I was looking at the wikia and I found something interesting

2024.11.27 23:40 Rei_em_Amarelo I was looking at the wikia and I found something interesting

Some people age faster than others,.
submitted by Rei_em_Amarelo to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Bushlightyear I owe you guys this.

I owe yall this. So I had a wild journey of having testicle pain then I thoughg my nut spun so I spun it back. Separating it from the sack. Excuse my language. I had torsion 11 times with out the actual circulation being cut off. I went to 6 doctors no one believed me or they just said that's normal By the 6th one I showed him my nut could do 360s. He believed me and said I will do the surgery on you. I ended up getting it done the next week. She sowed my balls to the sack. One stitch in the front. One on the side and then sowed them together( which I don't notice) recovering from surgery sucked but I was worried about testosterone levels and pain years after. I get a slight burning pain after I ejaculate which is 100th of what it used to be. I'm also testosterone enraged. I feel strong and like I used too. Im going to say 99% success rate.
submitted by Bushlightyear to testiculartorsion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 AreThree How To Paint this Wood Trim and Avoid Ridicule from Cub Scouts

I offered to help out with the local Cub Scout pack/Boy Scout troop annual Pinewood Derby™ race as timekeeper and "race official". My involvement was to be just with the electronics; I had fixed their race timing apparatus that uses an "electronic eye" circuit at the top of the course and at the finish line at the bottom. I had hoped to also include an RFID scanner for the cars as well, but instead, I've been asked to expand my role and help out a bit more since a pair of other volunteers were hospitalized after an automobile accident.
They need someone to help with some repairs of the derby racetrack and associated infrastructure that is sort of like a parking lot for cars awaiting their turn to race. Of course I said yes I would help, but now realize I've made a awful mistake: I am hopeless when it comes to physically crafting things, and my attempts always look like they've been done by a 3rd-grader hopped up on too much sugar who only used their thumbs.
I'm looking for some advice about how to get some of this wood trim painted. It is 1/2 inch square by about 36 inches long and I am just not sure of the best way to go about painting it. I've been handed a couple of colors of this Rustoleum brand chalked paint and some small brushes. I've tried googling and am just baffled at all the different methods, I hope y'all might be able to help me.

  1. Do I try to paint it all at once or only one side at a time?
  2. Should I hang it somehow vertically by one end or keep it propped up horizontally?
  3. If I try to paint it horizontally and it is resting on two supports on either end, how do I go back and make sure the ends get painted and look the same as the middle?
  4. How many coats is too many?
  5. How to keep runs of paint to a minimum? (and no pools of paint by the side of the wood?)
  6. What is the best way to avoid getting myself covered in paint?
  7. Is there someone I can hire to paint all this instead?
I would love to hear how you would go about this and - really - any (constructive) advice is welcomed. Thank you!
submitted by AreThree to finishing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Minimum-Ad-8019 Trump Taps Financier and Art Collector With No Military Experience to Run the Navy

Trump Taps Financier and Art Collector With No Military Experience to Run the Navy submitted by Minimum-Ad-8019 to USNewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 pILAZ Laptop for Premier Pro and Gaming?

Can someone recommend a laptop that is good for both. I was about to get a MacBook Pro M4 to edit videos with premier pro however I’ve always played games and would like the option too still so I might better suited to a windows laptop - would love your recommendations
My budget is £1200-1400 ( GBP )
submitted by pILAZ to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Gullible_Promise6107 Carms photo

How is everyone taking this? Are you using your phones or taking it somewhere?
submitted by Gullible_Promise6107 to MCCQE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 cadome54 573571559688 WB Zamazenta 2 loval

submitted by cadome54 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 andiespalacee Me at the park

Me at the park submitted by andiespalacee to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 One-Masterpiece-352 LF Doctor Strange

LF Doctor Strange submitted by One-Masterpiece-352 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 FixThin1889 Official Superman poster for CCXP?

That's what they're saying
submitted by FixThin1889 to superman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Debit0rCredit Tell me I shouldn’t quit. Or tell me I should.

Months ago, my job overpromised all of the dayshift nurses today and Thanksgiving day off. So lastnight they panicked bc they had no day time nurses scheduled for this morning or tomorrow, so called all of the nightshifters asking if they’d rather work during the day. Using the whole “You’ll be home by dinner time, and you still get holiday pay!” shtick.
Of course, all of them said yes. Who doesn’t want to be home with their family for Thanksgiving?!
Well, I work nightshift. I’ll be the only nurse for 85 residents today and tomorrow.
I am soo soo furious. I’ll never understand why they’re just soo willing to shaft nightshift.
Not only that, we’ve had like 12 new admits in the last week. So I don’t know these new people that well.
Our lockdown unit goes nuts 24/7, and usually at night myself and the other 2 nurses rotate in and out of the living room area of the lockdown unit to listen for alarms and make sure no one gets out the fire escape doors. Welll…that’s not happening.
I’m soo furious. I’m supposed to be leaving for work in an hour and I don’t even want to get off my couch. I KNOW it’s going to be a shit show.
On top of the fact that I’m single with no kids, so they’ve purposefully scheduled me every holiday already since I’ve started here.
I requested New Years off like 3 months ago, but I’m on to work that night. None of my co-workers will switch days with me, or cover for me.
The one nurse who said she would cover, has screwed me in the past by saying “Yeah, I’ll work for you the 4th of July, if you work for me the 5th” then proceeded to call in on the 4th, so I got called to cover for her because it was my day originally, and I had to work the 5th for her because I already agreed to it. That put me working 9 12’s in a row.
I’m just ranting, I’m sorry. Family is pissing me off because they’re like “Just call in!” Yeah I can’t do that. None of my family has a job. My parents are retired, out of 6 siblings I’m the only one who has a job, and all my uncles and aunts are retired as well. They don’t get it, and it pisses me off.
AHH!!! Sorry!! Thank you for letting me rant. I think I’m done now.
submitted by Debit0rCredit to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Good_Director4828 Traffic from Vegas to LA/Long Beach after Thanksgiving

