absolutely cooked my hair

I don't remember ever hearing "you're cooked" before although I must have because I did see this movie! I'm wondering if anyone knows the origin of this expression. I immediately thought of "your goose is cooked" and wonder if it might be the inspiration for "you're cooked." From The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy: - cooked well / well cooked - done well / well done - cleaned well / well cleaned (room) - watered well / well watered (plant) - ... 2. the meaning is the same. I feel there's a difference between saying "This meat is well cooked" and "This meat is cooked well". For me "well cooked" means that it's not raw any more. 2. "I've cooked for 2 hours (before/in the past)" // "I've cooked for 2 hours [since I was in the accident]," describes a completed past action (the cooking) which had a duration of 2 hours [and which was done after a prior event]. (The accident occurred in January and at least one time in February I spent 2 hours cooking.) 3. If you want any pink in your steak in the US, you need to say "medium-rare" -- "medium" will usually result in the steak being cooked to the same gray color all the way through. underdone is BE only - we would say rare in AE bleu is very rare in the US (but almost no one but foreigners would order that. "Done" and "cooked" are about the same thing, and generall means "fully cooked as opposed to raw." Meat is done when there is no trace of pink left in it. For tough cuts that require long cooking, meat may be done but still not be tender enough to serve. In that case, the meat is not ready, or it has not finished cooking. to cook(主动) 还是 to be cooked(被动) Also note that, conventional ovens heat the food from outside in. Hence, the outer surface of the the food is exposed to heat for a longer time, thus causing the food to cook unevenly. Hello everyone, Is there such a word as 'unfresh' in English. For instance, someone is talking about food that is not fresh, the food that is served in the school canteen. Here's the sentence: The food in my school is usually unfresh and bland. No one really likes it. Can food be referred to... or "WHAT EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE of cooking?". Notice that both of these present tense synonyms refer to a present consequence of the past cooking: in the first case a cooked item that exists in the present time, in the second case a particular way of thinking that exists in the present time in a human mind. Chocolate isn't a good example although chocolates plural might work. Few people make chocolates at home and it isn't exactly cooked. Some things are called 'homemade', jams for example. The usual term for food like cakes and pies is 'homebaked', meaning cooked in an oven. I think it depends on what food you are talking about. 上面所有句子,如果改用被动语态,也完全可以。但“简练” 是语言的精髓。在日常交际中,人们倾向于使用最简练的表达方式,去传达复杂的意义。The rice is cooking. 要比 The rice is being cooked. 简单多了,好读上口而不会产生误解。大家都知道“米饭是被烹饪的”。

2024.11.28 03:39 hollowbthysquad absolutely cooked my hair

absolutely cooked my hair well well well all the impulsive bleaching caught up to me and i bleached my virgin hair and it has horrible patching and banding, and is super uneven. please dont ask what my idea was or what i was trying to do with the sections because im not quite sure either. i am asking for ideas on what i can do to “fix” the uneven silly looking sections and patchiness. i’m thinking about dying my whole head black, and only keeping a single blond strand in the front.
submitted by hollowbthysquad to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 JackRusselsRule Tried something...not recommended

I built my "End Game" combat SV and I wanted as much storage as possible, so I used Quantum Storage Extenders which are very expensive at two quantum processors each. That increased storage from thirty two kilos to sixty-four, and while it may be helpful to some it makes the ship too expensive. Since I play without weight and mass restrictions it is meaningless to me personally because all I care about are slots. So, no matter whay type of extension you use you still get one hundred twenty-eight slots.
Thay makes Quantum Extensions not useful because if you play without the restrictions, you don't need them and even if you play with them, they are too expensive. My SV came in at five hundred and nine quantum processors. I have updated it and replaced the quantums with ordinary ones. Even after the update it has a lot of storage for an SV.
submitted by JackRusselsRule to empyriongame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 KrattBoy2006 Mufasa: The Lion King | Final English Trailer [2D Fan-Edit]

Mufasa: The Lion King | Final English Trailer [2D Fan-Edit] submitted by KrattBoy2006 to lionking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Broad-Record2651 Why does my amp sound bad when its loud?

Or maybe its me but anytime i try to get louder than bedroom volume it just sounds bad. Any tips? Im using boss katana i like to use distortion but also clean
submitted by Broad-Record2651 to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 JDchete 28m What is a thing in your possession that has a funny story?

Maybe like a cool rock? A stick maybe? What ever you'd think has an interesting story behind it, i wanna gear it.
Also you can just send me memes or like.... a pic of your cars rear, driver side tire. Which ever comes first :)
submitted by JDchete to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Vsstuffandthingss I think people should ______ more.

submitted by Vsstuffandthingss to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Commercial_Affect113 My great-grandmother's valentine's day candy from the mid-1920s

submitted by Commercial_Affect113 to EatItYouFuckinCoward [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Sufficient-Flower947 I'm scared, help me

So I've heard of this one headset thing and I thought "wow, I've been doing this for years, I just do it to see if my mum needs help!" But now after a couple of headsets have been broken due to the bending I went back to putting on both ear pieces, now I'm hearing my mum scream at the top of her lungs saying things like: "FUCK" "TEMUJIN COME HERE NOW!!!" (temujin is my name) "HELP ME!!" but here is the thing, I'll freak out and run to her hugging her saying "you ok what happend? You ok?" But she tells me, "temujin, I never said anything, I've been cleaning" So now I'm hearing voices. Help.
submitted by Sufficient-Flower947 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 wewdwtnizrub Supersmart Black Friday Coupon Code

Here is the Supersmart Black Friday Coupon Code
Save 40% with hand-tested Supersmart discount codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 ResearchNo9587 Need middle name ideas

We cannot come up with a good middle name for our daughter due this spring her first name will be Lyra. I want a older style name like something a grandma would have
submitted by ResearchNo9587 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Cheap-Play4341 Family. GTI. Braum’s. Exhaust?

