The Myths of Creativity - Book Summary

2024.11.28 08:00 20minutebooks The Myths of Creativity - Book Summary

Explore "The Myths of Creativity" with David Burkus
Curious about what truly drives creativity? In this episode of 20 Minute Books, we dive into "The Myths of Creativity" by David Burkus, who debunks common misconceptions about creative thinking. Burkus highlights that creativity isn't a rare gift for a select few but a universal trait that everyone can cultivate.
Key Insights:

Join us as we challenge conventional wisdom and explore the real dynamics of creativity. Listen to the episode or visit the website for a deeper understanding of how to tap into your creative potential and foster innovation in any environment.
Read the complete book summary and listen to the podcast episode for free at:
submitted by 20minutebooks to 20minutebooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 master-tenor PostgreSQL UNNEST: Complete Array Function Guide
submitted by master-tenor to SQL [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 TheyTokMaJerb Free items. Username br***ey. C4C

I’ll do yours if you can do mine. 34963255
submitted by TheyTokMaJerb to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 SlayMaster3000 Can I declare types for a module that doesn't actually exist?

Essentially in the typescript playground, I want to declare types coming from a module.
I tried using "declare module" but it doesn't want to work for a module that doesn't actually exists and just gives this error: Cannot find module 'foo' or its corresponding type declarations.(2307)
Here's the playground code that I want to make work:

declare module "foo" { export function bar(): void; } import { bar } from "foo"; bar(); 
Playground link
submitted by SlayMaster3000 to typescript [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 motifenrelief Some Polaroids from around Seattle

The big grey has set on Washington now and im finally going through Polaroids ive taken over the years for fun kinda miss the sun but its a good time to sit down and do the tedious part of a hobby
Taken on Polaroid 600 camera (unknown models)
submitted by motifenrelief to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Conscious-Art8002 Rss QR code

I’ve heard that you can get a qr code or barcode to scan to login to your rss on a handset. Can anybody point me in the right area on our sainsburys to find out more?
submitted by Conscious-Art8002 to SainsburysWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Braddle231 I won the "unoriginal appeal"

Just to clarify recently about 4 of my videos came back "unoriginal" after winning the first "originality" strike. On those 4 videos I lost every single 2nd appeal
However today was different. I have a video on 4.5 mil and it's made me a fair few bucks but I woke up today with that new unoriginal strike. I knew it was coming and I knew most likely I was going to lose this video too
So i decided to change up my appeal instead of like explaining why it's original in terms of what i added. Instead I stated how im expressing my authenticity through creating a unique story using said clips from a show. Lord and behold it came back approved
Editors out there it's not over for you. Just don't use the same clips over over and defiantly try and have as many scenes in the intro as possible
submitted by Braddle231 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Sea-Nothing-7805 Seguimi, ti mostro.

Seguimi, ti mostro. submitted by Sea-Nothing-7805 to thinkinitalian [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 AutoModerator Daily /r/Eredivisie Discussion & Questions - November 28, 2024

What match are you looking forward to? Is your team missing a certain type of player? Do you think your favourite player of de Eredivisie should finally be selected for Oranje? Are you coming to the Netherlands for your vacation and don't know what match to visit? Looking for the opinion of another Redditor?
Please use this thread to discuss whatever Dutch football-related topic you want to discuss. Or if you have a question about ticketing or what match to visit, use this thread instead of making a separate post.
If this thread fills up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.
submitted by AutoModerator to Eredivisie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 graff_take THORN / Damn throwie thoughts?

THORN / Damn throwie thoughts? It's digital cuz i dont have paper rn. did this during class. Any crits pls. Does the T in the first photo look like a T lol
submitted by graff_take to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 SnowboundHound Found in the wild (long before the election)

Found in the wild (long before the election) submitted by SnowboundHound to Bumperstickers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Osmhose Roualt oder Vogt?

Siehe Überschrift
View Poll
submitted by Osmhose to kickbasemanager [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 chahan412 Leaving for Kyoto autumn soon. It’s sad to say goodbye to my last 2 rolls of E100VS, but they can’t stay in the fridge forever.

Leaving for Kyoto autumn soon. It’s sad to say goodbye to my last 2 rolls of E100VS, but they can’t stay in the fridge forever. Attached pics are from Nikko trip (another popular autumn foliage destination in Japan) a few years ago. Pic #2 is Kodachrome E100VS. Pic #3 is Velvia 100.
submitted by chahan412 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread - November 28, 2024

Welcome to the weedstocks Daily Discussion Thread!

