Haves vs Needs

2024.11.28 10:50 Yoshio_Ito4 Haves vs Needs

Haves vs Needs submitted by Yoshio_Ito4 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 remvs98 Rusland grijpt in bij sterke waardedaling roebel

Rusland grijpt in bij sterke waardedaling roebel submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Few_Boysenberry7155 19 years of overeating…I’m tired. :(

19 years with Bulimia, I’m mortified:(
I started purging when I was 14… first time I purged was some grapes (!!!!) after I lost weight in the summer. I went from 86kg to 68kg (175cm tall) eating crackers, yoghurt and apples…very healthy. I was scared to gain weight back… which I did anyway and the binging got progressively worse year after year. At 19years old, I moved abroad to study, and I basically isolated myself the whole time just binging and purging. I’m now 33 and my weight got to 140kg. That’s even though I was purging most of the time. I did have some periods of time of not purging and just binging because I stopped caring, then realized how fat I got and got motivated to lose weight. I lost weight sometimes and then gained it back, multiple times. Now I lost some weight over the last two and a half years of actively working on healing, only to now extremely b/p again… sometimes multiple times in a day again. :((( Now I notice, thanks to practicing some mindfulness finally, that I mainly go and binge and purge to avoid responsibilities- work, cleaning or any chores I have to do. I’m just so tired and hate this, yet I still cannot freaking change?
Anyone any advice? Obviously I tried everything but maybe I need some fresh ideas? Idk…just venting I guess. :(
submitted by Few_Boysenberry7155 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Jumpy_Elderberry8036 AIFU and BGM

I just came across the news about the transaction between ($AIFU) and ($BGM), and I couldn't help but share my thoughts with everyone. In simple terms, AIX is selling its two subsidiaries—Rongshu Technology and Xinbao Investment—to BGM Group in exchange for nearly 70 million Class A common shares. This transaction is not merely a capital operation; it signals a major transformation that AI technology is set to bring in the insurance and healthcare sectors.
AI Empowering Insurance: Where Are the Future Opportunities?
Let's start with Rongshu Technology, which has a prominent position in the insurtech field. Its open platform and Duxiaobao are already regarded as "ceiling" products in the insurance tech industry. Now, their AI algorithms can not only enhance sales and management efficiency but also perform precise risk assessments. Through this collaboration with BGM Group, Rongshu's AI technology will extend beyond insurance into the healthcare sector, including areas like health management, drug recommendations, and even chronic disease management. These are all significant future directions.
submitted by Jumpy_Elderberry8036 to circular_economy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 cadle06 What are these from

What are these from I don’t know where these are from and can’t find them except on eBay. I see they are ZR. But when I try to google that it comes up with some other completely different 36 card set. Every site or link also just pulls up the same 36 card set when I search zr. I don’t know how to find these.
I would just like some general info about these, where they are from, and how to get them.
submitted by cadle06 to Narutoccg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Ok_Reaction_5413 Withdrawing application and reapplication experience

Hi all,
tldr- has anyone ever voluntarily withdrawn their application to reapply in the future? why?
Was wondering if anyone has ever gone through the recruitment process more than once, but voluntarily withdrew their application before or close to their enlistment date, and reapplied to defence at a later date. Why did you do so? What was the reapplication experience like?
I've read elsewhere how there seems to be a common theme where due to just how tedious and slow the recruitment process is, candidates end up finding something else that's of interest to them and by the time ADFR gets back to them, they've already gone off to greener pastures. warning sob story ahead
I spent a year waiting, having appealed as well - I believe I am close to receiving an enlistment date. But in that time waiting, I settled down and actually focused on my hobbies, joined a sports club that has a progression component to it and a good community, had some serious self reflection and realised maybe that commander who interviewed me back in January was right in saying I lacked experience. Ironically, I think I'm too young.
I'm considering going to uni, finishing a degree and reapplying in 3 years time. Haven't had the luxury of enjoying civvie life fresh out of high school because I didn't know any better and obsessed so much about getting this navy job that I missed out on the most free time I'll ever have in my life lol. I guess that goes to show how naive I was. Unfortunately now I have things to lose because of adfr's ghosting. That's a hard lesson learnt.
I'm deadset on the navy as my career and something that I will do in my life - but maybe not right now. I know this comes off as a lack of resolve/poor decision-making on my part, and that I'll have to go through the same arduous process in 2 years time (taking note the year long duration haha). But maybe it's for the better that I let this opportunity go and come back better equipped.
submitted by Ok_Reaction_5413 to ADFRecruiting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 remvs98 Kwaliteit drinkwater in deel Nederland onder druk door te veel meststoffen

submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Desperate_Cheek2773 Wb Zamazenta 063396856010

submitted by Desperate_Cheek2773 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Additional_Egg_6685 Help building a decent space marine army?

