Cardi B NFT

2024.11.28 11:31 CXLTP Cardi B NFT

submitted by CXLTP to OpenSeaNFT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Quiet_Editor_5256 Points limbo is anyone else struggling

So I’ve been super excited to get some rough riders and a few other units, I’m not really wanting to buy anything before the codex and new rules and points updates.
But at the same time I need a Xmas project, how is everyone else coping with this?
And do you think the codex being released before the rules going live makes any sense? Means I won’t be able to feasibly buy what I want to mid/end of Jan.
Just a bit of a buzz kill before Xmas, why wait till after Xmas?
submitted by Quiet_Editor_5256 to TheAstraMilitarum [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 MD472 opinions?

opinions? submitted by MD472 to produce [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Academic_Apple3041 More male candidates appeared for CAT 2024 compared to last year!

More male candidates appeared for CAT 2024 compared to last year!
submitted by Academic_Apple3041 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 AndThenOneDay Holbergdebatten 2024: "Is the West in Decline?" m/ Yanis Varoufakis, Konstantin Kisin og Cynthia Miller-Idriss.

Det kommer fire internasjonale stjerner til Holbergdebatten 2024, som finner sted i Universitetsaulaen i Bergen den 15. desember. Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Yanis Varoufakis og Konstantin Kisin skal diskutere om Vesten er i forfall, og hva implikasjonene av dette i så fall er. Debatten modereres av Sarah Montague, kjent fra bl.a. BBC HARDtalk.
Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle. De som vil være fysisk til stede, oppfordres til å registrere seg. Debatten direktestrømmes også på YouTube. Alle interesserte oppfordres også til å sende inn spørsmål til panelet, enten på forhånd eller under arrangementet.
Holbergdebatten er et årlig arrangement i regi av Holbergprisen, som er en internasjonal forskningspris innen fagområdene humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap, jus og teologi.
Mer informasjon om Holbergdebatten 2024 ligger her:
submitted by AndThenOneDay to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Naive_Text_7545 Rameeeen

Asay lami na ramen diri except Rai-Rai Ken?
submitted by Naive_Text_7545 to Bohol [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 fmorlin ++NFL streams>> Here's How To Watch Packers vs Dolphins Live Streams ReddiT at Home

i’m looking at draftkingsbets TV; What streaming service allows live NFL last season. Last year, we tried about 3 different services that claimed we could but come to find out certain teams weren’t available to watch. We really want to get into watching NFL and being tuned for every NFL game live.
finally i got it, you guys can Try HERE: NFL Thanksgiving Streams 2024
submitted by fmorlin to draftkingsbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 infinitum3d Games that tell you what to do?

One thing my older relatives like about Monopoly is that it tells you what you do. The dice tell you how far to move, there are cards that tell you what to do, and the board says things like “Pass Go! Collect $200”
The only semi-contemporary game I can think of is [[Terraforming Mars]] but that seems way too complicated for people that don’t want to have to think.
Any suggestions?
submitted by infinitum3d to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 VelkyAl Virginia Hewe's Crab

Virginia Hewe's Crab At Albemarle CiderWorks...simply magnificent.
submitted by VelkyAl to cider [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 RareDress421 Forbrukerkjøpsloven

Hvorfor er det så forbanna vanskelig for bedrifter å overholde lovverket rundt dette? Har hatt to tilfeller hvor jeg har vært maks uheldig med to bedrifter. Den ene nektet å levere lånegjenstand når tingen min måtte inn på reperasjon fordi «vi driver ikke med utlån» etter en reklamasjon, selv etter henvisning til lovverk og artikler rundt dette med lånegjenstand (har for øvrig vært uten gjenstanden i over en måned nå fordi de surrer med reparasjonen og fremdeles driver de ikke med utlån…), så er det bare dumme svar tilbake med at de forstår frustrasjonen, men her må jeg bare vente.
Bedrift nummer to er ikke noe bedre, hatt trøbbel med en vaskemaskin som er blitt reparert 2 ganger og nå skal den repareres for 3 gang. Ber om å heve kjøpet da jeg ikke orker dette mer på en 2 måneder gammel vaskemaskin til 18.000, «nei, her må vi vente på svar fra produsenten først og høre om de kan reparere den», prøver å forklare at det er egentlig ikke mitt problem jeg ønsker å heve kjøpet her så får de ta det med produsenten (fått melding om at deler er bestilt og de venter på de før den kan repareres igjen), men det blåser de jo i…
Forbrukerrådet er jo klare på at det er nå ett reperasjonsforsøk per ting, så trenger ikke å være samme feil som repareres heller. Men virker som bedriftene gir lang f i rettighetene man har?
submitted by RareDress421 to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 AcrobaticMedicine497 My Acer-Aspire-3-A315-41-Ryzen-3-2200U-Vega-3-SSD-FHD-Laptop only came with 1 SSD drive. I just recently searched online that it is supposed to have another HDD drive too. My computer has an empty space to put an HDD on the bottom but it doesn't have an HDD.

