Condominio nel caos, a chi mi rivolgo?

2024.11.28 08:30 notathinganymore Condominio nel caos, a chi mi rivolgo?

Buongiorno a tutti e grazie per l'attenzione.
Non riesco a sintetizzare troppo, scusatemi: nel nostro condominio c'è il riscaldamento centralizzato con un vecchio impianto che disperde molto, è soggetto a frequenti guasti (siamo appena rientrati da una tre giorni di impianto KO e termo morti) e non ha i contawatt e tutto il necessario per dividere i consumi in maniera equa, cosa che invece mi risulta sia obbligatoria. È presente solo un "contaore" che permette una suddivisione molto sommaria e, visto che i consumi dei vari appartamenti sono diversissimi, la faccenda penalizza molto alcuni e avvantaggia molto altri.
L'amministratore è della categoria di quelli che non risponde nemmeno al telefono e manda solo il conto a fine anno, non ha mai fatto niente per sistemare la situazione nonostante numerosissimi solleciti. È un po' spalleggiato da alcuni condomini che i loro appartamenti li affittano e non hanno alcun interesse a spendere soldi per mettere a posto, tanto il gas non lo pagano loro.
Ora l'amministratore, dopo questo ennesimo guasto e la solita pioggia di solleciti, si è detto stufo di noi che ci permettiamo di disturbarlo, minaccia di non volerci più amministrare ed ha addirittura detto, purtroppo solo a voce, che siamo noi a sabotare la caldaia perché vogliamo cambiarla, siamo alla calunnia insomma.
Lui ovviamente se sloggia mi fa solo un piacere ma alcuni condomini, gli stessi che non vogliono spendere, sono anche cattivi pagatori ed hanno i debiti col condominio, per cifre non ininfluenti.
A questo punto io ho bisogno di sapere come tutelarmi (sempre pagato tutto al centesimo) se questo se ne va ed i debiti di alcuni, immagino, diventano debiti di tutti. Mi serve anche sapere se ho la legge dalla mia per scollegarmi dal centralizzato e smettere di contribuire alle sue spese, al momento non è possibile dividere le spese delle dispersioni perché non c'è niente che le rilevi, dividiamo in parti uguali una quota fissa del totale completamente iniqua verso chi è normale e favorevole a chi tiene 28 gradi tutto l'inverno (non sono numeri a caso).
Non pretendo ovviamente che un avvocato perda tempo su reddit gratis per un casino simile, voglio pagare. Da chi mi rivolgo? È materia da avvocati? Di che tipo?
Chiedo a chi se ne intende di giurisprudenza di suggerirmi la figura professionale a me adatta, grazie e buona giornata.
submitted by notathinganymore to Avvocati [link] [comments]

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Can't activate a plan Jio won't let me activate my plan .
submitted by Glittering_History44 to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

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im not sure if anyone else has this issue but for some reason every time i start playing i get sound fx and music but no voices. i dont know how to solve this issue or whats causing it, so if anyone has a fix for it id greatly appreciate to know
submitted by wright1702 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 Lopsidedbooby Constant thirst

Hey. So I'm really new to the whole frequent urination and urgency thing. I've read through a couple of posts here and people keep saying how they limit their water intake to 2litres and several hours before bed. How do you deal with the constant thirst that is always there?
submitted by Lopsidedbooby to OveractiveBladder [link] [comments]

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The picture that proves all is forgiven: Nicole Appleton supports her ex Robbie Williams at the premiere of his new biopic which features their turbulent nineties relationship submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 08:30 FANTAstic_girlliiee .

So I (14F) have a popular friend named Sarah(15F).We became Best friends since september but due to her popularity my life changed from The "unclassy nerd" to The "popular Princess".I got known in my school for not using make-up And still looking very beautiful, for my friendship with Sarah And for some of my perfomances At Fencing. Two months ago, this boy named Albert(15M) started to have a crush on Sarah, but she didn't feel the same.He begged her to hang out And be togehter but she declined many times.She told me yesterday that she accepted him And I was shocked because I actually liked him,but now that he's Sarah's boyfriend I can't make them break up.Should I confess?
submitted by FANTAstic_girlliiee to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 crocslover567 OT Grad in Aus - wanting some advice about working for myself post graduation.

