2024.11.28 00:30 GolferWangleton39 Friend sent this over asking for ID
Southern Washington state submitted by GolferWangleton39 to mushroomID [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:30 mikultii caldarus wip
🤓 submitted by mikultii to FieldsOfMistriaGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:30 bot_neen Tele Zócalo Vespertino / 27 De Noviembre De 2024
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:30 goodsy Recommendations to move central/northeastern PA. (Work from home)
Looking to be closer to my son. I'm older and lived in downtown Manhattan for 20 years, so nothing is going to be exciting for me, I don't drink or go out much anyway, so nightlife's not a concern. I'm from and currently living in a small town in Central PA and know what to expect overall.
The closest to him and still living in PA would be Matamoras(1 hour away). I currently meet my ex wife in Allentown for pickup. he loves seeing his cousins in Elizabethtown, so that kinda rules out southeastern PA. I'm into walking the pupper, kayaking, snowboarding, mountain biking, camping, etc. a house on/near a lake or river would be a huge plus. Thanks!
submitted by goodsy to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 Goldskull298 Time to make a meme
If Bowser and Eggman brought their kids for McDonald's, what would their orders look like (So Bowser, Bowser Jr. , Eggman and Sage)
I feel like Bowser's order is going to be "Big smoke" levels of ridiculous, Eggman keeps it simple, and Sage and Jr want happy meals but what do you guys think
submitted by Goldskull298 to BowserjrXSage [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 Playful_Ad_6463 Telus to FreedomMobile? Is it a good idea to switch?
I am on a $50 for 100GB Canada+USA plan and a $10 Apple Watch plan with Telus. Freedom Mobile offers $55 for 100GB Canada+USA+Mexico and 20GB roaming in 92 countries (Apple Watch plan is included). Does it make sense to switch to Freedom? It is not about $5 savings, mostly about so much of roaming included. I don’t travel a lot; it might be 2 times a year, and I buy local eSIM for the country I go to. My only concern is that switching to Freedom Mobile will cause me to lose a lot in quality of service in Canada. Currently, Telus has 5G+, and connectivity is okay.
submitted by Playful_Ad_6463 to telus [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 TheLunarVaux Hadestown - National Theatre in London
Hi! Does anyone happen to have a recording of this they would be willing to gift?
There used to be a video on YouTube, but it seems like it's been taken down. Video would be nice but I'd be happy to take an audio!
submitted by TheLunarVaux to BootlegGifts [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 sillygoofygooose 😳 I don’t know what movie she’s the main character in but I want to see it
submitted by sillygoofygooose to actuallesbians [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 Alarmed_Web_9201 A desinformação que vai neste sub é absurda.
Não falha: a cada 3/4 dias há um post aqui feito que mente a cara podre. Seja a postar notícias enquanto escondem informação relevante , seja a "informar" de comunidades ou situação sem qualquer tipo de fontes , seja até coisas pequenas como o famoso "aí fui banido deste outro sub! E olhem foi por este comentário inofensivo que postei! Juro mesmo que não foi por outro que estou a esconder!".
Obviamente o último é até engraçado e sinceramente irrelevante. Mas as notícias e as aldrabices são um problema grave. Vejo a toda a hora debaixo destes posts alguém a colocar fontes que desaprovam completamente o que é dito e o que noto é que o pessoal , em vez de envergonhar o OP como o mentiroso nojento que é , defende a mentira! Dizendo que não está errado na "ideia" ou que "as fontes são falsas". Sim porque a palavra do "EatThatPussy420" vale mais do que a Wikipédia....que já agora tem fontes dentro dela ( coisa que eu achei que se sabia mas este sub já me mostrou o contrário ).
Desinformação é um tumor. A liberdade de expressão também vem com responsabilidade. Um espaço que aceita desinformação e uma comunidade que a apoia estão fadados a ter como membros idiotas e pessoas com más intenções.
Enfim. Desabafo com três apelos:
Á moderação deste sub a começar a agir como tal
A todos a não confiar imediatamente em tudo o que lêem na internet.... especialmente se é escrito por um utilizador deste sub.
E aos vigaristas (aqueles a quem certamente lhe servirá o chapéu e virão chorar debaixo deste post caso ganhe tração) que façam a seguinte reflexão: se o que quer que vocês acreditam requer que mintam constantemente para convencer outras pessoas que estão corretos, talvez estejam enganados. E com uma tremenda falta de integridade.
