
2024.11.28 10:36 Susie-Jelly6894 test

submitted by Susie-Jelly6894 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 NationalDifficulty24 Quick tutorial - wire wrapped bracelet!

Quick tutorial - wire wrapped bracelet! Enjoy this tutorial!
submitted by NationalDifficulty24 to WireWrapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo 3ds Blue 32GB Pen Charger Handheld System (HB) f-3 | Seller: patmark2789_0 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 189.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now | |

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo 3ds Blue 32GB Pen Charger Handheld System (HB) f-3 | Seller: patmark2789_0 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 189.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now | | submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Winter Suzuka (by EMyo)

Winter Suzuka (by EMyo) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to UmaMusume [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Sad-Internet9954 How to get insight from a UX Research

Hi, I’m the sole UX designer at my company, and we’re in the empathize stage for a company product.(where no formal UX research is currently being conducted and i'm trying to carry it out)
We’re thinking of using user surveys to understand our target audience, which is very broad (anyone with a mobile phone and internet connection).
I need guidance on how to:

  1. Use insights from these surveys to design for such a wide and diverse demographic.
  2. Create visuals that will resonate with this broad audience, or should I focus on defining stricter age demographics to better guide design decisions?
Any advice or suggestions on how to approach this would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Sad-Internet9954 to UXResearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 DreamPirates Radhika Madan Indian Actress #RadhikaMadan

Radhika Madan Indian Actress #RadhikaMadan submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Nintendo 3ds Blue 32GB Pen Charger Handheld System (HB) f-3 | Seller: patmark2789_0 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 189.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now | |

🏆 Game Professional | Nintendo 3ds Blue 32GB Pen Charger Handheld System (HB) f-3 | Seller: patmark2789_0 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 189.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now | | submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 ermaaaaa Opinions on LLLT? Useless if you stop it?

Hello guys,
M30, I am balding since 25 (that I noticed of). A specialist I visited suggested me Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), but is quite expensive (120EUR each session, 16 sessions to start with). If I understood correctly, LLLT only strengthens the hair you currently have. Anyways, reading online, I understood that if you stop LLLT the hair weakens again (thinning). I would greatly appreciate the feedback of someone who did it or knows someone who did it or anyone who knows about LLLT. Personally, I think I will embrace the baldness but I also wanted to know where is the science on it. Thanks in advance!
submitted by ermaaaaa to bald [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Camille_Footjob Game is so buggy it gives me overkill and gunfighter at the same time

Game is so buggy it gives me overkill and gunfighter at the same time submitted by Camille_Footjob to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 civman96 465€ für den Liegewagen: Ist ok ÖBB, dann verpeste ich halt die Luft mit mit dem Flugzeug ...

465€ für den Liegewagen: Ist ok ÖBB, dann verpeste ich halt die Luft mit mit dem Flugzeug ... https://preview.redd.it/re4i0hsnem3e1.png?width=2098&format=png&auto=webp&s=659b2f43e40a7f2ebbd979f47fb13df2848d1633
submitted by civman96 to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Emotional-Strain-717 Why ang HIRAP MAHAL NG SINGLE?

submitted by Emotional-Strain-717 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Automatic_Oil_5721 Zepto ad in Chord Road

Zepto ad in Chord Road Hindi ad right in front of Kannada flags. How hard is it to translate it to Kannada?
submitted by Automatic_Oil_5721 to Bengaluru [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 XDJames777 When are the Scout tickets turning into Normal ones?

When are the Scout tickets turning into Normal ones? Btw which MB/Se is the best? (Each individually)
submitted by XDJames777 to thespikegame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 WohoNB 33 [M4F] Scottish - Take my mind off work.

Another day bored at work before a long weekend off so it’s dragging. Looking to. Meet people, friends mostly.
Anyone want to take the edge off and chat? Anything and everything. Can be very sarcastic so apologies in advance if it gets lost in messaging.
Tell me a bit about yourself in your opening.
submitted by WohoNB to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 iewkcetym 241128 Soobin - [My Bias' Bias Ep. 04] The World's scariest ramyeon presentation

241128 Soobin - [My Bias' Bias Ep. 04] The World's scariest ramyeon presentation submitted by iewkcetym to TomorrowByTogether [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 iamlesterjoseph Week 46: Bones - Coq Au Vin (French Chicken Stew)

Week 46: Bones - Coq Au Vin (French Chicken Stew) We enjoyed the dish. I haven't had this before so I have no reference. I served it with a mashed potato. Recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/239230/chef-johns-coq-au-vin/
submitted by iamlesterjoseph to 52weeksofcooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 CaliPress123 [Grade 12 Chem: Equilibrium] LCP

[Grade 12 Chem: Equilibrium] LCP https://preview.redd.it/gyv10b7oem3e1.png?width=1352&format=png&auto=webp&s=24bbbe171ba2069aadca04215c9ec9db25a5c903
The answer to this is A, but can't it be C as well? Also I thought A would be too obvious that it wouldn't be correct cause adding water would dilute everything? Wouldn't diluting everything favour the reaction with more moels of aqueous particles, so its the products so it forms more product and it becomes more blue?
submitted by CaliPress123 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Fucker_Of_Your_Mom Spider ID needed

Spider ID needed Saw this little fella on a leaf near my home. Was about medium size.
What spider is this?
submitted by Fucker_Of_Your_Mom to NewZealandWildlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 GroundbreakingIron16 Creating Mice and Stairs in Pascal | A Friendlier Hangman Game

Using the information from the previous parts (variables, loops, conditions) in the "Programming in Modern Pascal" series, in the latest video we create a mice and stairs game (a friendly version of hangman) - you lose if the mouse gets to the top of the stairs.
Here is a link to the video - https://youtu.be/G5gOZOzN028
submitted by GroundbreakingIron16 to pascal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Huge-Conclusion-3005 Michael had a chunky for Pam on Diwali night too

Michael had a chunky for Pam on Diwali night too submitted by Huge-Conclusion-3005 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Otherwise_Bear8078 Nepali police exhibit poor road savey rules

 Nepali police exhibit poor road savey rules This is literally misuse of justice, cops just arrive and start pulling everyone for no specific reason although our bus was pulled over cause the autistic conductor decided he wanted to open the door and just chill there but rather then enforcing it they just decided to pull everyone over at a specific time lol really fucking dumb cops lol
submitted by Otherwise_Bear8078 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 natwarllal Suggest watch for dad under 5k.

He's a bank manager. Need for daily wear.
submitted by natwarllal to watchesindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 siliguritourism How Can I Improve My Website?

Hello guys, I own this website https://siliguritourism.com/ . Can you guys visit the website and let me know how is it?
submitted by siliguritourism to siliguri [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 Ok_Title8513 Roxanne Perez

Roxanne Perez submitted by Ok_Title8513 to fivefeetofdominance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:36 geek-tn I feel like this is exactly how experimental rap music should sound like in 2024 | E L U C I D - THE WORLD IS DOG

 I feel like this is exactly how experimental rap music should sound like in 2024 | E L U C I D - THE WORLD IS DOG submitted by geek-tn to Billywoods [link] [comments]
