is it a good idea to have vague idea bots OR super specific idea bots?

2024.11.28 09:46 randompersonignoreme is it a good idea to have vague idea bots OR super specific idea bots?

I'm quite new to bot making outside of basic stuff but in general, is it better to have bots specific to a idea/trope or kind of vague? For example, I have a bunch of yandere character bots that are tied to the characters being yandere/wanting the roleplayer's character. I play with one a lot from time to time as it's fun to come up with new ideas and stuff plus I use them for fic inspo. However, I have noticed recently that J.AI doesn't entirely keep every chat I have? I'm assuming there's a max of new chats you can make before starting another.
As for engagement or general community suggestion, is it better to have a bot specific to a roleplay? I probably won't delete my previous yandere bots as I'm proud of them plus it'd be sad to get rid of them. I have the basics down anyhow so. As for suggestions, how do you all structure or format your bots? I just do simple descriptions for them (such as this is yandere character version).
submitted by randompersonignoreme to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 jatawis Būsimasis kultūros ministras Birutis: pandemijos metu antivakseriai tapo atstūmimo kultūros aukomis

Būsimasis kultūros ministras Birutis: pandemijos metu antivakseriai tapo atstūmimo kultūros aukomis submitted by jatawis to lithuania [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 LegitBoy_294 Có cách nào để tra ra số điện thoại dựa trên tài khoản ngân hàng không ?

Long story short em vừa bị scam 400k, biết số tài khoản của nó, giờ em cần tìm số điện thoại để vứt nó lên con bot tele tra ra thông tin. 040476462 DINH QUANG HUY VIB bank, đây là stk của nó ai giúp được thì làm hộ em luôn ạ:v
submitted by LegitBoy_294 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 EducationalTime7096 Gaining Experience Through Paying to be an Intern

Is it a good idea for someone with no industry experience to pay an experienced software engineer to mentor them? Specifically, I mean having the experienced person create a simulation of a real workplace and codebase, where the mentee/intern contributes within deadlines and receives feedback. Would this approach be helpful for gaining valuable experience and adding something meaningful to a resume?
submitted by EducationalTime7096 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 SeraLermin Sweden's state owned liquor store is selling a Caol Ila 30yo first fill sherry single cask for $360... is this not way to cheap? I can buy two, would it make sense to use one as an investment (and drink the other one ofc)?

Sweden's state owned liquor store is selling a Caol Ila 30yo first fill sherry single cask for $360... is this not way to cheap? I can buy two, would it make sense to use one as an investment (and drink the other one ofc)? I could sell one in Germany, but I've never traded with whiskey. However, this seems like an opportunity to get one for myself and recoup the expenses with a second bottle. Does anyone have experiences they can share?
submitted by SeraLermin to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 anonymousliminal olm noluyo amk

olm noluyo amk submitted by anonymousliminal to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 G-Fifd В четверг можно всё?

В четверг можно всё? Если меня опять забанят за рисунок машинки я взрыгну
submitted by G-Fifd to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 stormycity_is_back Anyone experiencing the same?

Anyone experiencing the same? submitted by stormycity_is_back to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 CleanAd6026 BIDA weil ich nicht aus dem Freundeskreis gehen will.

Ich hoffe das Themas ist nicht zu "Beziehungsrelated", ich finde es geht mehr um zwischenmenschliches generell.
Durch eine Uniexkrusion bin ich im Mai in eine neue Uni-Freundes-Gruppe die seit ca 2 Jahren so gerutscht, weil ich zwei Personen aus diesem Kreis auf der fahrt kennengelernt habe. Hab dann über den Sommer mit denen Verbracht, also viel gelernt, zusammen EM geschaut und feiern gewesen. Mit 2 gehe ich regelmäßig schwimmen und In ein paar Wochen fahre ich mit 4 Personen in den Ski-/Partyurlaub.
Ab Mitte Juni habe ich einen Typ aus der Gruppe gedatet, und wir waren jetzt auch knapp zwei Monate zusammen, aber für mich hat es sich einfach nicht richtig weiterentwickelt, wesshalb ich die Beziehung beendet habe.
Er verlangt jetzt, dass ich nichts mehr mit der Gruppe unternehme weil es ja "seine" Freunde sind. Die Gruppe existiert seit ca. 2 Jahren(kamen aber immer mal wieder Leute dazu u.a, im letzten Sommer der eine Kumpel den ich auf Exkursion kennengelernt habe) , es sind aber auch 3 Leute dabei, die er aus Schulzeiten kennt. (Mit denen hatte ich aber gar nicht so viel zu tun)
Durch v.a. die Anfangszeit bin ich durch unser Dating natürlich schneller in die Gruppe gekommen, aber habe fast öfter was mit denen gemacht, wenn er nicht dabei war und habe schon das Gefühl, dass ich diesen "Platz" in der Gruppe, ohne ihn hätte.
Ich kann verstehen, dass es für Ihn schwer ist und seine Forderung auch irgendwo, aber wie gesagt, oft ist er gar nicht dabei (und wenn er dabei ist halte ich mich dann oft raus) und er weis genau wie froh ich um den Freundeskreis bin.
Bin ich das Arschloch, weil ich seine Forderung kindisch und ein bisschen egozentrisch finde ?
submitted by CleanAd6026 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 LadyAdiee Jsem student práva, AMA

