Odio mangiare

2024.11.28 12:32 Madman62728 Odio mangiare

Salve a tutti, ho 18 anni e sono uno studente universitario.
Odio mangiare, ma non nel senso che non provo gusto nel mangiare, anzi, semplicemente in certe situazioni è come se fosse il mio corpo a rifiutarsi di mangiare. Quando (raramente) mi capita di uscire con amici o parenti, non riesco ad ordinare quasi niente, può capitare che io sia affamato, ma dopo il primo morso mi si chiude lo stomaco e sono costretto ad usare sempre la solita scusa: "Ho già mangiato qualcosa a casa". L'esempio più lampante è accaduto al mio 18esimo, ho mangiato (non sto esagerando) solo un morso di ogni portata, e nemmeno ho assaggiato la torta.
Sono alto 1.77 e peso 65kg (nella norma, credo) e, che io ricordi, capita da quando sono nato, il problema è che se prima mi capitava solo durante queste occasioni "speciali", ora è diventato un fatto quotidiano. 3 volte a settimana, per andare in università, sono costretto a pranzare alle 10 per poter prendere il treno. Ho provato anche a svegliarmi alle 6.30 per farmi venire fame, ma proprio non riesco a mangiare. Di fatto, rimango a digiuno per 7 ore, ma è come se il mio corpo entrasse in modalità sopravvivenza, non sento nemmeno i morsi della fame, questi giorni torno alle 22, ceno tranquillamente e vado a dormire.
Le prime due settimane si è anche verificata una perdita di peso (che ho cercato di compensare mangiando le peggiori schifezze quando invece sono a casa il pomeriggio). La mia priorità è quella di cercare un metodo migliore per evitare di scomparire (perdere altro peso), che non sia ingozzarmi di patatine il giorno dopo. Però non nascondo che piacerebbe anche far cessare del tutto questo comportamento anomalo.
Un'altra mia preoccupazione riguarda il ripetersi di questo atteggiamento sul posto di lavoro. Durante lo stage aziendale della 4a superiore era necessario mangiare in azienda, inutile dire che anche lì non riuscivo nemmeno a guardare il cibo, per evitare di portarlo a casa e farlo vedere ai miei genitori andava a finire che lo "condividevo" con i miei colleghi.
Se avete qualche idea/consiglio, leggo tutto.
submitted by Madman62728 to psicologia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Relevant-Hat1568 Is this a vet emergency or not? I need advice asap.

my cat is female 3yrs old and fixed but had been neglected in the past.
!! i need to know if this is something that can be waited out or if i should take her to a vet as soon as possible. !!
shes been very lethargic lately, a loss of appetite, using the litter less frequently, wanting to be in arms, less urine and shes only pooped twice, each thin and about 1 inch. and i suspect she has a fever aswell.
no vomiting, no third eyelid showing, no diarrhea, no wheezing, coughing, or sneezing, and she isnt hiding.
shes usually a semi active cat but the last couple days shes just been laying around and doesnt even wake me up to use the litter. she was being neglected before i got her and about an inch of her tail had died and fallen off, it seems to have gotten better its even growing hair but this makes me wonder if its an infection. ive had her a couple months so far, and she hasnt shown any other symptoms. im wondering if this may be because she ate something bad? i have food lying around sometimes (depression) but shes not one to eat human food or even want it, still im worried she may have gotten hungry or curious in the night and got a hold of something.
ive brought this up to my parents since im 16 with no job but they said to wait until more symptoms show up or go away. is it a bad idea to wait on something like this? im extremely worried especially since reading about other peoples cats having the same mystery symptoms and dying the next few days. please help me out.
submitted by Relevant-Hat1568 to vet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 BasedChadEdgelord Based Sam Hyde

Based Sam Hyde submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ChadsAndEdgelords [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 FedMates India’s rank at the bottom is mainly attributed to inefficient land management and rising threats to its biodiversity.

India’s rank at the bottom is mainly attributed to inefficient land management and rising threats to its biodiversity. submitted by FedMates to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 hesaidshesdead Woman jailed for four years over drink-driving crash

Woman jailed for four years over drink-driving crash submitted by hesaidshesdead to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 radytor420 Gehaltskonto bei dadat oder Anadi?

