One person taken to hospital following shooting in Homestead

2024.11.28 12:32 OkRecording9064 One person taken to hospital following shooting in Homestead

One person taken to hospital following shooting in Homestead submitted by OkRecording9064 to PittsburghUnderworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 AntRevolutionary2310 I have over 1000+ jewelry CAD designs [stl, 3dm] !!

Is anyone looking for it, Does anyone want to buy it?
submitted by AntRevolutionary2310 to jewelers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 ambrr2007 "The Bad Boy" Joey Janela vs. Crowbar (Loud East Wrestling)

submitted by ambrr2007 to FreeProWrestling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Afraid_Media_9528 我就感觉到快

submitted by Afraid_Media_9528 to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 InqAlpharious01 Why on apps like Sniffies or Grindr do MtF always charge for casual nsa encounters, but ftm often don’t?

submitted by InqAlpharious01 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 thehamlins Missing my skyline

Missing my skyline So I just came back since like forever (back when the game still costed money) and I was rockring the skyline at The time but now all of a sudden i am missing my entire inventory including the skyline. Can anybody help?
submitted by thehamlins to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 kentromania AbeBooks Black Friday Deals 2024

Check out the link for AbeBooks Black Friday Deals 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by kentromania to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Fit-Cat3121 What is this

What is this I just played brawl stars and den i swipoed to the left after rhe cobtest and noticed this
submitted by Fit-Cat3121 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Wiinterfang Happy Thanksgiving for everyone! (Except Andreas of Ebb)

Happy Thanksgiving for everyone! (Except Andreas of Ebb) submitted by Wiinterfang to LordsoftheFallen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 chocomonaco Life is Sorted.

Life is Sorted. Are you the observer or are you the observered?
submitted by chocomonaco to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 donttrustthellamas Does anyone in the UK know where season 2 is hiding? I'm on a rewatch and NowTV doesn't have season 2 anymore :(

Which also makes me thinking season 3 will be airing on a different streaming service 😭
I wish they had put it on netflix in the UK.
submitted by donttrustthellamas to Yellowjackets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 glimmerskies Stephen’s post to Rylee

Stephen’s post to Rylee submitted by glimmerskies to ryleeandharry [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 realvntonio EKX X21 vs 5000W Stealth Bomber Clone

Hey Guys,
looking to buy my first e-bike and I'm torn between two models: the EKX X21 and the Alibaba 5000W 40Ah Stealth Bomber clone and i would love to get some insights and opinions from you all!
EKX X21:
Pros: Seems pretty robust, decent reviews, known brand. Range 50+ Miles Cons: Not Sure if i will be satisfied with the approx. 30mph
** 5000W 40Ah Stealth Bomber Clone:** Pros: High power, 50+ MPH Bigger Battery Cons: Uncertain about build quality and range.
My main uses will be commuting to work (about 4 each way), fun city riding and weekend trails.
Has anyone here ridden either of these bikes? What’s your experience been like? Any other recommendations in this price range? 1500-2000$
Thanks in advance! 🚴‍♂️
submitted by realvntonio to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 HaterofWasps 30 mins to go ... and the snow started falling in game! 😩

30 mins to go ... and the snow started falling in game! 😩 So odd, knowing that it'll not be as we've known for so long, in just 30 minutes. Thank-you all so much for your advice/in game gifts/memories/happy moments.
I know we'll all continue to share here, but it'll not be the same to not have the social element in game.
Anyway, thanks to all of you! See you on the flip side 🤩
submitted by HaterofWasps to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 open-minded-person Might as well just say the words “crash retrieval teams”

submitted by open-minded-person to AliensRHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Pritteto What wrong, woke? It's not censorship, it's just localization 🤓🤓🤓☝️☝️ (Arcane season 2 spoiler)

submitted by Pritteto to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 lolLevitate Challenger ADC Rank 1 Smolder NA Detailed Guide (AMA)