So recently got into this and so far I have been buying based on the rule of cool. I know a local group but they all play 2000 point games so I have got some way to go. I am not really bothered about chasing the Meta but I do want to have a Army that doesn't get steamrolled every game. So far I have:

I know I am getting for Christmas:
My general thoughts for the army were to have a line of light infantry doing fancy things (Incursors, Infiltrators and Eliminators), Some tanky units with Bladeguard and Terminators to claim objectives and then a punchy heavy ranged units with dreads and tanks. I don't mind going over the 2000 points though as I don't want to take the same army every time. At the moment I am just building generic so in the future I can augment with dark angels or space wolves etc via the edition of a few faction specific units.
I believe this will take me to around 1760 points once I add in the 10 Terminators. I don't mind going over the 2000 points though as I don't want to take the same army every time. What would you suggest I add next?
submitted by Additional_Egg_6685 to spacemarines [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Thuuursty Artists 4 Ceasefire have spent over a year hijacking every Hollywood event, calling for a ceasefire. Now that Israel has agreed to one, they’re silent.

Artists 4 Ceasefire have spent over a year hijacking every Hollywood event, calling for a ceasefire. Now that Israel has agreed to one, they’re silent. https://preview.redd.it/l12jwfdbhm3e1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ff00e3355e791f5ec53726f3432e8f565b66261
submitted by Thuuursty to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Reasonable_Crazy_640 JJKxCSM Ch 1 (Subtitles Added)

JJKxCSM Ch 1 (Subtitles Added) submitted by Reasonable_Crazy_640 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 eryeez Please help me out! NZ/Aus I will return the favour

C4C Please help me out! Collect Coins 🎉Get credit up to NZ$200.00 today!💰 Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 36429471
submitted by eryeez to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 WH0-ask Woooah my first

Woooah my first submitted by WH0-ask to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 remvs98 Slot en Gravenberch stralen na zeldzame zege op Real: 'Was één grote rondo'

submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Luminous-Jellyfish Tracking what spouse is a child's parent (even after divorce)?

Hi! I used to be into modding Stardew a few years ago (mostly using content patcher, very little actual programming), but now I'm very rusty trying to rework my old mods and trying to remember what is and isn't possible. So I apologise if this is a stupid/obvious question.
What I've been trying to do is track a child's parent after divorce, in part to customise their looks and in part for dialogue and events, and just because I want to know if it's possible. Now, there's a lot of mods out there customising children after the parent, and as far as I can tell, most of them just track the current spouse or have players set it by hand, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious with my idea that makes it not work.
I was thinking: What if I made a little "you find out you are or your spouse is pregnant or your adoption application went through" event the day after you agree to have a child. (Thought about making it a birth/adoption event, but that creates the danger of the player agreeing to the child and then divorcing their spouse before it arrives.) There would be separate events per spouse and depending on whether you already have one child or not, and this event would create a mail flag, maybe just attached to a congratulary letter.
So if you are married to Leah and have your first child with her, the flag would be set as FirstChildWithLeah or something like that. If you then divorce her and marry Sam to have a second child, you'd get SecondChildWithSam.
Couldn't I use this to try and keep track of parentage after divorce?
An obvious issue is that you could dove your children, of course, I'd have to think about that some more. (Suggestions?) But otherwise, would this work or is there some obvious reason I'm missing why it wouldn't? And, of course, are there mods out there tracking parentage that I just couldn't find?
submitted by Luminous-Jellyfish to SMAPI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Norville_Rogers_ Otis B. Driftwood

Otis B. Driftwood submitted by Norville_Rogers_ to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 feetyourlick Sniff sniff?

