Zamazenta raid add 155866129858

按上面的方法,确实可行,但是遇到问题了,点击新建卷的时候,提示未连接,错误0x00000032,原因是用过的硬盘无法直接新建池,解决方法也很简单,恢复硬盘记录就可以了,帖上来解决方案: 使用动态磁盘时,您可以创建容错卷(raid-5 或镜像)。 您可以将数据保存到不同的硬盘并创建条带化卷。这些卷允许多个磁盘读写数据,从而提高了磁盘性能。 然后喊着不需要raid的直接冷备的人,基本可以忽略,绝对是nas都没有的,甚至连硬盘都没几个的,冷备硬盘可是一比一的,价格怎么算?既然都一比一了,为何不做一个raid1?自动实时备份,有自动不用去搞冷备手动? RAID1是把一份的数据复制两份,写入到两块硬盘。而这个操作是硬件(硬RAID卡)或者驱动(软RAID)层面的,操作系统看到的只有一块硬盘。也因此,用户可以在这块虚拟硬盘上安装任何一个支持的操作系统,可能是Windows,也可能是Linux或者BSD之类的。 实际上,raid 5的工作原理是把数据以块为单位分布到各个硬盘上。raid 5不对数据进行备份,而是把数据和与其相对应的奇偶校验信息存储到组成raid5的各个磁盘上,并且奇偶校验信息和相对应的数据分别存储于不同的磁盘上。 本来是想给b760m升级一下bios,结果发现还有一堆相关驱动可以下载。显卡、网卡、声卡、wifi、灯效我知道… 歡迎來到RAID : Shadow Legends哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 优点:MMO界的神话,色调和画风经过精心设计,场景交互细节考究,多元化史诗剧情(除了7.0资料片),多人raid本挑战,社交性强,优秀的副本演出,有野外PVP,没有强制氪金内容,无缝地图,探索元素多,魔兽世界。 OS崩溃,Raid就Over,请问是否Raid卡挂了,你整个Raid就Over? 那太不稳定了吧?Raid信息既然有保护的作用,由此可得,信息存储应该是存储在硬盘上。 Raid 1+0 软硬raid 差别不大,甚至硬raid控制器的吞吐量不如x86的系统,从而吞吐量会比不上软Raid。 软RAID: 费事,麻烦,吃机器CPU, 最好还要上ECC内存. 板载RAID: 花冤枉钱, RAID芯片可能还是阉割或者固件不好弄. 甚至有的根本就是SATA控制器实现的软RAID. 没错说的就是你HP Microserver Gen8. 除非买一些定制型的主板, 比如SuperMicro的一些存储主板, 用的RAID控制器还好点.

2024.11.28 10:41 CtoK35 Zamazenta raid add 155866129858

submitted by CtoK35 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 varsklavi4 Don't want to live in Georgia. We lost.

Yes, it is sad, but I started to accept things and move on. All of this shit, especially with a new president of makes me angry af.
Twelve years ago we had a president with two degrees, MBA, knowing few foreign languages, democratic and Western minded. Few years later we are going to have football player knowing two languages(Russian and Georgian) without even a higher diploma. It's degradation. Hello to everybody who were saying Saakashvili and his team were "Nazis". They were democrates with tough approach due to state of that country. They left peacefully. My friends, right now you can see autocratic nazis. Enjoy.
We're so fucked. We're over. Yesterday I was checking Ivanishvili's wealth, his total capital is 25% of whole Georgia's GDP. He is only one Georgian billionaire on the planet Earth. He literally owns this country and works closely with Russian agents. He is python, very calm, very strategic, very big and very confident. He won.
Whole opposition look like clowns. I regret that we don’t have a native leader who could see this, get money from US and prepare. Our oppisition couldn’t even do agitation, it all started two weeks before election, it’s funny how unorganized they are. It’s really easy to explain why GD sucks to the people, it’s so easy to launch such propaganda, but they can only sleep in tents.
I made a decision—I do not want to spend Best years of my life in this shithole. I’m getting my digital nomad visa for Spain or UK soon and hope to get a passport in few years. No chance we will recover in nearest future.
Goodbye mfs
submitted by varsklavi4 to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Quiet-Cardiologist-6 Finally got myself Quest 3

I got a 128 Quest 3. Complete with straps, headstrap with 8000mAh battery, leather face cover and bag all for $450. Already load Batman and Beat Saber and can't wait to try to it out.
submitted by Quiet-Cardiologist-6 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 dankgen-tobias League Communities Deserve Better Tools for Hosting Events

My university and local gaming community sometimes host League tournaments and events, and I feel like there are a lot of features that would be really important for small events but are only available on the very restricted Tournament Realm. These include:

I think small communities are super important to the League ecosystem and a great way to keep players engaged and passionate about the game. Because of this, those barriers should be removed or at least improved. Hosting community events should be as easy as possible.
I get that LoL can’t give Tournament Realm access to everyone, but I still think something needs to be done about the situation. Here are two possible solutions:
  1. Make it easier to get Tournament Realm access: It’s very unclear how you actually qualify for access. From what I’ve read, being Div1/Div2 in regional leagues seems to be the minimum requirement. I think this should be lowered so that university teams or registered esports clubs can gain access as well.
  2. Bring some Tournament Realm features to the live client: For example, adding an option to remove the spectator delay in custom games doesn’t seem like it would be too hard to implement, and it would make a big difference for smaller events.
submitted by dankgen-tobias to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 HeroinAddictHamburg Größter Tierladen?

