Male chicken

2024.11.28 08:40 AliChank Male chicken

Male chicken submitted by AliChank to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 AltruisticRadio5022 Having trouble finding where this goes 05 350z

Having trouble finding where this goes 05 350z I am having trouble where this connector goes if anyone has any idea where it goes I would appreciate it, it’s on the rear side of the engine passenger side
submitted by AltruisticRadio5022 to 350z [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 eikoflow NFR turtle value

hello, what offers do NFR turtles usually get? / how many pet handler pro certificates could i get for mine? thank you to those who’ll answer
submitted by eikoflow to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Ok-Protection1078 [Self] Female upper body

Hi this is my second sculpture ever and second post on here, i am not finished with it but i just wanted some criticism. How am i doing for proportions and form of anatomy? How can i improve?
submitted by Ok-Protection1078 to Sculpture [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 FORGOTTEN__soul Hmmmm?

Hmmmm? submitted by FORGOTTEN__soul to IndianDankMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 tayothelittlebus what do you think of my chrismas tree?

what do you think of my chrismas tree? submitted by tayothelittlebus to fc24 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Roman-Empire_net The Roman Kings

The Roman Kings submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Electrical_Age_1844 Stargazing with Night Vision Goggles

Just thought this might be fun to share here. I am getting into Astro photography with an actual telescope, but I realized the camera I purchased would work equally well on my night vision goggles. There's a lot of good reasons to stargaze with night vision goggles including the ability to really easily track satellites as well as seeing way, way more shooting stars and satellites generally. That said it was my gateway into this hobby I hope you enjoy these photos.
I basically frankensteined together a Wi-Fi telescope camera, a three times magnifier, and an ATN NVG7-3 night vision goggles 😂
submitted by Electrical_Age_1844 to Stargazing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 android_tests_pac Post elsewhere from karma pilot test for 28/11/2024 08:38:45

submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Zestyclose-Web-3926 Zacian WB - 032549774572 2 local.

submitted by Zestyclose-Web-3926 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 orangeblossom88 Which colour is best?

Which colour is best? submitted by orangeblossom88 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 ReverendMooneySJ Hannah G.

Hannah G. submitted by ReverendMooneySJ to mmababes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Ritvikanand 3 local Zacian 669965690400

submitted by Ritvikanand to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Standard_Ad4737 Suhani Kapoor

Suhani Kapoor What would you do when you see her like this .
submitted by Standard_Ad4737 to actressheaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 ThatOmegaMale The r/askagp discord is now being actively moderated after being without rules.

submitted by ThatOmegaMale to AGAMP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 bluervirt CustomInk Coupon Code

Go to this page for CustomInk Coupon Code. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 GeneralMittler Happy Thanksgiving from Camp Arifjan, Kuwait

Happy Thanksgiving from Camp Arifjan, Kuwait submitted by GeneralMittler to army [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Consistent-Panic-427 progression lost

i’ve tried deleting my game getting it back,and closing the app and opening and i lost over half my progress in the game,what should i do?
submitted by Consistent-Panic-427 to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 InteractionNaive1628 His name shall be cat.

His name shall be cat. submitted by InteractionNaive1628 to cateatingvegans [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Ordinary-Park8591 How do I forgive?

I struggle with anxiety and depression (diagnosed with both). I am Autistic and struggle some days more than others. While I deal with this, I am generally positive and hopeful.
I was unexpectedly divorced by an emotionally abusive and manipulative wife three years ago. She threw me out on the seven year anniversary of my kidney transplant… during a COVID spike. She had been hiding a lot of money from me and took our money after she made me homeless.
With a lot of intentional work, I’ve learned to forgive and to not live in anger. But holidays like Thanksgiving make it very difficult.
The reason is she disregards my time with my teenage kids. She will inform me that she is taking them for the break and gives me a few hours to spend time with them. This is in spite of having shared custody. She has hired the most expensive lawyer and I can’t afford one.
And so she alienates me from my kids. She actively worked to make me look bad for many years, swaying people’s opinions against me so she could divorce me (she’s staff at a church).
I can’t keep a steady income. I’m disabled (the government doesn’t recognize this) and I’m Autistic. I am frequently sick and have chronic fatigue.
I strive to be there for my kids. I make myself available. But she’s done so much damage. I never talk bad about her, but she has a long history of making remarks about people she doesn’t like. I know they hear her say things.
I’m angry… furious at times. I’ve dedicated my life to helping others. I listen to 5+ people every day, people wanting insight and help.
Yet her church left me homeless, even though I ran their sound for many years.
And yes, I’m gay. I remained in an emotionally distant marriage for 25 years. I strove to honor God. But she hated me. Resented me. Manipulated me. Despised me.
How do I let go of this anger?
How do I continue to forgive?
It’s taken a lot of work. But here I am, angry again.
submitted by Ordinary-Park8591 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 librabab3y I wanna build a pc? Can anyone help?

submitted by librabab3y to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 Catopatata Gypceros. (OC)

Gypceros. (OC) An odd fella who is doing his things while you are run over by some Bullfangos.
submitted by Catopatata to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 AutoModerator Beginner’s Guide to Canva

Beginner’s Guide to Canva submitted by AutoModerator to CanvaLinkPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 AtoZbaby ADHD and Gambling

My Adhd has made me into a problematic gambler chasing losses, doubling down and feeding my compulsive addiction.
It is a mental disease that craves hyperactivity and anything that can stimulate you and your cravings (like drugs, sex, sugar), and it has worked against me.
When you get too heavily into a game it feels like you can't stop you're fixated, you experience the same rush whether it's a win or loss, you become way more fidgety and less aware of the present time and make uninformed decisions.
And that feeling when you lose it all profusely sweating, mad at the world, worried about what to do now or what will happen in the future. It's like a trance you can't get knocked out of but in the end you suffer.
If you too have ADHD I would suggest you never gamble as you are very high risk to become a problematic gambler. There are better ways to stimulate your brain rather then risking your money on a game you just cant beat in the long run.
submitted by AtoZbaby to problemgambling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:40 r37n1w Homemade school exemption card so my kids could take a day off no questions asked. Copenhagen, Denmark (translation in comments)

Homemade school exemption card so my kids could take a day off no questions asked. Copenhagen, Denmark (translation in comments) submitted by r37n1w to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments]