
2024.11.28 11:49 Cool-Vicky Caught

Caught submitted by Cool-Vicky to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Jamalian1993 Julianna Peña wants Nunes and Harrison, then retirement?

Julianna Peña wants Nunes and Harrison, then retirement? submitted by Jamalian1993 to MMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 No_Possession5782 Hello

Hey! We'll both earn $50 when you join Current and receive a qualifying Direct Deposit. Terms apply. Just use my link or code when signing up. Code: ANGELICS897
submitted by No_Possession5782 to CurrentBanking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 hoteisguide Zapatillas Golden Goose

Las zapatillas son un calzado esencial en nuestra vida diaria. Son cómodas, versátiles y se pueden usar en diversas ocasiones, desde salir a caminar hasta asistir a eventos casuales. Dentro del amplio mundo de las zapatillas, las zapatillas Golden Goose se destacan por su estilo único y distintivo. -
submitted by hoteisguide to hot_travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 boicepio Iris shaders fsr messing with some weapon models. Sodium and Iris are the only mods I have installed and its specifically Iris causing it, any fixes?

Iris shaders fsr messing with some weapon models. Sodium and Iris are the only mods I have installed and its specifically Iris causing it, any fixes? submitted by boicepio to WynnCraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 eraldopontopdf esse daqui é brabo demais. tem de tudo: azaghal revoltado que a história é diferente da ficção, tem JP falando com convicção, alexandre palestrinha, spohr com trocadilhos infames e bluehand sendo bluehand!

esse daqui é brabo demais. tem de tudo: azaghal revoltado que a história é diferente da ficção, tem JP falando com convicção, alexandre palestrinha, spohr com trocadilhos infames e bluehand sendo bluehand! submitted by eraldopontopdf to jovemnerd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 ownzenown What are you still afraid of?

submitted by ownzenown to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Klocek1990 Remember Clippy? He's back! In Lego form!

submitted by Klocek1990 to 2000ad [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Ok-Arm8077 Get in on 1$ it dipped!

Get in on 1$ it dipped! GHichsGq8aPnqJyz6Jp1ASTK4PNLpB5KrD6XrfDjpump
submitted by Ok-Arm8077 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 XYZ240 Snowball Evolution ❄️

Snowball Evolution ❄️ submitted by XYZ240 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 po-tat-o-bitch Trying to plan my trip

My husband and I are planning on visiting NOLA in a year or two. I'm doing the bulk of the planning, and have a long list of stereotypical tourist things to do, but we are history buffs and would like to see some sights/places/things that tourists don't usually see or think of.
submitted by po-tat-o-bitch to AskNOLA [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 KingofSpain0 The Red Sea Vs The Creation

Thursday, November 28, 2024
Some theologians struggle with believing the Red Sea parting. They've theorized that the sea consisted only of about a foot of water and the Israelites were able to just walk across it. But that begs the question "How did the Egyptian army drown in a foot of water? That, in itself, would have been a miracle! And which is harder, for God to create the universe with countless galaxies, stars, planets, oceans, and seas or making one of those seas part in two? After creation, parting a little sea is a piece of cake. You may be dealing with a problem in your life. It may seem there's no way out, no way to overcome and have victory, or no end in sight. Is your problem any greater than it was for the Hebrews? Your Red Sea isn't too big for the God who created the galaxies. Trust the Lord and believe the miracles. Start proclaiming the victory. Then the hand of God will move again, the waters will split, and the horse and rider will be swept into the sea.
From Message #1331 - Crossing The Red Sea Scripture: Jeremiah 32:17
Today's Mission - Today, proclaim the victory over your Red sea crossing. Give thanks before the water parts.
Credit: Hope of the World Ministries
submitted by KingofSpain0 to JesusChrist [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 HisokaClappinCheeks You heard of Pakistani grape, now get ready for....

You heard of Pakistani grape, now get ready for.... submitted by HisokaClappinCheeks to Asia_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Miserable-Soft7993 They mentioned Brock on RAW

I thought he had been CB'd but Xavier blatantly say his name.
I predict that The New Bloodline injures someone before War Games and we a looking at 5 vs 4.
Then in the last minute Heyman gives his evil smile and Lesnars guitar riff echoes through the arena.
submitted by Miserable-Soft7993 to Wreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Ok-Breath833 H: tradeable G rolls W: leader offers

H: tradeable G rolls W: leader offers submitted by Ok-Breath833 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Pistensau69 Schmerzensgeld Anspruch - Diagnosefehler?

