Just a chill ogre in his swamp

2024.11.28 03:49 Hasagi-Senpai Just a chill ogre in his swamp

Just a chill ogre in his swamp submitted by Hasagi-Senpai to Shrekmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Historical-Lio Wholesome as it gets 😊

submitted by Historical-Lio to spreadsmile [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 ASICmachine Brazil Strategic Reserve (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Brazil Strategic Reserve (x-post from /Bitcoin) submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 CrazeeG Anyway to import new cars from The Crew 2 to Motorfest?

Played the demo a while ago and imported my Crew 2 cars and it was quite fun. I've just bought the game on sale on Steam and have since bought quite a few new cars on the Crew 2 however the game seems to have saved my progress from the demo. Is there anyway to import my new cars?
submitted by CrazeeG to The_Crew [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 0204J M25

M25 I know it’s bad, but how bad is it?
submitted by 0204J to amiugly [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Illustrious-Sign3015 Need help coming up with an opponent

Need help coming up with an opponent Dark Avengers vs who?
submitted by Illustrious-Sign3015 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 ASICmachine Missing words on ledger seed phrase. Can anyone help ? (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Since2k5 Does anyone have Myntra fashion coupons 😭 DM me

submitted by Since2k5 to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Wide_Stuff_2414 Difference in 22" Blackstone models?

I am looking at getting a grill for ski season to cook in the parking lots. I am wondering if anyone knows the differences between the Adventure Ready and the Stainless-Steel model. I see the AR is the newer model and would imagine some improvements? Also has anyone compared the portable stand to the newer quick adjust leg kit?
Wondering things like can I cook with the hood down and setup and store easy, ect...
submitted by Wide_Stuff_2414 to blackstonegriddle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 lks410 눈 정말 많이 왔네요

눈 정말 많이 왔네요 눈이 엄청 쏟아졌길래 사진 몇장 찍어봤습니다.
눈이 앉은 풍경이 정말 예쁘긴 하지만 사고도 많이 일으키니 모두들 조심하시길 바랍니다 :)
submitted by lks410 to Mogong [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 TheCypressUmber Gentianopsis virgata?

Gentianopsis virgata? I'm not able to find any images online of Lesser Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis virgata) seed heads, but not sure what else it could be?
This is in a location where I identified Gentianopsis virgata in the past, and had come back to see how things were looking this time of year
Pennate leaf structure
submitted by TheCypressUmber to nativeplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 xxxmariaboo SM Naga to Naga Airport

Hello po,
Anyone knows how to commute from SM Naga to Naga Airport? Thanks so much po
submitted by xxxmariaboo to Bicol [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Falcon_Prime_347 If you could instantly become an expert in one subject, what would it be and why?

submitted by Falcon_Prime_347 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 NerisBass Chatgpt e eu:

Em nossa sociedade, como se expressa a dor pela morte de alguém? Você conhece grupos sociais que tenham comportamentos diferente do nosso diante da morte? Quais?
Na nossa sociedade, a dor pela morte de alguém costuma ser expressa por meio de rituais como o luto, velórios, enterros, e a escolha de vestimentas pretas ou escuras, que simbolizam respeito e tristeza. Além disso, o choro, o silêncio, e as palavras de consolo entre familiares e amigos são formas comuns de lidar com a perda. Em algumas culturas, há também o uso de redes sociais para homenagens ou mensagens de despedida, o que tem se tornado mais frequente.
Existem grupos sociais que têm comportamentos diferentes diante da morte. Por exemplo:

  1. Indígenas de algumas etnias brasileiras: Muitos veem a morte como parte de um ciclo natural. Alguns realizam celebrações ou rituais que honram a memória do falecido, acreditando que sua alma continua em outro plano.
  2. Tibetanos: No Budismo tibetano, o "rito do céu" (Sky Burial) consiste em expor o corpo ao ar livre para ser consumido por aves, simbolizando desapego e união com a natureza.
  3. Mexicanos: No México, o Día de los Muertos (Dia dos Mortos) é um momento de celebração. As pessoas criam altares com fotos, comidas e objetos que o falecido gostava, acreditando que ele retorna nesse dia para visitar seus entes queridos.
  4. Ciganos: Em algumas comunidades ciganas, o luto pode incluir longos períodos de lamentação e, em certos casos, a destruição de pertences do falecido para liberar sua alma.
  5. Japoneses: As cerimônias budistas japonesas muitas vezes focam na serenidade e na continuidade espiritual, com orações e oferendas no altar familiar em memória do falecido.
Essas diferenças refletem como cada grupo entende a morte e a relação entre a vida e o que vem depois dela. Isso mostra que, apesar da dor, a forma de expressá-la varia de acordo com crenças e tradições culturais.
submitted by NerisBass to Fotelhas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Yuvisingh09 This app is just a heart thief now

This app is just a heart thief now I have reported it as “my answer should have been accepted”, but seeing how everything is going, this app is going downhill. We had a good run. Thanks duo.
submitted by Yuvisingh09 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Few_Front_6447 Why is it that we all have neurological symptoms or chest pain yet all the scans(CT,MRI,etc) all comeback normal even months out!?

Just curious
submitted by Few_Front_6447 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Inevitable_Dig_7080 Which SCD YouTuber you think has the worst takes? (Like they can’t get a take right or keep glazing a certain character)

For me, it gotta be N-ice. Bro glazes kuze to no end. Kuze over yumeko, yuuichi and even dazai? I seriously don’t know what drugs that guy has been taking really. It’s pathetic honestly really.
so anyways which scd YouTuber you think has the worst takes?
submitted by Inevitable_Dig_7080 to IntelligenceScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 bluervirt NYDJ Black Friday 2024

Use the link for NYDJ Black Friday 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 kai7021 A picture of a 5-week old fetus

A picture of a 5-week old fetus submitted by kai7021 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 murderopolis Reason #6 why this is happening to us

Reason #6 why this is happening to us submitted by murderopolis to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 GracefulToucan How to connect larger fan bracket to smaller mount

I had a harbor breeze fan installed in here. Bilut, ilI am now changing it to install new fan. New fan have large control box and does not fit in existing bracket. The distance between holes in mount is 3 inch. Distance between holes in new bracket is 4 inch.
New fan is https://a.co/d/8ECeSvN
submitted by GracefulToucan to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 jerOO_dubs Live now on twitch. Grime Sessions.

Live now on twitch. Grime Sessions. submitted by jerOO_dubs to grime [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 yeeet06 Bang Bang Niner Gang!

Bang Bang Niner Gang! submitted by yeeet06 to NFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Existing_Cod8714 Naughty p4r3nt$ and s1bl!ng$, come confess

submitted by Existing_Cod8714 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:49 Nice-Acanthaceae-667 Jordan 3 white cement

Jordan 3 white cement submitted by Nice-Acanthaceae-667 to hoobuypost [link] [comments]