Sniff sniff? submitted by feetyourlick to SockSnifferrz [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Grismo4 Nicht Reich, aber glücklich

Hallo liebe Carbonara Jünger, ich lese hier immer von massiven Sparsumme und Geld-Vermehrern, aber andererseits dann auch von jenen, die sagen: "Das erreiche ich eh nicht." Ich selbst zählte mich zu der zweiteren Kategorie, aber nach einiger Reflexion in der letzten Zeit habe ich im Grunde jetzt weitaus mehr erreicht als ich mir vor 18 Jahren jemals erhofft habe und bin finanziell Frei -also nicht FIRE oder so, aber so das ich mehr als genug habe und bin einfach nur glücklich damit - weil ich auch einfach Glück hatte.
Ausgangslage: Ich bin bei meinen Großeltern aufgewachsen, hatte immer sehr wenig Geld, musste alle Ausgaben für Schule, Ausflüge, Kleidung, Anschaffungen etc. selbst zahlen. Daher war ich immer recht sparsam, aber anderseits auch früh am Arbeiten- mit 14 Aushilfsjobs auf Baustellen/Lagern etc, mit 16 in die Gastro als Keller, mit 19 dann Hilfskoch. Eigentlich war mein Traum eine Ausbildung zum Piloten zu machen, aber ohne Moos nix los und bei der Lufthansa durchs Auswahlverfahren gerasselt. Dann kam der Zivildienst und in der Zeit hab ich alles Geld beiseite gelegt, um dann ein Studium im Bereich BWL zu beginnen in dem ich nebenbei noch weiter in der Gastro gewesen bin und an der Kasse im Supermarkt gesessen habe. Glücklicherweise konnte ich bei meinen Großeltern wohnen bleiben. Nach dem Studium bin ich für ein Jahr nach Australien gegangen und hab da als alles Mögliche gearbeitet, und gemerkt, das BWL nicht meins ist. Habe dann 2015 eine Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker begonnen und 2018 abgeschlossen. 2015 habe ich auch meine heutige Frau kennengelernt, die ebenfalls nicht grade aus gut betuchtem Elternhaus kommt. Sie hatte damals grade Ihre Ausbildung zur ReFa abgeschlossen und wollte Jura Studieren. Das Geld war mit mir in der Ausbildung und Ihr im Studium echt knapp, aber es hat für die erste gemeinsame Wohnung gereicht. Als ich mit der Ausbildung fertig war, hatte Sie den Geistesblitz, der mich in Australien ereilte: Studium ist doof! Und so sattelte Sie auch auf das IT-Pferd um. Heute sind wir beide Mitte 30 und Fachinformatiker in unbefristeten Arbeitsverhältnissen und haben beide (meistens) Spaß an unserm Job. Mit mehr Geld kam dann auch eine größere Wohnung, Hochzeit, Urlaube, da großartig Sparen nie unser Ding war und wir auch erstmal etwas "leben" wollte und nicht wie die Jahre davor immer jeden Cent umdrehen mussten. Eigentlich blieb auch am Monatsende immer was übrig, was man einfach so bei Seite gelegt hat und dann genommen hat, wenn man es braucht, egal wofür und nicht als Rücklagen für Auto oder Haushaltsgeräte fest angelegt. Dieses Jahr kam dann Glück und Unglück zugleich: Meine Großeltern sind beide verstoben und haben mir Ihr Haus- mein "Elternhaus" - vermacht. Wir haben viel Geld für die Renovierung und Umgestaltung investiert und dafür auch einen Kredit aufgenommen (den wir im Januar aber bereits vollständig getilgt haben werden). Nicht nur durch das "Sparen" der Miete, sondern auch durch den Wegfall von Kreditverbindlichkeiten werden wir ab nächstem Jahr am Monatsende sogar noch mehr übrig haben. Zunächst möchten wir jetzt erstmal wieder ein kleines Polster aufbauen, dass dann als "Hausnotgroschen" eingesetzt werden soll, falls was ist. Ansonsten stehen noch einige Gartenprojekte an, die auch ein bisschen Geld verschlingen werden. Aber dieser Zeitraum ist überschaubar ... vielleicht 1-2 Jahre und ich bin ehrlich: Ich hatte noch nie so viel Geld zur freien Verfügung und bin jetzt schon gestresst, wenn ich daran denke, was ich mit dem Geld machen soll: Ausgeben? Anlegen? Weitermachen wie bisher? Ich weiß irgendwie schon ein Luxusproblem, aber ich hätte hier gerne mal eine Einschätzung der Allgemeinheit.
Das Sankey zeigt unsere derzeitigen Fixausgeben der aktuellen Situation - die variablen Kosten (Wie Urlaub, Lebensmittel, Anschaffungen) sind ein Mittelwert der letzten 36 Monate.
submitted by Grismo4 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Embarrassed-Crow5677 What rank would I be if I had a PS5/PC (I'm on a Switch Lite)

