2024.11.28 05:40 Humble_Beach_9584 Silencio o hulk ta kagando
submitted by Humble_Beach_9584 to ShitpostBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 Raijin1270 I lost my dog a day ago please send som cute pics of yours
Rest in peace Nala🌈❤️ submitted by Raijin1270 to DOG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 ddogghhermes Put call ratio for stocks and cboe
Hi. Anyone knows how to view the cboe put/call ratio in tradingview and also for indiv. stocks? Is this possible? Thanks!
submitted by ddogghhermes to TradingView [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 Upstairs_Arachnid396 Hidetsugu Tap to Win
This deck has currently given me the most wins when I sit down at a higher level play group. There's a lot of infinite combos, Cheating out cards, and I think in general most games end turn 5-6. I don't think it could ever be CEDH, but would like to hear any ideas on what you'd swap to get there.
"Lazy Primer: Heartless Hidetsugu wants to do on thing, and that's turn to the right, lay down and win the game. It's a very telegraphed win-con from your command zone.
We accomplish this with a 2 card combo, our commander and a damage doubler.
Because our commander deals half damage and we are trying to double that to win the game we want our life total to be odd and opponents even so we survive and they die.
An alternative to this is to give our commander life steal. It's fun to deal 160pts of damage and then gain 160 life, you should try it.
Because most competent opponents will see this coming we want to give our commander Haste. We don't want to cast our commander until we can give it Haste that turn."
TLDR: Should I sub the red "counterspells" for [[Anger]] and [[Simian Spirit Guide]]
submitted by Upstairs_Arachnid396 to DegenerateEDH [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 First-Finger5154 My kitten won’t stop biting hands and hunt my hair or my eyes.
Hey guys, im kinda desperate cause i’ve been at it for an entire night at this point. My new 7 week old kitten just won’t stop biting my hands, in fact it gets worse and more painful. From what i can tell he didnt sleep for the entire night because i was waking up every 2 hours because of him hunting my hands, hair or some other body part. And it got worse throughout the night, its not just playful biting and liking he legitimately almost bit through my skin multiple times during the night. I kicked him out 3 times already, then i let him back in when he seemed to calm down. But now i kicked him again, it is almost 7 am i will not be letting him in up until my alarm goes off. But yea, i still don’t know why he acts like this? This is his 6th night here and he was doing very well before, like yea he would bite me and play a little but that didn’t last for more than 40 minutes and he would curl up next to me and just sleep for the fest of the night. But today it’s like he went insane, i am pretty sure he did not sleep for this entire night. Anyways, does anybody have any advice on what to do and why is he like that today? Thanks!
submitted by First-Finger5154 to CATHELP [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 -imaginary-friend- my phone is showing a weird symbol and has no touch responsiveness, how can I fix this
submitted by -imaginary-friend- to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 EndAccomplished8977 8 months of hell HELP 27yo female
So since mid March I’ve been dealing with hair loss, itchy, burning, crawling, and burrowing sensations in my scalp. I used to have a full head of hair and even tho I thought I wasn’t confident I was way more confident and had more self esteem. Within the past week (nov. 20th, 2024 and now) my toes have blisters from being so numb and horrible circulation…Long story short I have no hair anymore I’m starting a new job soon and I don’t know what to do or how to deal with this anymore. submitted by EndAccomplished8977 to scarringalopecia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 danielthefletch My UFO 50 games tier list with playtimes and completion statuses
I recently felt inspired to write a Python script that superimposes your playtime per game on each individual game cart image and also includes whether the cart is gold/cherry. I feel like being able to see more information about how much time someone has spent with each game adds a lot to reading their tier list. I'd love to know what you guys think of this format! :) submitted by danielthefletch to ufo50 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 MaddestMousse A drug addict takes advantage of a disabled man. They get married.
submitted by MaddestMousse to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 BroMandi [Amazon] The Batman (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray) [Deal: $10, Actual: $33.99]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 Forward-Neat8470 Not a fan of final report
All the final report I’ve experienced, I find it is not always clear what the professors would like to see and when you thought you’ve done well you get hit by unnecessary details that totally came out of nowhere.
There you go, let it off my chest. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Forward-Neat8470 to usyd [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 MkStorm9 2-in-1 Soccer News & Player Profiles API - I built this microSaaS that makes $10/mo
submitted by MkStorm9 to passive_income [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 88648432 【斎藤兵庫県知事“新疑惑”】“自民党裏金告発”「上脇博之」教授が明言 「キラキラ社長」との取引は「違法の可能性が高い」
submitted by 88648432 to newsokuexp [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 SadMeasurement7899 Common Scams | Facebook
submitted by SadMeasurement7899 to CommonScams [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 BrucSelina1982 Rocky 1 and 2 are thanksgiving movies
Rocky IV is a christmas movie
submitted by BrucSelina1982 to rockybalboa [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 Some-Glove-3629 Albums that cause the uncanny valley effect
An obvious example would have to be The Velvet Underground & Nico, melodic and even sometimes classic rock compositions combined with obnoxious lyrics, repetitive and noisy nature of the songs. Because of this, the album doesn't directly scare you with creepy melodies, dark atmosphere, but just this dissonance between melody, rock and roll and noise.
