Unable to open files when they are 10mb+

2024.11.28 04:40 Artistic-Mongoose-72 Unable to open files when they are 10mb+

If any of my files get up to 10 mb or more inkscape gives a message saying, "Unspecified fatal error encountered, aborting" and doesn't open the file
submitted by Artistic-Mongoose-72 to Inkscape [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 VinVille Which banks do y'all use and really trust ??

So you have probably seen the news that Standard Chartered Bank is selling it's business in Uganda and other African countries in the next 18 - 24 months.... I am looking for an alternative bank to turn to which had good digital services and affordable bank charges...
submitted by VinVille to Uganda [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 MRXX121 Join Satan's Terror MC

Join Satan's Terror MC **:fire: Join Satan's Terror MC :fire:**
Are you ready to prove your worth and stand with a club built on **loyalty, respect, and brotherhood**? Satan's Terror MC is looking for **Hangarounds** and **Prospects** to join the fold and help us forge a legacy on the streets and beyond.
:skull: **OfficeTable Positions Available** :skull:
Leadership roles are up for grabs—but don’t expect a free ride. **These positions must be earned** through your dedication and unwavering commitment to the club.
### **What We Expect from You:**
:heavy_check_mark: **Dedication** – Be all in.
:heavy_check_mark: **Commitment** – Show you’re here to stay.
:heavy_check_mark: **Respect** – For the club, the brothers and sisters, and the patch.
:heavy_check_mark: **Loyalty** – Through thick and thin, we stand together.
:heavy_check_mark: **18+ Only** – We’re looking for serious individuals ready to take this lifestyle seriously.
### **About Us:**
Satan's Terror MC is more than just a club—we’re a **family.** We’re building something great, and every member has a part to play in that. Whether it’s **serious RP**, dominating the streets, or supporting your brothers and sisters, we’re all in this together.
We know there’s a time to joke and let loose, but when it’s time to **knuckle down and get serious**, you better be ready to step up.
### **Why Join Satan's Terror MC?**
:fire: Be part of a **brotherhood** that looks out for each other.
:fire: Grow alongside a club that’s striving for greatness.
:fire: Prove yourself and **earn** your spot at the table.
:chains: **Think you’ve got what it takes to join Satan's Terror?**
:speech_balloon: **Join our Discord**: [Insert Discord Link] and take the first step toward becoming part of Satan’s Terror MC.
**Loyalty Until Death. Respect Above All.**
:drop_of_blood: **Satan’s Terror MC** :drop_of_blood:
submitted by MRXX121 to FiveMBikers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Few_Mongoose_6867 8 stars ⭐️ for Scientist Shake

8 stars ⭐️ for Scientist Shake submitted by Few_Mongoose_6867 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Heretolearnandask Where to buy car lcd/led screen

Hello ! Need to buy car’s lcd/led screen in budget price but it should be good enough like an Android lcd. Can this be purchased in 20k? And where to buy it?
submitted by Heretolearnandask to PakistanAutoHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 darwhyte Gross things that happened that were hilarious

I remember being in a car in the early 80's. We were zooming down the road with all four windows down. I was sitting in the front.
I coughed up a lungful of phlegm, and hawked that nasty loogie out the window.
Next thing I know, a chorous of curses could be heard from the back seat. The lung butter got sucked in the back window just as my friend was taking a drag off his cigarette. The loogie hit him right in the face, and even put out his cigarette!
The sight of him sitting there with gob snot dangling from his nose holding an extinguished cigarette made us all laugh so hard the guy driving had to pull off to the side of the road!
I'll never forget that for as long as I live!
submitted by darwhyte to GenerationJones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 MugShots Southern View man arrested for burglary and credit card theft at state-owned shed

submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 apimpnamedjabroni My Dog Might Be Getting Chubby

My Dog Might Be Getting Chubby
I was taking an afternoon walk with my dog And as we were bopping along the street A neighbor went out of her way, And stopped me to say “She’s grown so much!” And I said, “Thanks, but she’s ten years old and just likes to eat.”
submitted by apimpnamedjabroni to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 gopi_bahus_laptop [2 YoE, SaaS Support, IT Support, Australia] Any criticism is greatly appreciated

submitted by gopi_bahus_laptop to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Significant_Ad_7480 If Michael had a Spotify logo what do y'all think it would look like?

If Michael had a Spotify logo what do y'all think it would look like? submitted by Significant_Ad_7480 to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Worldsuperior200_ Eminem kissing a fan

submitted by Worldsuperior200_ to EminemMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 ChefBoston1 Looking for a modder commission a custom Spacesuit/outfit

Looking for a modder commission a custom Spacesuit/outfit I’m looking to hire an experienced modder who can make a custom set of armor for both spacesuit and Outfit, and knows how to integrate that armor into vendor lists like the TRADE AUTHORITY vendors. ( or just a simple skin for the security armor if it’s too much work )
The armor is gonna a halo marine style armor for both spacesuit and outfit with the customization options like reskin and attachments. The reason for both outfit and spacesuit is because for atmospheres, so I want the Spacesuit version fully closed face , while the Outfit version is open face for immersion or whatnot.
What I’m asking for this custom armor to have is:
-Have multiple skins on that armooutfit. ( example: red, blue, olive drab, purple )
-ability to put emblems on the armor ( if possible)
-armor options like face mask, visor, glasses, Ammo belt, etc. ( if possible)
-vendor integration
-using custom or vanilla assets ( if possible )
-must be decent at making mods
-must show proof of previous mods that you worked on. ( because I wanna make sure your legit )
-must be a FREE on the starfield creation club. ( so that other people can use this armor mod and also I play on Xbox so easy download )
If interested or for more information please comment below or send me a chat. I’ll gladly pay for your services and thank you for reading this.
submitted by ChefBoston1 to starfieldmods [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 SinglSrvngFrnd ECM Question

submitted by SinglSrvngFrnd to Diesel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Interesting-Art-5181 Never had a relationship