I have just finished my final placement in Melbourne and am thinking about working for myself. I am neurodiverse and working for myself would allow me the flexibility I need. Plus I wouldn't need to stress about constantly meeting KPI's. I was wondering if anyone new the best way to source supervision as a sole contractor? I'd also be interested in tips generally about transitioning into work as a grad.
I have a lot of previous experience in the field and am pretty on it with stuff surrounding NDIS. I just want to make sure I have proper support moving forward! Thanks :)
submitted by crocslover567 to OccupationalTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 Positive_Throat8302 Selling Max acc with perms- Budha, Portal, Ice, Chop for $39

Selling Max acc with perms- Budha, Portal, Ice, Chop for $39
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2024.11.28 08:30 FitMathematician975 All Obe Crossovers

All Obe Crossovers submitted by FitMathematician975 to PeakyBlinders [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 PIayerUnknown002 Book by James Patterson

There's this book I read by James Patterson not long ago about a mother taking revenge for her son that died of drug overdose. I recall she also robbed a bank in the story to pay off some debts for their family farm.
So I would like to ask if theres anyone that knows the title of this book. I've been dying to hear the ending. If you dont mind, could you tell me the ending too.
submitted by PIayerUnknown002 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 PreferenceOk2672 POC

how do i check for change?
submitted by PreferenceOk2672 to employedbykohls [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 08:30 ExperienceAntique289 What should I do now??

What should I do now?? Just kuriye pelam(ki pakhi tao Janina)...tar opor barite devil er ekmatro meye amr thakuma ache...
submitted by ExperienceAntique289 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 OCxReady R my settings dialed in correctly??

R my settings dialed in correctly?? Printer:creality k1 Filament: elegoo pla+ Software: orca slicer
Trynna figure out if my settings r correctly dialed in for the type of 2a3d printing im doing thanx and highly appreciated !
submitted by OCxReady to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 pranl67 wer die bilder von ihr hat bekommt alles meiner türkischen Gf (DD 34, 22 j) dm

wer die bilder von ihr hat bekommt alles meiner türkischen Gf (DD 34, 22 j) dm submitted by pranl67 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 Neither_Scientist_36 I need help with the final mission

The one where we drive to the dam. I have maxed out driver's level, but still cannot get there on time. Is there an optimal path to get there, or is there anyone willing to log on to my account and then log off once reached?
submitted by Neither_Scientist_36 to dyinglight [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 Different_Town_8420 29[M4F] #Connecticut - New Connections

I am new to ENM (29M) and putting myself out there to make friendships, connections, and perhaps to relationships eventually. I have a fiancée (F) and she motivated me to be open to such experiences.
I prefer if you’re located in Connecticut or willing to travel and would like to become friends, like long life friends. I like to go for walks, hikes, museums, art, or to wineries. I also enjoy antiquing and thrifting a lot. I’m into environmentalism, science, and technology as well.
Also, interested in support groups or friends who are new to polyamory and ENM to discuss this or just to have someone to talk to about this.
Please feel free to DM. Thanks.
submitted by Different_Town_8420 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 swissnationalmuseum Auf halbem Weg zwischen Freiburg und Colmar ragt der Münsterberg von Breisach weithin sichtbar aus der Rheinebene. Die vorteilhafte Lage der Stadt ist verbunden mit der wechselvollen Geschichte einer Kernregion Europas.

Auf halbem Weg zwischen Freiburg und Colmar ragt der Münsterberg von Breisach weithin sichtbar aus der Rheinebene. Die vorteilhafte Lage der Stadt ist verbunden mit der wechselvollen Geschichte einer Kernregion Europas. submitted by swissnationalmuseum to Geschichte [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 Zestyclose-Hawk-4372 Prime for sale!

Prime for sale! Hit me up!
submitted by Zestyclose-Hawk-4372 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 astarothkarkaton Who wining

Who wining submitted by astarothkarkaton to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 UnchangedBanana Did Dino species vibe together?

So I just finished watching Dinosaur movie. And like a bunch of the dinosaur species were hanging together. What was this common when dinosaurs actually existed? Or like is it just like They were togehrr for drinking water. I don’t know. Well, I know there is predatory stuff like they eat each other but like do you think actually collab?
submitted by UnchangedBanana to Dinosaurs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:30 M4RL0NATR0N Phone similar to HTC Wildfire S

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a cheap phone that'll run WhatsApp and that's about it, I used to love the size of the Wildfire S but I know that it can't run WhatsApp anymore, is there a device similar that'll run WhatsApp, I'm not fussed about running anything else as I'm trying to limit my time online but I use WhatsApp throughout my day
submitted by M4RL0NATR0N to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]