
2024.11.28 00:24 dtol2020 Un-staking

I am trying to un-stake on the a Alienbase app (in the MetaMask app), and it keeps saying my transactions are failing. Is there a current issue with the site itself, or with un-staking on the site?
submitted by dtol2020 to Alienbase [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 RandoMusix_ Struggling with mastering?

In my case the 90% of the problem was in the LUFS, I started to learn how to mix better the sounds limiting/clipping according to the type of sound, soothe2... That type of plugins.
And when I mixed suddenly you don't really have to master that much, the song sounds pretty decent and you just have to give the song the final push which is pretty different to what you did before. (Try to fix a bad mixed lame song).
Although for now I'm capable of going to -7/-8 LUFS without getting the sound distorted it fixed my problem and I'm trying to push further learning about mixing.
Having high LUFS isn't a bad thing, the bad thing is having high LUFS by destroying the song.
The challenge is there, and its pretty interesting and motivating to try to push those LUFS learning and practicing.
submitted by RandoMusix_ to dnbproduction [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 Mission_Wash_1459 Offering Mandarin seeking modern Greek

Γεια σας
submitted by Mission_Wash_1459 to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 InternalRole8758 Door rattles when it’s cold

I have a 2017 volt, got it earlier this year. As the weather cools down, i’m noticing a rattle in the drivers side door. It’s only there when it’s cold and goes away in the afternoon. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Any ideas for fixes?
submitted by InternalRole8758 to volt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 Embarrassed-Quit-598 Long day today

submitted by Embarrassed-Quit-598 to SweatyFeet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 ScarHydreigon87 Blade VS Reaper

Blade VS Reaper submitted by ScarHydreigon87 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 liZzyDaArtist Couldn't find a iron pickaxe sooooo.....

Couldn't find a iron pickaxe sooooo..... submitted by liZzyDaArtist to VentureMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 Timmano New Fleet carrier not showing up.

I just bough my fleet carrier about 3 hours ago now, In the galaxy map it shows the system its in. Same system i bought it in, but when i try and find it in the system map it's not their. I have relogged, jumped a few systems and back and still nothing. I submitted a ticket but i was wondering am i missing anything?
submitted by Timmano to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 lemkowidmak @NovaMBB: A Jordan Longino 3-pointer has helped Villanova build a 19-14 lead over Rider.7:44 to play in the first half.#GoNova

@NovaMBB: A Jordan Longino 3-pointer has helped Villanova build a 19-14 lead over Rider.7:44 to play in the first half.#GoNova submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 EmmaLeePants Check engine light issues

I bought my C-max used just a couple months ago with a warranty on the engine.
For the last couple weeks I kept getting check engine lights, and the codes keep changing: First it was the “spark plugs and coils”, then after they were replaced it was “air intake overheating”, now my check engine light is BACK on, and my engine has a misfire. The service department was saying they think it’s the aftermarket coils (but they came from a NAPA store) but I’m starting to think it’s either in the wiring or something more sinister.
Each time it’s happened I’ve taken GLaDOS to get the code read by O’Reillys and an actual machine with a print out, I haven’t just guessed.
Anyone else had experience with this? The internet claims bad coils can cause a misfire, but with how often I keep getting the check engine light (and that the parts came from a NAPA and not a random shop) I’m curious if this has happened elsewhere or it’s a common problem.
Until this started happening the car was perfect and I was so happy that I bought it.
submitted by EmmaLeePants to cmaxhybrid [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 StrikingFee4041 Proce of Sony A7iii?

How much is my A7iii worth?
I have a sony A7iii body with 25,038 shutter count and i have no idea how mich to sell it for
submitted by StrikingFee4041 to SonyA7iii [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 B111yboy Love this stock!!

Love this stock!! I’ll have the best Thanksgiving and Christmas when this is over 20 by EOY! Sofi= 🌕
submitted by B111yboy to sofistock [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 Ok_Succotash5594 Helpem me !!

