2024.11.28 07:50 Ok_Reference7791 BLUE MAGIC GROUP CLINIC TÜRKIYE BAD NEWS

BLUE MAGIC GROUP CLINIC TÜRKIYE BAD NEWS I was just blocked on their Facebook page for giving honest feedback on their bullying tactics regarding how they approach the hairline consultation- no surprise then that they have 100% positive recommendations…
submitted by Ok_Reference7791 to HairTransplantReviews [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Goraf16 Getting all of Germany for free because my Prussia protectorate launched a unification play is certainly a nice turn of events

So I was playing as Russia, managed to get prussia into my power block during their civil war (they lost their own pb for whatever reason), used sovereing empire mechanic to subjugate them and then helped them win a unification play they started, which gave me all of Germany as puppet for free.
If this turns out to be easily replicated it may became quite an op strategy.
Also It was weird when during unification war my baltic duchies suddenly became part of germany.
submitted by Goraf16 to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 helpmeineedafrien They could've banned me from using scripts and flinging people (probably r/deservedrobloxbans?)

They could've banned me from using scripts and flinging people (probably deservedrobloxbans?) I mean i kinda understand why roblox thought of me being freaky but ok
submitted by helpmeineedafrien to StupidRobloxBans [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 BlueNagash 5.5 Cobalt Soul Monk

5.5 Cobalt Soul Monk submitted by BlueNagash to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Historical_Abroad739 What are some easy songs?

What are some easy songs? I'm looking to play some easier songs because I want more megastars! Games: 2018 (switch), 2022 (switch), 2023/2024 (switch), 2015 (PS4) and JD plus!
submitted by Historical_Abroad739 to JustDance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Ziewback Nova burla??

Nova burla?? submitted by Ziewback to portugal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Commercial_Reserve95 I deserve to break a weak mans spirit and ruin its future

I deserve to break a weak mans spirit and ruin its future submitted by Commercial_Reserve95 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Right0rightoh Delivering a feast on Thanksgiving! The U. S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. 1919.

submitted by Right0rightoh to oldphotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 impulse1019 Took screenshot of fitness ‘influencer’ and gf is pissed

I used to jerkoff to influencers and ‘content’ on social media and in the past couple years have started to clean up my social media and algorithms. this involved deleting a lot of images on my devices and unfollowing many accounts and redoing my algorithm. my gf has had a couple talks about it with me before and how she doesnt like me saving photos of other women to use as pornography.
i fell off the wagon recently and was jerking off and saved a screenshot of a fitness influencer taking a selfie in her gym clothes. my gf was using my phone to see something and found the photo in my library and is livid and said she ll break up with me if she finds a photo like that again.
AITAH? i m trying to get it across to her that i know i am wrong because me not having these photos would make her happy and i feel like thats something i can accomplish, but i m trying to see why she has such a strong reaction to this. i am worried i might slip up again and our relationship will be over because of what is IMO not a relationship ending worthy problem. I understand that we ve had this talk before; AITAH for slipping up/still having this issue? I feel like i ve made great progress from how i used to be but i know i did wrong here. I feel like i really let her down over something really dumb and gross of me.
We are both in our early 30s if that means anything.
submitted by impulse1019 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Lontoone Help! Simple shared memory usage.

Hello, I am a student new to cuda.
I have an assignment of making flash attention in cuda with shared memory.
I have read some material but I just don't know how to apply it.
For example, this is a 1D kernel launch.

__global__ void RowMaxKernel(float *out, float *in, int br, int bc) { int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (i < br) { float max_val = in[i * bc]; for (int j = 1; j < bc; j++) { max_val = fmaxf(max_val, in[i * bc + j]); } out[i] = max_val; } } 
this is 2D kernel launch
__global__ void QKDotAndScalarKernel(float *out, float *q, float *k, int br, int bc, int d, float scalar) { int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if (i < br && j < bc) { float sum = 0.0F; for (int t = 0; t < d; t++) { sum += q[i * d + t] * k[j * d + t]; } out[i * bc + j] = sum * scalar; } } 
Non of the TA or student are providing help. Please somebody so kind to demonstrate how to use shared-memory with these 2 example codes, please.
submitted by Lontoone to CUDA [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 elsmca What can I add to my collection to make it make sense?

What can I add to my collection to make it make sense? I’m kinda stuck on what mafex I should add from here. I don’t know whether to keep buying what I like, continue with an X men, Avengers, or Spider-Man / street hero’s display.
submitted by elsmca to Mafex [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 G1090M05U Topgoosey down ?