Family. GTI. Braum’s. Exhaust? Looking at getting an exhaust soon. Thinking Clubsport muffler, AWE track/ touring. What yall think? Dont want super loud but I want to be able to hear the exhaust more in the cabin without having to completely mute my music and roll the windows up.
submitted by Cheap-Play4341 to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 carcalarkadingdang Ribs and salmon done

PB1600. Just finished doing 4 racks of ribs and some pastrami salmon.
Will spatchcock one bird and roast the other tomorrow, along with prime rib and spiral ham!
Enjoy tomorrow, folks
submitted by carcalarkadingdang to PitBossGrills [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Complete_Remove5540 The Residents of Meowsbury Island! 🐈‍⬛🐾

The Residents of Meowsbury Island! 🐈‍⬛🐾 Last week, I was finally able to finish my lovely (and permanent) roster of cat villagers for my all-kitty village. It’s so great having each of them around, and it makes Meowsbury Island feel 10 times more alive!
Who’s your favorite among these 10? :)
(P.S. water terraforming was inspired by @loveless_ds on Instagram!)
submitted by Complete_Remove5540 to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 ConcernedCynic [Mass Effect] Refusal Ending: Does the next cycle win?

One thing I was always sort of interested in is how the Reapers would recover from the current cycle into the next one.
There are three main things I’m thinking about in the following cycle.

  1. Can the reapers reset/replace the keepers for the citadel trap to work again?
  2. How weakened are the reaper forces after this cycle?
  3. How does Liara’s beacon change things? This information seemed much more… comprehensive than the prothean beacons.
submitted by ConcernedCynic to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 peppermintmocha89 When to worry?

Today was day 5 of potty training our (almost) 2.5 year old son. We have been following the Oh Crap method. It’s been a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs! The biggest down is that he’s showing a tendency to withhold both pee and poop. On day 3, he got his first little poop on the potty (was absolutely terrified by it) AND he held his urine for 7 hours which was so sad to see and miserable for all of us. He’s not afraid to sit, but continues to have a lot of anxiety related to releasing, especially with poop. At what point do we seek help from a specialist?? I know it’s still early but I’m also afraid of this pattern snowballing.
submitted by peppermintmocha89 to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 A_cultured_perv Tiffany Van Beek

Tiffany Van Beek submitted by A_cultured_perv to classywomenofcolor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 One-Tumbleweed5980 Kennedy makes his case for universal healthcare and the role of government in America.

Kennedy makes his case for universal healthcare and the role of government in America. submitted by One-Tumbleweed5980 to Presidents [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Embarrassed_Goat4883 Finally

Finally submitted by Embarrassed_Goat4883 to finalfantasyx [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 oliver-kai Los Angeles "Dad type" looking for dates & friends

Los Angeles Interests... Foodie, hikes, road trips, movies, weight training, museums, the coast, bike rides. Vers Top. Open to men of any race, who take care of themselves, have goals, love to laugh, and value loyalty and commitment. 😊
submitted by oliver-kai to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 phy_geek HAMAS PIKERRR WE'ER COMING FOR YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!

HAMAS PIKERRR WE'ER COMING FOR YOUUUUU!!!!!!!! submitted by phy_geek to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Mick_JDM Add for Gifts & XP 945242626731

Add for Gifts & XP 945242626731
submitted by Mick_JDM to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Constant_Effort_8769 Done!!! I’m so done!!!

submitted by Constant_Effort_8769 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 The_Real_Corgipon From what I’ve gathered from the movie interviews…

Recently I’ve been watching a couple of the interviews done with the actors for the Honey Girls movie.
One thing that stood out was Frankie McNellis (actress of Alex in the movie) saying that her character, Alex, is basically Teegan and shares the same personality traits as her. However, it really doesn’t register to me as both characters being the same besides being “bold and unafraid”. Teegan is consistently taking the role as leader and face of her band, but we don’t really see the same with Alex (it seems like I see that more with Maya, who represents Viv). Not only this, but Alex was part of a dance squad at her school. Teegan is said to be a klutz when it comes to dancing, although we see her having pretty good dance moves throughout the original MVs. There’s also the obvious fact that the trio from the movie are from three separate states, whereas the original Honey Girls all grew up in the same neighborhood and attended the same school.
I’ve heard that all of the actresses for the movie trio were chosen because the director saw that they had gotten along so well together. I think that’s pretty sweet.
However, so far it doesn’t seem like we’re going to know exactly why the director and writers decided that the movie should be live action and in name only. Because that was something I had been wondering for as long as I found out about the movie.
submitted by The_Real_Corgipon to HoneyGirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 Inevitable-Ad7143 Saw this omw to work in Yokohama. I know this is a hearse but what base model?

submitted by Inevitable-Ad7143 to whatisthiscar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:39 yaboydespereaux OG Anunoby shot 0/8 from three tonight😭

Knicks shot 7/29 from three, magnet ball in full effect
submitted by yaboydespereaux to denvernuggets [link] [comments]
