2024.11.28 02:39 coaster_gay97 Wow
So I told myself the last post I made would be my final words on tower topics but then Ryan went and made this pathetic tweet… is he 7? I’m officially done worrying about these two clowns, good riddance 🤣 submitted by coaster_gay97 to KingsIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 02:39 Dolcedevotio 20M very desperate for a friend. Anyone pls
The title sort of says it all. I honestly don’t mind who texts me I don’t discriminate at all. The truth is I have been going through a lot over the past like year ish. I mean , honestly the last few years haven’t been good but stuff really hasn’t gone well for me this past year. I really just want a friend as I don’t have any. My mental situation is pretty bad and I am sort of stuck. I have a ton of interests and I’m pretty mature (or at least I’m told that) I’m interested in history, sports, fitness and cooking. I also love to learn about cultures and such. I do usually communicate through ig or sn4p but we can talk on here too if you’re cool enough haha. Okay pls someone text me.
submitted by Dolcedevotio to friendship [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 KissMeAndSayNoHomo Who sacrificed their daughter?
If the girl is Tabitha and Jade's daughter, who sacrified her? It seems to be that the deal is that parents kill their children for eternal life but they're trying to tell us that Jade and Tabitha were the good guys, that they didn't do that. So, who did sacrifice the girl?
submitted by KissMeAndSayNoHomo to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 wowwowsocool Im 18 what should I do with my money?
I am 18 and work a 16 hour contract on £10.73 with the ability to make commission on sales I make which is uncapped. I am abit confused and unsure on what to do with this money I make. I want to save and grow this money but do no know where to start.
submitted by wowwowsocool to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 Impossible-Ad-9748 Printable iron on smearing
I made a printable iron on for dark fabrics shirt I’ve had it hanging up for about five days I wore it today and as I was getting my son out of the bathtub it got the image wet and the color started to smear. Any ideas what this could be?is it because I haven’t washed it yet?
submitted by Impossible-Ad-9748 to cricut [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 dogsnolegs2 Cowgirl
submitted by dogsnolegs2 to Floral_Bikinis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 02:39 Mr_Noone619 If someone underestimated you? What music are you listening?
submitted by Mr_Noone619 to AskPH [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 Antique_Leopard1181 "my lips are cold"
come here baby lemme warm them up for u 😏
(fool-proof pickup line, trust me)
submitted by Antique_Leopard1181 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 ElBFCambiaformas Game Over, Pal (Recreated)
original by: u/Tovarishch_Lenin1922
submitted by ElBFCambiaformas to theamazingdigitalciru [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 Easycht 44 usa bi m for 18ish m or f
submitted by Easycht to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 PoloDon92 Before the turkey
submitted by PoloDon92 to cigar_refuge [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 02:39 tootes123 Higher Duties while on employer paid parental leave
Hi, my employer funds 22 weeks paid parental leave which I will be taking at half pay. By the time I go on leave I will have been acting in a higher duties role for 17 months which i receive an allowance for (based on an hourly rate). The higher duties period is due to end while I am on paid leave. At which point the total length of higher duties will be 2 years 1 month. I've been told the higher duties allowance will be terminated early the day before I commence leave and so I will revert back to my old rate of pay. I want to confirm two things:
2024.11.28 02:39 FuriousFurbies Temporary Weather Stripping
Our apartment windows seem good enough to insulate, but there's gaps around the frames that let in a very unfortunate amount of freezing air. I need a solution that is both temporary and won't peel off the already peeling paint around them.
Some mild research led me to rope caulk, but an old DIY home improvement post suggested seal and peel caulk would hold up better in colder temperatures.
Any suggestions on which product would work best, and can anyone reccomend a brand?
submitted by FuriousFurbies to fargo [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 Zinthose I need help identifying an ASUS EEPROM / Firmware reprogrammer.
I have two photos I found online from two separate YouTube videos that show a particular bios reprogrammer for ASUS laptops. I need help identifying it. I've tried google lens, multiple searches, and asked Gemini if it could identify it. No dice. I need to purchase one of these. So please, please help me identify this board. 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/ufp09o7u1k3e1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a4458a299dd3f34816a6aa6e6458f53fee628ad https://preview.redd.it/iuhrmn7u1k3e1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9e400de1e5bc7a68822fe579e9da0cd054118e7 submitted by Zinthose to AskElectronics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 02:39 wewdwtnizrub ORLY Black Friday Coupon Code
Visit here for ORLY Black Friday Coupon Code
Looking for Discounts at ORLY in November 2024? Get the Best Deals with Promo Codes, Coupons, and More!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 butterflypetalsxx panda needs privacy
submitted by butterflypetalsxx to PetsareAmazing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 02:39 Key_Owl3267 My Strength Against Sin Failed
In the New Testament, one of the disciples said to be sober minded. After going through a cycle of hopelessness, worthlessness, witnessing fucked up shit, and anxiety, I don’t want to be sober anymore. All I want to do is drink alcohol and weed concentrated drinks until I can’t feel anything anymore. Anyone who experienced something similar to me got advice?
submitted by Key_Owl3267 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 tin_vard 💔💔💔
submitted by tin_vard to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 02:39 Crafty_Leo Regieleki 899334866881 now!
submitted by Crafty_Leo to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 Unfair_Rope5540 What is my phobia called?