What rank would I be if I had a PS5/PC (I'm on a Switch Lite) So I'm Plat 2 on a Switch Lite with 140 hours(Ignore the pic, I took it in P1, didn't take for P2)
I've not played rocket league ever, before I got my Switch Lite. Im defo gonna go to console/PC soon.
But I just wanna know what rank you guys think I would be If I had a PC/Console
submitted by Embarrassed-Crow5677 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 icycold_21 Physics Oxford

Anyone know when physics/physics philosophy interviews are coming out? Perhaps based on when it came out last year? I’m shitting myself waiting
submitted by icycold_21 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 GardenDryN28 Pervs, screenshot and outline where you see my gf’s panty lines to be sent more pics 🫣 💦 DM OR KIK: surv84

Pervs, screenshot and outline where you see my gf’s panty lines to be sent more pics 🫣 💦 DM OR KIK: surv84 submitted by GardenDryN28 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Bulabet Crits?

Crits? submitted by Bulabet to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 DEPRESSEDANDSMILE Hello Reddit users .. I am a students 20 F ( Indian ) who is trying to run away and start a new life ahead. How can I escape my current situation and start a new life without money or a plan?"

I’m a 20-year-old woman living in Mumbai with my parents—my mom and dad—who still cover my expenses and look after me. However, my parents have been abusive since my childhood and still are. I face frequent beatings from my father, especially when he gets drunk (which happens every two weeks). Both my mom and dad physically abuse me, and I can’t bear it any longer.
In addition to the abuse at home, I’ve experienced severe trauma. I’ve been raped twice. The first time was by schoolmates—girls younger than me—and the second time was about 7–8 months ago when I was drugged and raped. After this incident, my ex-boyfriend left me when he found out, and so did my other exes. Now, my current boyfriend is using me to process his own heartbreak and for his comfort, which makes me feel even more lost and unsupported.
There’s more. During my school years, I narrowly escaped being dragged into a sex trafficking scandal. Even now, I’m being threatened by the people involved in that ring. They’ve made it clear that they could harm or kill me and my parents. I’ve faced cyberbullying, physical bullying, and even attempted kidnapping. Due to such incidents , lot of my friends who were helping me with my case have either been hospitalized badly or have been hurt . These threats aren’t just words—they’re real, and I fear for my life and the lives of those close to me.
I feel like my only option now is to run away and start over. I want to stay in Mumbai but change my identity completely to protect myself and those I care about. While living under this hidden identity, I dream of applying to the CBI so I can investigate the trafficking scandal that almost ruined my life and stop others from going through the same.
I have no one to turn to for help and no idea what to do next. I’m terrified of what my future holds, but I’m determined to survive. Can anyone guide me on how to escape or run, hide my identity, and rebuild my life while keeping my loved ones safe? Please, any advice or suggestions would mean so much to me.
submitted by DEPRESSEDANDSMILE to runaway [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 krispykremediet2112 One pc to various monitors type switch

First thing I realize a varidesk or similar would solve my problem but I honestly do not want deal with completely rearranging my office around. So i have a newer pc with three monitors at a standing desk, and relegated the older pc to where I could still sit on the L shape desk. Ended up adding a second monitor to the old one as well. My dilemma is the old one is getting up in years and I need to retire eventually . More so, it would just be easier to use just one pc. But i want to be able to switch from the sitting to standing easily without moving multiple cables or using multiple switches. Is there any switches out there to do what i want on the market?
submitted by krispykremediet2112 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Chems-Ghersallah Killer Bishop

Killer Bishop submitted by Chems-Ghersallah to boardgames [link] [comments]