Ich kenne mich in dem Bereich Null aus, ich weiß nicht einmal ob es Sinn macht dagegen vorzugehen daher wende ich mich auch jetzt an das Schwarmwissen.
Im Januar 2022 (Samstag) bin ich knapp 1,5m die Treppe runter gestürzt und mit dem Fuß auf dem (Fliesen)Boden angekommen. Der Fuß ist bis zum Sonntag dann so dick geworden und die Schmerzen so stark, dass ich nicht mehr auftreten konnte und mein Partner mich dann in die Notaufnahme gebracht hat. Dort angekommen, hat man mir einen Rollstuhl gegeben, da mein Partner nicht mit mir warten durfte (Covid Lockdown) und ich anderweitig ja nicht in der Lage gewesen wäre mich fortzubewegen. Als ich an der Reihe war wurde von dem Fuß eine Röntgenaufnahme gemacht. Kurze Zeit später teilte mir der Arzt mit, ich brauche mir keine Sorgen zu machen, der Fuß ist geprellt und die Bänder überdehnt. Ich soll die nächsten 2 Wochen schonen und dann langsam wieder anfangen den Fuß zu belasten. Gesagt getan. Knapp 6-8 Wochen nach dem Besuch in der Notaufnahme hatte ich weiterhin höllisch, stechende Schmerzen. Ab zum Orthopäden, MRT gemacht -> Fersenbeinbruch. "Schuh" und Krücken bekommen und weitere 8 Wochen abwarten. Nachdem ich den "Schuh" wieder ablegen durfte hatte ich weiterhin starke Schmerzen, CT wurde gemacht, alles gut soll "Stützsocke" tragen. Gemacht, 4 Wochen später Kontrolle. Orthopäde meint der Bruch wäre jetzt verheilt. Das ich noch Schmerzen habe wäre OK, die würden bald weggehen. Meine Bitte nochmal eine Röntgenaufnahme zu machen wurde da abgelehnt. Das ganze war ca. Mitte Juni 2021. Dann ging die Physio los, die habe ich knapp ein Jahr gemacht. Ich war dieses Jahr nochmal beim Orthopäden. Bruch ist gut verheilt. Sehnen sind verkürzt. Ich soll wieder Physio machen (ich mache zwar bis heute mindestens 3x die Woche die Übungen die mir gezeigt wurden aber OK). Da ich bis heute an teilweise sehr starken Schmerzen leide, die mich in meiner Mobilität auch einschränken frage ich mich langsam, ob das nicht ein Behandlungs- bzw. Diagnosefehler des Klinikums war und ich dagegen vorgehen soll. Zumal ich an Multiple Sklerose erkrankt bin und ich daher auch etwas Angst habe, dass diese Schmerzen und Mobilitätseinschränkungen die ich jetzt schon spüre, sich auch zum Nachteil auf die MS auswirken können.
Würde es bei dem Fall Sinn machen, dagegen vorzugehen? Die Schmerzen sind definitiv erst mit/nach dem Bruch entstanden, vorher hatte ich keine Beschwerden.
submitted by Pistensau69 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 agerachewi Neo turned 1 years old

Neo turned 1 years old submitted by agerachewi to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Professional_Wind47 Hop on $WOMEN 💁‍♀️ this will cook my guys

submitted by Professional_Wind47 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Regular-Compote-1918 Who should I six star next?

Who should I six star next? submitted by Regular-Compote-1918 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Sean_Armson What type of pack does Ron have in this picture?

What type of pack does Ron have in this picture? I am looking for a new pack for bush walking and work. Most modern packs seem to be the wrong style and missing the type of compartments I am after. Then I saw this scene with Ron.
Does anyone know what type of pack this is? It looks like just the sort of thing I am after.
submitted by Sean_Armson to PandR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 kastbort2021 Sendte ut nesten 3000 falske jobbsøknader. Svarene var slående

Sendte ut nesten 3000 falske jobbsøknader. Svarene var slående submitted by kastbort2021 to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 Sea_Fortune9044 smiles at you

smiles at you i was playing with a friend and he was the monster, and he did this
submitted by Sea_Fortune9044 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 SlowSoapSoak Someone wanna trade dates with me? Ratchathorn/AbsoluteHairClinic

I have an appointment at 16.04. It is a 2000-2500 grafts "a" appointment.
I would prefer to have it one or two weeks later. Anyone wanna trade?
submitted by SlowSoapSoak to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 PositiveMetalhead Hardcore vs. Metallic Hardcore

If you could pick two albums to show someone the difference between hardcore and metallic hardcore what would be the ones to best represent the two?
submitted by PositiveMetalhead to Hardcore [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:49 RomanGlassTable Hostile Takeover (1988) - A man takes three co-workers hostage while working overtime on Thanksgiving weekend. He has no demands.

Hostile Takeover (1988) - A man takes three co-workers hostage while working overtime on Thanksgiving weekend. He has no demands. submitted by RomanGlassTable to 420Grindhouse [link] [comments]