I have a really bad fear of water rides at theme parks, specifically one with animatronics submerged. I don't exactly think that it's submechaphobia since it only really triggers for me when I see an animatronic in water. For reference, every time I see a video of "burt the bunyip" it sends a shiver down my spine. I was also kind of unsettled on jungle cruise at Disney with all of the animatronics in water.
submitted by Unfair_Rope5540 to Phobia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 hbyo M3P Overnight drive this weekend
Seen this question on here before, wanted input in my case the new performance model 3.
I will have the demo car Saturday night and Sunday morning. Should have access to the phone key as well, what would every one recommend I try and test? I’m in the market for one of these and looking forward to getting the feel for the car for longer than the short demo drive.
submitted by hbyo to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 smokinpatty [US-WI] [H] LEGO Store (40305) Minecraft Micro World The Nether (21106), Harry Potter 2004 Sets (4750,4751,4752,4753,4755,4756) [W] PayPal
Images: https://imgur.com/a/dkyZuGx
Shrieking Shack (4756) used - $102
Professor Lupin's Classroom (4752) used - $39
Knight Bus (4755) used - $34
Minecraft Micro World - The Nether (21106) used - $30
Harry and the Marauder's Map (4751) used - $28
Sirius Black's Escape (4753) used - $26
Draco's Encounter with Buckbeak (4750) used - $23
LEGO Brand Store (40305) used - $22
Let me know if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out or send an offer!
My terms and how I calculate the prices above:
How I price my LEGO: I want to be very transparent on my pricing, all sets are set at 5% off of the BrickLink average (which I grabbed on 11/26/24) for the used price of each set and is either rounded up or down (.5 ≤ is rounded up, < .5 is rounded down) to the nearest dollar, the more you buy, the higher the percentage off I do. (I take about 1.5% off for each set)
The buyer is expected to pay shipping.
These sets are verified with the bricklink part contents but to protect me, I am selling them as if they are 99% with all the figures and instructions. If you want the box I have the boxes for 21106 and 40305 but assume the shipping will be cost a bit more.
submitted by smokinpatty to Legomarket [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 true_george_return eu realmente preciso de algum conselho ou ajuda
Os meus últimos 2 anos no ensino médio tem sido muito instáveis, e agora tudo veio de uma vez.
Eu comecei um namoro depois de ficar com uma menina por 5 meses, foi caótico, eu queria namorar, ela não, passa um tempo e voltamos a nos falar e ela começa a exigir alguma atitude minha pra começar um namoro, e assim foi... depois de 2 semanas ela esqueceu o celular comigo em um encontro, e em casa eu descobri o porquê de nossa relação ter sido tão caótica, eu vi o celular dela, ela falava tão mal de mim, tinha muitas coisas problemáticas para quem estava namorando, como prints de conversas com o ex, até mesmo nudes de outro ex.
No início do ano, os amigos da minha namorada me levaram a conhecer um amigo muito importante, nós fomos aos poucos nos falando, e chegou em um dia que ele viu que eu estava claramente triste com a minha namorada, e me chamou pra conversar, e eu desabafei na época, com ele e a namorada dele, dai em diante seguimos numa amizade que dura até hoje. Nos ultimos dias a gente tava bem, eu e meu amigo e nosso grupo, saímos zuamos, eu curto muito musica, e nós dois começamos a produzir juntos, foi muito legal, mas meu relacionamento com a minha namorada ficou uma merda, ela voltou a falar com o cara com quem ela me destruía e falava mal, e eu só desencanei, e nem liguei. Esse amigo tem problemas sérios em casa e com a escola, ele decidiu repetir de ano, e assim, estamos há 2 semanas do fim das aulas e parece que ele nem ia mais ás aulas, e chamaram os pais dele, e eles optaram por tirar ele da escola.
eu to me sentindo horrivel, naquela escola não tem ninguém com quem eu consiguisse conversar alem dele, a gente tava fazendo musica junto, e tava tudo indo tão bem, e em 2 dias parece que eu envelheci tanto tempo.
não sei se continuo ou saio da minha escola, tudo ali é horrivel, msm q ano que vem seja meu ultimo. eu não sei lidar com isso, preciso de ajuda, qualquer coisa que me ajude agora, pq eu to um morto vivo
submitted by true_george_return to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 bluervirt Keds Black Friday 2024
Check out the link for Keds Black Friday 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 02:39 itsahhmemario I just lost 20 pieces of scrip I was transferring because my private server crashed. Beth, please give us a safer way to do this. 🙏
All three star pieces too so that's around 1k scrip I lost. At least it wasn't a rare item.
I've been getting an uptick of "disconnected from server" and "searching for world" messages for the past few weeks on PS.
submitted by itsahhmemario to fo76 [link] [comments]