Boas noites.
submitted by Alarmed_Web_9201 to portugueses [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 _mb_jasmine_ Scrambled eggs and salted caramel protein smoothie.
Scrambled eggs: 2 large eggs Cottage cheese Salt Spinach Mushrooms Smoothie: Almond milk 3 dates Vanilla protein powder Vanilla extract Greek yoghurt submitted by _mb_jasmine_ to BreakfastFood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:30 nick_soccer10 Sit one, must win week. Kenneth Walker, Joe Mixon, Chase Brown, Chubba Hubba.
Right now I’m starting, mixon, hubbard, and brown. So basically, why should I start Walker over hubbard? Mixon and brown I feel are locks. Help a brotha out.
10 man league, full ppr.
submitted by nick_soccer10 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 CrimsonAlpine Monthly Friend Finder
Welcome to the Friend Finder, Marine!
We have a number of helpful resources to help you find a squad or a clan quickly. Please leave a comment below with your in-game name, platform, region, language(s), the classes you usually play as, and what you're looking for.
This thread is scheduled to be reposted on the 27th of every month at 4:30 P.M. PDT!
Name: CrimsonAlpine Platform: Atari Jaguar Region or Country: Antarctica Language(s): Latin Class(es): Doc Looking for: Ex. A group to run the game on the highest difficulty.
Official Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/aliensfireteamelite2024.11.28 00:30 wewdwtnizrub Experiencias Xcaret Promo Code Black Friday
Unlock the Experiencias Xcaret Promo Code Black Friday
Check out these exclusive Experiencias Xcaret discount codes for November 2024 and save big on your next purchase.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 spacezambonie Saying Goodbye to Pumpkin Spice
My friends launched the first episode of their food show. Wanted to share it out! They had a lot of fun making it, and want to be supporting to them!
submitted by spacezambonie to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 Due-Buy-3319 23F horny asf who's up to chat?
submitted by Due-Buy-3319 to joliet_hookup [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 Original_Courage_595 [foe hire] open commissions
submitted by Original_Courage_595 to comissions [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 FullxEnglish Stuttering Video/Low FPS using Stream Together browser source in OBS
No matter what browser source I use the video stream always seems to be poor quality, as if it's running less than 30 frames or something. Recently I'm trying this with Twitch's new feature Stream Together. Inside the browser it looks perfect, but as soon as it gets to OBS its just awful.
I have tried:
2024.11.28 00:30 Far_Affect_5364 Snap daddyslave33
submitted by Far_Affect_5364 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 k3dabest44 Update!
Hey fellas just wanted to thank everyone who replied to my post a few weeks ago about my FD build. It’s finally underway. Took the engine out today it’s off to be built I’ll be preparing the body next for the bodykit and paint! submitted by k3dabest44 to RX7 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:30 Interesting_Bar663 [Bug] How is this possible?
Spawned into an a raid on interchange as a solo, spawned and as my screen came into view I had spawned directly next to someone like they were my teammate and they immediately head eyed me when I spawned. How in the actual fuck is this possible??
submitted by Interesting_Bar663 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 antmawh05 I'm not sure if this counts as self promotion but it is about anime I have a load of anime I have been recommended and have watched and I've ended up putting them all into a list but it's a absolute mess now and can't seem to figure out where or when to start so if someone can help then please dm me
submitted by antmawh05 to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 FranklyImAnOcean Will the long sleeve bordeaux dress restock?
When I go to the website it says waitlist and if you click the color it says the page does not exist. I REALLY want the soft lounge long sleeve in that color but it’s been a while and it still is doing the same thing.
Do y’all think it will restock before the sale is over or should I just let it go 😔
submitted by FranklyImAnOcean to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 jaslana Alguém já usou o site do cps carreiras?
submitted by jaslana to fatec [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:30 Green-Meaning8640 Can anyone tell me what this is?
Is this a careless,? I also have one on my hand it doesn’t feel like the one on my foot but it feels like there’s some sort of liquid is the thing on my foot and hand corns or? The first pic is my foot I have the same thing on the other foot in the same spot as well 2nd pic is my hand it’s hard to see it in a photo but it’s submitted by Green-Meaning8640 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:30 Tight-Data-1509 send your tight irls for a jerk tribute - Trib9901 < KIK
submitted by Tight-Data-1509 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]