I have been looking at Traffic predictions and can’t really seem to find any answers on how bad traffic will be the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Has anyone made that drive on that day? I’d be driving out really early (5-6am) and was wondering if it’ll be the normal traffic (~4-5hr drive) or if I should brace for a much longer drive. Thanks!
submitted by Good_Director4828 to vegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Prestigious-Mud-5663 Frågor om periodisk fasta, träning, kost osv

Godkväll kära vänner och okända vänner! Jag 32M har smått börjat med periodisk fasta (16h fasta 8h ätfönster), just nu kör jag det som jag känner passar mig rätt bra där jag fastar från 20:00 till 12:00 och har sedan mitt ätfönster. Syftet med min fasta är väl att fokusera min energi på timmarna 08-18 då jag arbetar, samt att hålla mitt kaloriintag något så när till ett kontrollerat antal. Jag är väl inte direkt så att jag behöver gå ner i vikt men vill ändå hålla koll så att säga.
Hittills fungerar det bra utöver att jag har lite funderingar kring hur jag kan lägga upp det, om det behöver vara så strikt eller vad det finns för regler att förhålla sig till.
En vanlig dag börjar jag alltid med ett glas vatten blandat med elektrolyter runt 07-08, följt av ett glas med C-vitaminbrus. Av någon anledning känns det bättre, men såg att dessa innehåller sötningsmedel så frågan är om det rubbar hela fastan på grund av dessa kosttillskott?
Jag har i tanke att börja träna mer frekvent på morgonkvisten och tänker ungefär en timmes gym runt 06, är det något problem på fastande mage?
En annan fundering jag har och kanske den med mest frågetecken från min sida, är detta en allt eller inget grej eller gör det något om jag har en ”cheat-day” i veckan varpå jag tar några öl och bryter fönstret? Skulle det underlätta om jag kör en OMAD dagen efter så sent som möjligt?
Om jag har konstiga frågeställningar eller uttryckt mina frågor konstigt så ursäktar jag mig i förväg.
submitted by Prestigious-Mud-5663 to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 i2343 Kali the cat

Kali the cat submitted by i2343 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 ResidentBrother9190 Slovenian, do you feel more Balkan or Central European people?

View Poll
submitted by ResidentBrother9190 to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 daiserbeam Forgot to use my democracy vouchers

The vouchers we got are still good through the 29th. Does anyone know of any campaigns or causes that are still accepting them?
Seattle.gov splash page for them says all of the races are over but there's this other page linked: SEEC
I'm just unclear on whether any of those causes would even still need money.
submitted by daiserbeam to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 peepeecollector [SD888] What the hell happened to the telephoto cam?

[SD888] What the hell happened to the telephoto cam? Primary lens is just fine, but any lighting even a TAD lower than right under the fukin sun (this too not always) and there's light bleeding in portrait pictures like CRAZY, colors are all over the place(often pale) and crazy amounts of blur. Can't even use the telephoto anymore. I'd understand if this was the average budget phone but in this case, the telephoto was the one of, if not, THE biggest selling point of the phone. What the hell even happened? It was fine the first few months when I bought it, last year around November. But for the past 4 or 6 months it's become like this, anyone know what's the reason? and tried if/any fixes? If anyone tried any gcams for SD version please link
submitted by peepeecollector to GalaxyS21FE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 GirasoleDE AfD im Wahlkampf: Weidel plötzlich ganz privat

AfD im Wahlkampf: Weidel plötzlich ganz privat submitted by GirasoleDE to afdwatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Thermobaric_Potato Old Akasa Newton NUC 3rd gen chassis. What to build?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I found two Akasa aluminium chassis for Intel NUC gen 3 in the attic. Brand new never used. I'd forgotten I had them and remember now at the time planning on putting 3rd gen boards in them but those are long since obsolete. What if anything can I build in them. Anything DIY mini PC that would fit?
I still have an old 5th gen NUC 5i3RYK but the board won't fit as naturally the rear port config isn't the same. I
submitted by Thermobaric_Potato to MiniPCs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Expensive-Distance58 Refreshed tesla model 3 long range vs tesla model y long range vs model 3 performance

In the market for a daily drivewinter car? My other vehicle is a c6 z06 which i intend to drive once the weather is better in chicago. I test drove the model 3 lr and performance and felt like the performance for LR was pretty close to model 3 performance on city streets. I haven't test driven the non refreshed model y LR, but is there any benefit of model y LR vs.the refreshed model 3?
submitted by Expensive-Distance58 to TeslaModel3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Significant-Tone3718 Wow thank you

Wow thank you submitted by Significant-Tone3718 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 andrewgrabowski Exclusive: Trump handed plan to halt US military aid to Kyiv unless it talks peace with Moscow

submitted by andrewgrabowski to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Extension_Dig8215 Pyrates cove

Pyrates cove submitted by Extension_Dig8215 to MegaBloksPyrates [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 tistoon The Canadian dollar is approaching a 20+ year low

The Canadian dollar is approaching a 20+ year low submitted by tistoon to Quebec [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 One-Hair5322 Regieleki raid add 941824891957

submitted by One-Hair5322 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