Ahoj, vybublalo nám tu v poslední době dost zajímavých AMA, tak jsem se rozhodla připojit.
Studuju práva v Brně, teď budu (snad úspěšně) končit 5. semestr z 10 a mám za sebou též 2 povinné praxe ze 4.
Ráda zodpovím na jakékoliv (related i lehce unrelated) dotazy. :)
submitted by LadyAdiee to czech [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Powerful-Midnight353 Burning House by Kameron Marlowe on Apple Music

submitted by Powerful-Midnight353 to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 MugShots DPS Alert

DPS Alert Vehicle Accident-Property Damage IR11 N / VALLEY VIEW BLVD;nb so 11/28/2024 01:43:50 AM
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 chickenandliver Former national ski team member Kim Jeong-min skiing to work this week

Former national ski team member Kim Jeong-min skiing to work this week submitted by chickenandliver to korea [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Usual_Friendship_999 legit check please

legit check please submitted by Usual_Friendship_999 to MonclerRep [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 OkSmile6610 Can’t stop…golf cart parade

Can’t stop…golf cart parade submitted by OkSmile6610 to cantstopimamerican [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Helpful-Pangolin6831 What is happening? Why is DOGE not at 60 this morning after the dip signaling bull flag. I want out of this nightmare. I bought at 47

submitted by Helpful-Pangolin6831 to dogelon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 bmh55 Just a dumb observation

Stephen Nedoroscik, the gymnastics, literally looks exactly like Steve Smith from American Dad
submitted by bmh55 to WhereToPostThis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 homerj7799 Hosting Jesse Watters!!! 💙💙💙

Hosting Jesse Watters!!! 💙💙💙 submitted by homerj7799 to EmilyCompagno_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 matrixrevo On prem data via BCP to Fabric

Does anybody have experience working with BCP utility to copy data from on prem sql server.My task is to import 1000s of GB bulk data to MS fabric with many tables. I haven't tried out with DFG2 and Fabric pipelines assuming that it would be slow to process such a bulk load.What are you guys suggestions on this?
submitted by matrixrevo to MicrosoftFabric [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 wewdwtnizrub Geox Black Friday Coupon Code

Check here for Geox Black Friday Coupon Code
Save 50% with hand-tested Geox discount codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Latter_Register_5398 How to get into turkey (Global 1940)

How do I get into Turkey as the axis? Do I invade through Greece? I was also wondering if my German counterpart built a major factory in Romania can he spawn transports and invade turkey through seazone 100? The reason I say this is because I'm playing as Italy and I think it would be great if I could capture it
submitted by Latter_Register_5398 to AxisAllies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 DreamPirates Bhagyashree Limaye Marathi Actress #BhagyashreeLimaye

Bhagyashree Limaye Marathi Actress #BhagyashreeLimaye submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Pretty_Boy_Shrooms Worth? Bought for 15 saps

Worth? Bought for 15 saps I thought they were worth alot, I went and asked in Aparris and Fancyshorts dens but nobody helped me. If somebody could ask the discord for me that'd be great as I am not able to get it and I'd prefer a trustworthy person to value it for me
submitted by Pretty_Boy_Shrooms to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Musicoftinnic1 Would this work with the ursa g2/12k LANC?

Looking for a wooden handgrip with start/stop function. Came across this one: Does someone know if it would work with the Ursa LANC? Compatible devices says not. A bit confusing.
submitted by Musicoftinnic1 to blackmagicdesign [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:46 Turtle456 Der „Oberösterreicher“: Neuer Anzug für OÖ

Der „Oberösterreicher“: Neuer Anzug für OÖ submitted by Turtle456 to HistoryOfAustria [link] [comments]