2024.11.28 06:40 DemonidroiD0666 1984
I watched well not really in high school I wasn't really interested but have been holding off on way to long from watching it. Also because of a joke made by someone complaining about something saying 1984 but then practically supporting it in real life.
Definitely recommend, it was really good and watched it all the way through on one watch.
submitted by DemonidroiD0666 to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 Tall-Individual-267 Respecting no contact
If both people are thinking “I’ll do no contact and hope they reach out”… then what happens? How many people have just been like 2 magnets forcing themselves away when maybe they both really wanted it but follow this? Just got me thinking.
Havent spoken to my ex for months since break up but I’m almost at the point where if I still feel like deep down I want to… then I am just going to say fuck it and reach out because what’s the difference.
submitted by Tall-Individual-267 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 National_Exam_1254 m18 horny and high, naughty girlls and other prvs hmu below⬇️
submitted by National_Exam_1254 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 dalmarhol Controversial American live-streamer faces prison in South Korea for offensive behavior
submitted by dalmarhol to HiiraanOnline [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 ZeeepZoop Made a list of books to pack for my holiday and my finch decided to pick up ‘murders’ as a tagged term 💀
submitted by ZeeepZoop to finch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 NormalistNormal What's the dirtiest secret or fantasy you want to share? No judgements.
submitted by NormalistNormal to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 Louiethelilacragdoll Why was your application to adopt a pet denied or why have you denied someone else’s pet application?
submitted by Louiethelilacragdoll to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 Professional_Coat783 What should I do for my 30th birthday?
I’m turning 30 on Friday Dec 13th and want to celebrate with a few of my close friends. Newish to the city so would love some recs. We’d be getting together in the evening, and I, for one, love an opportunity to dress up a touch. So not so much into escape rooms, board game cafes, bowling, axe throwing, etc. But could be down for some creative suggestions! Thanks!
submitted by Professional_Coat783 to askvan [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 Skrunkly-light-side Do you ever wonder what the [redacted] relationship with the schlorping maschines were?
So we have the ancients. We know that they created the iterators as giant AI that can solve complex problems. These supercomputers were created with barely any consideration of "what if these things can actually feel things?"
But I don't think the ancients were against the iterators. I think that they are like us. Right now, AI on this planet obviously cannot feel any feelings. But in the future? I have a feeling that humans wouldn't care much about a computer. After all, its intelligence and conscious is debatable. Right now, our "AI" is just probability maschines spewing out data. But we're getting closer.
In-game, there are spray paintings and advertisements of the iterators. There is also a specific graffiti in the game files that shows a lot of Iterators with their heads on spikes. Five Pebbles is looking at them in fear.
What are the political aspects of iterators? We already know from pearls that ancients have this debate over whether iterators should have rights or not. There's also a debate on ethics. Is it ethical for the iterators to even exist?
The graffiti makes me wonder if Iterators are like celebrities. Or are they more like characters?
My view on all this
2024.11.28 06:40 kemerovoenjoyer 3am g&b x fpe sketches
I may do a g&b au submitted by kemerovoenjoyer to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 NoBrilliant6924 From hustle s2-3, in every season there has been a super talented 18 year old rapper.
How will you rank them? Also, I haven't watched hustle 1 so I don't if there was any super talent 18 year old in it. submitted by NoBrilliant6924 to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 stayaliveordietrying Prince of Persia is old, again
What do I do with these feelings
submitted by stayaliveordietrying to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 dalmarhol New leader, old wounds: Somaliland's Irro confronts deep divisions and global indifference
submitted by dalmarhol to HiiraanOnline [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 Sea_Tour2224 Vorwurf Straßenverkehrsgefährdung und Entzug Führerschein
Throw ąway account. Meine Frau hatte gestern einen Verkehrsunfall auf der Autobahn. Kein Personenschaden. Sie hat auf einer zweispurigen Straße rechts überholt, ist dann auf die linke Spur gewechselt und hat dabei ein anderes Fahrzeug berührt.
Polizei kam, hat Atemtest gemacht (0,0), Straßenverkehrsgefährdung ausgerufen nach §315c StGB, Führerschein einbehalten, Fahrzeug mit Lenkradkralle versehen um Weiterfahren zu verhindern. Ich bin hingefahren und habe das Auto dort abgeholt.
Dummerweise ist meine Frau auf Führerschein für Job angewiesen, da Land und Arbeitsplatz keine Anbindung an ÖPNV hat. Wir haben Anwältin für Verkehrsrecht beauftragt. Laut ihr kann es Tage bis Wochen dauern, bis die Staatsanwaltschaft wegen des Führerscheins entscheidet. Wenn MPU gefordert, noch länger.
Was sollten wisie noch beachten? Was können wir noch unternehmen?
submitted by Sea_Tour2224 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 yaboifatbird Empty Parking Garage
Empty parking garage at like 10am on a weekday? Weird that it was super empty..
submitted by yaboifatbird to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 MARTINELECA Losses of the Russian military to 28.11.2024
submitted by MARTINELECA to ukraine [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 mcmookie If you could send one message back in time to your past self, what would it say?
submitted by mcmookie to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 Icy-Bowl-7804 My crippling anxiety is ruining my life
I hope I’m allowed to say I feel ideational while iterating I am NOT going to do anything to myself, just saying the feelings are there and it’s crushing me mentally.
I’ve been going through a lot of health issues lately and it’s been crushing my mental health. I’ve already been a mentally unwell person, been on lexapro since about 2018 for clinical depression. I have BPD, and a lot of childhood abuse/trauma.
