the middle? 🤣 I guess that's one way to do division.
submitted by EternalMage321 to cranes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 Backgorl Bicep pump on leg day; I’ll take it 🤷🏻‍♀️(28f)

Bicep pump on leg day; I’ll take it 🤷🏻‍♀️(28f) submitted by Backgorl to SelfieOver25 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:40 costin88boss Unfixing things that the community enjoy, true chads

Unfixing things that the community enjoy, true chads submitted by costin88boss to HalfLife [link] [comments]