Am I scammed? I have used that computer for 4 years now and just recently noticed that you should have 2 drives instead of 1 SSD.
submitted by AcrobaticMedicine497 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 heon_mun04 called Oxford experimental psych department today…

They said

submitted by heon_mun04 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 doshas_crafts Ability to see for whole city

A psychic told us to put off buying coz she sees house prices dropping in Brisbane city. First prediction was a drop in Feb this year and then delayed it to June and then to feb next year. Is that even possible for something in your vision to be delaying /changing every time ? Is that an insight into my life or is she able to see for whole city? Oddly, I kept delaying my purchase due to my own anxiety to deal with home loans as they kept getting bigger and bigger with massive price hikes 😏
submitted by doshas_crafts to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Total-Marzipan6363 Sarr (CRY) or Garnacho?

View Poll
submitted by Total-Marzipan6363 to DraftEPL [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 SgianDubh89 Problems donating bubs in DD

During my climb I can count on one hand the amount of bots I came across. Now I’m getting 4 in a row. Not sure if it’s because I’m constantly losing and I’m getting pity bots but it’s so annoying. Is anyone else having the same issue?
Also where are people donating? Jello was where I struggled the most so I’ve mostly been in there.
submitted by SgianDubh89 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Doctor_Danguss A hypothetical alternate Force Awakens and ramifications