I’ve gone up and down my whole life, I’ve had times I felt better and times I felt worse.
This past year I’ve dealt with a lot of medical issues, I got diagnosed with ADHD and started on Ritalin which seems to help but needs a lot of tweaking dose wise I think. I think the come down of my LA is actually contributing to this depressed feeling.
I’m going through seeking a Celiac diagnosis, as they found I carry one of the genes and have life long suffered from bowel issues.
And just the other day was told I have PCOS.
I take so many pills at only 21 it’s making me feel awful about myself.. I take Lexapro, Metformin, clonidine, and Ritalin.
And in case anyone is thinking it- I take 10mg of lexapro at night and the Ritalin in the morning, I don’t think they’re interacting in anyway serotonin syndrome wise. Plus that comes with all other things-
I just feel so shit physically most days, which is why we are investigating all these possibly diagnosis. But even on days I feel physically ok my mental health is deep in the toilet..
I took a break from my diploma prior to getting on Ritalin because I was falling behind and struggling. I go back next year. I feel being home 90% of the time could absolutely be contributing to my current episode.. people need to socialise.. I’ve just created a hell of my own making where I feel anxious and physically unwell so I don’t want to leave the house but not leaving the house is leaving me alone with my fears..
I just have strong feelings of ideation lately, I repeat again I will NOT do anything to myself, but the thoughts drive me crazy. They depress me, I try to get them to be quiet and remind myself of all the facts that no matter what is wrong with me life is worth living and these episodes have provingly never lasted for me and the sun is always over the next hill-
But being stuck on this hill clambering to make it up and sliding back down into the mud is like pure torture
I miss being ok physically and mentally, I don’t think it’s fair to even completely rule out the fact the medical issues I’m going through can absolutely cause depression and anxiety.
I have also been on lexapro so long now I question it it’s beginning to stop being effective for me. I fear upping the dose because as mentioned serotonin syndrome is a real problem from Ritalin. I assume it might be fine as long as I take it at night like I do now.
My anxiety is my biggest issue, feeling unwell feeling unsure what’s going on, it boils under the surface and sinks me into depression. I don’t really want to just throw more medication at it but I don’t know what to do.
submitted by Icy-Bowl-7804 to Vent [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 SnooCompliments2977 Spotted in Arashiyama earlier this year. Sounded like an American v8, kit car?
Title submitted by SnooCompliments2977 to whatisthiscar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 fourand9teen Am I overthinking this?
For the last few years, my hair has been thinning. I try to look on the bright side - my hair is long (almost to my tailbone alhamdulilah). I started covering my hair (satin bonnet) in my house after I kept getting comments on it from my sisters. At that time, it was slightly thin but never grew past a certain length. After I covered it, it’s grown so much longer but not thicker. So I’m currently seeing if there’s any deficiencies causing this.
Anyways the point of the post is this. I’ve started to listen to ruqyah whilst oiling my hair (a few hours before I wash it). Without fail, someone in my family touches my head the day after. Each person has put their hand over my head the same exact way and it’s really pissing me off. I tell them not to touch my head but they do it anyways. Every time they do this I feel so uneasy and I feel so off. Like it feels like something is wrong. This has happened 3 times so far - last time was today.
I’m trying not to wash my hair as often so I can’t wash that feeling off yet. Am I overthinking this? Is it all in my head or should I be worried.
I wish I could describe the feeling when they touch my head.
I’m going to listen to the same ruqyah before I wash my hair next and I’ll do everything I can to avoid this happening again
submitted by fourand9teen to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 Secure-Solid415 Dm for her need tribs and got more kik:hheribb
submitted by Secure-Solid415 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 QuarterActive Everywhere I look, I see Shinano
submitted by QuarterActive to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 Used_Development_439 Did I just ruin my Vintage Marc Jacobs Bag??
I had a huge haul of vintage bags that I needed to clean up and do leather treatments on. I sell on Etsy and have been doing so for about two years. I am always learning new tricks of the trade- but not brand new when it comes to conditioning a bag. I have never had an issue, until this Marc Jacobs bag- and now I am terrified I have ruined it! I came back to my bags after applying the conditioner and started to wipe them (like I always do) and this bag started to gum up and reveal a lighter blue color underneath. This bag is from the 90’s, did Marc Jacobs has a coating on their leather bags that maybe I wasn’t aware of and I needed to treat this bag differently… and I ruined it? Or possibly is this just accumulated gunk on the bags that needs to come off? This bag is absolutely gorgeous (I had been considering keeping it, rather than selling) and I am clueless onto what is going on! What is coming up does feel kinda sticky, I can’t remember if it felt sticky before applying the conditioner or not. I don’t smell any smoke on the bag, but I’m wondering if it’s possibly a nicotine/smoke buildup. The top layer does look a little bit more yellow and what is underneath appears to be a lighter and really pretty blue. Any advice would be amazing! Thanks. submitted by Used_Development_439 to handbags [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:40 mioumii صباح العبث
حلمت بحلم عبثي اوي كان توفيق عكاشه ممثل فيه و واخد بطوله كمان — ادعولي اكون productive انهارده pls
submitted by mioumii to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:40 irish_messy Testing out a new agent that has from reviews has same day ordering - qc same day and cheaper shipping than most agents , 3 orders placed to test the speed and process
submitted by irish_messy to cnfans_jerseys [link] [comments]