And I'm looking for albums that also create an ominous valley effect and because of the dissonance are scary. Suggestions?
submitted by Some-Glove-3629 to fantanoforever [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 Plus-Veterinarian445 Any low level even trades?
Please feel free to ask if you’re looking for a sticker that I haven’t listed submitted by Plus-Veterinarian445 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 A00077 Puddle Of Mudd - About A Girl (Nirvana Cover)
submitted by A00077 to grunge [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 05:40 mildvillainy Minolta 58mm f1.4 or 45mm f2?
Just got my 50s ii and I’m considering these two lenses.
I shoot mostly landscape and architectural and I don’t really have a hard preference towards either focal length.
Would love to hear everyone’s two cents about which to pick first (I’ll probably eventually end up getting both soon anyways😉)
submitted by mildvillainy to FujiGFX [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 Once_was_now_am I bet this resonates with many of you.
My new persona:
Why the hell do I strain my ear to hear your church gossip? I am happy to be done with all that. Why am I refreshing the feed to see the news from conference? I don’t care at all. Why am drawn like a bug is to light to cringey neighborhood text threads where my neighbors ejaculate their Mormondom in calculated non-chalance? I despise those texts. Why do I smile and nod politely at your egocentric worldview and your narrow-minded rhetoric? I don’t agree at all with you and, in truth, I’d love to yell that at you. Why do I leave witty comments about Joseph, Brigham, kolob , quakers, teen brides, dirty filthy affairs and Zelph on the shelf to rot in my mouth unspoken? I have the ammo to argue for hours. Why do I hide my coffee from pretty much everyone in my life but turn my kombucha bottle towards overly Mormon appearing strangers so they may understand I am not one of them? Why is it such a thrill to bend over and know that my employees know I wear black, not white, underwear. Why am I obsessed with finding the right thing to do with my family on a Monday night whilst thinking that the church that taught me Monday nights are for family is Inherently false. Why do I relish looking at exmormon on the churches WiFi when I could just not even be there in the first place? Why do I love making controversial comments in Sunday school SO GOD DAMN MUCH! Why do I not just rip the whole bandaid off with my kids and tell them it’s bullshit instead of the pussyfooting I’ve been doing for 5 years? Why do I love dropping lines in conversations that clearly suggest I’m not of your faith, and why don’t I do it with everyone, just really annoying self-righteous people that I don’t have any social power over my children? Why do try to time the Sunday loading up of my fishing gear with my neighbors departure time for church hoping they’ll see? Why do I want so badly to tell people I’ve drank a small amount of beer on a few occasions? Why did I refuse to ordain him a deacon but then refuse to let anyone but me ordain him a teacher? Why am I still planning summer camps and doing a fine job of it?
submitted by Once_was_now_am to exmormon [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 vagueplagues [s2 act 3 spoilers] LoL lore related theory
So I'm doing research on the LoL lore, and I know arcane is messing with the original lore BUT I still thought this was kinda interesting. Please be kind, I could be wrong because I haven't read everything yet and have only watched a few videos. It's just something I noticed.
I have a theory that the arcane / magic that corrupted Viktor could be related to the Watchers or Celestials. I mostly think it has something to do with the Watchers / Void stuff because 1) Viktor was making an army and destroying humanity which is what the Watchers want 2) Purple color similarities and 3) this specific picture of the watchers reminded me of Viktors third arm / hex claw.
This video helped me come to this conclusion: https://youtu.be/X4gKkYZ7rIA?si=4I_06SCRjXGGJJro
That's basically it. It could be nothing, but I thought I'd share anyway.
submitted by vagueplagues to arcane [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 wunderlily What keeps you up at night?
submitted by wunderlily to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 Relative_Chill Which app or websites can produce realistic or same quality talking photos like Stable Diffusion?
I am just start learning Python and downloading Stable Diffusion would require lots of storage. So , is there any websites that you suggest me that can produce same quality or slightly lower quality a little like Stable Diffusion talking photo?
submitted by Relative_Chill to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 Chebelea Piromanul
Există o fascinație a focului care poate merge până la nevoia irepresibilă de „a da foc”. Există, altfel spus, piromani. Mai există și o minunată poveste a lui Amos OZ, intitulată Ordinul Linguriței. Ce faceți, se întreabă Oz, când vedeți o clădire în flăcări? Și iată răspunsul lui:
„Aduceți o găleată cu apă și o aruncați peste foc, și, dacă nu aveți o găleată, aduceți un pahar, și, dacă nu aveți pahar, aduceți o linguriță – tot omul are o linguriță. Da, știu că o linguriță e mică, iar focul e imens, dar suntem milioane de oameni, și fiecare are o linguriță. Ei bine, aș vrea să fondez Ordinul Linguriței. Mi-ar plăcea ca aceia care îmi împărtășesc atitudinea (…) să poarte întotdeauna la reverul hainei o linguriță, ca să știm că suntem în aceeași mișcare, în aceeași frăție, în același ordin, Ordinul Linguriței”.