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US. It's also the tenth anniversary of the first teaser of The Force Awakens coming out on November 28, 2014. In light of a hobby of mine of speculating over potential alternates in genre media releases, I thought I'd do a fun thought experiment. A few weeks before TFA came out, the shooting schedule for the film was leaked. The shooting schedule is the planned outline for what scenes need to be shot in which location, and which order they need to be assembled for the film.
The shooting schedule for TFA used a lot of code words and allusions and creative omissions, but is pretty easy to decode. It's also interesting because even with these few changes, it shows what a relatively different movie we might have gotten, and given TFA's role in setting up the new continuity, a different background in general might have been set up (especially because this is stuff that was planned to be shot based on the final script, and not stuff from early drafts and concepts that later got dropped or never left the concept art stage). So I thought I would go over what we might have gotten, just highlighting the different areas rather than the parts in the shooting schedule in the final movie.
(As a note, I'm not including deleted scenes that were later adapted to other media, such as the Rey/Finn snowspeeder scene that's in the novelization and Forces of Destiny, or something like the scene where Han puts the golden dice back up on the Falcon, that's deleted but still has a major subsequent impact on canonical works.)
Opening shot:
The opening shot is Luke's lightsaber from the Cloud City duel flying through space, crashing to the savannah surface of a planet, where it's picked up by an alien hand.
I think the fact that this was the original opening shot is pretty well known at this point, but I remember it being hotly contested for a while, before Mark Hamill (I think) did confirm it. That being said, the idea that it was supposed to show the lightsaber with Luke's detached hand still holding it is part of 'the lore,' and it's worth pointing out that the shooting schedule only says that it would be the lightsaber.
After this, the next big chunk of the movie appears to be relatively unchanged, until we get to:
The Battle of Takodana/Hosnian Destruction sequence:
This is where the major divergence from the finished movie, along with all of the implications for spinoff lore, diverge. I remember at the time, the explanation for this being changed was Harrison Ford's June 2014 ankle injury on set which severely limited what he could film for the next few months, so a lot of this had to be shifted around.
In the original version, Rey going into the catacombs on her own after Finn goes off doesn't happen. Instead, as Han asks Maz Kanata to help the Resistance, and she doesn't answer, Rey goes outside with Finn and stays with him when they both see the firing of Starkiller Base against Hosnian Prime. There's also a cut back to the Resistance base where we see Leia and the other Resistance leaders reacting to the destruction.
Back on Takodana, the Hosnian attack convinces Maz to agree to Han to help the Resistance. She and Han (who've apparently gone outside to view it) head back into the castle, along with Rey, Finn, and BB-8, heading into the catacombs to recover Luke's lightsaber. While they're all going inside, Maz narrates her history and how she got the lightsaber (all of this being seemingly not a Force vision like in the actual movie, but a narrative flashback, also something new for a Star Wars movie).
We go back to the opening scene of the movie, where the alien hand that recovers the lightsaber when it crashes to the planet's surface belongs to a character called Naka. Naka lives in a "peasant's hovel" and uses the lightsaber as a firestarter. Naka then sells the lightsaber to a "local trader," who we're then told sells it on to someone who then uses the lightsaber in a battle. No other details about location or identities. However, the local trader would probably be in the treadable that wound up in The Rise of Skywalker as Lando's vehicle; the Art book for Episode IX mentions that the vehicle was originally designed for the cut TFA sequence, with the occupant asking someone on the road about the lightsaber - maybe the trader trying to find it to buy?
Next in the flashback, we're shown Leia and Han bringing "Young Kylo Ren" to Luke, and shown Luke training young Kylo at what's identified as the "Academy" (interesting that it uses the EU term and not the prequel "Temple" terminology that ended up being used). Next we're shown "bodies left behind" and "Young Kylo Ren is gone." At a location identified as "jagged terrain/palace" we see Kylo Ren joining the Knights of Ren. Back at the Academy, "R2-D2 [is] upset as his master leaves."
As Ma leads the others through her castle's interior, we're next told/shown Kylo Ren and his Knights are at a campfire, and that while they're at the campfire, Maz steals Luke's lightsaber from them. (The implication seems to be that at some point between Ben joining the Knights and this scene, they fight the person in the earlier flashback and take the lightsaber from that person, as is kind of implied in the actual Force vision scene). Maz gets on her speeder and takes off with the sword.
Back in the "present" on Takodana, Maz reveals the lightsaber in the catacombs to everyone else. We're told that "Finn is drawn toward the object, Rey repelled by it. She bolts." This is where she runs off into the woods where she's shortly discovered by Kylo Ren.
During the subsequent First Order attack on Takodana, the First Order uses a giant drill weapon to bore into the castle's catacombs so stormtroopers can enter. Maz "uses her special skills to take out the Stormtroopers." This appears to confirm that Maz is a Force user, because the phrase "special skills" is used elsewhere in the schedule to describe scenes were Rey and Kylo use the Force. Concept art for the drill is in The Art of TFA book; it has a circular top and triangular tripod legs that open up to reveal a drill. Doug Chiang describes it as being an evolution of the ESB probe droid design; if this had actually appeared, it might be something along the line of the Hunter-Killer from Dark Empire, a hugely scaled up probe droid spacecraft.
The Starkiller Base battle:
