Tyler realized something mid rant

2024.11.28 02:53 r2002 Tyler realized something mid rant

Tyler realized something mid rant submitted by r2002 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 LumenMax Olight has a special gift for their customers: Olight Beanie!

Olight has a special gift for their customers: Olight Beanie! Olight has a special gift for their customers: Olight Beanie! Check your carts. https://www.olightstore.com/s/30KYZ9 (affiliated link)
From Olight: As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to take this moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who makes this journey so meaningful and rewarding. This year has been a transformative journey for Olight, and throughout it all, your unwavering support has been our greatest source of strength and inspiration. Whether it is supporting offline events such as the Shotshow event and the Ofan Day event, actively giving us valued suggestions and feedback to help the Olight Brand continue to improve, helping to bring new designs to life with the #Odesigner contests, or working with us to do charity sales to bring warmth and help to those in need, we are grateful for your participation and trust. You are the heart of our community, and it is because of you that we continue to move forward with confidence and purpose.
*As a token of our appreciation, we've prepared an Olight Beanie for you, hoping it brings warmth to your winter. Participation RulesFor Members who previously placed an order for greater than $5 as of 07:59:59 PM 11/27, 2024 EST, get an Olight Beanie. LIMITED 1 PER PERSON. Please log in and your log in Gift will be automatically added to your shopping cart
submitted by LumenMax to Olightflashlights [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 LovelyXQueen_ Only organic chemistry people can truly understand this.

 Only organic chemistry people can truly understand this. submitted by LovelyXQueen_ to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 LieGONCALVES4091 Subgerente espalhou mentiras sobre mim no trabalho e isso arruinou minha carreira – Posso processar a empresa por danos morais? 😞

Olá, pessoal.
Gostaria de saber se alguém já passou por uma situação parecida ou pode me dar uma orientação. Estava trabalhando em uma empresa e, em uma ocasião, pedi à subgerente, de forma pessoal, para não ser escalado para trabalhar em um feriado, pois tinha um compromisso pessoal. Ela me respondeu que eu teria que trabalhar, pois era novato, e ainda disse que, se eu não quisesse trabalhar nem feriados nem domingos, deveria estudar para prestar concurso.
Dias depois, ela começou a espalhar para outros funcionários que eu não queria trabalhar em finais de semana nem feriados, o que não era verdade. Isso acabou chegando ao gerente e, como resultado, meu contrato de experiência não foi renovado.
Gostaria de saber se isso pode configurar danos morais e se seria possível buscar alguma compensação através de um processo contra a empresa.
Agradeço a quem puder ajudar.
submitted by LieGONCALVES4091 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 adambrukirer I made an Earning's Calendar for next week, for the sake of Thanksgiving

I made an Earning's Calendar for next week, for the sake of Thanksgiving submitted by adambrukirer to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Personal-Engine8537 Thought?? I’m new to the games this my first build I’m thinking of making

Thought?? I’m new to the games this my first build I’m thinking of making New to the gam
submitted by Personal-Engine8537 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Creative-Job-4848 katie risk upvote dm repost

katie risk upvote dm repost submitted by Creative-Job-4848 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Tenno46 Karmic Monk and Shadow Oracle gestault

Thinking about doing this in a future campaign, but with oracle having a charisma based casting I'm not too sure. Any thoughts or class changes that would help in this alignment shifting, stealth, and spooky build?
submitted by Tenno46 to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 lilalongstalkings Red flag?

Red flag? submitted by lilalongstalkings to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 GailynStarfire A note concerning cooking elixirs and ingredients.

I recently restarted a playthrough of BotW, and I saw a post here the other day about cooking ingredients and what can be mixed and matched together.
When making elixirs, you can add mushrooms and herbs to the elixir that would normally by considered food, and it will still create a viable elixir.
Example: 1 Rushroom + 1 Hot Foot Frog + 1 Swift Violet + 1 Monster Piece = Hasty Elixir
submitted by GailynStarfire to Breath_of_the_Wild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 MrSCR23 Win or lose, here’s the own goal for the laughs

submitted by MrSCR23 to TampaBayLightning [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Crkrecommendations Seed request!

I need a bedrock seed that spawns you in or near a jungle, and with a large, single mountain. Maybe a village or jungle temple, but those aren’t required.
submitted by Crkrecommendations to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 reshampok Is investing in Ethereum is safe for gaining potentials??

Yes or No??
submitted by reshampok to Forex [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 froggynut1 Who’s down to chill?🥶 [23]

submitted by froggynut1 to gay [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 bluervirt Levi’s Outlet Black Friday 2024

Visit this page for Levi’s Outlet Black Friday 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Successful-Rate-5028 I hate my best friend

Ok so I've been meaning to write this out for so long, but I never got the chance. I am really good friends with this one girl, lets call her K. K and I have been friend for 10 years, we have done every single activity together. But now I feel like she is always in competition with me. We are in a small friend group of 5 people, me, K, and another girl M, are all really close, and A and D are also really close. I have been noticing that K is always trying to push me out of conversations, try to make me look like the bad guy, make me look dumb, make me seem like I am wrong even when I am not, and ALWAYS makes the biggest deal about anything I do. Lets take something small for example, K will be sitting on a chair and then she will get up, Ill sit on the chair she is sitting on, she will come back 10 minutes later and get obnoxiously mad at me for taking her spot. If I try to give her another option, like grab a chair from somwhere else, she will get even more mad. But If the roles were reversed, and I got mad, she would somehow make it seem like I have anger issues, and I am the one in the wrong. Now imagine this, but with EVERYTHING. She always makes me feel like shit and I hate it. M is no help either, because she is too nice and M's mom and K's mom are REALLY good friends. I hate hanging out with them so much. I always go home feeling like shit, but I can't not be friends with K for various social reasons. M is fine on her own, and most of the time with K, but sometimes they just piss me off. Thank you for reading my rant.
submitted by Successful-Rate-5028 to RantingZone [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Correct_Western8417 Docking Station with AC Outlet ?