This thread is intended for the community to talk about whichever company with others in a casual manner.
Unrelated discussion will always be removed (as per rule #3). Reddit is full of various other communities, and while we understand cross-discussion, unrelated topics should be discussed in their appropriate subreddits.
Please remember proper reddiquette when participating in the conversation. As always, rule #1 ("be kind and respectful") will be strictly enforced here to prevent any uncivil discussion and personal attacks.
submitted by AutoModerator to weedstocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 SquirrelMaleficent54 Azahar Emulator: Accesso all'eShop per download di giochi e aggiornamenti, senza nuovi acquisti

Azahar Emulator: Accesso all'eShop per download di giochi e aggiornamenti, senza nuovi acquisti Best curtains shop in DubaiAzahar Emulator: Accesso all'eShop per download di giochi e aggiornamenti, senza nuovi acquisti developer PabloMK7 ci informa che lo sviluppo dell'emulatore Azahar sta procedendo a un ritmo sostenuto, portando numerosi miglioramenti e nuove funzionalità.\ Nato dalla fusione dei progetti Citra3DS e Lime3DS, l'emulatore Azahar sta evolvendo rapidamente, con l'introduzione di diverse caratteristiche che rendono il programma sempre più completo e simile all'esperienza dell'hardware originale.\\ Una delle novità più rilevanti riguarda l'introduzione della possibilità di installare giochi, demo e aggiornamenti direttamente dall'eShop.\ Questo è reso possibile grazie all'implementazione delle funzionalità relative alla firma digitale, che permettono l'accesso all'eShop utilizzando il certificato unico della console.\ Gli utenti ora potranno scaricare facilmente i titoli che hanno già acquistato, le demo e gli aggiornamenti, rendendo l'emulatore ancora più funzionale e accessibile.\ Tuttavia, va precisato che non si potranno effettuare nuovi acquisti, poiché il supporto per gli acquisti sul Nintendo eShop è stato disattivato nel marzo 2023.\ Inoltre, l'emulatore Azahar vedrà un cambiamento significativo nelle opzioni di emulazione. La vecchia opzione "scarica titoli di sistema" verrà sostituita da una modalità di "configurazione iniziale".\ Questa modalità utilizzerà una console reale insieme ad Artic Base per ottenere i dati unici della console e completare l'aggiornamento di sistema.\ Questa funzionalità permetterà agli utenti di configurare correttamente il proprio emulatore utilizzando i dati reali della console, offrendo un'esperienza ancora più vicina all'originale.\ Per utilizzare l’eShop tramite Azahar, non sarà più necessario il file CTCert.bin, ma sarà fondamentale disporre del file OTP della console originale.\ Inoltre, per evitare problemi con eventuali trasferimenti di sistema e garantire l'integrità della console donatrice, sarà necessario avere il file movable.sed.\ Fonte: x.comDiscover the best curtains shop in Dubai, where style meets quality and customization. Offering a vast selection of luxurious fabrics, blackout options, and motorized systems, top curtain shops in Dubai provide tailored window treatments to match any interior. From elegant drapes to modern blinds, these stores prioritize premium craftsmanship, exceptional service, and professional installation, ensuring a perfect fit for every space. Whether you seek classic designs or contemporary aesthetics, Dubai’s curtain shops offer solutions that enhance privacy, block out light, and elevate your decor, making them the ideal choice for all your window covering needs.
submitted by SquirrelMaleficent54 to BiteYourConsole [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 SaltyAdminBot Anything happening in Asia-Pacific?

Aussie here.
With all the talk about increased UAP activity over the last 48hrs(?) near US and UK military installations with possible connections to nuclear weapon bases, has there been anything similar happening on SE-Asia or Oceania
The two biggest issues to potentially shake up the region are:

  1. AUKUS: The Australian Navy adding nuclear submarines (specificaly Virginia class) to the fleet. While it is unclear if these ships will aleo carry nuclear-armed missiles, the issue has also led to debate in Parliament whether Australia should also consider nuclear power as a renewable energy alternative to fossil fuel
  2. China seeking to expand influence: China has been seeking to make trade deals with Polynesian nations as well as buying real estate e.g private islands
Surely the NHI arent exclusively focused on the West
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 AutoModerator Tangential Thought Thursday

What weird random train of thoughts have you had? Was it a random shower thought? Was it an odd segue from thought to thought? Was it grandiose hypomanic ideas? Whatever it is, share it with the community.
submitted by AutoModerator to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Icy_Display_3548 Power Harassment and potential PIP

Question: What’s the best way to navigate a toxic boss who appears to be building a case against me?

