
2024.11.28 06:39 Deep-Quit-7516 rite

To run my hands through tangled vines
and feel them buzz. To pull and hear them
snap - feel the buzzing stop.
This is the season of bare trunks and their howls,
of impotent half-slush in the sidewalk cracks
of rebel flames flashing up while
the bare trunks watch flesh on a pyre.
The taste of raw metal and of baptism,
of a drowning campfire in the searing rain
is everywhere at the world's last rites -
repenting for what?
Severed they lay indolent in the slush
and ascend and melt into ghosts,
and weave through the sopping leaves,
skin to skin, consummate and livid.
submitted by Deep-Quit-7516 to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 farmch How bad is the long haired shedding and grooming?

Going to get a dachshund and I love the long-hairs! But we’re concerned that we’ll be constantly cleaning the dog hair if we get a long hair, or be spending a fortune on constant grooming trips. From experience, how is the hair situation for your longhaired?
submitted by farmch to Dachshund [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Alterangel182 Quickest Possible Win?

Is this the fastest possible win of you go first?
submitted by Alterangel182 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Devin_Leamy N2M: Notion to Markdown exporter (https://www.n2m.xyz/)

📣 Launching https://n2m.xyz, a Notion to Markdown exporter! 📣
⭐️ Features ⭐️ - Automatic workflows (webhooks, frontmatter configuration). - Bulk online exporter and Markdown viewer. - Free API for programmatic exports. - Supports images in exported Notion pages (no more link timeouts!). - Triggered exports when pages or database records change!
I recently set up an automation for my blog, so I could write posts with Notion and have them automatically added to my website. Through this process, I saw that there wasn't any great solutions out there to easily export Notion pages to Markdown. And I saw other people in Notion that were experiencing the same problem.
Thus, I decided to build one! Notion to Markdown is free to use for your basic exporting needs and offers premium features for power users. I hope this helps solve the problems people were facing with exporting from Notion to Markdown!
If you have feedback, please do let me know here or at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) :)
submitted by Devin_Leamy to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Neep-Tune Any tips against Yubel with Dinomorphia ?

I know a lot of peoples dont like Dinomorphia but I LOVE THIS DECK. Ferret flames best trap and the Z ARC package is so cool !
But every time Im against a yubel im crying ... I have no idea how to deal with it. Ferret flames and Rexterm are suddenly useless. Even when I summon braves eyes, it counter only activate effect and they can just battle with nightmare pain. Or go unchained/goddess to get rid of it
submitted by Neep-Tune to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 ForgetAboutaSpoon Anybody want to help with storm king?

Looking to take
submitted by ForgetAboutaSpoon to demonssouls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 juiceboxmp Signature required?

Hi all,
I’m new to the Dyson world and have my first package being delivered on Friday! I was just wondering, have any of you had a signature required for your package? I may or may not be home due to the holidays. It’s being shipped through UPS, if that helps. Thanks!
submitted by juiceboxmp to dyson [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 justcauseicanread What is the most underrated Carreer?

submitted by justcauseicanread to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 TheMayorInKungPow Any Word on What Happened with [Spoiler] in Alien Romulous?

I finally got to watch Romulous which had a lot of great things going for it like set design, David Jonnson, and Robert Bobrocskyi, but I can't wrap my head around how >!Rook/Ian Holmes He's in so much of the movie with this weird AI shiny face. They have every reason they could use animatronic puppet or a different actor work with way more scarring makeup, being in the shadows, clever camera angles etc.
I was curious if anyone read anything or heard anything about how they got this so wrong. Maybe the studio got greedy and ordered extra scenes with him last minute which is why it looks so bad? I just dont get it.
I've only read IMDb trivia and a couple reviews so if you have any interesting articles or factoids about the movie you'd like to share, please send them my way because I need to understand!!
Also did anyone else think the Offspring advancing on his mom would lead to cutting back to them with it using the tiny mouth to do the grossest breastfeeding? I wish they would have had a very small part of her maternal instinct/hormones kick in to make it weirder like in Resurrection
Lastly I need to mention Robert Johnson again. He was near Toni Collette tier acting in Hereditary for me. Hope he does a lot more horror.
submitted by TheMayorInKungPow to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 DumbToaster301 Well Well Well