Challenger ADC Rank 1 Smolder NA Detailed Guide (AMA) Hello everyone, you might've seen Reptile's Smolder Build and Rune Setup on Twitter.
Here's the link:
However, I believe there's a better build and will go into the details below. I have already made a post about this on my Twitter so you can just refer to this link instead if you'd like:
For some credentials, here's a screenshot to the League of Graphs for Smolder (NA) and a link to my OP.GG
Here's the core items that I think are best for Smolder in MOST games. After the changes to Smolder in Patch 14.23, you want to get the most AD as possible. Hubris and Manamune + The Rune Setup that I'll refer to below accomplishes this and synergizes well.
I think double adaptive is just strictly better than attack speed, but you can go the attack speed chard since last hitting can be a bit awkward if you don't have it.
You can go Biscuits instead of Magical Footwear in lanes where you get poked out and buying boots early can help you dodge skillshots (Ezreal, Lux, etc). Keep in mind that Boots + Tear might sound like an awful buy for your first base but because of Jack of All Trades giving you 10 AD, its quite a decent buy.
Reasoning Behind the Build:
Building Hubris first allows you to get Serrated Dirk early, which makes your laning pretty strong. First base, an ideal buy is Serrated Dirk + Tear which gives you 5 Jack of All Trades stacks. From this point you won't run out of mana ever and are strong enough to fight most champs.
After Hubris and Manamune, you can honestly build whatever you need depending on enemy champions. High Range - RFC Lots of Healing/Armor - Mortal RemindeLDR Poke - Bloodthirster
Ideally, RFC is best because once you buy Zeal, you'll hit 10 Jack of All Trades Stacks if you've kept your Doran's Blade which you should do every game. However, it's more important to build what's best against enemy champs.
This build is especially good vs High Range/Squishy comps since it shifts your damage from Q --> W and R (more AD and no crit) and you're playing more to 1 shot than to deal high DPS over an extended period of time.
I still think Essence Reaver + Shojin is optimal vs lots of melees because your Q does more damage (crit), and the additional CDR you get from both items allows you to deal max DPS to bruisers/tanks. Keep in mind this build also stacks faster towards 225. However, I've been defaulting to Hubris/Manamune in most games for the early laning power and once you hit your items your damage is insane, you can one shot squishier champs with just a W R Q.
Here are some of my recent games in NA Challenger with this build and you can take a look at which games I choose to go the Hubris Manamune Build vs ER Shojin (I've been testing some builds when not going Hubris Manamune).
submitted by lolLevitate to SmolderMains [link] [comments]



2024.11.28 12:32 The_Great_Ravioli Firefly wants Self-Love too. [By サンローランパリ]

Firefly wants Self-Love too. [By サンローランパリ] submitted by The_Great_Ravioli to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Illustrioushydra1582 Can Xbox please stop sharing games with Sony until they stop consul exclusives

Why is Xbox being so nice with Sony with sharing games with them And not having as many consul exclusives
Like why are they being so nice to a company that does nothing but fuck them in the ass
Sony is never going to listen to Xbox if they keep sharing with nothing given in return
Xbox has been buying up of a lot of major game studios so they can just stop sharing with Sony like stop selling call of duty on PlayStation and the listen real quick
And if Sony complains that that’s unfair market practises they’re literally hypocrites because they do the exact same thing they’ve release games like days, gone God of war, Spider-Man, and lock it behind the consul pay wall
They’re literally consul exclusives, or a monopoly on the game title
They can decide to never put the game on sale if it fits them because they have no competition undercutting them with sales
Sony also needs to be taught a lesson about sharing
Because in 2024 there’s literally no fucking reason to have consul exclusives they dominate the market they’re not competitors there, cooperative businesses
So why does Sony pull all this consul exclusive shit after Xbox shows good faith They’re literally sharing games And Sony’s response to Xbox sharing games with them is fuck you we’re not sharing with you. Why should we give you are good titles
Seems like the only way you can get Sony exclusives on Xbox is a Xbox buys the studio that made the game
Look at games like crash, bandicoot, and Spyro the original version were only available on PlayStation
Now the remastered versions are available on both consuls in the fan like it
submitted by Illustrioushydra1582 to xbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 DrFranklinRichards 📊 End-of-day NIFTY50 market performance on 28 November 2024. Check out the heatmap below! #NIFTY50 #StockMarket

📊 End-of-day NIFTY50 market performance on 28 November 2024. Check out the heatmap below! #NIFTY50 #StockMarket submitted by DrFranklinRichards to wiseinvest [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 craiged99 Cold walk in the Scottish Highlands

Cold walk in the Scottish Highlands Artist: My Dad
submitted by craiged99 to painting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 ElectroAdeptus Коммьюнити-менеджер Банка России намекает, что примогемы из «Геншина» могут стать резервной валютой РФ Ему этот вариант нравится больше, чем валюта из Brawl Stars

Коммьюнити-менеджер Банка России намекает, что примогемы из «Геншина» могут стать резервной валютой РФ Ему этот вариант нравится больше, чем валюта из Brawl Stars submitted by ElectroAdeptus to KafkaFPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 MarsGeorgiaDust I love the lake of rot.

I love the lake of rot. submitted by MarsGeorgiaDust to EldenRingMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Altruistic_Aside8682 Alguien opina? Dm

submitted by Altruistic_Aside8682 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]