I’m currently 19m and never been in a relationship before. I’ve always kinda been introverted but I’ve become a little more extroverted as I’ve gotten older. I just have never had a gf before and I do want one, I have some friends that are girls but they are just strictly my friends. I just wanted to know any advice or just peoples thoughts on this. I’ve gotten to talking stages but I’ve never had a full relationship before.
submitted by Interesting-Art-5181 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 rhleeet Annabelle

Annabelle submitted by rhleeet to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 CrypticTechnologist RG353V Black Friday Buyers guide

Hey anbernic! Many of us mught have our eyes on a new Anbernic system this Black Friday, and I wanted to highlight one of my personal favorites the older RG353v. Its capabilities, it in action, and what to expect to pay.
I just dropped thus a quick Black Friday guide for the RG353V - showing why it’s such a sweet deal right now at $59-110. Maybe even more on Friday. I’m planning more retro handheld content including deep dives into the Retroid Pocket 4 and 5.
Does not include affiliate links. I don’t make any money from this, just love of the game(s). Would love your thoughts on the video and what you’d like to see covered next! (Retroid 4/5 videos coming up)
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/quY56NYE9cQ?si=
submitted by CrypticTechnologist to ANBERNIC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Charming_Bee_9522 Disneyland Lightning Lane "Drops"

We'll be going to Disneyland soon (only the one park, not DCA) and have purchased the lightning lane multi-pass. I have been doing my best to read up on it and thought we understood the basics, but I keep seeing references to folks who will set alarms for "drop times" on certain rides. I also see that some rides might sell out on LL timeslots. I haven't really been able to figure out what a drop time is or how likely it is that our LL may not be that useful if we can't keep up with the pros. Can someone shed a little more light on these aspects of the process? Thank you!
submitted by Charming_Bee_9522 to DisneyPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 SocietyMedium5948 Wish Nova a happy first birthday (corso pit mix)

Wish Nova a happy first birthday (corso pit mix) submitted by SocietyMedium5948 to CaneCorso [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 Ok-Relation6122 Um…

Um… Wtf
submitted by Ok-Relation6122 to RocketRacing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 pyroboy3x6 TIFU With grandma visiting for thanksgiving...

I am the most embarrassed I have ever been in my life (32m)... feel free to laugh at my imbecilic actions... Omfg... i couldnt be a bigger idiot... my grandmother (87f) is visiting from out of state and staying with us for thanksgiving to finally meet my 3 month old daughter named after her and spend time with our other daughter (2 yo)... the kindest most innocent well loved woman ever... we are talking the epitome of innocent, kind, SUPER RELIGIOUS, cinnamon roll baking from scratch favorite grandma... anyways I completely forgot my wife (32f) was streaming a movie from her phone to the t.v. for the three of us to watch... my wife just decided to get up and inform us she is hopping in the shower and without even thinking I just messaged her... "Fu☆☆ing a$$hole, grandma's here, I can't just hop in with you!" not remembering the fact she didn't take her phone with... or that it was gunna pop up on her phone. . . AND THEREFORE THE T.V. . . . . . Grandmas response was to cough and hurry and look down at great granddaughter and comment about what a pretty girl she is... 🤣😂🤣😂 didnt even connect the dots till i glanced up a minute or two later and saw my face on the t.v. inside a messenger bubble... I'm sitting here red faced and embarrassed as can be now... the stupid things I do... won't let me add pictures so I'll share on profile.
"TL;DR" said some super inappropriate things in front of grandma
submitted by pyroboy3x6 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 934845943 Recouvrement par voie de justice (frais de formation en ligne)

Bonjour à tous,
L'appel à l'aide suivant fait suite à une question que j'ai postée voici quelques semaines. Effectivement je me suis inscrit à une formation en ligne pour une durée de deux ans. En raison de ma situation financière ainsi que d'un blocage de mon compte en banque, je ne me suis pas acquitté des frais, totalisant à peu près 350e et réglés mensuellement, depuis mai (je ne suis plus la formation en question et je leur ai demandé à plusieurs reprises de résilier le contrat). Suite à une mise en demeure ainsi que quelques messages menaçants, on vient de m'informer que mon dossier sera transmis à la justice "pour obtenir un remboursement par voie judiciaire". J'ai fini par leur expliquer que s'ils pouvaient m'accorder une semaine de plus, je m'arrangerait pour réunir les moyens nécessaires. En revanche, je n'habite plus en France (même plus au sein de l'UE) et comme le montant à récupérer ne dépasse pas cent balles, je me demande quelles seront les répercussions s'ils vont jusqu'à engager des poursuites judiciaires. Merci d'avance de votre aide
submitted by 934845943 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 madengineeringonfire My First Doll

My First Doll submitted by madengineeringonfire to Amigurumi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 twinbee X Premium/Premium+ year's subscription is currently 40% off

X Premium/Premium+ year's subscription is currently 40% off submitted by twinbee to elonmusk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 ogherbsmon Our Political parties are no different than organized gangs.

Our Political parties are no different than organized gangs. submitted by ogherbsmon to CanadianLibertarian [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:40 FunkyJMan How do you misspell “Bedard” so badly? Is he berarded?

How do you misspell “Bedard” so badly? Is he berarded? submitted by FunkyJMan to NHLcirclejerk [link] [comments]