I am looking to declutter my office desk and one of the things I want to avoid is running my monitor power cable from the wall outlet. Is there a power docking station with 100W Type C and ALSO an AC outlet to run my monitor power cable from ?
submitted by Correct_Western8417 to UsbCHardware [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Ill-Photograph-9994 Has anyone ever witnessed someone get arrested straight off a planes landing?

I've witnessed two occasions where the plane's stewarts announce that all men have to have passports ready to show as there would be police checks right outside the plane doors.
submitted by Ill-Photograph-9994 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 MaahanTuojaa Streamplify stream deck good?

Hey yall! So I've been looking for a stream deck for a bit and now that black friday is here I thought I would get one.
The problem here being, I found this Streamplify Streaming deck on a sale and couldn't really find any reviews of it. First time even hearing about streamplify.
I was wondering if anyone has any experience of their products especially the stream deck? Thanks in advance!
submitted by MaahanTuojaa to streaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 themurm523 What pedals do I get for my wife?

What pedals do I get for my wife? submitted by themurm523 to bicycling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 b_fromtheD Favorite Places I've Golfed This Year

Favorite Places I've Golfed This Year I live in Metro Detroit. These are my favorite courses I've played in 2024!
Arcadia Bluffs, Arcadia, MI (Pictures 1 & 2) The Nightmare, West Branch, MI (Picture 3) Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, MI (Pictures 4-8) Eagle Eye, Lansing MI (Pictures 9 & 10) Bear Trace, Harrison Bay, TN (Pictures 11-13) Heather Hills, Bruce Twp, MI (Pictures 14 & 15)
submitted by b_fromtheD to golf [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 RandomGuyOnDaNet90 Earn 2000 bonus points on Fetch Rewards using code VB57MY until 11/28!

Come save money on Fetch with me! Scan first receipt to earn bonus! Sign up w/ code VB57MY & get 2,000 pts: https://referral.fetch.com/vvv3/referralsocial?code=VB57MY. See you there!
submitted by RandomGuyOnDaNet90 to ReferalCodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Quiet-Excuse-9602 How do I approach the girl I like?

About 2 months ago now I had to work a school event. For the first 2 hrs I was hanging out with this kid I knew from some of my classes til I moved spots and met this group. It was 3 girls and 4 boys, I never met the girls but I knew all the boys there and we talked and hung out for the remaining 3-4 hrs. This one girl I liked shared a lot of interest with me. We liked the same nba mlb teams (she knew some players and wasn’t a bandwagon lol), didn’t like the same ppl at school and she would even high five me on certain things. Once the event ended they wanted to make a group chat and she asked for my number and I put in her phone then she added me to it. The group chat failed and was never really active ended up having 1 kid getting kicked out for sending weirds images and stuff. They would see me with the weird kid in the halls cause we have classes together and he follows me nonstop. Anyways, we return to school and when I saw them I would say hi. The other girls would approach me and talk to me at times but the girl I had a crush on really hasn’t. When I say hi to her she seems disinterested and looks like she just wants to get away from me. (Mind you I wasn’t saying hi everyday to overdo it). I asked her if we had the same science teacher cause nobody had any data for a lab I was out for. She said she does but didn’t have the data and when I finally found someone with it, I texted her saying if you need it I have it. She never responded. I’m really conflicted on what to do. The signs are showing me she isn’t interested. She never added me back on snap, accepted my follow request but didn’t follow me back til I made a comment about looking like a fan to her friend who did the same thing. I really wanna establish a connection with her but don’t want to overdo it. I just want to be able to talk to her and I’m so nervous to do it. She’s so pretty, but I feel like she can careless if I ever spoke to her again. Is there a reason to keep trying and actually step up and talk to her or just step back and move on cause the signs say otherwise.
submitted by Quiet-Excuse-9602 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Big-Cap4487 Looks like something out of elden ring, looks great

submitted by Big-Cap4487 to TrueSTL [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:53 Good-Panda9375 Dick Town Gold Exploit/Glitch?

Dick Town Gold Exploit/Glitch? Soo, I thought this was kinda cool. I saw others posting about breaking pots, fast traveling or saving, then re-entering the area/reloading, etc. While I was on my way to complete the "In Peace, Vigilance" quest, I discovered something similar...but faster?
On your way to Cobbled Swan you come across this market (fast travel location) and if you look for a large blue glowing sign there is a little underpass right beside it. Walk underneath and turn slightly towards the right where you'll see an opening, behind a giant pillar, looking over the water. Walk towards it and step onto the platform. To the left, there is a ladder. To the right, there is a beam to walk across. All you have to do is walk across the beam and back. 90% of crates and jugs respawn. I've done it pretty quickly about 8 times now.
Anyway, I couldn't find where someone had shared this already. I thought this seemed like a pretty easy way to get some extra loot without saving like a madman or having to fast travel. Of course, the other fast travel location has a ton more breakable items....but I still think this is faster. I hope it helps someone. 🙃
submitted by Good-Panda9375 to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]
