Event Room! Featuring Burmilla cat breed and new skill!

2024.11.27 23:50 ClumsyCauliflower Event Room! Featuring Burmilla cat breed and new skill!

Event Room! Featuring Burmilla cat breed and new skill! submitted by ClumsyCauliflower to CatsAndSoup [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 lencrier For the love of all that’s holy, sellers, please stop using whatever that wretched scent is…

Every time I buy jeans (especially) I have to wash them three times before the Febreze-like stank starts to dissipate. Just don’t. It’s goddawful. End of rant. 😣
submitted by lencrier to BehindTheClosetDoor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Easy-Dentist5814 Looking For Slam Death Metal Guitarist

submitted by Easy-Dentist5814 to CTMusicians [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Mcdavid_9 Regieleki 2 locals 788650418790 or 697182529838 party power

submitted by Mcdavid_9 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 CatsofCamelot Change Your Fate quest?

I’m working through the “Change Your Fate” quest (Merida’s level 7 friendship quest) and I’m stuck on the “find your place in the world” clue. I’m almost certain that the answer is this globe and I’m supposed to interact with it, but no prompt is coming up… is anyone else experiencing this? (Playing on Switch)
submitted by CatsofCamelot to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 TSX_God West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. shares The Madsen Mine Timeline...

submitted by TSX_God to DueDiligence [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 343life Question for veteran rogue player

When using slice and dice partway through your swing timer, does it speed up your remaining timer for your current swing or does it pause until your next swing to start speeding up your attacks?
submitted by 343life to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Training_Door2956 High Loon! Vinyl

Anybody have a copy of Woody's High Loon they'd be willing to part with?
submitted by Training_Door2956 to Vulfpeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Africansoundninja What’s the biggest financial mistake you’ve ever made?

submitted by Africansoundninja to CanadaFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 teknivil Pittsburgh, PA area

Has anyone had success around this area? I've done a lot of digging and have found a couple of jam jars (which unfortunately got smashed by some kids as they were in a public park) but otherwise nothing.
submitted by teknivil to BottleDigging [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 mm404 Apertura DT6 vs. AD6 - what is the difference?

My 10yo is interested in astronomy and I think this would be a nice Xmas gift for him. I am largely unfamiliar with all the tech but based on what I read, Apertura DT6 comes in highly recommended started telescope.
To my surprise, there aren't many places on the internet selling it - and some places seem to offer DT6, some AD6 - while both call it a Dobsonian type. And finally the Apertura website lists DT6 (under DT-series) but when you open it and click Buy Now, it redirects to www.highpointscientific.com and opens AD6.
Can somebody please help me understand what should I look for?
Secondary question - what all accessories do I need to purchase for it?
submitted by mm404 to telescopes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 West_Medicine_793 ENN scientist finally admitted that there does exist a conflict between enn roadmap and his book

ENN scientist finally admitted that there does exist a conflict between enn roadmap and his book https://preview.redd.it/epqb3ijg7j3e1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=acb20fb7a99a867cc2056044d8f260f7b4928b50
submitted by West_Medicine_793 to fusion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 bretagne_breizh35 how to help stray cats in christmas?

how to help stray cats in christmas? submitted by bretagne_breizh35 to animallife5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Queen_Blondi Say hello to my feet’s

submitted by Queen_Blondi to FeetFinderTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Ambitious_Cut3066 I have a 9 inch ______ and it’s dangerous.

submitted by Ambitious_Cut3066 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 horrorflowers what unreleased music should I download?

I'm trying to get some more good ween live/demos/comps/etc. What are your recommendations?
So far I have ceaser and mollusk sessions, but there is a lot of unreleased stuff out there so I want to narrow it down to more than just "everything". Audio quality matters to me. Ceaser is the gold standard, so let me know what else you guys suggest! 🤍
submitted by horrorflowers to ween [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 New_Hobbler_5381 [35M] Adelaide mortgage and taxes for non-resident

I visited the family a few days ago and im now back in europe where Ive resided for the past 9 years. I really like Adelaide.
I have spare cash parked away that id like to invest in a property back home but that brings in a lot of questions regarding the mortgage (and taxes ofc). Another reason to divest is that Europe is a hot bed right now and I don't like keeping assets in one region of the world.
Im looking around the 650k range (to avoid stamp duty) and I would also qualify for the first home buyers grant of 15k. I could easily put down a deposit of 50%. Heck, maybe even 60% if needed.