Well Well Well submitted by DumbToaster301 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Beautiful_Wish_6156 Price help

How much does it cost to buy and max out the 2022 to rovana racer and how much is it to buy and max out the devel 16
submitted by Beautiful_Wish_6156 to drivingempire [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 lssqa3433 Mark spoiler crosspost test for 28/11/2024 06:37:40

submitted by lssqa3433 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Far_Condition_3555 Blender issues

Blender issues submitted by Far_Condition_3555 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Westraat1 Grim Fandango The Movie

Grim Fandango deals with Mexican folklore, specifically the Day of the Dead and the traditional belief that a person must journey four long years through the Land of the Dead to get to her final resting place, unless she led a very good life. The story weaved through this tradition is fantastic. It evokes a film noir feel, with some similaries to Casablanca, especially in year two. Peter McConnell’s score is one of LucasArts’ best, which is saying something, as most of their games have had exceptional music. https://youtu.be/0cgwnlYW0Bw
submitted by Westraat1 to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Saltomentale EP. 25 SPECIAL - Il ritorno di El Comandante

submitted by Saltomentale to TooBigToFailPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Prestigious_Back996 Based on your own experience, what are the downsides of using modified pipes such as Bullet, Bottle, and Etc.?

I'd like to know personal experiences with regards to usage of modified pipes, specifically the downsides of it.
Btw, I'm currently using a Keeway CR152. If there's anyone here who's using the same unit with experiences on attaching bullet pipes, I'd like to know its precautionary.
submitted by Prestigious_Back996 to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 NazonoUwU Returning After A Long Time

So I play on mobile (I know, I know), anyways, I haven't played in quite a while. Quite a while as in, the Bad Seed DLC wasn't out yet, and some items gave scrolls. Back when I was playing, I beat 5 bc, got the king outfit, and was just overall pretty good at the game. Now that I've returned after a long hiatus, a lot of things have changed, and I can barely get to the Black Bridge on 5 bc. I don't have any paid DLC, but what's some newer items/mutations that I should unlock, and general advice?
submitted by NazonoUwU to deadcells [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Ps200299 Can you cook authentic Brazilian Cuisine on a Weber Kettle?

submitted by Ps200299 to charcoal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Outside-Host6641 H: RF set and FCJS W: leader offers

submitted by Outside-Host6641 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 anipaduser Is the lag any different than PS Remote App?

I am thinning to buy Portal. I have tried PS Remote App on my tablet, which has wifi 6 support, and I experience lag issues with Need for Speed game. Would PS Portal better for remote play? Also this new Cloud stream better than connecting locally to the playstation?
Final question is should I buy 30th edition or normal version?
submitted by anipaduser to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Affectionate_Ebb8711 Is this something I should be concerned about with my Dell G15 5510?

Is this something I should be concerned about with my Dell G15 5510? My Dell G15 5510 has not been performing up to par and I’m trying to figure out why. One thing that me of concern to me that it’s seemingly only using 20% of the available memory. I’m not sure if this is how it’s supposed to work since I am not very fluent in tech, but any help in figuring out what’s wrong with my laptop would be appreciated.
submitted by Affectionate_Ebb8711 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Johnniegold7 Whats a good time to visit LS CAR MEET to buy some cars?

Whats a good time to visit LS CAR MEET to buy some cars? So far, I've literally only seen one other player in here, ever.
submitted by Johnniegold7 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 Jaxskellingtonn Unlock custom stickers

Unlock custom stickers Can someone please let me invite them 😭
submitted by Jaxskellingtonn to airbuds [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 CockGobblin Has anyone tried the ritualist class?

Just curious if it is playable at all. Also how one might go about unlocking it via save editing? (maybe giving your character the ritual skill?)
submitted by CockGobblin to wizrobe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:39 GoogleYassin369 Mbappe OF Leaks

submitted by GoogleYassin369 to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]