Hallo Leute, ich hoffe hier von eurer Erfahrung profitieren zu können. Ich möchte mir ein neues Gehaltskonto zulegen (aktuell seit meiner Kindheit bei Raiffeisen). Ich hab mich auf durchblicker.at umgeschaut und im Endeffekt würde ich wohl ein Konto bei Anadi oder dadat eröffnen. Meine Kriterien dafür sind keine Kontoführungsgebühren, keine gebühren für häufiges Bargeld abheben am Automaten oder Zahlungseingänge und ein vernünftiges Web Portal bei dem man Umsätze hoffentlich vernünftig exportieren kann. Filialen interessieren mich nicht und Kreditkarten sind sekundär. Das Geld wandert meistens eh zügig in Richtung Flatex (aber ich denke darüber nach mir ein separates Tagesgeld/Sparkonto für den Notgroschen einzurichten, aber das ist für meine Frage irrelevant).
Hat hier schon jemand Erfahrung mit diesen beiden Banken gemacht? Und weitergehend, gibt es Fallstricke beim Wechsel des Gehaltskontos (abgesehen davon der Firma und allen Abbuchern Bescheid zu sagen?)?
Vielen dank schonmal und schönen Tag.
submitted by radytor420 to FinanzenAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 PioneeriViikinki All materials and textures turned whit in the viewport and render. Which setting I have now accidentally turned on? Happened after recovering session from crash.

All materials and textures turned whit in the viewport and render. Which setting I have now accidentally turned on? Happened after recovering session from crash. submitted by PioneeriViikinki to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 yoavp100 Watch for my mother

Hi all My mother is looking for a new fitness tracker. She's doing mostly indoor activities (treadmill and some gym classes, yoga, pilates etc.) and needs something that will help her track her activities and general health.
The issue is that not only she's very active, she's doing a lot of cleaning and cooking so she needs a watch that can handle those tasks. She had Vivoactive 4s is that past but it died after 2 years, so I assume Vivoactive 5 isn't relevant (although it sounds like the perfect fit...). She has a pretty small wrist but do want a relatively big screen that she can read without glasses.
What do you guys think is the best watch for her use case?
submitted by yoavp100 to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 IPreferDiamonds Happy Thanksgiving to American users of Etiquette! I'm Thankful for this Subreddit and all the users of this Subreddit!

It is 7:30 a.m. on the east coast of the US. I'm up, drinking my coffee and getting ready to start my day. Today is Thanksgiving! So I just wanted to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all the American users of this subreddit!
I'm Thankful for all the users of this Subreddit! I enjoy coming here each day and reading posts and comments. :-)
submitted by IPreferDiamonds to etiquette [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 spicyric3 whitestorm and bluestar being kin

do you think the erins were already thinking of whitestorm as bluestar’s nephew while writing the prophecies begin? or did they decide to make the link in bluestar’s prophecy?
if it wasn’t planned, i find it strangely wholesome of whitestorm to be such a support pillar for bluestar when her mental health began to deteriorate. it would make sense if they were written as kin already, but if whitestorm was just an ordinary warrior to bluestar, it would rly indicate how trustworthy he was to not only step up to care for bluestar but also to protect her image from the clan.
whitestorm is arguably the most noble cat in the whole series
submitted by spicyric3 to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Lazy-Independence-42 i need to sleep earlier but that reduces the time i have for revision

guys i’m at a loss. i need to start getting more sleep because i find myself falling asleep whilst revising after school but if i start sleeping earlier that means i have less time to revise and i need all the revision time i can get. the only way to fix this problem is to drink an energy drink after school so i can stay awake for the evening. i don’t wanna drink an energy drink every day as that is not good for me but i can’t think of anything else to do. any help?
edit: maybe what and when i eat is also affecting how tired i am but i’m not sure
submitted by Lazy-Independence-42 to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Technical-Issue331 Kochi: Things to do on a rainy day + Hostel Reccs