Opa galera. Espero que algum ser de luz consiga e queira me ajudar : )
Estou na dúvida entre fazer um upgrade na minha bicicleta ou compramontar uma nova. Tenho uma Status Panda, aro 26, creio que quadro 15, com guidão estilo cross (aço) 600mm e ele tem uns 27cm de upsweep (não medi em graus kk). Garfo rígido, tem garupa, para-lamas, meus pneus são Pirelli Bravo Super 26 1.1/2x2 50-584, não tem marcha/cambio, freio é no pedal, pedivela 170mm, selim Kalf (não sei o modelo) e a mesa curtíssima.
Faz 1 mês que voltei a tirar ela de casa para locomoção ao trabalho, só que já me sinto desconfortável com algumas coisas:
1- Selim; ele está rasgadinho nas duas laterais do banco, é macio, mas creio que por conta disso eu fico escorregando pra frente toda hora, até quando passo em qualquer pequeno desnível/irregularidade no solo. O selim está na altura correta, nivelado, mas mesmo assim me sinto incomodada porque eu preciso ficar me ajustando no assento muuuitas vezes. Minha dúvida: realmente são motivos pra eu descer pra frente toda hora? Que tipos de selins são mais firmes e que não sejam tão desconfortáveis?
2- Guidão; eu preciso trocar urgente porque ele me deixa com uma postura confortável e isso está me atrapalhando. Motivo? Na volta pra casa sempre tem vento contra, além de ser uma leve subidinha (pouquinha coisa porque escolhi a rota com menos subidas possíveis), e realmente estou me sentindo incomodada com uma postura “confortável”, por incrível que pareça. Aliás, não é possível que eu aumente o selim porque já está ajustado pra minha altura. Eu estou pesquisando e vi sobre guidões riser, tô pensando em um com tamanho 680mm x 20mm de alumínio. Quais marcas vocês recomendariam?
3- Pneu; até acho ele OK, mas poderia ser mais fino. Eu estou pensando seriamente em um aro 700, mas tô achando que na minha bike não entra, inclusive a foto que coloquei é da parte dianteira. Queria poder alcançar mais velocidade e percorrer mais em menos tempo. (talvez eu esteja sonhando demais kkk) Vou aproveitar pra fazer essa pergunta: Quais características/coisas deixam a bike mais rápida, além de ser mais leve? Ter marcha? Ainda não tenho tanto conhecimento nisso.
Bom, é isto. Agradeço a todos que passarem por aqui.
submitted by Ok_Succotash5594 to BicicletasBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 redsaeok Mass change to AD user data

We recently switched HR systems, and while the goal was to keep things consistent, there were several unexpected changes to HR data. We have around 30 regional applications pulling data from HR, along with a dozen global apps outside our control.
One of the biggest issues we’ve encountered involves department names. I know there’s business logic tied to specific department names, but I’m not sure exactly where they’re being used. During the upgrade, we saw a dozen department name changes—something that normally doesn’t happen. To keep everything working smoothly downstream, I created a small transform to replace the new department names with the old ones, despite resistance from HR.
Now, HR is pushing to integrate as much HR data as possible directly into Active Directory (AD). We track about 100 employee attributes, and currently, AD is populated mostly manually.
Long-term, I agree this approach makes sense, but I’m hesitant to make the change without fully mapping out each attribute’s role in our integrations, along with understanding which fields are being used by apps tied to AD or Entra ID attributes, which likely adds another dozen applications. I worry that diving in too quickly could cause unforeseen issues as the metadata changes we typically see don’t usually happen at this scale.
Has anyone else been asked to do something similar? How did you handle it, and what risks did you consider?
The data mapping endeavour seems massive. An alternate approach is to inventory the data we will push, reach out to the business owners of each app, and run some smoke tests with a small group of users to identify potential issues. Any other strategies or considerations I should be thinking about before making this change?
submitted by redsaeok to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 EquivalentDemand7937 Wer will sich einen auf Annika wixxen?

submitted by EquivalentDemand7937 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 ImpactOwn2970 PD stay strong. I think he is full of shit but make a police report. I also think this is meant to distract us from helping DOA. His minions are infiltrating DOA as we speak. It's slight of hand. Like a magician, right😈 Plus why isn't he infuriated Dana is helping DOA with his mind map🤔 Silence👂

PD stay strong. I think he is full of shit but make a police report. I also think this is meant to distract us from helping DOA. His minions are infiltrating DOA as we speak. It's slight of hand. Like a magician, right😈 Plus why isn't he infuriated Dana is helping DOA with his mind map🤔 Silence👂 submitted by ImpactOwn2970 to heronotzero [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 wewdwtnizrub Heartland America Promo Code Black Friday

Find the Heartland America Promo Code Black Friday
Unlock Savings of up to 50% with Heartland America Promo Codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 derf_vader Can of apple pie filling was just mostly an apple with a stem still attached.