  1. Gaijin high performer having received multiple exceed expectations on performance reviews. Once with a gaijin manager, the other with Japanese toxic boss. I’ve received company award and made a big impact consistently
  2. Company is in a good financial state; they have been trying to surface up Japanese talent into leadership positions at the expense of gaijin who are more qualified
I’ve been reporting to a Japanese boss for over the last year and it hasn’t been great; I’ve constantly been singled out, laughed at in front of me in Japanese in meetings, and expectations are always set higher for me than other peers at my level. I’ve made adjustments to not be the nail that sticks out, but anything I do is constantly used against me.
I went to HR with a volume of documented evidence that my manager is power harassing me. After a brief investigation, the conclusion is that “cultural / language misunderstanding”. Everything has been recorded. I got the sense that they wanted to have this blow over so I read the room and figured “hey it’s on record?”
Since then, the manager has been giving me unconstructive vague feedback during performance sessions (no other peer had this at all), they haven’t helped to address or unblock me where I needed help, and I’ve noticed that other peers have been given far greater scope and work with stakeholders.
I’m somewhat aware of my rights as a Japanese full time employee, but hope to see what strategies I can consider using at this point in time. Or is it best to see what plays out and go from there?
submitted by Icy_Display_3548 to japanresidents [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 redactedanalyst To the big white pickup who ran just ran that red on 9th and Circle

Milliseconds. The difference between me writing a shitty fucking reddit post and me ending up in the hospital or worse because your drunk ass wanted to get in your big Toddler Cruncher 5000 and play bumper cars is a matter of MILLISECONDS.
We should both so fucking lucky that I am a good enough driver to be on the lookout. Enjoy your fucking holiday and you're welcome for sparing you a DUI or worse. Fuck.
submitted by redactedanalyst to corvallis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 claused Overwhelm, analysis paralysis - some opinions on which route to go for?

Hey everyone, Looking for some real-world perspectives on whether to buy an investment property or jump straight into home ownership. Here's my situation: Financial Position: - Cash savings: $290k - Investment portfolio (shares): $520k - Household income: $250k - No existing debt - First-time property buyer, migrant background with no parents as a backup and help. - Brief conversation with a mortgage broker, likely able to borrow $860k (put us into $1.1m), max amount I'm comfortable at this stage. Current Situation: - Renting in Broadway/Ultimo, Sydney area. - Love the area due to city proximity, easy access to everywhere. - Planning to start a family within next 12 ~ 24 months - Early 30s couple I'm having analysis paralysis and hoping others might be able to chime in? 1. Love our current lifestyle and location in Broadway 2. Property prices in areas we'd want to live in are pretty steep and doesn't seem worth it? 3. Could potentially get better returns with an investment property in a different area - maybe? 4. Starting a family soon, so stability might be important. Do I need to worry about moving around at this stage in terms of schools and etc? The Options I'm Considering: A) Buy an investment property first, keep renting in Broadway / area similar to it. B) Buy a PPOR (probably further out from the city due to prices) C) Keep renting and invest more in shares Would love to hear what you would do in this situation? Any experiences with similar decisions in Sydney? Some specific questions: - Which Sydney areas would you target for either option? - How would you factor in the family planning aspect? - Investment property owners - do you regret not buying PPOR first? - PPOR owners - do you regret not investing first? Really appreciate any insights or experiences you can share! 
submitted by claused to AusPropertyChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Agitated-Break7854 Advice on Milwaukee strimmer please

I'm a gardener and moving from a petrol tools to cordless. I've already got Milwaukee drills and an angle grinder and few batteries so it makes sense to stick to Milwaukee brand (although I don't mind to get a adapter for batteries if other brand would be better)
So my questions are: 1) should I get Milwaukee strimmer or some other brand (if so, what) 2) except for quik-lok is there a major difference in performance between m18BLLT and m18FOPH (fuel one with quik-lok) 3) I read there's a problem with vibration. Is it that bad (same or worse then petrol strimmer?) and is it the same on both models? Thanks!
submitted by Agitated-Break7854 to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 Realistic-mammoth-91 Idksterling chicken

submitted by Realistic-mammoth-91 to idksterlingREALsub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 AutoModerator Thursday's Ukraine Solidarity Roundtable - 11/28/2024

Welcome to the Political General Discussion Roundtable. Use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind, or share anything that would otherwise not merit their own threads.
Useful Links:

submitted by AutoModerator to Enough_Sanders_Spam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 TinySyrup7790 thoughts on roy cbbc if he was a animatronic in fnaf? how do you think he k!ll the security guard? he would get along with balloon boy! (btw, roy is from a cbbc show called roy)

thoughts on roy cbbc if he was a animatronic in fnaf? how do you think he k!ll the security guard? he would get along with balloon boy! (btw, roy is from a cbbc show called roy) submitted by TinySyrup7790 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:00 filthyMrClean I’m obsessed with these buildings and how they reflect the sky on a day like this

submitted by filthyMrClean to skyscrapers [link] [comments]