I'm travelling to Kochi this weekend for a brief jaunt, and although I have been there earlier as well, it was more of a staycation on account of the monsoons back then. I had planned to rent a MYBYK and explore the city on my own, but that seems unfeasible because the present forecast says its supposed to rain again this weekend on account of the cyclone. Can anyone suggest me how I can best explore the city? Thanks!
submitted by Technical-Issue331 to india_tourism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 HAJPark Potential Negative Legal News About Oklo

Are you guys aware that Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. and Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC are investigating potential securities law violations by OKLO? I just found out about this news today, and it’s quite concerning.
submitted by HAJPark to OKLOSTOCK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Kind-Prior-3634 Quality issues with PLA

Quality issues with PLA I cant get decent prints with PLA compare to PETG. you can see in the picture, same model, PETG is much better. The first layer infill doesn't reach fully to the walls. I'm using orca slicer and I tried to tweak some settings there but nothing really making it better...
submitted by Kind-Prior-3634 to klippers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Caitlyn51 Hi I’m F and looking for people who are into feederism. Tele Caitlyn51

submitted by Caitlyn51 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Electrical_Help_4431 Nên làm gì ạ?

Mk đi làm thêm parttime 2 buổi thôi từ tháng 9 giờ mới có lương và bắt đến công ty lấy và photto cccd mới trả lương, mk k đến được thật (xa + xe điện + lịch học), hỏi ck online đc k, thì im lặng. Ngày mai mk có nên đến công ty lấy k ạ? Dù số tiền nhỏ nhưng nghĩ bọn này k làm gì mà cũng ăn chặn, cay. Đến đấy sợ vào động lại bán đi Cam,... Idea 2: xác định bỏ nhưng nên cho bà kia bài học, phốt hội nhóm, đe doạ,... nhưng chưa có kế hoạch cụ thể Mong mọi người có thể cho em lời khuyên với ạ!!!
submitted by Electrical_Help_4431 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 annasback In the sun ❄️☀️

In the sun ❄️☀️ submitted by annasback to FreezingFuckingCold [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 TraditionalAd4207 Graphics card advice

Hey all, I’m looking to upgrade the graphics card for my PC from a Radeon RX 580. It’ll run on a 1440p 27” monitor. Currently have a ryzen 5 2600x which I’m looking to also upgrade in the next year or so :). My budget is around £350-400, so I was looking at getting a FE 4060 Ti however the reviews have put me off? I also found a used 3070 for £300 which I’m also considering? Bit lost with all this so any advice would be appreciated :). Also if anyone could suggest what CPU would work the best with it, I was thinking of getting a Ryzen 7 7600x at some point?
submitted by TraditionalAd4207 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 JustMyself_69420 just wanted to thank Beyoncé for letting me be alive 😘💅

thanks to Beyoncé i can be alive 😍 even tho i never asked to be alive 💅👁👄👁💅
submitted by JustMyself_69420 to floptok [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Wonder-Lad That boy ain't right

That boy ain't right submitted by Wonder-Lad to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 sckarpanda Who does this on a 1crore+ plus car, literally DIY ho gya ye to

Who does this on a 1crore+ plus car, literally DIY ho gya ye to submitted by sckarpanda to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 jessikarochas Sale of Portmaster Games on Steam

I just got Cat Warrior and Hatchwell on sale, Portmaster has ports for both of these games and I just got them running on my R36s. Everything looks great.
Hatchwell is a top-down action RPG and Cat Warrior is an action-platformer of a cute cat knight. These look great on the R36s Screen.
submitted by jessikarochas to R36S [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Late_Union_5903 Valuation roughly

Late 90s real leather jacket looking but a rough guide price for it many thanks
submitted by Late_Union_5903 to Versace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 PicklesPrincess55 Holiday pay in Michigan??

Hey! Do we get holiday pay in Michigan as part timers? I can’t find it in the contract.
submitted by PicklesPrincess55 to meijer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 m00nbum $8.69 (Reg. $18.29) 28-Count Good 'n' Tasty Triple Flavor Puree Mix-Ins Dog Food Topper Treats for All Dogs

submitted by m00nbum to RunandBuy [link] [comments]