Wife is making apple pie for Thanksgiving and this was in one of the cans
submitted by derf_vader to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 EffectiveFinish7119 Any female want to get tribbed or want hentai tribs dm me 05cacfd009b8f3bc6b9de2912ad752ad792704b7b4a24c80d9c0e7644da1c8403d

submitted by EffectiveFinish7119 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 averagephoenixmain Unlocked killjoy, new main

submitted by averagephoenixmain to ValorantMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 Technical_Artist2053 Lambeau field parking

It’s my first game a lambeau and if anyone has any tips or advise for how to find parking or where to park? Anything will help. Thanks
submitted by Technical_Artist2053 to GreenBayPackers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 AshurismTruth Ex-Muslim Country Directory by Users: November

Subreddit Country Users
AteistTurk Turkey 🇹🇷 55,320
ExEgypt Egypt 🇪🇬 31,285
XSomalian Somalia 🇸🇴 7,595
ExSaudi Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 3,575
ExJordan Jordan 🇯🇴 2,519
ExAlgeria Algeria 🇩🇿 1,421
PakiExMuslims Pakistan 🇵🇰 1,217
ExSudan Sudan 🇸🇩 1,032
MalaysianExMuslim Malaysia 🇲🇾 934
ExSyria Syria 🇸🇾 739
Xiraqis Iraq 🇮🇶 664
Atheism_Bangladesh Bangladesh 🇧🇩 640
IranianExMuslims Iran 🇮🇷🦁 467
ExBahrain Bahrain 🇧🇭 368
ExPalestine Palestine 🇵🇸 360
ExMuslimsKuwait Kuwait 🇰🇼 355
IndonesianExMuslim Indonesia 🇮🇩 281
chechenatheists Chechnya 218
ExLibya Libya 🇱🇾 186
exmusulmanfrance France 🇫🇷 172
Tunisian_Atheists Tunisia 🇹🇳 126
exmaroc Morocco 🇲🇦 125
ExMuslimAustralia Australia 🇦🇺 124
AtheistKurds Kurdistan 70
LebaneseAtheists Lebanon 🇱🇧 68
ExAfghan Afghanistan 🇦🇫 48
MaldivianExMuslims Maldives 🇲🇻 40
Omanx Oman 🇴🇲 10
submitted by AshurismTruth to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 Business_Key_6074 Nl cg

submitted by Business_Key_6074 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 BisonLow8361 Is Boulder a good fit for us?

My husband and I are in our mid 20s. We currently live in Portland and love it but need a more affordable place to live. His family has a house in Boulder already paid off. We would have to pay $1400 a month for property taxes, insurance, and utilities, from my understanding. It’s a 2,500 sq ft home. If those numbers sound wrong lmk.
Now this is what I like about Portland: -decent restaurant options (love authentic Mexican food and a couple fancy resultants to treat myself to every now and then) -decent ballet classes for adults -friendly people -beautiful parks -wonderful concerts in a beautiful concert hall
Neutral about: -“healthy” culture -politics -outdoor activities other thank walking in The park -weed
My icks: -hipster culture
I am a girly girl wanting other girly girls for friends. I love to stay home and be cozy with a book, but like to go out with friends once a week.
If this proves a financially wise decision, I think I would be down. I want to make sure there’s no red flags staring me in the face.
Thank you!
submitted by BisonLow8361 to boulder [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:24 thomasbeanie 27 [M4F] Looking for friends. :)

Gamer of Xbox (maybe we can play some games). Love music: rock (BmtH, Hands Like Houses, Linkin Park, etc) Love movies, YT, some TV. Bit socially awkward but I try. 😅 Love reading comics and manga. :) I have recently started enjoying reading in coffee shops and cafes just to get out the house. Hmu if you're interested and maybe tell me about yourself
submitted by thomasbeanie to Kikpals [link] [comments]