Hi Guys, anyone had recent discussions with TG ? Got not news on my side.
submitted by G1090M05U to DesignerReps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 bluervirt Three Black Friday 2024

Use the link for Three Black Friday 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Dazzling_Internal_47 Latest IPhone update

Since the last update I cannot find anything on my phone! Photos are all messed up! What I really would like to find is the option to select which speakers you want to play your music through. I used to just pull down the screen from the top right corner and the control centre would appear. Now the speaker selection is no longer there. Does anyone know where it is please, or have Apple removed it.
submitted by Dazzling_Internal_47 to AppleMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 No-Goal-9722 Need help in playing fortnite in xbox game cloud

when i try to start playing it it asks for my birthday and whatever birthday i enter it starts loading forever and gets stuck. ive tried like 6 times already
submitted by No-Goal-9722 to xcloud [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Putrid_Papaya_9194 Sex is a great time investment:

Let's look at sex life from a time consumption point of view? In an ideal, healthy relationship you would have sex atleast a couple times a week.
There are 168 hours in a week, if we spend even 1 of those hours on sex, that's 0.6% of the week spent on sex. Not too much right?!
And we will all probably agree that sex is WAY more important for a relationship than 0.6%!
Thus, sex in a relationship is a great time investment. It doesn't have to be the center of the relationship, but without it things fall apart.
submitted by Putrid_Papaya_9194 to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 GO0O0O0O0O0SE EQ

submitted by GO0O0O0O0O0SE to RyzeMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 asspounder6969420 As the image says, i am buying a FM LEG C/E saur/cora!

As the image says, i am buying a FM LEG C/E saucora! WILL ONLY BE BUYING. STRICTLY NO THEMES OR COSMETICS.
submitted by asspounder6969420 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Klutzy-Toe-3654 Perfect 🍒

Perfect 🍒 submitted by Klutzy-Toe-3654 to MoriahJadea2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 SnooOpinions5223 Wholesome wholesomeness!! 😌💜💜

I love being wholesome!! 💖
submitted by SnooOpinions5223 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Shawney-2021 Grateful

Grateful Just finished collecting 🌧️ 💦!! Thank you lord!! The kiddos will be happy!!! This is just some of them.
submitted by Shawney-2021 to gratitude [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 No-Ant7522 UK House move: agent postponing move date 4 days before move!!

We are due to move into a new home next Monday (02/12/24), and we have been chasing the property agent to sign the lease agreement for a few weeks. We've paid the holding deposit and agreed in principle to the draft tenancy (all sent via their online platform).
They informed us only 2 weeks ago when we chased about still not having signed the lease, (and us needing to arrange movers, change jobs, apply for new schools, etc.), that the delay was due to needing the EICR, and electrician not having availability till this week Monday.
In writing they said we are still good to proceed to move in on 2nd Dec. On that basis we have done all those things.
Yesterday they called me saying the EICR had failed last Friday, and asked if we had flexibility on the move date. I advised we did not as we have paid non-refundable moving fees (due to such short booking time), my OH starts new job local to new house that Wednesday (it's 2 hrs away from his current job), and my child starts new school. She said OK.
I then got 3 emails last night saying due to failed EICR we could not move into the property, but as nothing is signed "we're not legally contracted". Another email saying we're trying to get the EICR to see what failed and we're sorry how stressful this is. Then another email to say if the failure is L2 or 3,you can still move in and electrician can carry out works once you're in. We'll be in touch once we have cert.
I'm absolutely fuming! We will lose our £1,700 moving costs, my partner has bent over backwards to secure his transfer, and if he doesn't work, he won't get paid, which we can't afford with all the move costs. I've taken time off to pack my house as we could only secure the movers last week and they didn't have 'packers' available at such short notice.
What are my legal rights here?
submitted by No-Ant7522 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 the_pacman_88 Population density around the world!

Population density around the world! submitted by the_pacman_88 to MapPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 abmny8 Kota yang lebih maju cenderung lebih terbuka pikirannya dibanding kota yang kurang maju dan sampai jadi kesenjangan?? whattt??

Kota yang lebih maju cenderung lebih terbuka pikirannya dibanding kota yang kurang maju dan sampai jadi kesenjangan?? whattt?? keen observation no one see that coming dumbass
submitted by abmny8 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」what-how-why-etc-in-the-worldの意味について

what-how-why-etc-in-the-worldは【質問するときの驚きを強調するために使われる】意味として使われています。 和訳:【世界で何を、どのように、なぜなど】
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]