Ce facem însă dacă piromanul dă foc la o țară, nu la o casă? Ce facem știind că, nefăcând nimic, va fi în curând cuprinsă de flăcări și mistuită? O să spuneți că o țară nu arde atât de ușor ca o casă. Că are multiple centuri de siguranță: servicii secrete care o apără de cei care deschid porțile cetății ca să pătrundă dușmanii; că există un președinte al țării menit să anunțe ce măsuri s-au luat ca țara să nu ia foc; că o Curte Constituțională va interzice unui piroman să candideze la înalta funcție, de vreme ce „convingerile sale nu sunt compatibile cu valorile democraţiei”; că o Biserică care-și ia menirea în serios îi poate avertiza pe sărmanii oameni să se ferească de Diavolul care ia în deșert numele Domnului. Că, în sfârșit, ar mai exista și intelectuali care pot rosti adevărul mai bine decât politicienii corupți minciuna; care pot folosi gândirea ca mijloc de orientare în lume și verbul ca armă de apărare. Și care vor explica, mai presus de orice, că ajungerea în funcția de președinte al României a unui piroman politic care îi laudă pe Antonescu și pe Zelea Codreanu, care se face că nu mai distinge între Est și Vest, care consideră apartenența României la NATO și UE ca eșecuri istorice și care la întrebarea „cum se definește politic” răspunde „iubitor și salvator de țară” – ar reprezenta, alături de instaurarea comunismului în România după război, cea mai mare și, pe termen lung, cea mai cumplită tragedie din istoria acestei țări. Am ajuns într-un moment în care ar trebui să existe, cu vorba unui gânditor autohton, „un temei comun de înţelegere a primejdiei”, în care „știm cu toții ce facem și de ce facem ceea ce facem”. Și-n care „cel mai lapidar dintre toate discursurile adhortative rostite vreodată, «No, hai!», este suficient”. Așadar, dragi compatrioți, o să vă rog să aveți asupra voastră în următoarele zece zile micuța linguriță a lui Amos OZ. Nu-mi răspundeți că lingurița e mică și că cei care i-au ținut la îndemână piromanului nostru politic cutia de chibrituri au fost două milioane. Noi, nu puțini dintre cei ce ne întâlnim în comunul lucidității noastre și în acel „bun-simț” mai răspândit pe lume decât dezorientarea și naivitatea, suntem mai mulți de două milioane. Duminică, pe 8 decembrie o să-i iau pe toți ai mei, pe prieteni, pe colegi, pe toți nehotărâții din jurul meu și o să încerc să-i conving să mergem cu toții la vot, fiecare cu lingurița lui.
Mă gândesc însă că poate mulți dintre noi și-au pierdut încrederea în forța persuasivă a cuvintelor și în puterea minții de a convinge argumentând. Și că poate cei pe care piromanul i-a păcălit s-au lăsat convinși emoțional, subliminal sau cum vreți să-i spuneți inducției afective. Și atunci voi încerca să găsesc un răspuns pe măsură la subjugarea minții prin captare afectivă. Am să apelez la cel mai puternic instinct al nostru, la instinctul de conservare care se activează ca reacție în fața primejdiei: la frică. Vă mărturisesc că mi-e frică. Mi-e frică, nespus de frică, la gândul că aș retrăi ultimii ani ai vieții la fel cum mi-am trăit, în plin coșmar istoric, prima jumătate a existenței mele mature. Mi-e frică să nu redevin o fantoșă trasă de sfori de bunul plac al unui nou dictator, înconjurat de o masă de lingăi și slugi. Mi se face frică la gândul că la fel vor trăi fiul meu și familia lui, nepoții mei, că țara mea va recula și va cădea iar în prăpastia istoriei. Iată de ce n-am cum să uit că, prin pecetea pe care a pus-o pe întreaga mea viață, aceasta e țara mea și, de aceea, nu vreau să mi-o mai confiște nici rușii, nici comuniștii și nici legionarii de pripas ai istoriei.
Sursa : https://www.contributors.ro/gabriel-liiceanu-asadar-dragi-compatrioti-o-sa-va-rog-sa-aveti-asupra-voastra-in-urmatoarele-zece-zile-micuta-lingurita-a-lui-amos-oz/
submitted by Chebelea to politica [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 05:40 GreedySession4065 Anyone use Bigme B251?
I considered DASUNG color display but given up because of incompatibility with Apple silicon Mac and their unsatisfying customer service. Does anyone use Bigme 251 especially with Apple silicon Mac?
submitted by GreedySession4065 to eink [link] [comments]