After the Battle of Takodana, Maz goes back to the Resistance base with Han, Finn, Chewie, Leia, and Threepio. Ahead of the preparation for the Starkiller battle, Maz hands Leia the lightsaber and tells her that Finn should have it (we see a glimpse of the handoff from this deleted scene in the second TFA teaser from April 2015). Leia then gives the lightsaber to Finn.
While not in the shooting schedule, it should be noted that Denis Lawson almost appeared as one of the Resistance military leaders along with Ackbar, but couldn't because of scheduling issues. Had he appeared in these scenes it probably wouldn't have changed the film all that much but does open up the chance that Wedge might have been killed with Ackbar in the Last Jedi attack scene.
When the Resistance figures are planning the attack on Starkiller Base, Leia "reveals" her "secret weapon" to Statura and the others. This is called the "Steamroller" in the shooting outline, but in The Art of TFA, where various concept art pieces are shown, it's called the Warhammer. This is a massive Resistance ship that during that battle, arrives to destroy two First Order Star Destroyers, and then breaks through the Starkiller Base shields (the Art of TFA implies that it contains the Resistance starfighters inside it and then releases them under the Starkiller shields). I wonder if this idea led to the Hammerhead/star destroyer Scarif shield scene from Rogue One, along with the Starhawk ship from the TFA tie-ins (IMO, one of the Warhammer concept art pieces looks a bit like the Starhawk design from Squadrons). I would have liked seeing this as the one way we would have seen a space battle in TFA, but probably the Rogue One scene works better. It also opens up the questions of how the Resistance could have built this (all of the concept art shows the SteamrolleWarhammer as being huge, far dwarfing star destroyers) and also why Leia is seemingly the only person in the Resistance leadership to know about it.
During the battle, the shooting schedule identifies two Resistance X-wing pilots named "Gorwyn" and "Duncan" who are killed in the Starkiller attack. They aren't used in any subsequent tie-in materials; it seems like they might have become Ello Asty and Furillo in the final film. My head canon: Duncan would be an elderly Duncan Hikmat who like Nien Nunb, followed their old companion Lando into the Resistance.
The finale:
Although Rian Johnson has said that originally BB-8 was meant to accompany Rey and Chewbacca to Ahch-To and he asked Abrams to switch him out for R2-D2, in the shooting schedule it seems like originally it was just meant to be Rey and Chewbacca going on the Falcon, no droids at all.
And although this isn't in the shooting outline, there's also the well known bit that the ending of TFA was very nearly Luke being surrounded by levitating boulders as a display of his Force powers, which of course was then at odds with how he was going to be depicted as cut off from the Force in TLJ. Though there are certainly ways around that - maybe Ahch-To just naturally has that much Force imbued in it, which would explain why the early Jedi made their first temple there, to easier begin their journey with the Force.
We get some potential differences throughout. A Luke not cut off from the Force; no chance for the Leia hologram in TLJ; Wedge set up to be killed. Though I'm guessing the Warhammer would have been forgotten in VIII, though maybe the eventual version of Squadrons would have been about it instead of the Starhawk.
But obviously, the key difference here is the lightsaber scene. Instead of the mocked line of "A good question for another time," we'd actually get a concrete explanation for how Maz got the lightsaber, a direct connection between her and the Knights of Ren, and Maz not just getting forgotten halfway through the movie (and set up to have a larger role in VIII compared to the single hologram cameo).
We'd also see some more of Luke and his Order's background, the Temple (er, Academy) functioning, along with the implication that Luke started his Academy and began training other students prior to Ben; an actual scene for Luke in TFA; and maybe most importantly - this would have been the only time in the sequels the Big Three would have been on screen together.
Maybe of most interest - Rey's background and the hints about it are a lot less emphasized here, though there is still the question of why she would have such a visceral reaction to seeing Luke/Anakin's lightsaber. But no flashback to her being left by her parents with Unkar, no setup of their ship, no Obi-Wan speaking to her. So simultaneously an even more open background but a lot less emphasis on those possibilities for development.
submitted by Doctor_Danguss to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 CinnamonNami My new bot!
submitted by CinnamonNami to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Real_Fun_1477 Anyone wanna talk about our beautiful princess leonor?

Anyone wanna talk about our beautiful princess leonor? submitted by Real_Fun_1477 to LeonorOfSpain [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 silascoras Joey and Aoife Lynch

joey and aoife's wedding in their own pov is a MUST ☹️ having to read their wedding in someone else's pov will legit be the reason ill end up on news lol.
submitted by silascoras to BoysOfTommen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 m00nbum Prime: $2.99 (Reg. $5.99) 3 Pack 6 FT USB C to Lightning Cable MFi Certified iPhone Charger

submitted by m00nbum to RunandBuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 BasedChadEdgelord Fake leftist Shill account

submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ThotsNSoysPostingLs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Zenchilada Thanksgiving in the E.R.

submitted by Zenchilada to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 wewdwtnizrub Joules Promo Code Black Friday

Unlock the Joules Promo Code Black Friday
Get amazing Joules deals and offers with our verified promo codes for November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 Dizzy-Okra-2885 Theripikumengi feed akam va

submitted by Dizzy-Okra-2885 to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:31 juicy__pink__peachy Do you prefer girls when theyre all dolledup

submitted by juicy__pink__peachy to AllDolledUp [link] [comments]