I can’t keep flip flopping

2024.11.28 03:40 Ok_Dot_4289 I can’t keep flip flopping

I feel lost. I’ve gone back and forth with alcohol so many times. I’ve confided in people about my drinking and then turned around and gaslit them into thinking my drinking’s fine. Of course I’m gaslighting myself too. I don’t know a way out of this. I feel like I’ve lost any credibility with myself and those close with me. I know they’d support me if I quit again but I would have a lot of work to do to convince them I’m serious about this. Can anyone relate?
submitted by Ok_Dot_4289 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 MugShots Two arrested in Ohio drug raid: authorities seize meth, cocaine, paraphernalia, and cash

Two arrested in Ohio drug raid: authorities seize meth, cocaine, paraphernalia, and cash submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 EmperorsChamberMaid_ [Q] when would a reverse percentile be used, i.e, the 90th percentile is the lower end of the scale

So I've been tasked with this at work, and the developer wants percentile values of a data set, except they want the 90th percentile to be worse than 90% of the data sets.
I feel like this is a bad way to represent the data as it isn't how percentiles are expected to be used, but perhaps I am missing something.
The data itself is frame rate of an application. They want the 90th percentile to be the lower frame rate, i.e, 45fps and the 10th to be the upper limit, i.e, 60fps
submitted by EmperorsChamberMaid_ to statistics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Dapper_Squirrel_3582 Does anyone know where I can find this stuffed animal or the company that made it? Any info is greatly appreciated.

This is my childhood stuffed animal and I get anxiety about if something were to happen to it how I’d get a replacement. I cut the tag off when I was little so I don’t even know the brand or what year it was made. I got it sometime between 2007 and 2009 however it could have been made before then. When I was looking it up, I saw lots of dog stuffed animals with a black spot on the belly or around the eye but mine has neither of those. I just haven’t even came close to finding the exact one.
submitted by Dapper_Squirrel_3582 to StuffedAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Bumcho GIVE US CLASH FOR THE HOLIDAY!

I know it’s not the weekend, but all I want to do is fill my cornucopia with some hot clash action! CRYTEK! PLEASE!! DONT LET ME GET BLURSTED, YOURE MY ONLY HOPE! #thankfulforclash
P.s., where my maps at,
Pappy Redneck
submitted by Bumcho to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Leguppicks 4 straight POTD! Congrats to those who tailed and thanks to those who are following!

4 straight POTD! Congrats to those who tailed and thanks to those who are following! submitted by Leguppicks to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 gurbar2305 Black Friday Exclusive Offers with Koodo Mobility + $0 Phones

Exclusive VIP offer from a TELUS technician. You can reach me at 587-588-6351 or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Black Friday is officially here! Message me to get exclusive VIP offers on BYOD plans and also $0 devices such as iPhone 14 or Google Pixel 9 for no extra charge. These offers won't last long.
Digital Business Card: https://forum.telus.com/t5/Neighbourhood/TELUS-Technician-Corneta-p/147400
Gurbar Patti Service Professional – Customer Solutions Delivery Mobile 587-588-6351 Member of the TELUS team
submitted by gurbar2305 to telus [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Fit_Chemistry_1568 Ex broke no contact

Ex sent me a letter so I called him over the phone without wanting anything I was just curious. He told me during the phone call that he showed his friends wife a voicemail I sent crying and breaking down after he broke up with me but it honestly wasn’t even the fact he broke up with me it was the fact he was super harsh about it vs when I broke up with him a couple times I was always nice and sweet about it. She called me crazy and I honestly don’t even remember what I really said but I remember telling him I felt used for my time and body and that I hated him I got angry during apart of it. It kinda just gave me the ick and idk why he expects me to want him back after showing people something like that where I was super vulnerable and impulsive. He also knows I have mental health issues. I need advice is that an invasion of privacy? He said he did it to get advice from her.
submitted by Fit_Chemistry_1568 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 star_7 Grandpa

Grandpa submitted by star_7 to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 throwaway12123819273 Matthew Lillard giving a dad-hug to a fan going through grief

Matthew Lillard giving a dad-hug to a fan going through grief submitted by throwaway12123819273 to spreadsmile [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Maximum-Log2998 I've plateaud pretty hard, could use some advice.