What are the odds of me getting that loan from a local bank in SA if the property will be used an an investment to generate income (renting out, airbnb etc)?
I make about 100k net aud and as mentioned, I haven't lived in oz for awhile. The country I'm in (estonia) also doesn't have a double tax treaty with Oz.
In regards to taxes : am I correct that even if I own a property in oz, I would only pay taxes on the income generated in oz? As in my world wide income would not be taxable?
submitted by New_Hobbler_5381 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 oddjob604 Anyone get their hair or teeth done in turkey?

Medical tourism is getting popular and I'm thinking of doing it. Too expensive in Canada. I got quoted 50k at the dentist today. Can't afford that shit.
submitted by oddjob604 to SurreyBC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Carpet_Captain Is this a Persian sarouk?

It is 6x4, a few friends seem to think it’s Persian. Would be interested in knowing its age or value.
submitted by Carpet_Captain to orientalrugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Odd-Mongoose-4350 Accessibility & Modern/Mainstream Media

Hey everyone! As a sighted person going into the film and tv industry, the opinions of people who are visually impaired and blind is something I'm interesting in learning more about when it comes to media sectors, especially as I have 2 visually impaired siblings (Retinitis Pigmentosa).
How would you evaluate the accessibility of mainstream / modern media as someone who is visually impaired or blind?
To what extent do you feel modern media is inclusive and accommodating to your needs? In what ways does it succeed? What don’t they do well?
What improvements or features do you think could be made to make media more accessible for people with visual impairment and blindness?
I would love to hear your opinions and personal experiences within this area!
submitted by Odd-Mongoose-4350 to Sight_loss [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Conscious-Cost4587 Syrian hero warriors taking a break after a long day of fighting in Aleppo 11/28/2024

Syrian hero warriors taking a break after a long day of fighting in Aleppo 11/28/2024 submitted by Conscious-Cost4587 to SyrianRebels [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 NazxyTQ Applying for trusted!

Link to binder:
submitted by NazxyTQ to CrossTrading_inRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Hi_LikeToGame Zeus leader of the doggy revolution

Zeus leader of the doggy revolution submitted by Hi_LikeToGame to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Glittering-Kiwi-6795 Help me choose the best option please?

submitted by Glittering-Kiwi-6795 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:50 Evening-Gain1993 Mi esposo me pidió mi laptop para ver porn0.

Sinceramente es desagradable. La adicción de mi esposo a la pornografia me causa conflicto. Lo he hablado muchas veces con él, incluso cuando estaba embarazada me hizo llorar y tener un sangrado de posible aborto, porque seguía modelos de of. Él dijo que lo dejaría, pero va al baño y dura horas ahí encerrado, sé que está viendo pornografia, su historial estaba lleno.
Hace unos días, nuestro bebé tiró su teléfono al suelo y él tuvo que enviarlo a arreglar, así que le he prestado mi laptop para que entre a fb y eso, pero no esperaba que me la pidiera para ver pornografia. Fue asqueroso que lo haya preguntado. Obviamente me enojé demasiado y él puso su cara de víctima y se enojo cuando lo llame "adicto", dijo que no lo era, que solo quería "desahogarse" porque yo estoy demasiado ocupada cuidando al bebé. Le dije que no, pero insistió demasiado, por más de una hora, y yo quería vomitar, no sé, terminé diciéndole que sí, pero ahora siento un poco de desagrado al verlo. Si intenta tocarme me provoca náuseas.
Lo veo incluso injusto. Él puede ir al baño a durar horas viendo eso, mientras yo tengo que ir solo 5 minutos a hacer mis necesidades porque tengo que cuidad al bebé. Ayer incluso tuvo el descaro de llevar al bebé llorando y esperar afuera del baño hasta que yo terminará de bañarme justo cuando llevaba 5 minutos de iniciar mi baño. Es tan molesto.
submitted by Evening-Gain1993 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]