Ich suche den größten und besten Tierladen in Hamburg. Das wichtigste ist das man sich viele Tiere anschauen kann. Ich würd da gerne mal hin spazieren und mich umschauen. Hab kein Geld will nur bummeln.
submitted by HeroinAddictHamburg to hamburg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Ok-Load2031 A Destroyed Ukrainian Stridsvagn 122 near Terny - Lost December 22nd 2023 - New Picture

A Destroyed Ukrainian Stridsvagn 122 near Terny - Lost December 22nd 2023 - New Picture submitted by Ok-Load2031 to DestroyedTanks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 ViktorDim1608 Sho e ova samo se zalite na reddit? Daj nesto pozitivno

submitted by ViktorDim1608 to mkd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Juulala Can you trade cards in the mobile game?

Can you trade cards in the mobile game? I’m new to the game can i trade cards? If yes can anyone give me this one?
submitted by Juulala to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 GodOfPorn8 Pretty nude Jeny Smith in the car

Pretty nude Jeny Smith in the car submitted by GodOfPorn8 to GodOfPornParadise [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 jtstonge The best shiny luck I've ever had. I hatched 2 Corsola and both were shiny!

The best shiny luck I've ever had. I hatched 2 Corsola and both were shiny! submitted by jtstonge to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Electronic_Visual518 What are these weird looking insects? Are they harmful?

What are these weird looking insects? Are they harmful? I've seen these insects for the first time in life. Found them on my chrysanthemum plant. Also found a lot of eggs. I've sprayed neem solution.
submitted by Electronic_Visual518 to GardeningIndia2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 robojod Her first English autumn

And this desert cat has grown a coat to match. So soft!
submitted by robojod to torties [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 dynamitebat291 IT HAS FINALLY ARRIVED

submitted by dynamitebat291 to FrontiersOfPandora [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 PresentBlacksmith230 They love each other so much (commission btw)

submitted by PresentBlacksmith230 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 TrackaLackerBot Define Cropped Jacket *Nulu - Blue Willow - 4 is in stock at Lululemon for $118.00 (MSRP)

View current status at
As of 11/28/24 05:41 AM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to LululemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Otherwise_Dog_2023 Anatolian/pyrenees

Anatolian/pyrenees submitted by Otherwise_Dog_2023 to AnatolianShepherdDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Neither-Patience5715 expect a promotion soon

expect a promotion soon submitted by Neither-Patience5715 to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Amazing_Jackfruit_48 Hi everyone! I bought fight night champion on my ps3 console. If anyone still has a PS3 and the game and can play online like I'm doing, maybe tell me and we'll play

submitted by Amazing_Jackfruit_48 to FIghtNight [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 AMR42 Kelleher talks about how he felt in the penalty against Mbappé

Kelleher talks about how he felt in the penalty against Mbappé submitted by AMR42 to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Elf_Guy_XboxOne Trying to install OpenVSP

I apologise if this is the incorrect subreddit for this, but I need some help.
I'm trying to install OpenVSP on my windows 11 laptop.
I have downloaded the latest version of OpenVSP (OpenVSP 3.41.1 64-bit Python 3.11) and I have installed the associated python (Python 3.11.0), but when I run vsp.exe, I get a window saying "access denied"?
I've watched three different installation videos on YouTube and they all do the same thing, download OpenVSP and extract the files and then run the file vsp.exe, and it opens.
Could I please ask for some with getting it to run?
submitted by Elf_Guy_XboxOne to OpenVSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Omarionyyourslgreat I knew he had a second album coming or a p2

I knew he had a second album coming or a p2 submitted by Omarionyyourslgreat to KendricklamarPglang [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Environmental-Time99 Too quick with shades ult

Too quick with shades ult submitted by Environmental-Time99 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 Connection_Shoddy Bro ain't dealing with the problem alone

submitted by Connection_Shoddy to CrazyFuckingVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 IcyPrincis What am I missing? I know hardly anything pls help😩

What am I missing? I know hardly anything pls help😩 Trying to conceal eye bags too any tips ?? Try to keep make up light because my skin is sensitive. I also really have a hard time figuring out how to really get that nice blended look I think it’s because I don’t bake correctly or sometimes at all I have a video too if u that’ll help to identify the products more will list some in the comments though thank you in advance 😌
submitted by IcyPrincis to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:41 CGHawk3D CRT TV 3D Model Collection by CGHawk

CRT TV 3D Model Collection by CGHawk submitted by CGHawk3D to cults3d [link] [comments]