I've been working out for two years now using the hybrid calisthenics routine (3 sets of as many reps as I can do, or 2 sets for the one armed or one-legged movements) I can do:

I also run and do other exercises like bridges, L-sits and such but find those harder to quantify directly.
I haven't really improved at all in the last year though. I've been pretty consistent with exercise for the most part, outisde of when uni gets tough or family vacations. I honestly don't really watch my food intake so much (I eat at home, 4 times per day), I don't really like obsessing over that, but I could see that being the reason I've plateaud, but I'm 6 foot, 69 kg, deffo on the lighter side. I don't have access to a gym, so i'd appreciate advice that doesn't require gym instalations.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Maximum-Log2998 to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 gretawhy Campus Visit

My son was accepted and we scheduled a visit through the site for Monday, and we haven’t received any info about it. I know they’re closed until Monday but should we have gotten something? I’m hoping the form/info went through and we’re signed up, since he wanted an official tour to make a better decision. I know this is last minute to ask, I assumed he got an email, but that was my first mistake!
submitted by gretawhy to iastate [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 distractedcat 1 2 3

1 2 3 submitted by distractedcat to ohnePixel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 LordNemm3900 DukeMobb/NHB Tag Near Hoyne & Fulton

DukeMobb/NHB Tag Near Hoyne & Fulton submitted by LordNemm3900 to GangBangCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 IncridbleKey How to it feels to play Paladin and Warlock

I want to play one of them in my first playthrough and I am extremely indecisive
submitted by IncridbleKey to turtlewow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 TylerDurden2748 What if supersize me never came out?

Super size me was one of the most influential documentaries in American post-2000 culture. To this very day, it affefts us.
While I was shopping for feta cheese, it kept sauing fat free and my dad was complaining about it. And then the idea came to me: what if super size me never came out?
Let's say simply Spurlock just doesn't make it. How different will America be? Hell, how different will the WORLD be?
submitted by TylerDurden2748 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 SPCEKOOLAID Is this a good start to a long term portfolio goal 100K end of 2025

I'm gradually building up my long-term investment portfolio. Here's what I’m currently investing in, and I’d love to hear any tips, advice, or suggestions for additional stocks to consider.
My goal is 100K end of 2025
submitted by SPCEKOOLAID to TheRaceTo10Million [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Alpha_YL Denmark being weird

I don’t wanna dig around my PDX account so I hope a dev will see this.
I puppeted Denmark as the German Empire after they rejected my demands and died. Naturally, puppets cannot declare war. However, in my MP game with my friend, Denmark started to declare war on Norway, Sweden, US, Iceland and UK one by one.
I have no idea why they do that. I think it is a bug. Please fix.
submitted by Alpha_YL to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 fr3wayy Had mine today

Long time lurker. Finally had mine today.
submitted by fr3wayy to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 BrettDOkc Homeless Alliance warms the winter with annual Turkey Tango

The annual "Turkey Tango" full Thanksgiving meal was served at the OKC Homeless Alliance Day Shelter on Wednesday, November 27, the day before Thanksgiving.
submitted by BrettDOkc to okc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Chezni19 at least he's consistant

at least he's consistant submitted by Chezni19 to comicbookart [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 malcolm58 Labor hands Greens $500m housing win to pass government agenda

Labor hands Greens $500m housing win to pass government agenda submitted by malcolm58 to AustralianPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Fresh-Attitude-2131 Why Walmart doesn’t pay holiday pay?

submitted by Fresh-Attitude-2131 to WalmartEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 christain_anti-vaxxe Error on launch...Fixes?

everytime I launch it changes to these screens... I checked my directx and it's v 12... I launched in admin, verified, and redownloaded 3 times. If anyone else has encountered this and hs a fix, please help! Thank you!
submitted by christain_anti-vaxxe to MSFS2024 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:40 Educational-Unit2801 PLEASE KING JAMES AND AD I NEED YOU AGAIN 🙏🏼

submitted by Educational-Unit2801 to fanduel [link] [comments]
